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Department of Mathematics

Course title: Applied Mathematics III for Chemists 3/5

Course code: Math3021 Year: III
Pre-request: Applied Mathematics II for Chemists (Math 2022) Semester: I
Targeted group: 3rd year students
Instructor: Mr. Tesfaye Megerssa email:
Course Description:
The course “Applied Mathematics III for Chemists” is designed for chemistry students to apply mathematics to solve
subject related problems. It equips students with sophisticated techniques of problem solving related to subject area. This
course covers sequence and series, power series and Fourier series, introduction to first and second order Ordinary
Differential Equations. Furthermore, introduction to partial differential equation of first order and second order is also

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course the students will be able to:
 Understand sequence and types of sequence
 Decide convergence and divergence of sequence;
 Understand series;
 Decide on convergence or divergence of a wide class of series by appropriate tests;
 Represent a wide class of functions by a Taylor’s series;
 Understand the concepts power series and Fourier series;
 Deal with first order ordinary differential Equations;
 Deal with Linear Second Order ordinary differential Equations;
 Understand introduction to partial differential equation of first order and second order with their respective
Course outline:
1. Sequence and Series
1.1. Definition and types of sequence
1.2. Convergence properties of sequences
1.3. Bounded and monotonic sequences
1.4. Definition of infinite series
1.5. Convergence and divergence, properties of convergent series
1.6. Tests of convergence for nonnegative series (integral, comparison, ratio and root tests)
1.7. Alternating series and alternating series test
1.8. Absolute and conditional convergence
1.9. Generalized convergence tests
2. Power Series and Fourier Series
2.1. Definition of power series
2.2. Convergence and divergence, radius and interval of convergence
2.3. Differentiation and integration of a power series
2.4. Taylor & Maclaurin series
2.5. Binomial Theorem
2.6. Fourier series of functions with period
2.7. Fourier series of functions with arbitrary period
2.8. Fourier series of odd and even functions
3. Introduction to first and second order Ordinary Differential Equations
3.1. Basic Concepts and Ideas
3.2. Separable Equations
3.3. Homogeneous first order ordinary differential Equations
3.4. Exact Differential Equations
3.5. Linear First Order Differential Equations.
3.6. Homogeneous Linear Equations of the Second Order
3.7. Solving Homogeneous Second order Equations with Constant Coefficients
3.8. A Method for Solving Non homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients (Method of
Undetermined Coefficients and Method of variation of parameter).
4. Introduction to First and second Order Partial Differential Equation
4.1. Definitions and basic concepts
4.2. Classification of PDEs( Order, degree, linearity)
4.3. Definition of initial/boundary value problems
4.4. Solution of first order PDEs with constant coefficients
4.5. Solution of a first order PDEs with variable coefficients
4.6. Definition and classification of second order PDEs
4.7. Method of separation of variables for solving some second order partial differential equation (Parabolic, Elliptic
and Hyperbolic).

Students’ Activities: Active participation in discussion and team works; active listening during lecturing; taking notes on
the lessons; asking questions and answering to questions; presentations; working and submitting group or individual
assignments on time; reading reference materials according to the course outline or tasks given by the instructor; attending
classes regularly; and arriving classes on time.

Assessment Strategies and Techniques: At least 50% continuous assessments (quizzes, tests, assignments, project work
and/or mid-examination) and 50% final examination.

1. Erwin Kreyszig (2006); Advanced engineering Mathematics. 9th edition, Wiley.

2. Dennis G. Zill and Michael R. Cullen (2006); Advanced engineering Mathematics. 3th edition.
3. R. Ellis and D. Gulick, (1998); Calculus with analytic Geometry, 5th edition.
4. J. Stewart (2002); Calculus 5thedition.
5. Wilferd Kaplan; Adivanced calculus, 5th edition.
6. Churchil, R.V. (2003) complex variables and applications 5th edition.
7. R.Haberman (2005); partial differential equation with Fourier series and boundary value problem.
8. N.H. Asmar; partial differential equation with Fourier series and boundary value problem, 2thedition.
9. TynMyin-U & Lokenath Debnath (2007); linear partial differential equations, 4th edition.

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