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2022, Vol. 3, No. 6, 1164 – 1176

Research Article

Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation

of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

Cecille de Guzman Santos*

Quality and Project Management, Centro Escolar University, Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines 3015

Article history: ABSTRACT

Submission June 2022
Revised June 2022 Quality is an essential performance measure in both the private and pub-
Accepted June 2022 lic sector. The adoption of a Quality Management System (QMS)/ISO
9001:2015 standard is a strategic decision that can help improve an or-
*Corresponding author: ganization’s overall performance. This study aimed to assess the ISO
E-mail: 9001:2015 implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan in
san- terms of the selected critical success factors and workforce level of moti- vation and be able to provide recommendations for improvement. This
/ study used the quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive research de-
sign, employing survey and correlational approaches. A qualitative ap-
proach through qualitative interview was also utilized to capture the im-
plementation strategies. The overall analysis revealed that 8 motivating
factors obtained a low level of relationship with all of the selected critical
success factors while the 9th motivating factor, Recognition and Feedback
Received obtained a high level of relationship with 7 critical success fac-
tors indicating that Recognition and Feedback Received can affect the im-
plementation of QMS tasks in terms of the critical success factors. Find-
ings also showed that there is an opportunity in trainings. Leaders can
identify training needs to support a more effective QMS implementation.
Furthermore, the Provincial Government of Bulacan can revisit and
strengthen the performance evaluation process as this can help meet the
upper-level self-actualization needs of employees. A quality program
with the suggested action plan has also been recommended towards
overall performance improvement.

Keywords: iso, iso 9001:2015, motivation, quality, quality management

system success factor

Introduction dissatisfaction, wasted resources, lost revenue

Poor quality in products or services creates due to cost of rework or refunds, missed
a long list of problems – customer

How to cite:
Santos, C. G. (2022). Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial
Government of Bulacan. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research. 3 (6), 1164
– 1176. doi: 10.11594/ijmaber.03.06.19
CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

opportunities, mistrust, and decreased effi- their leadership’s political management perfor-
ciency among others. mance. BTI is a measure of the development
The implementation and maintenance of a status and governance of political and eco-
quality management system is one prevention nomic transformation processes in developing
initiative that has been tried and tested over and transition countries around the world.
the years. The adoption of a quality manage- The PGB (Provincial Government of Bu-
ment system is a strategic decision for an or- lacan) with its numerous notable awards, par-
ganization that can help improve its overall ticularly the SGLG (Seal of Good Local Govern-
performance and provide a sound basis for sus- ance) and the consistent 9001 certification
tainable development initiatives. (ISO since 2016 can encourage its municipal govern-
9001:2015 Quality Management Systems — ment units and other provincial governments
Requirements) in the Philippines to pursue the ISO 9001 stand-
In the private sector, there has been an in- ard in order to contribute to the realization of
creasing number of organizations all over the the goal to improve the country’s competitive
world that adopt the ISO standards. ranking. This study examined the ISO
In the Philippines, with the goal to identify 9001:2015 implementation of the Provincial
specific actions to improve the country’s com- Government of Bulacan in terms of the selected
petitiveness ranking, specifically, in the areas critical success factors and workforce level of
of business and government efficiency and to motivation. This study can help pave the way
ensure consistency of products and services for government units aspiring to get the ISO
through quality processes, Former President 9001 standard certification.
Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo ordered the institu-
tionalization of Quality Management Sys- Objectives of the Study
tem in the government under Administrative The general objective of this study was to
Order No. 161 in 2006 and the implementation assess the ISO 9001:2015 implementation of
of the GQMP (government quality management the Provincial Government of Bulacan in terms
program) under Executive Order No. 605 in of the selected critical success factors and
2007. This legal framework is to encourage the workforce level of motivation. Specifically, the
public sector in the Philippines to pursue ISO study intended to:
9001 standard. 1. Determine the motivating and critical suc-
Despite the government’s order to imple- cess factors that are evident in the ISO 9001-
ment the government quality management 2015 implementation of the Provincial Gov-
program, only 12 provincial government units ernment of Bulacan.
have received the ISO 9001:2015 standard cer- 2. Identify the strategies that are used in QMS
tification. Then, in the province of Bulacan, only (Quality Management System) implement-
the municipality of Guiguinto implements the ing tasks.
ISO 9001 standard. 3. Examine the relationship between the se-
Futhermore, despite the institutionaliza- lected critical success factors of QMS imple-
tion of Quality Management System/ISO mentation and the workforce level of moti-
standard in the Philippine government as vation.
mandated by the GQMC (Government Qual- 4. Recommend appropriate strategies to im-
ity Management Committee), the Philip- prove the implementation after the assess-
pines as being the APO Center of Excellence in ment in terms of the selected critical success
Public Sector Productivity, and other govern- factors and level of motivation.
mental efforts, our country is ranked 60th in sta-
tus index and 87th in governance index in 2022 Significance of the Study
according to BTI (Bertelsmann Stiftung Trans- This paper provided recommendations that
formation Index) report. The Status Index may enhance the implementation of the ISO
ranks the countries according to their quality of 9001:201. This study will benefit the following:
democracy and market economy while the Gov- Provincial Government of Bulacan. The re-
ernance Index ranks the countries according to sults of the study will enable the department
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CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

