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Submitted to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training State Islamic University
of North Sumatera Medan as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
of SarjanaPendidikan

By :





Submitted to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University
of North Sumatera Medan as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree
of Sarjana Pendidikan (S-1) in the English Education Department



Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah D, S.Ag., M.Hum Emeliya Sukma Dara, M.Hum

NIP. 1975062 2200312 2 002 NIP.19810926 200912 2 004



No: Medan, Januari 2022

Lamp:- Kepada Yth :
Hal: Skripsi Bapak Dekan
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan
An Nurul Adha Lubis
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Dengan Hormat,
Setelah membaca, meneliti dan memberi saran-saran perbaikan seperlunya
terhadap skripsi mahasiswa:
Nama : Nurul Adha Lubis
NIM : 0304171036
Jurusan/Prodi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris



Dengan ini kami menilai bahwa skripsi ini dapat diterima untuk di munaqosyahkan
dalam sidang munaqasyah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UINS-SU Medan.

Demikian kami sampaikan atas perhatian saudara kami, kami ucapkan terimakasih.

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah D,S.Ag.,M.Hum Emeliya Sukma Dara,M.Hum

NIP.197506222003122002 NIP. 198109262009122

Saya yang bertanda dibawah ini :

Nama : Nurul Adha Lubis

NIM : 0304171036

Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris



Menyatakan dengan sebenarnya bahwa skripsi yang saya serahkan ini benar-

benar merupakan hasil karya saya sendiri, kecuali kutipan-kutian dan ringkasan-

ringkasan telah saya jelaskan sumbernya. Apabila dikemudian hari terbukti atau dapat

dibuktikan skripsi ini jiblakan, maka gelar dan ijazah saya yang diberikan oleh

univeristas batal saya terima.

Medan, Januari 2022



Praise to Allah the almighty for giving me healthy,opportunity and ability to

complete this thesis. Shalawat and Salam to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW

who has brought us from the darkness into the lightness.

Writing the thesis is not easy. It needs much time and energy. Without helping

encouragement from people, this thesis would not be completed. The aim of finishing

this thesis proposal is a partial fulfillment of the requirements to get

Bachelor Degree of Education at English Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty

UINSU Medan.

On this special opportunity, the researcher likes to thank people who have helped

me in finishing this thesis proposal. The researcher’s sincere appreciation is extended


1. Prof. Dr. Syahrin Harahap, MA as the Rector of State Islamic University of

North Sumatera (UINSU);

2. Dr. Mardianto as the dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training,

State Islamic University of North Sumatera;

3. Yani Lubis, S.Ag, M.Hum as the Head of English Education Department;

4. Ernita Daulay, S.Pd, M.Hum as the Secretary of English Education


5. Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah D,S.Ag.,M.Hum as my first advisor who has given

much his time,
supports, suggestion, corrections, motivation and helps to finishing this thesis

from the start to the last clearly.

6. Emeliya Sukma Dara,M.Hum as my second advisor who has given me the

suppots, suggestion, corrections, motivation, and helps to finishing this thesis

from the start to last clearly.

7. All lecturers of The Department of English Education who always give their

motivation and valuable knowledge and also unforgettable experience during my

study at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of

North Sumatera Utara.

8. My beloved parents, for my Father Adhar Lubis and my Mother Titin

Sukarsih who always gave me spritual, financial, love, supports, and prayer. So

I can finish my S-1 Degree. I dedicate this thesis to you guys.

9. My beloved young brothers Muhammad Ibadurrahman Lubis and

Muhammad Hidayattullah Lubis who had given me the motivation, love and


10. All of the student’s VIII period at MTS Alwashliyah Belawan who has given me

great participant during this research

11. My beloved brother Bagus Arya Praja,S.Pd who had given me support and

motivation for my thesis

12. All of my dear friends especially my classmates TBI-2/2017 for all the

kidness,help, support and love and moments that we have created. Thank you for

the last four years we have done at TBI-2. Especially my beloved friends Asri
Suci Ramadani, Dinda Ramadhani, Faridah Hasibuan, Ika Adelia Tanjung

And Azuan Ali Hamonangan Siregar.


