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Lecturer : Zelvia Liska Afriani, M.Pd

Created by group : 5

DECE (1911230141)

SHERLY (1911230083)







Alhamdulillahirobbil 'alamin, thanks to Allah SWT for the abundance of grace and extra
ordinary favors that have been given to us so that we can complete the paper or task that we
have observed smoothly. We also thank the supporting lecturer, Mrs. Zelvia liska afriani ,
M.pd who has entrusted and mandated one of our paper assignments, namely Thesis
Critiques Criticize Background of Study.

We have compiled this paper as best we can and we realize that this paper that we
have compiled is very far from perfect, for that we apologize profusely if the reader finds one
or many errors in typing or writing, errors or material errors, wrong layout or arrangement
and use of wrong language, we apologize. For this reason, we are open to receiving any input
or suggestions regarding the paper that we have compiled.

Hopefully this paper can improve students' writing skills by providing knowledge for
readers and useful for readers about Thesis Critiques Criticize Background of Study.

Bengkulu, October 2022



TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................

A. Background....................................................................................................
B. Research Problem...........................................................................................
C. Purposes Of The Research ............................................................................
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...................................................................................
A. Definition background of study....................................................................
B. Functions background of study ....................................................................
C. Purpose background of study........................................................................
D. Writing Background of Study.......................................................................
E. Criticize Background of Study.....................................................................
F. Examples Background of Study....................................................................

CHAPTER III CLOSING......................................................................................



A. Background of Study
The background of the problem explains the explanation of the reasons
problems raised in research that are considered interesting, important and need to be
investigated. The position of the problem described is described also in the wider
scope of the problem. Research authenticity it is rightly stated that the problem faced
has never been solved by previous researchers, or clearly stated the difference
between the research conducted author with research that has been done by before.
The background explains in general the problems found, as well as why these
problems need to be researched and then analyzed in a paper. The background is
written as clearly as possible with general and easy-to-understand explanations. It can
also be explained from the start that the thing you want to research becomes a
problem that needs to be analyzed.
The background also explains the facts, data, previous research findings, and
references that the authors found, namely the reasons that made researchers want to
research this. The author also suggests an approach and theoretical basis that can be
used to examine the problems found, which are seen from a theoretical point of view.
The background is written using the inverted pyramid method, which is
conical down. At first, the writer explained broadly and in general the description of
the problem, then gradually narrowed it down to the points of critical problems,
objects, and the scope to be studied.

B. Research of Problem
1. What is meant by the background of study?
2. What are the functions of the background of study?
3. How to write background of study?
4. How to criticize background of study?
5. What is examples background of study?

C. Purposes Background
1. To know about background of study understanding
2. To know about functions background of study
3. To know write background of study
4. To know criticize background of study
5. To know examples background of study


Background is an important part of a research. Quoted from the book Research
Methodology, W. Gulo and Yovita Hadiwati (2012: 102), the research background is
the foundation of the entire research process because all the basic concepts are
explained in this section. The background is a page written by the author (either the
author of a book or a scientific paper report) which broadly provides an understanding
to the reader regarding the author's goals and desires. Good background writing,
written as clearly as possible and in accordance with the facts.
In another perspective, the background of the problem is the main basis for the
author to provide understanding to the reader. The background is written in an effort
to provide an outline of what will be discussed in the core of the work. Background is
the basis or starting point which is intended to lead the reader to an understanding of
the topic desired by the author. Background writing will be believed to be valid if it is
compiled systematically and accompanied by several opinions or facts that support it.
According to Ade Suyitno, the background of the problem is information that
is systematically arranged regarding phenomena and problematic problems that are
interesting to study. Problems occur when the ideal expectation of something is not
the same as the reality that occurs.
Quoted from the book Strategy and Techniques for Writing Scientific Papers
and Publications written by Ameilia & Nurliana (2019: 15), the background of the
problem is the part that explains why the problem under study is important from the
perspective of the research profession, scientific development, and development
interests. In the background of the problem, the researcher should reveal the problems
that arise accompanied by empirical facts so that the problem to be studied can be
accurately explained.
In addition, Husnaini Usman and Purnomo also conveyed their thoughts on the
background of the problem in scientific writing. According to Husnaini Usman and
Purnomo, the background of the problem is to tell the reasons behind why the
researcher chose the title of his research. In the background of this problem, the
researcher seems to be a detective who is observing the environmental situation at the
scene of the case. To bring up various reasons why he chose the title, a researcher in
this case can refer to the laws and regulations that apply, but have not been effective
in their implementation.