leaders, especially the Quality Management qualitative interview was also utilized to cap-
team, to find ways to strengthen the success ture the implementation strategies.
factors towards better implementation and for The respondents included the staff from the
the PGB leaders to correctly motivate their em- departments of the Provincial Government of
ployees. This in turn will be useful to employ- Bulacan involved in the implementation of ISO
ees as they will feel more empowered, recog- 9001:2015 standard. A total of 180 PGB em-
nized, and given importance to. ployees participated in the survey.
Quality Management team/QMR (Quality In gathering data, the researcher utilized a
Management Representative). The results of semi-structured questionnaire for the qualita-
this study will assist the QMR in the planning of tive part of the study and a structured question-
QMS implementation and execution of QMS im- naire for the quantitative part based on the ISO
plementing tasks. The team can devise new 9001:2015 Standard.
strategies and use recommended management The researcher also performed review of
tool/s that will further improve the ISO imple- the PGB’s quality manual which serves as the
mentation. organization’s documentation of its QMS and
Other LGUs, government agencies and pri- other significant documents.
vate institutions. They can adopt the best prac-
tices in terms of ISO 9001:2015 implementa- Results and Discussion
tion and get learnings from the opportunities This section contains the presentation,
identified for the Provincial Government of Bu- analysis and interpretation of data to address
lacan. This study also wishes to inspire other the research questions.
LGUs to pursue ISO 9001:2015 standard/certi-
fication as not all LGUs are ISO certified. Respondents’ Workforce Level of Motivation
in the Implementation of the ISO 9001:2015
Methodology Standard in the Provincial Government of
This study used the quantitative, non-ex- Bulacan
perimental, descriptive research design, Table 1 shows the level of motivation of the
employing survey and correlational PGB employees.
approaches. A qualitative approach through

Table 1. Workforce Level of Motivation in the Implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard in the
Provincial Government of Bulacan
Standard Verbal
Indicators Mean
Deviation Interpretation
1. I am motivated to contribute to the implementa-
tion of the Quality Management System because it
3.76 0.456 Strongly Agree
will bring cohesion to the organization as everyone
works towards a goal.
2. I am motivated to participate in the implementa-
tion of the Quality Management System because
3.7 0.483 Strongly Agree
our work will add value to the organization
thereby improving our job satisfaction.
3. I am motivated to follow the Quality Management
System implementation plan because it will im- 3.71 0.478 Strongly Agree
prove the overall process in the organization.
4. I am motivated to contribute to the implementa-
tion of the Quality Management System as it will 3.69 0.488 Strongly Agree
increase our productivity and efficiency.

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CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

Standard Verbal
Indicators Mean
Deviation Interpretation
5. I am motivated to participate in the implementa-
tion of the Quality Management System because of
3.46 0.712 Agree
the monetary grant/bonus that awaits once certi-
fication is received.
6. I am motivated to follow the Quality Management
System implementation plan as it will increase cus- 3.69 0.464 Strongly Agree
tomer satisfaction.
7. I am motivated to contribute to the implementa-
tion of the Quality Management System because
3.67 0.484 Strongly Agree
citizens will have more confidence in the govern-
8. I am motivated to contribute to the implementa-
tion of the Quality Management System as we need 3.6 0.524 Strongly Agree
to conform to the regulations.
9. I am motivated to follow the Quality Management
System implementation plan as I know that my ef-
3.59 0.567 Strongly Agree
forts will be recognized and that this will be one
basis for my performance evaluation.