The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not students in the second grade
at a junior high school may benefit from using the Duolingo app to improve their
vocabulary mastery. Twenty-five ninth-grade students from MTs Alwasliyah Belawan
2022 were the focus of this study. Classroom Action Research was used to perform the
study. Qualitative and quantitative data were used in this study's data analysis. An
observation sheet, interviews, diary notes and photographs were used to gather the
qualitative data. Pre- and Post-test data were used to compile the quantitative results. A
mix of quantitative and qualitative information was gathered for this study. Qualitative
data were gathered from a variety of sources, including classroom observations,
interviews, diaries, and photographs, as well as other forms of documentation. Students'
scores on the pre-test and two post-tests were then evaluated for qualitative data. This
study's findings indicated that students who used the Duolingo program improved their
vocabulary mastery scores. The pre-test had a mean score of 60.6, according to the
results of the research. The first cycle's Post-test averaged 78.2, whereas the second
cycle's averaged 87. The proportion of pupils who achieved a score of 75 or above also
increased. There were just two students out of a total of 25 who scored 75 or above on
the pretest (8 percent ). 16 of the 25 students who took the post-test had a score of 75 or
above (64 percent ). 25 of the 25 students who took the post-test in Cycle II received a
score of 75 or above (100 percent ). Cycle two's pre-test to post-test increase in
percentage was 100%. It was shown that using Duolingo to help students enhance their
vocabulary might have a positive impact on students' ability to learn new words. This
exercise drew in the children because they were more engaged, eager, and motivated.
So, it can be inferred that the Duolingo application's ability to boost students'
vocabulary knowledge resulted in an increase in their interest in studying.

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... v
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................... 1
A. The Background of Study................................................................ 1
B. The Identification of Study.............................................................. 4
C. The Formulation of Study................................................................ 5
D. The Objective of Study.................................................................... 5
E. The Significance of Study................................................................ 5
A. The Nature of Vocabulary ............................................................... 7
A. 1 The Definition of Vocabulary ................................................... 7
A. 2 The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery ................................... 7
B. Technology Integration in Language Learning ................................. 13
B. 1 Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) ........................ 13
C. Nature of Duolingo Application ....................................................... 17
C.1 Definition of Duolingo Application ......................................... 17
D. Procedure of Learning Vocabulary by Duolingo ............................. 18
E. Previous Study .................................................................................. 22
F. Conceptual Framework .................................................................... 23
G. Hypothesis ........................................................................................ 24
A. Research Setting............................................................................... 25
B. Types of Research............................................................................ 26
C. Subject of Research.......................................................................... 26
D. Data Collection ................................................................................ 28
E. Technique of Collecting Data ......................................................... 29
F. Validity and Reliability ...................................................................30
G. Research Procedure.......................................................................... 31
A. Data Analysis .................................................................................. 36
1. Quantitative Data ...................................................................... 36
2. Qualitative Data ........................................................................ 41
B. Research Finding ............................................................................. 45
1. Discussion ................................................................................. 47
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................ 50
A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 50
B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 50
REFERENCES............................................................................................. 51


A. The Background of Study

To be able to use English well, speaking is one of the important skills. English

speaking becomes a more and more important in international communication.

However, teachers of English often ignore the importance of speaking in the classroom.

Whereas, students need speaking skill to explore their opinion, comment, idea, and

everything need to speak. Therefore, the need for speaking seems to be extremely

important. 1

There are some problems in delivering speak such as; first, they are getting

nervous when try to speak. Actually it is an internal factor for everyone who try to

speak, they will be felt down when see people around them. It is influenced for their

speak, suddenly they forget what they will say and the information that will be delivered

is unclearly or ambiguity to the listener. Second, the students don’t have a great number

of vocabulary. It is the most seriously problem for the students who want to deliver their

idea, opinion, comment, etc. it is a night mare for the students who want to be a speaker

but they don’t have great number of vocabulary. 2

Solihatul Hamidah Daulay. (2018). The Effect of Reading Corner in Improving
Students’ Vocabulary Grade XI MAN Binjai. Journal of Language, Literature &
Education. Vol.14, No. 14, 2086-4213, p. 1
Solihatul Hamidah Daulay, Muhammad Dalimunte, Diah Widya Ningrum.
(2021). The Importance of Linguistics for Teachers in English Language Teaching.
ENGLISH FRANCA: Academic Journal of English Language and Education. Vol. 5,
No. 2, 2021, IAIN Curup. 2580-3670, 2580-3689. DOI: 10.29240/ef.v5i2.2721
Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined into

words.3 Language is a tool of communication used by people to relate one another. By

language they will be easy to express their ideas, opinions, feelings, etc. There are many

languages in the world. English is one of the languages used as international language.