The background of the problem is the main basis for the author to provide an
understanding to the reader about the ideas and thoughts to be conveyed through the
paper. With background writing, the reader can find out why the written work was
made. Similarly, the research conducted by the author. In addition, with the
background writing, the reader can also understand the existence of a problem that
must be solved and resolved so as not to cause adverse effects. Readers can accept the
author's arguments and reasons. Therefore, the background must be prepared as
clearly as possible and be included in the form of facts and supporting data.


The purpose of the background is to present or discuss information related to a topic
and the background has an important role to convey the problem in writing, because
the writing scheme can be made in detail. The purpose of the background is usually
used in the data of papers, proposals, theses and other data.


Step by step writing background of study :
1. The first paragraph contains an overview of the topics discussed from general to
specific or specific to general. It aims to make it easier for readers to know the
issues and problems that will be raised in scientific research papers, papers or so
2. The second paragraph, contains the presentation of various facts and data obtained
from the correct source. In addition, in the second paragraph, the author provides a
review of research related to the issues raised, as well as by providing expert
opinions that raise the same issue as the problem raised.
3. Closing paragraphs, closing paragraphs contain explanations to readers regarding
providing solutions and solving problems. Which will later become the title of the
author's paper or scientific paper.
E. Criticize Background of study
Before starting to criticize, you are required to read all the articles presented in order
to get an idea of the content of the article to be criticized. Then reread it, then start
analyzing and criticizing. At this stage, a note sheet is needed to record some
criticisms of several points in the scientific paper.
Before criticizing the background of a research journal, we must know the contents of
the background. The main points and background content of the problem are more
specific as follows:
1. Reasonable and essential reasons based on available data, facts and references.
This reason is used as a reference for the benefit of researchers. Problems that
have occurred and exist at the scene cause problems to be investigated further.
2. There are complex problems that arise when left unchecked and solutions are not
immediately sought. The method is reviewed from a theoretical point of view to
solve the problem.
3. In addition, background can also refer to social, economic, cultural, ideological,
political, security, and national defense issues. The background ends with a key
sentence, which essentially emphasizes the importance of researching the problem
as soon as possible.

In general, the following is the background content in scientific writing:

1. Based on data and facts
The data and facts will be a reference when writing the background. Based on
the data and facts you have obtained, you must describe the problem you are
going to discuss. Of course, the data will be compared with existing theories
or scientific standards. If the data is different, therein lies the problem to be
2. Analysis
Using the right analytical theory for a problem to be discussed, analysis needs
to be used to process the data that you have obtained.
3. The number of background pages must be proportional to the number of pages
of the proposal or research report, the pages should not be too short and should
not be too long.
4. Before determining the title, you should determine a problem or discussion
first, so that the problem will be processed and used as a title for research.
5. a good background must be clear and weighty
6. The problem must be factual
7. Compare previous research, write down the comparison, write down the
differences as well as the advantages and disadvantages of proposals from further
8. After finding the root and source of the problem, a good background must
briefly write down the alleged solution as a capital to move on to the main

Background is an important part of a research. Quoted from the book Research
Methodology, W. Gulo and Yovita Hadiwati (2012: 102), the research background is
the foundation of the entire research process because all the basic concepts are
explained in this section. The background is a page written by the author (either the
author of a book or a scientific paper report) which broadly provides an understanding
to the reader regarding the author's goals and desires. Good background writing,
written as clearly as possible and in accordance with the facts.
In background of study there are functions background of study, Purpose background
of study writing background of study, criticize background of study and then
examples background of study.

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