Table 1 shows that of all indicators, the As it revealed that PGB employees are not
eight (8) motivating factors such as Cohesion in mainly motivated by Rewards/Monetary
the Organization, Meaningfulness of Work, Pro- Grant, it reaffirms Psomas and Antony’s study
cess Improvement, Productivity and Efficiency, on the Effectiveness of the ISO 9001 Quality
Customer Satisfaction, Organization’s Image, Management System and Its Influential Critical
Conformance to Regulations, Recognition and Factors, that external pressure just stresses
Feedback Received were given a rating of employees and that internal motivation has a
Strongly Agree by the respondents to be the significant impact to the ISO 9001 QMS’ effec-
factors motivating them to contribute and im- tiveness.
plement the Quality Management System. Only
one (1) motivating factor which is on Re- Selected Critical Success Factors
wards/Monetary Grant was given a rating of The respondents’ assessment of the PGB’s
Agreed by respondents to be motivating them QMS implementation in terms of the selected
to implement the Quality Management System. critical success factors is exhibited in table 2.

Table 2. PGB’s Extent of Implementation in Terms of the Selected Critical Success Factors
Standard Verbal
Indicators Mean
Deviation Interpretation
1. The leaders/top-level management motivate,
support the people, and participate in the imple- 3.62 0.51 Great Extent
mentation of the Quality Management System.
2. Team members contribute and agree on the qual-
3.56 0.581 Great Extent
ity objectives.
3. We share the same set of values, beliefs, and ex-
3.41 0.65 Moderate Extent
4. The steps to be carried out are carefully planned. 3.49 0.584 Moderate Extent
5. The objectives and goals are properly communi-
cated, ensuring that everyone understands them 3.49 0.593 Moderate Extent
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CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

Standard Verbal
Indicators Mean
Deviation Interpretation
6. We are highly-skilled to perform and contribute.
Training to hone the skills and knowledge of 3.43 0.598 Moderate Extent
team members is also provided.
7. The organization has the necessary set of tools
(systems, applications, controls, and methodolo- 3.47 0.655 Moderate Extent
gies) to support the QMS implementation.
8. Each process is well-defined to ensure easier im-
3.51 0.664 Great Extent

Table 2 shows that of the eight (8) critical Culture with SD of 0.65, Tools with SD of 0.655
success factors that represent the Quality and Process with SD of 0.664 indicates that the
Management Principles (QMPs), five (5) indi- respondents’ ratings vary, making data more
cators such as Culture, Planning, Communica- spread out from the mean.
tion, Skills and Training, and Tools are rated
with Moderate Extent, while three (3) such as Strategies Used in QMS (Quality Manage-
Leadership and Management Commitment, ment System) Implementing Tasks
Teamwork, and Process were rated with Great To capture the implementation strategies
Extent. used by leaders/department heads and the
As critical success factors such as Culture, Quality team, a qualitative approach through
Planning, Communication, Skills and Training, qualitative interview with the QMS core team
and Tools are demonstrated in moderate ex- was done. The implementation was also veri-
tent, it can be asserted that although the said fied with the leaders to check on calibration
areas are evident in the Provincial Government amongst departments. A review of the PGB’s
of Bulacan’s QMS implementation, Leadership quality manual and other QMS-related docu-
and Management Commitment, Teamwork, ments was also performed.
and Process are currently the focus areas of the Table 3 presents the strategies used in QMS
Provincial Government of Bulacan. (Quality Management System) implementing
When it comes to the respondents’ rating tasks.
consistency, high standard deviation for

Table 3. Strategies Used in QMS (Quality Management System) Implementing Tasks

QMS Implementing Tasks Extent of Implementation

1. Establishing and Implementing the Quality Process
1.1 Create a set of quality guidelines (quality checklist) Great Extent
1.2 Conduct an internal audit Great Extent
1.3 Develop an audit dispute process and dispute resolution
Great Extent
1.4 Devise a corrective and preventive action process Great Extent
1.5 Establish a communication and reporting process Great Extent
1.6 Perform a management review Great Extent
2. Developing a Documentation System
2.1 Record and update work instructions such as SOPs and
Great Extent
processes thru process map, process flow, flowchart, etc.

