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An investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset

will provide income in the future or will later be sold at a higher price for a
profit. Investments include Government securities, shares, debentures, etc.
When the number of investments is very large, the auditor should ask for a
schedule of investments held by the client containing various particulars
like name of the securities, date of purchase, nominal value, cost price,
market price, etc., and examine the same.

Vouching Sale of Investments

Usually, investments are sold through brokers. The brokers
issue a note giving details about the nature of investment sold,
the term of sales, mode of payment etc., It is called the Brokers’
sold note.

Role of an Auditor in vouching sale of

1. If the sale proceeds of the sale of investments are received
through bank, then bank advice should be verified.

2. The auditor should also find out whether the investments are
sold at ex-dividend/interest or cum dividend/interest. He
should ensure that the sale proceeds are appropriately
bifurcated into capital and revenue.

3. The commission paid/payable to the brokers is to be verified.

4. If the organization has sold quoted shares/stock, the auditor

should verify whether the investments are sold at the quoted
prices or not.

5. The auditor should examine whether the investments are

long-term or short-term investments. He should also ensure
that the income tax liabilities relating to capital gain on sale of
investments are included in the return of income filed with the
Income tax authorities.

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