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Personal data

Name Mahdi Afrad

Address No. 30, Shahid Abedini St, Yaftabad, Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Phone Number +98 9904547123
Military status Military Service Completion Certificate
Date of Birth 10 April 1990


 Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) - (Sep 2016 – Sep 2019)

• M.Sc. In Computer Systems Architecture

• Academic Supervisor: Prof. Hamidreza Zarandi
• Dissertation: A Dynamic Task Mapping Method to Improve Heterogeneous
MPSoC by Means of Load Balancing

 Qom University of Technology - (Aug 2008 – Jun 2014)

• B.Sc. In Computer Engineering (Software)

• Academic Supervisor: Dr. Mahboobe Shamsi
• Dissertation: CNC Laser Cutting Machine Simulator

 High School Diploma in Physics and Mathematics - (Sep 2002 - Aug 2008)
 National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET(

Practical Experiences & Activities

 Teacher Assistant in Advanced Programming Course Under the Supervision of Dr. Hadi
Rasooli - (October 2010 – February 2011)

 Teacher Assistant in Design Algorithms Course Under the Supervision of Dr. Mahboobe
Shamsi - (October 2012 – February 2013)

 Work as computer engineer and .Net framework developer in Faranegar Pars System
(March 2017 - April 2018)

 Work as computer engineer and researcher in R&D Department of Hasin

(April 2018 – May 2020)

 Work as senior computer engineer and software designer in Mofid Security Group
( (May 2020 - March 2021)

 Work as tech lead and consultant in MehrPars (April 2021 – May 2021)

 Work as senior software engineer and software designer in Okala (Since April 2021)

Published papers

 Paper about parallelization of the ant colony algorithm with the topic “Parallelization of the
Ant Colony Optimization for The Shortest Path Problem using OpenMP and MPI” indexed in
the ISC and CIVILICA, 2017 Sep.


 Achieving to workshop with entrance exam: “1th, 2nd, 3rd National Neuroscience Workshop of
NODET”, February 2005, 2006, 2007, Tehran, Iran

 Participation in Workshop: “1th Festival of Linux & Open Source Softwares”, May 2010,
Qom University of Technology, Qom, Iran

 Participation in Workshop: “8th Festival of Linux & Open Source Softwares”, for the
embedded Linux workshop ,May 2016, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

 Participation in Conference: “An Introduction to block chain and crypto currency”, Feb
2018, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Special Skills

• Programing Languages
o C# ( and core)
o Java (spring boot)
o C++
o Matlab
o HTML, CSS, JavaScript

• Business Processing
o ISO 8583 (developing and parsing on protocol)
o CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
o BPMS (Business Process Management System)
o ERP (enterprise resource planning)
o IoT (Software and Hardware Development)
o Supply Chain Management
o Shared Resource Assignment

• Software Engineering
o Clean and self-documentation coding
o Software development paradigms (OOP, SOP, …)
o Software architecture (Microservices architecture, SOA, MVC, …(
o Software design concepts (Domain Driven Design, Data Driven Design, …(
o software development Methodologies (Agile, scrum and Kanban)
o software programming concepts (TDD, …(
o Design Patterns of Software development
o Message brokers and event sourcing (Kafka, RabbitMQ)
o Api GateWay (Kong, Ocelot)
o Orkestration (Kubernetes, Rancher)
o ORM and Data Access Technologies (Entity Framework Core, nhibernate, dapper,, Raw SQL, DocumenBase)
o NoSql (MongoDb, ElastickSearch)
o Sql (SqlServer, Postgresql, Oracle)
o Elk (elastic search, Kibana)
o Software Development technologies ( Core, MVC, Rest API,
RazorPage, Javascript, Ajax, …)

o Software Parallelization and Multi-Threaded and Asynchronous programming
(OpenMP, MPI for clustering, …)
o Non-blocking web application concepts (asynchronous and parallel programing)
o Application responsibility and Load test (Jmeter, …)
o Application Tracking (audit logging with ELK)
o Logging tools (nlog and serilog)
o Web Application Security Concepts (SSO with Identity Server 4, JWT, cross origin
resource sharing, authentication and authorization, …(
o Web Api design issues (Routing, swagger, REST full, request tracking and exception
catching, …(
o Use external services tools (RestEase, Rest Sharp, …(
o Modular Application Design with maven
o cmake and make of c++ project in Linux
o Linux Shell Programming
o GPU Programming (CUDA, OpenCL, OpenGL)
o DEVOPS Skills (CI/CD on tfs, azure, github, gitlab and bitbucket)
o Docker (docker-compose, docker-file, private registry, docker-swarm)
o Web application publishing issues (web servers like as IIS, nginx and kestrel for self-

Languages Skills

 Persian: native speaker

 English: good command / good working knowledge

 Azerbaijan: near native / fluent

 Arabic: basic communication skills / working knowledge

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