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CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

QMS Implementing Tasks Extent of Implementation

2.2 Record activities such as but not limited to audit, dispute
Great Extent
resolution, corrective action, and management review
3. Maintaining the Customer Feedback System
3.1 Update feedback mechanism Great Extent
3.2 Check feedback/survey box regularly Great Extent
3.3 Document and discuss the feedback with concerned de
Great Extent
partment/staff and include general feedback in meetings
3.4 Update/improve processes and implement based on
Great Extent
customer feedback
3.5 Check if process improvements led to favorable results
such as positive feedback or decreased number of Great Extent
negative feedback on that process
3.6 Monitor employee satisfaction through employee
Great Extent
surveys (employees as customers)
4. Developing the Quality Improvement Process
4.1 Make improvements on continuing basis (Continuous
Great Extent
4.2 Identify training needs and facilitate upskilling,
Moderate Extent
cross-training, etc.
4.3 Conduct coaching on defect reduction and performance
Great Extent
4.4 Evaluate individual performance based on the CSC-ap
Great Extent
proved Performance Management System
4.5 Evaluate the whole department’s performance based on
the CSC-approved Performance Management System,
Great Extent
through a semi-annual assessment of the performance
targets vs. accomplishments.

Data reflect that 18 out of 19 strategies used facilitate upskilling, cross-training, etc." ob-
in QMS implementing tasks were verified with tained a "Moderate Extent" based on leaders'
the Department Heads to be in Great Extent. perception. This implies that leaders have iden-
This means that most strategies under catego- tified an opportunity on trainings.
ries/QMS implementing tasks: Establishing
and Implementing the Quality Process, Devel- Relationship Between the Selected Critical
oping a Documentation System, Maintaining Success Factors of QMS Implementation and
the Customer Feedback System, and Develop- the Workforce Level of Motivation
ing the Quality Improvement Process are being Table 4 exhibits the relationship between
implemented in full extent. the critical success factors of QMS Implementa-
Under Developing the Quality Improve- tion and the workforce level of motivation.
ment Process, only "Identify training needs and

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CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

Table 4. Relationship Between Selected Critical Success Factors and Motivating Factors
1. Leadership and 2. Teamwork 3. Culture 4. Planning
Management Com-
mitment Team members We share The steps to
contribute and the same set be carried
The leaders/top- agree on the of values, out are care-
Motivating Factors level management quality objec- beliefs, and fully
motivate, support tives. expecta- planned.
the people, and par- tions.
ticipate in the im-
plementation of the
Quality Manage-
ment System.
1. Cohesion in the Or- r .291** .310** .266** .289**
ganization - I am moti- Low Correla- Low Corre- Low Corre-
vated to contribute to the V.I. Low Correlation
tion lation lation
implementation of the
Quality Management Sys-
tem because it will bring p-
cohesion to the organiza- 0 0 0 0
tion as everyone works
towards a goal.
2. Meaningfulness of r .256** .325** .306** .331**
Work - I am motivated to Low Correla- Low Corre- Low Corre-
participate in the imple- V.I. Low Correlation
tion lation lation
mentation of the Quality
Management System be-
cause our work will add p-
value to the organization 0.001 0 0 0
thereby improving our
job satisfaction.
3. Process Improvement r .208** .285** .258** .274**
- I am motivated to follow Low Correla- Low Corre- Low Corre-
the Quality Management V.I. Low Correlation
tion lation lation
System implementation
plan because it will im- p-
prove the overall process 0.005 0 0 0
in the organization.
4. Productivity and Effi- r .259** .265** .212** .367**
ciency - I am motivated Low Correla- Low Corre- Low Corre-
to contribute to the im- V.I. Low Correlation
tion lation lation
plementation of the Qual-
ity Management System
as it will increase our p-
0 0 0.004 0
productivity and effi- value
5. Rewards - I am moti- r .243** .276** .385** .349**
vated to participate in the Low Correla- Low Corre- Low Corre-
implementation of the V.I. Low Correlation
tion lation lation
IJMABER 1170 Volume 3 | Number 6 | June | 2022
CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

