Books Display On DR Kamla Chowdhry 100th Birth Anniversary

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BOOKS ........................................................................................................................................... 3
BOOK CHAPTERS ...................................................................................................................... 4
REPORTS ...................................................................................................................................... 4
JOURNAL ARTICLES ................................................................................................................ 5
COLLOQUIA / SEMINAR / CONFERENCE SPEECHES ..................................................... 6


* More than one copy is available

Vikram Sarabhai Library, Publications Display of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

1. Understanding organisational behaviour: cases and concepts by Kamla Chowdhry (Editor).
Bombay: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1971.

301.15 C4U6-2 (51605) *

Place hold

2. Science policy and national development by Vikram Sarabhai & Kamla Chowdhry (Editor). Delhi:
The Macmillan Company of India, 1974.

338.4750954 S2S2 (98690)

Place hold

3. Industrialisation, survival and environment: a dialogue on development by Kamla Chowdhry. New

Delhi: The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, 1989.

338 C4I6 (121819)

Place hold

4. Change-in-organisations by Kamla Chowdhry. Bombay: Lalvani Publishing House, 1970.

658.01 C4C4-1 (48345) *

Place hold

5. Management for development: a collection of papers by Vikram Sarabhai & Kamla Chowdhry
(Editor). Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1974.

658.08 S2M2-1 (67131) *

Place hold

6. Conflict and choice: Indian youth in a changing society by Sudhir Kakar & Kamla Chowdhry.
Bombay: Somaiya Publications, 1970.

R FP 301.431 K2C6-2 (48252) *

Place hold

7. Leaders and their ability to evaluate group opinion by Kamla Chowdhry. Michigan: University of
Michigan, 1948.

R FP 301.155 C4L3-1 (2788) *

Place hold

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Vikram Sarabhai Library, Publications Display of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

8. An organisation study of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research by Kamla Chowdhry.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1972.

FP 658.963072 C4O7-2 (60265) *

Place hold

9. Social and cultural factors in management development by International Labour Office. Geneva:
International Labour Office, 1966.

658 I6S6 (47896)

Place hold

10. Voice of earth: American writers respond to the earth charter by Peter Blaze Corcoran (Editor).
Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2008.


Read on e-Book Central

11. A report on the personnel functions of the Reserve Bank of India by Kamla Chowdhry (Editor).
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1967.

658.3 I6R3 (69716)

Place hold

12. Report on the study of framework, structure and funding of technical education system in India by
Mohan Kaul & Kamla Chowdhry. Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1977.

FP 378.990954 K2R3 (160464)

Place hold

13. Report of the review committee on Indian Instittue of Manaement by V. Kurien (Editor) & Kamla
Chowdhry. New Delhi: Ministry of Human Resource Development, 1992.


Read on CSL Repository

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Vikram Sarabhai Library, Publications Display of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

14. Production planning and organizational morale: a case from India by Kamla Chowdhry. 15(4), p.
11-16: Human Organization (Society for Applied Anthropology), 1957.


Read on JSTOR

15. Management development programs: executive needs by Kamla Chowdhry. 4(2), p. 31-40:
Industrial Management Review (Cambridge), 1963.


Read on ProQuest

16. Management development programs: moratorium for executives by Kamla Chowdhry. 23(3), p.
254-259: Human Organization (Society for Applied Anthropology), 1964.


Read on JSTOR

17. Organization and administration of scientific institutions: a case study of Atira by Kamla
Chowdhry. 9(6), p. 97-104: Management International Review (Springer), 1969.


Read on JSTOR

18. Organisational innovation in universities-relevance of industrial experience by Kamla Chowdhry.

4(35),: Economic and Political Weekly (Sameeksha Trust), 1969.


Read in Economic and Political Weekly

19. Vikram Sarabhai: institution builder by Kamla Chowdhry. Mar, p. 15-17: Physics News, 1972.


Read on PRL Website

20. Growth or survival? by Kamla Chowdhry. 15/16(4/1), p. 191-200: India International Centre
Quarterly (India International Centre), 1988-1989.


Read on JSTOR

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Vikram Sarabhai Library, Publications Display of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

21. Thoughts on good health and good government by Nancy Birdsall & Kamla Chowdhry. 118(1), p.
89-123: Daedalus (The MIT Press), 1989.


Read on JSTOR

22. Poverty, environment and development by Kamla Chowdhry. 118(1), p. 141-158: Daedalus (The
MIT Press), 1989.


Read on JSTOR


23. Forestry: reconciling poverty and equity concerns by Kamla Chowdhry. New Delhi: International
Workshop on India's Forst Management and Ecological Revival (University of Florida and Tata
Energy Research Institute), 1994.