As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships

with various aspects of life owned by human being. Therefore, language has a role in

students social and emotional development.

It means English is much used by people of different mother tongues and

countries of origin as language as contact in immediate interactions. 4 In Indonesia,

English has become a compulsory subject taught at elementary school to university

level. It's has been explicitly stating in several official documents released by the

government especially those related to education. This language can become a tool to

achieve the goal economy, the relationship among countries, social-cultural process,

education career development for people.

Teachers should think and implement the creative method and media which will

increase students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. As Southerland mentioned that

Junior High School teachers should gain their students’ attention because the student in

this age are easily bored. They are indeed using media in teaching, but ignore to support

vocabulary learning with those. In this case the teaching of the 4 skills should be taught

Solihatul Hamidah Daulay. (2011). Introduction to General Linguistics,.Medan :
La-Tansa Press. P.11

Fithriani, Rahmah, Discrimination Behind Nest and Nnest Dichotomy in ELT


Professionalism, (State Islamic University of North Sumatra: Knowledge E, Volume

2018), p.741
together with vocabulary for language learners to avoid many problems in learning

English languages.

One of the importance point in learning language is mastering vocabulary of

target language. Moreover, there are some researchers regarding that vocabulary more

important than grammar. Carter stated that vocabulary is knowledge about words and

word meanings.5 Vocabulary is a basic competence that must be reached by students in

order to get other competence like reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In order to

communicate well, the students need to have adequate vocabulary. It is difficult to

master the other competences without mastering and understanding the vocabulary well.

Students should know about vocabulary in learning English, because by knowing the

words, they will try how to use it to express their ideas and communicate. In fact,

vocabulary cannot be separated from other aspects of language. Hornby stated that

vocabulary as all the words that a person knows or uses when they are talking about

particular subject in particular learning.6Nation describes the relationship between

vocabulary knowledge and language use as complementary: knowledge of vocabulary

enables language use and, conversely, language use leads to an increase in vocabulary

knowledge.7 One of the common problems found on EFL learners is vocabulary mastery

particularly misspelling.8

Carter, R., and McCarthy, M, (2014). Vocabulary Teaching and Learning. New
York: Routledge.
A.S, Hornby, (2011), Oxford Advanced Learner’ Dictionary of Current Englis.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 959
I.S.P.Nation, (2001). Learning Vocabulary in Another Language.
Cambridge:Cambridge University Press
RahmahFithriani and AndangSuhendi, Learning to Write for Beginers,
Banguntapan: NailaPustaka. p. 3-14
The importance of vocabulary is not sufficient to trigger the practice of English

Language Teaching (ELT).It was found that the vocabulary teaching and learning are

neglected in learning English especially in Indonesian context.9The situation above

seems causing the most crucial problem in language learning which is students are still

lack of vocabulary. This fact is confirmed by Priyono who found that students’ limited

vocabulary has been the main problem for students in learning English in EFL context.

This problem may have something to do with how teachers and students perceive

vocabulary teaching and learning as well as how vocabulary is taught and learned in the

practice of ELT.10

Susanto and Fazlinda stated that vocabulary mastery plays an important role in

the four language skills and it has to be considered that vocabulary mastery is one of the

needed components of language.11One of the media in teaching vocabulary is by using

application based on MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning). MALL can be

defined as use of mobile phones in language learning and language teaching. 12In

accordance with that, the National Reading Panels stated that gadgets technology can be

used effectively as a medium to help teaching vocabulary. Especially application based

application that not only able to enrich student’s vocabulary but also able to attract

Bambang Cahyono, Y. and Utami Widiati, (2017).The Teaching of
EFLVocabulary in Indonesian Context: The State of The Art. TEFLIN Journal, Volume
19,Number 1.
Priyono. (2014). Logical Problems of Teaching English as a Foreign
Languagein Indonesia. Malang: State University of Malang Press. p. 17-28.
Susanto, A. &Fazlinda, A. (2016). English Vocabulary Aquisition through
Vocabulary Learning Strategy and Socio-Educational Factors: A Review: Applied
Science and Technology, 1(1), 173, p. 166-173.

