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For the theories that will support my research on the influence of mass media to the academic performance of
grade 9 – ruby. Social Constructivism and Connectivism will discuss the theories of social media and learning,
and the theories will be related to our investigations. The detailed justifications for the theories' selection will
aid in our research inquiry. Both the Social Constructivism and the Connectivism theories look into how social
media use among students affects their behavior and academic achievement. There is little doubt that the new
educational learning system that supports students has altered them, and these theories will offer potential

First off, the interpretation of Lev Vygotsky's Social Constructivism theory. The idea introduces us to Lev
Vygotsky, who favors culture, traditional methods of instruction, and the use of cultural tools rather than social
media. The theory is based on how cultural instruments affect children's knowledge and education. According
to social constructivism, direct instruction is crucial for effective teaching and learning. One of the main
concepts of Lev Vygotsky's theory is the zone of proximal development (ZPD), which emphasizes the
importance of educators and how their presence can affect children's education and behavior, which have
become overly representative of his work to the exclusion of many of his other ideas (MacBlain, 2014). The
theory then continues on how Lev Vygotsky believes a child's mind development is increased more when
solving solutions head on.

A visual aid for Social Constructivism Theory:

The next theory is Connectivism, which holds that rather than technology, learning should be influenced by the
social environments in which it takes place or students should effectively combine ideas, theories, and general
knowledge in useful manner. Vaill emphasizes that "learning must be a way of being—an ongoing set of
attitudes and actions by individuals and groups that they employ to try to keep up with the surprising, novel,
messy, obtrusive, recurring events." . .” (1996, p. 42). (1996, p. 42). The idea then goes on to discuss how
technology has increased knowledge over the past ten decades and how learners will use social media in a
variety of ways through social media. It explains how technology affects schooling and how that might worsen.
It holds that education must be obtained through intrapersonal experiences, just like Social Constructivism.
According to each of these learning theories, knowledge is an objective that may be attained by both reasoning
and experiences. The conclusion of the theory, finally accepts that technology benefits the learner’s as it
provides as a new learning tool.
Example of Connectivism:
Citation and URL

Vygotsky, L., & Cole, M. (2018). Lev Vygotsky: Learning and Social Constructivism. Learning Theories for Early
Years Practice.

Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. PressBooks.

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