Workshop Speech

Read on BioPolitics Website

24. Speech at the parliament of world religions by Kamla Chowdhry. Dec, p. 1-3: Earth Charter
Commission (Parliament of World Religions), 1999.

Seminar Speech

Read on Earth Charter Website

25. Closing plenary speech at the millennium peace summit of religious and spiritual leaders by Kamla
Chowdhry. New York: Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, 2000.

Conference Speech

Read on Earth Charter Website

26. The earth charter: voice of the age to come by Kamla Chowdhry. Brisbane: Earth Charter Asia
Pacific Conference, 2001.

Conference Speech

Read on Earth Charter Website

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Vikram Sarabhai Library, Publications Display of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

27. The earth: our home by Kamla Chowdhry. : Colloquium on Earth Charter, 2001.

Colloquium Speech

Read on Earth Charter Website

28. The Spiritual Way, the Gandhian Way by Kamla Chowdhry. : Royal Tropical Institute (KIT),

Conference Speech

Read on Earth Charter Website

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Vikram Sarabhai Library, Publications Display of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

Vikram Sarabhai Library
A Complete Bibliography

Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

a pioneering management educationist and institution builder

A Complete Bibliography of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry


1. EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. EXPERIENCE (NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS).................................................................. 3
3.A. PUBLICATIONS - BOOKS ................................................................................................. 4
3.B. PUBLICATIONS – BOOK CHAPTERS ............................................................................ 5
3.C. PUBLICATIONS – ARTICLES .......................................................................................... 5
3.D. PUBLICATIONS – REPORTS ............................................................................................ 6
3.E. PUBLICATIONS – SEMINAR/COLLOQUIA .................................................................. 6
4. OTHERS .................................................................................................................................... 7
A Complete Bibliography of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

1. Education
• Doctor of Philosophy in Social Psychology from University of Michigan (1949).

• Master of Arts (Social Psychology) from University of Michigan (1946).

• Master of Arts (Philosophy) from Punjab University (1943).

• Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics & Philosophy) from University of Calcutta (1940).

• Early Education at Tagore-inspired Shantiniketan in West Bengal

2. Experience (Notable Achievements)

• She taught Inter & BA classes at Mahila College, Lahore (1944-45)

• She returned to India and joined the newly set-up Ahmedabad Textile Industries Research Association
(ATIRA) in 1949, where she headed the Human Relations Division until 1961 and was the Director of
the Research Centre for Group Dynamics (1958-61). Throughout the 1950s, she was involved in the
first management research projects in India at ATIRA in close collaboration with leading management
academics in USA and Europe.

• In 1961-62, she spent a year at Harvard Business School (HBS) as a visiting faculty member and while
at Harvard, worked with Prof. Harry Hansen of HBS in May-June 1962 on preparing academic plans
and faculty recruitment for IIMA.

• She was the first member of the IIMA faculty when she joined as Professor and Coordinator of
Programmes in July 1962.

• She was a member of the IIMA Society and the first faculty nominee to be appointed on the IIMA
board in 1962.

• She effectively ran the institute from its bungalow office in Shahibaug, Ahmedabad, for three years,
taking key administrative decisions, recruiting the first set of faculty, and closely coordinating with
the Harvard Business School and Ford Foundation.

• She was known as a brilliant teacher and her innovations in management education included the
designing of the 3TP or 3-Tier Programme in Management Development in 1963-64, that continues to
run as an executive education programme at IIMA even today.

• Dr. Kamla Chowdhry’s stellar contributions in the field of management education and towards the
building of IIMA also need to be seen in the context of the times she lived in.
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A Complete Bibliography of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

• When she joined IIMA in 1962 and worked with management academics from around the world,
women were still not admitted into MBA programmes at Harvard.

• Dr. Kamla Chowdhry was in the running to become the first full-time Director of IIMA in 1964-65,
served as Director-Research and Director-External Programmes and was a Visiting Professor at
Harvard Business School in 1968.

• She was also the Hindustan Lever Professor of Management Practices at IIMA, the first chaired
position in management education in India created in 1966 and presided over the seventh convocation
ceremony in 1972 in the absence of then Director of IIM Ahmedabad Prof. Ravi J. Matthai.

• She wrote or co-wrote several books and research papers and was a consultant to the Industrial Court,
Bombay, and to firms on reorganization of management structures and issues related with selection,
training, and wage evaluation.

