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Answer the following questions:

Lesson 1.

1. What is the definition of agriculture? Justify.

• it is the science, art and practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising
livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing and resulting of
products. Agriculture provides most of the world's food and fabrics. Agriculture is
the broad term for everything that goes into growing crops and raising animals, to
provide food and materials that people can use and enjoy.
2. Cite a value of agriculture that without it can create serious national problem.
• 2. Agriculture provides most of the world's food and fabrics. Cotton, wool, and
leather are all agricultural products. Agriculture also provides wood for construction
and paper products. These products, as well as the agricultural methods used, may
vary from one part of the world to another.
Agriculture guarantees basic survival. Without Agriculture, it’s become the govt’s
responsibility to provide food and employment with a guaranteed survival income to
a mass population and that’s a serious national problem.


• By this knowledge about the importance of agriculture as a students, I can help and
protect agriculture by not wasting the things or materials, food and use it in a proper
way. I can share it to other people by promoting the importance of agriculture in our
everyday life. We need to support smallholder farmers in some ways like buying
produce directly to farmers; Join the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA); Eat
at farm-to-table restaurants and cafes; Spread the word for the farmers; Promote
local stores that sell local products; And purchase materials in local gardening

Lesson 2.
1. Collect pictures of agricultural technologies from the ancient origins until the contemporary times.
What are the similarities and differences of agricultural technologies comparing to each era?

Grains Legumes Peas

Lentils Chick Peas Flax


• Modern agriculture uses advanced technology, it is less labor intensive than

traditional agriculture, and the yield quantity is larger. Agricultural exploration
expeditions, since the late nineteenth century, have been mounted to find new
species and new agricultural practices in different areas of the world. Traditional
farming may yield less, but there is sufficient quality attached to its yield. During the
Middle Ages wrote location-specific farming manuals, and were instrumental in the
wider adoption of crops. Another important development towards the end of this
period was the discovery and subsequent cultivation of fodder crops which allowed
over-wintering of livestock.
• When it comes to ancient, medieval or modern agricultural technologies have one
thing that’s similar to all of them – they we are all designed to help us to make our
task easier to do especially in agriculture.
2. Why is it important to know and understand the history of agriculture?
• History is important in agriculture because if we know what happened in the past and
how it happened (history), we can work to NOT do the same mistakes as were done in
the past. Agriculture is how we as humans keep ourselves fed.


• All I can say is that we keep and give importance the history of agriculture and share to
others. We can say that in how many years the agriculture technologies is improving,
like the harvester it is easy to finished the task in farming and it save a lot of time and
also saved money. All of now is Hi-tech

Lesson 3.

If you were given a capital to build or establish your own agricultural business, in what branch of crop
production do you prefer? Explain.

• If I were given a capital to build or establish my own agricultural business, the branch of
crop production I prefer is Crop Production and Agronomy because when I was
young, my father loved to plant fruits, vegetables, farming and plants, I watched him
plant and take care of his crops. This is what I want because I love to plant and I already
know about it and I am with my father in building this business. He will guide me and
help run the business. And I believed I have the capabilities and knowledge about the


• Agriculture plays a significant role in our country which is the Philippine economy.
Involving about 40 percent of Filipino workers, it contributes an average of 20 percent to
the Gross Domestic Product. We need to help the agriculturists because this is where
we come from, and it is essential to us every day, this is where we get what we eat on a
daily basis. Without agriculture without agriculture, cities would not have been able to
exist. Farming made human settlement and trade possible. Planting crops and looking
after livestock meant a fairly steady (barring calamity or foul play) food supply, as well
as the possibility of stocking up for the leaner months. Furthermore, Without agriculture,
we would starve and the modern civilization would come to a stop.

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