Quality Management Sys-

tem because of the mone-
tary grant/bonus that 0.001 0 0 0
awaits once certification
is received.
6. Customer Satisfaction r .343** .340** .315** .365**
- I am motivated to follow Low Correla- Low Corre- Low Corre-
the Quality Management V.I. Low Correlation
tion lation lation
System implementation
plan as it will increase p-
0 0 0 0
customer satisfaction. value
7. Organization’s r .317** .371** .314** .389**
Image - I am motivated to Low Correla- Low Corre- Low Corre-
contribute to the imple- V.I. Low Correlation
tion lation lation
mentation of the Quality
Management System be-
cause citizens will have p-
0 0 0 0
more confidence in the value
8. Conformance to Reg- r .280** .283** .305** .321**
ulations - I am motivated Low Correla- Low Corre- Low Corre-
to contribute to the im- V.I. Low Correlation
tion lation lation
plementation of the Qual-
ity Management System p-
as we need to conform to 0 0 0 0
the regulations.
9. Recognition and r .360** .433** .416** .432**
Feedback Received - I Substantial Substantial Substantial
am motivated to follow V.I. Low Correlation
Correlation Correlation Correlation
the Quality Management
System implementation
plan as I know that my ef-
forts will be recognized p-
0 0 0 0
and that this will be one value
basis for my performance


5. Communi- 6. Skills and 7. Tools 8. Process
cation Training
The organization Each pro-
The objectives We are highly- has the neces- cess is
Motivating Factors and goals are skilled to perform sary set of tools well-de-
properly com- and contribute. (systems, appli- fined to
municated, en- Training to hone cations, controls, ensure
suring that eve- the skills and and methodolo- easier im-
ryone under- knowledge of gies) to support plementa-
stands them team members is the QMS imple- tion.
clearly. also provided. mentation.
r .279** .303 ** .351** .359**

IJMABER 1171 Volume 3 | Number 6 | June | 2022

CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

1. Cohesion in the Or- Low Correla- Low Corre-

V.I. Low Correlation Low Correlation
ganization - I am moti- tion lation
vated to contribute to the
implementation of the
Quality Management Sys-
tem because it will bring 0 0 0 0
cohesion to the organiza-
tion as everyone works
towards a goal.
2. Meaningfulness of r .359** .388** .362** .359**
Work - I am motivated to Low Correla- Low Corre-
participate in the imple- V.I. Low Correlation Low Correlation
tion lation
mentation of the Quality
Management System be-
cause our work will add p-
value to the organization 0 0 0 0
thereby improving our
job satisfaction.
3. Process Improve- r .304** .356** .348** .344**
ment - I am motivated to Low Correla- Low Corre-
follow the Quality Man- V.I. Low Correlation Low Correlation
tion lation
agement System imple-
mentation plan because it
will improve the overall p-
0 0 0 0
process in the organiza- value
4. Productivity and Effi- r .316** .286** .322** .338**
ciency - I am motivated Low Correla- Low Corre-
to contribute to the im- V.I. Low Correlation Low Correlation
tion lation
plementation of the Qual-
ity Management System
as it will increase our p-
0 0 0 0
productivity and effi- value


5. Communi- 6. Skills and 7. Tools 8. Process
cation Training
The organization Each pro-
The objectives We are highly- has the neces- cess is
Motivating Factors and goals are skilled to perform sary set of tools well-de-
properly com- and contribute. (systems, appli- fined to
municated, en- Training to hone cations, controls, ensure
suring that eve- the skills and and methodolo- easier im-
ryone under- knowledge of gies) to support plementa-
stands them team members is the QMS imple- tion.
clearly. also provided. mentation.
5. Rewards - I am moti- r .402** .361 ** .345** .397**
vated to participate in Low Correla- Low Corre-
the implementation of V.I. Low Correlation Low Correlation
tion lation
IJMABER 1172 Volume 3 | Number 6 | June | 2022
CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

the Quality Management

System because of the
monetary grant/bonus 0 0 0 0
that awaits once certifi-
cation is received.
6. Customer Satisfac- r .332** .281** .375** .374**
tion - I am motivated to Low Correla- Low Corre-
follow the Quality Man- V.I. Low Correlation Low Correlation
tion lation
agement System imple-
mentation plan as it will p-
increase customer satis- 0 0 0 0
7. Organization’s Im- r .376** .302** .375** .341**
age - I am motivated to Low Correla- Low Corre-
contribute to the imple- V.I. Low Correlation Low Correlation
tion lation
mentation of the Quality
Management System be-
cause citizens will have p-
0 0 0 0
more confidence in the value
8. Conformance to r .381** .299** .341** .334**
Regulations - I am mo- Low Correla- Low Corre-
tivated to contribute to V.I. Low Correlation Low Correlation
tion lation
the implementation of
the Quality Management
System as we need to p-
0 0 0 0
conform to the regula- value
9. Recognition and r .534** .439** .420** .442**
Feedback Received - I Substan-
am motivated to follow Substantial Substantial Cor- Substantial Cor-
V.I. tial Corre-
the Quality Management Correlation relation relation
System implementation
plan as I know that my
efforts will be recog- p-
nized and that this will 0 0 0 0
be one basis for my per-
formance evaluation.