• She left IIMA in 1972 and continued to excel thereafter, first as an advisor for the Public Planning and
Management Committee of the Ford Foundation India Office in the 1970s and then as head of the
National Wastelands Development Board under Rajiv Gandhi’s Prime-Ministership between 1985 and

• She was a member of the World Commission on Forestry and Sustainable Development and the World
Bank’s Advisory Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. Her research interests
gradually shifted over her career from organizational behaviour to environmentalism and Gandhian

3.A. Publications - Books

1. Kakar, S., & Chowdhry, K. (1970). Conflict and choice: Indian youth in a changing society.
Bombay: Somaiya Publications.

2. Chowdhry, K., Gaikwad, V. R., & Bhattacharyya, S. K. (1972). An organisation study of the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research. Ahmedabad: Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian
Institute of Management.

3. Sarabhai, V. A., & Chowdhry, K. (1974). Management for development: a collection of papers.
Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.

4. Sarabhai, V., & Chowdhry, K. (1974). Science policy and national development. Delhi: Macmillan.
6. Chowdhry, K. K. (1970). Change-in-organisations. Bombay: Lalvani Publishing House.

7. Chowdhry, K., & Kakar, S. (1971). Understanding organisational behaviour: cases and concepts.
Bombay: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing.
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A Complete Bibliography of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

8. Chowdhry, K., & National Foundation for India. (1995). A road less travelled. New Delhi: National
Foundation for India.

9. Chowdhry, K. (1998). Development: spirituality and sustainability. Bangalore: Indian Institute of

World Culture.

10. Chowdhry, K. (1998). Challenges of the 21st Century: Gandhi’s Moral Imperative. New Delhi:
National Foundation for India.
11. Chowdhry, K. (1997). Gandhi's truth: survival in the twenty first century. New Delhi: Gandhi Peace

12. Chowdhry, K., & Ford Foundation. (1983). Social forestry and the rural poor. Delhi: Ford

13. Chowdhry, K., Fengzhu, Q., FAO., & Symposium on Forestry for Rural Development.
(1985). Symposium on Forestry for Rural Development, Bangkok, Thailand, 1985. Rome: FAO.

14. Chowdhry, K. (1994). Mahatma Gandhi: lessons for sustainable development. New Delhi: Vikram
Sarabhai Foundation.

15. Chowdhry, K. (2002). Ramakrishna Mission: service and salvation. New Delhi: Vikram Sarabhai

16. Chowdhry, K. (1988). Industrialisation, survival and environment: a dialogue on development. New
Delhi: INTACH.

3.B. Publications – Book Chapters

1. Chowdhry, K. (1966). Social and cultural factors in management development in India. In Social and
cultural factors in management development. Geneva: International Labour Office.

2. Chowdhry, K. (1979). Bureaucracy and development tasks. In Dube, S. C. Public services and social
responsibility. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.

3. Chowdhry, K., & Newcomb, T. M. (1965). The relative abilities of leaders and non-leaders to
estimate opinions of their own groups. In Singer, D. J. Human behavior and international politics:
contributions from the social-psychological sciences (Series: Rand McNally political science).
Chicago: Rand McNally.

4. Chowdhry, K. (1990). Poverty, environment, development. In Sutton, F. X. A world to make:

development in perspective. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.

3.C. Publications – Articles

1. Birdsall, N., Grant, J. P., Kleinman, A., Chen, L. C., & Chowdhry, K. (1989). Thoughts on Good
Health and Good Government [with Comments]. Daedalus, 89-123.

2. Chowdhry, K., Chen, L. C., & Tendler, J. (1989). Poverty, Environment, Development [with
Comments]. Daedalus, 141-158.
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A Complete Bibliography of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

3. Chowdhry, K., & Pal, A. (1956). Production Planning and Organizational Morale: A Case from
India. Human Organization, 15(4), 11-16.

4. Chowdhry, K. (1964). Management Development Programs: Moratorium for Executives. Human

Organization, 23(3), 254-259.

5. Chowdhry, K. (1980). Emerging Needs in Forestry Management. Indian Journal of Public

Administration, 26(3), 631-635.

6. Chowdhry, K. (1993). Buddhism and Environmental Activism. Indian Journal of Public

Administration, 39(3), 577-585.

7. Chowdhry, K. (1989). Social Forestry: Roots of Failure. Indian Journal of Public Administration,
35(3), 437-443.

8. Chowdhry, K., & Sarabhai, V. (1968). Organization for Developmental Tasks: Atomic Energy
Commission of India. Indian Journal of Public Administration, 14(1), 1–20.

