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Insights IAS Core Batch Program - 2018

Test - 2 (Ethics Case Studies)

11 January 2018

Duration​: ​45​ Minutes ​Marks​: 100

1. You are working as AYUSH doctor for the state government. You have noticed that
AYUSH doctors are discriminated by doctors practicing allopathic system. You have
come across arguments such as AYUSH is not scientific and can not effectively treat
many common diseases. You have noticed that many of your batchmates who are
practising AYUSH both in government and private clinics are prescribing allopathic
medicine in contravention to the provisions under Section 15 of the Indian Medical
Council Act, 1956. Meanwhile AYUSH lobby is pressing government to allow them to
practice allopathy and conduct minor surgeries too. Some AYUSH doctors are opposed
to this.

a) What ethical issues do you see in this case? Examine.

b) Considering interests of all the stakeholders involved, what arguments you will put
forth in favour and against permitting AYUSH doctors to prescribe allopathic
medicines? Examine. (25, 250 Words)

2. Avinash is working as A manager in a car service dealership. Due to huge popularity of

the car brand, his service station receives large number of cars for servicing on daily
basis. Due to huge inflow, the service center is not able to deliver vehicles on time. Due to
bad reviews by customers, Avinash is under pressure to speed up servicing and reduce
waiting time of his customers. Due to unavailability of land, the owners of dealership are
not in a position to expand service station. The owner advises him to be smart and come
up with solutions to improve efficiency in the existing setup. One of Avinash’s friends
suggest him to go for only washing of not so problematic cars without doing routine
service and fasten whole process so as to deliver vehicles fast. Looking at the bad reviews
the station is getting and the pressure from top, Avinash seems to agree with this idea.

a) Should Avinash accept his friend’s suggestion? Justify.

b) What other options Avinash has to improve service in his station? Evaluate their
merits and demerits. (25, 250 Words)


3. Vidya, after finishing her college joins an NGO run by her parents as an intern. This
NGO is working towards rehabilitation of trafficked, abused, abandoned and sexually
exploited girl children and women. Her father is a very hardworking person and has got
numerous awards for social service. He and his wife are running the NGO for many years
with the help of donations from many sources such as industrialists, politicians and
celebrities. Vidya was kept at distance from NGO activities. However, after graduation
she decides to work passionately towards rehabilitating victims of various gender crimes.
On joining, Vidya notices that many of the adolescent girls are not very happy in the
NGO hostel. On enquiry she comes to know that few of the girls were sexually abused by
visiting politicians, celebrities and industrialists who happen to be friends of her dad. On
further enquiry she comes to know that her father never exploited any of these girls, but
for the sake of receiving funds, he allowed vulnerable girls to be sexually exploited by
certain donors. This NGO is the only source of income for the entire family. On knowing
the plight of these girls Vidya is shocked.

a) What are the options Vidya has in this situation? Evaluate their merits and demerits.
b) What ethical issues does this case pose to you? Examine. (25, 250 Words)

4. You are selected to appear in the UPSC civil services interview. On the day of interview,
a series of unfortunate events occur to you - you receive a call about death of a close
friend in an accident, on the way to interview you see a man publicly abusing a woman
while others are onlooking, and in the UPSC you meet one of the candidates who is rude
to you. Amidst these depressing events, though saddened, you are unperturbed and want
to give your best in the interview. When your turn comes, you notice that the board is
cold and unwelcoming. During the course of the interview, one of the members, looking
at your application form chides that you are unfit to become an IAS officer. This is your
last attempt and one and only shot at becoming an IAS officer. Even the chairman of the
board is not impressed by your initial responses.

a) In situation like this, how will you manage your personality test effectively? What are
the values and personality traits that you should rely on to score well in this
b) Due to unforeseen events that you witness on the day of interview, how will you react
with the candidates, especially the one who is rude to you? Justify. (25, 250 Words)


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