When the relationship of two (2) variables: Leadership and Management Commitment
Motivating Factor and Critical Success Factor which give a low level of relationship. It means
was examined, it revealed that out of 9 motivat- that Leadership and Management Commitment
ing factors, 8 indicators obtain a low level of re- is not dependent on Recognition and Feedback
lationship (low correlation) with all of the crit- Received. Nonetheless, the motivating factor:
ical success factors (8 indicators). Recognition and Feedback Received, has a sub-
On the other hand, it also revealed that for stantial correlation with critical success fac-
the 9th motivating factor: Recognition and tors: Teamwork, Culture, Planning, Communi-
Feedback Received, it has a high level of rela- cation, Skills and Training, Tools, and Process,
tionship (Substantial Correlation) with the it can be deduced that it can affect the perfor-
seven (7) critical success factors, not including mance of QMS tasks in terms of the selected

IJMABER 1173 Volume 3 | Number 6 | June | 2022

CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

critical success factors. We can infer that if PGB teambuilding towards team cohesion; conduct-
employees are highly motivated by their efforts ing customer satisfaction surveys and getting
being recognized and good performance evalu- customer feedback towards customer satisfac-
ation rating, it may result to execution of QMS tion; presentation of PGB’s ratings given by the
tasks that make the seven (7) critical success citizens like the Seal of Good Local Governance
factors evident. The Provincial Government of (SGLG); reminders or updates on the regula-
Bulacan may focus on this area aside from the tions that need to be followed; and one-on-one
implementation of specific strategies towards a meeting with staff to discuss strengths/compe-
successful ISO 9001:2015 implementation. tencies and areas of opportunities to improve
This reaffirms Peces, Mercado-Idoeta, Roman, and get high performance evaluation rating.
Del Castillo-Feito’s study on The influence of (Dias, L. (2012)
Motivations and Other Factors on the Results of As Leadership and Management Commit-
Implementing ISO 9001 Standards Average, ment, Teamwork, and Process are PGB’s
when motivations are mostly internal, a higher strengths, it is advised to remain consistent on
level of positive effects is attained. this areas and bolster strategies towards con-
tinuous improvement.
Recommendations The researcher prepared a quality program
Following the findings and conclusions of showing the suggested action steps towards
this study, these are the recommendations: improving the QMS implementation. It outlines
As PGB employees are strongly motivated all the recommendations.
by: meaningfulness of work; cohesion in the or-
ganization; process improvement; productivity Quality Program for PGB’s QMS Implementa-
and efficiency; customer satisfaction; organiza- tion
tion’s image; conformance to regulation; and The quality program showing the suggested
recognition and feedback received, it is highly action plan is exhibited in table 10. It outlines
suggested for leaders to come up with pro- the recommendations. It shows the indicators
grams/activities focused on these motivating or areas for improvement, objectives, action
factors like acquiring new skills towards em- plan, owner of the action plan, and timeframe.
powerment and meaningfulness of work; regu- The timeframe column can just be filled out by
lar brainstorming sessions, strategy planning, the owners as to when the action plans are

Table 5. Quality Program for PGB’s QMS Implementation

IJMABER 1174 Volume 3 | Number 6 | June | 2022

CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

Conclusion Creswell, John W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning,

Based on the findings of the study, it can be Conducting,
concluded that consideration on employee Evaluating, Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th
recognition and employee performance evalu- Edition). Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.
ation can enhance the Quality Management Del Castillo-Feito, C., del Castillo-Peces, C., Mercado-
System implementation. Idoeta, C., and Prado-Roman, M. (2018). The influ-
ence of Motivations and Other Factors on the Re-
References sults of Implementing ISO 9001 Standards. Euro-
Creswell, John W. (1994). Research Design: Qualitative & pean Research on Management and Business Eco-
Quantitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE nomics 24 (2018) 33–41. https://www.sciencedi-

IJMABER 1175 Volume 3 | Number 6 | June | 2022

CG Santos, 2022 / Motivating and Critical Success Factors in the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation of the Provincial Government of Bulacan

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IJMABER 1176 Volume 3 | Number 6 | June | 2022

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