9. Chowdhry, K. (1969). Developing Administrators for Tomorrow. Indian Journal of Public

Administration, 15(2), 221-227.

10. Chowdhry, K. (1969). Organization Structure and Administrative Practices in Scientific Institutions
in Developing Countries. Indian Journal of Public Administration, 15(3), 439-447.

11. Chowdhry, K. (1968). Institution Building and Social Change: The Ahmedabad Textile Industry's
Research Association. Indian Journal of Public Administration, 14(4), 943-961.

12. Chowdhry, K. (2005). The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, Sri Lanka. Dharma and
Development: The Future of Survival, 231-241.

13. Chowdhry, K. (1977). Institution Building: Two Approaches in Contrast. Institution Building in
Education and Research: From Stagnation to Self Renewal, 12-18.

14. Kakar, S., & Chowdhry, K. (1969). Student leaders and the ‘Strike’. Quest, (61.54).

15. Chowdhry, K. (1998). Challenges of the 21st Century: Gandhi’s Moral Imperative.

16. Chowdhry, K. (1976). Management Education in India: Emerging Trends. Indian Management,

17. Chowdhry, K. (1969). Organisational Innovation in Universities: Relevance of Industrial Experience.

Economic and Political Weekly, 4(35), 97–100.

18. Chowdhry, K. (1986). Institution Building: Role of Constraints of Intermediate Agencies in Asian
Seminar on Rural Development, (Ed.) M. L. Dantwala, Ranjit Guha and Keith C. D'Souza.

19. Chowdhry, K. (1988). Growth or Survival? India International Centre Quarterly, 15/16, 191-200.

20. Chowdhry, K. (1963). Management Development Programs: Executive Needs. Industrial

Management Review (pre-1986), 4(2), 31.
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A Complete Bibliography of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

21. Chowdhry, K. (1969). Organization and Administration of Scientific Institutions: A Case Study of
Atira. Management International Review, 97-104.

22. Chowahry, K. (1967). Union Public Service Commission: Some Comments on Selectors and
Selection Methods. Indian Journal of Public Administration, 13(4), 716-728.

23. Chowdhry, K. (2005). A Sense of Place - Shantiniketan. The Spiritual Imperative, March/April

24. Chowdhry, K. (2000). Is This Progress?. Culture of Compassion, May/June (200).

25. Chowdhry, K. (1999). Frontyard and Backyard of Development. Myth of

Progress, September/October (196).

3.D. Publications – Reports

1. Chowdhry, K. (1967). A report on the personnel functions of the Reserve Bank of India.
Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.

2. Kaul, M., Kuchhal, S. C., & Chowdhry, K. (1977). Report on the study of framework structure and
funding of technical education system in India. Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management
Ahmedabad. 1977.

3. Kurien, V., Chowdhry, K., Yugandhar, B. N., Santappa, M., Datta, S. M., Roy, S., & Murthy, K. R.
S. (1992). Report of the review committee on Indian Institutes of Management. New Delhi: Ministry
of Human Resource Development.

4. Chowdhry, K. (1985). Social forestry: who benefits. Community forestry socio-economic aspects.
Food and Agriculture Organisation Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAORAPA), Bangkok.

3.E. Publications – Seminar/Colloquia

1. Chowdhry, K. (1999). Speech at the Parliament of World Religions. Parliament of World Religions.
Cape Town, South Africa; December 4, 1999. Retrieved from

2. Chowdhry, K. (2005). The spiritual way, the Gandhian way. The Earth Charter in Action. Retrieve

3. Chowdhry, K. (2001). The earth chapter: voice of age to come. Earth Charter Asia Pacific
Conference. Brisbane, Australia; September 1, 2001. Retrieved from

4. Chowdhry, K. (2001). The earth our home (Keynote Address). Colloquium on Earth Charter, India;
September 22, 2001. Retrieved from

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A Complete Bibliography of Dr. Kamla Chowdhry

5. Chowdhry, K. (2000). Closing plenary speech at the Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and
Spiritual Leaders - 2000, United States; August 31, 2000. Retrieved from

6. Chowdhry, K. (1994). Forestry: reconciling poverty and equity concerns. In Discussion prepared for
international Workshop on India's Forest Management and Ecological Revival, organized by
University of Florida and Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi. New Delhi; February,1994.
Retrieved from

4. Others
1. Aridjis, H., Williams, T., & Chowdhry, K. (2008). A voice for earth: American writers respond to
the Earth Charter (Corcoran P., Wohlpart A., & Hollingshead B., Eds.). Athens; London: University
of Georgia Press. Retrieved December 16, 2020, from

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