Beatty, K. (2013). Teaching and Researching

Languagelearning.Esse. England: Pearson Education Limited
student’s intention in learning vocabulary. Furthermore, Thornbury mentioned that

useful application encourage learners to recall words and preferably.13

Therefore, the researcher would like to see how the influence of Duolingo

application if teacher implemented it in the class reaching to the students of the students

of MTs Swasta Al Wasliyah 05 Medan. It will be aimed to see whether it will help them to

improve their vocabulary or not. It is expected to be positive atmosphere in the

classroom. It is also can be an alternative way to keep the students’ vocabulary.

According to the explanation above, the researcher intends to conduct an experimental

research entitled: “Improving the Student’s Vocabulary Mastery by Using Duolingo

Application in the Second Grade Junior High School”

B. The Identification of the Study

The researcher limits this research on the students difficulties in English

vocabulary, especially the difficulties of students on reading text that the materials in

English vocabulary. The researcher limits the problem only at the seventh grade

students of MTs Swasta Al Wasliyah 05 Medan.

The researcher would like to analyze the difficulties that faced by students in

vocabulary mastery by using Duolingo Application focuses to analyze: greeting, to be

pronoun, family, and occupation of the students’ difficulties in vocabulary mastery at

seventh grade students of MTs Swasta Al Wasliyah 05 Medan.

C. The Formulation of Study

Scott Thornbury. (2012). How to Teach Vocabulary. England : Pearson


Based on the research problems above, the researcher formulated the probleminto
a research question as follow “How is the Improvement of the Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery by Using Duolingo Application In The Second Grade Junior High School?”

D. The Objective of Study

Based on the problem statment above, the objective of the research is to find out

the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery by using Duolingo application in the

second grade of Junior High School.

E. The Significance of Study

There are two benefits of this of this research, namely theoretical and practical

benefits. The expected results of this both theoretically and practically are:

1. Theoretical Significance

The results of the study are expected to contribute to the knowledge of

English, especially on the mastery of vocabulary through Duolingo

application. They are also expected to contribute as a solution to the problem

of learning vocabulary in the class.

2. Practical Significance

a. For Teacher

To input teaching material that Duolingo application can be used in the

learning process as an alternative to ordinary learning. It also improves

teacher skills and competencies in carrying out the learning process to

make it more interesting.

b. For Students

To help students improve vocabulary skill and it can increase motivation

in classroom lerning.

c. For Future Researchers

To find out how far the vocabulary is improved by using Duolingo



This chapter presents the theories that suit to this research. the nature of

Duolingo Application, teaching vocabulary,

A. The Nature of Vocabulary

A.1 The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important aspect in English which must considered in

learning language. It is a basic element of language because vocabulary is required

when languages learners learn to speak, read, write, and to make them understand from

what they listen from a language that they have listened. It means that a limitation in

mastering vocabulary will cause the obstacles to language learners in learning language

vocabulary. English vocabulary consist of several hundred thousand words, therefore,

teacher and students are challenging to unveil as many of them. 14 As well as students of

Senior High schools, they need to learns English vocabulary which is appropriate to

their needs. They must understand and be able to use vocabulary that they will use in

their daily life. For example, students who study accounting must be familiar with

accounting vocabulary; students who study cooking must be familiar with cooking

vocabulary; etc. Here, teachers are very responsible for helping students learn more

about English vocabulary in a specific area. Meanwhile, teacher can make their class

more attractive and effective by using media in delivering material. Vocabulary is a

Sholihatul Hamidah. D, Emeliya Sukma D, dkk. (2020). Sara’s Cooking Party


Game As A Media To Enrich Students’ English Vocabulary. International Journal of

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Vol. 2, Issue 08, 2020, ISSN: 1475-7192
center of language, and without vocabulary, human cannot communicate effectively or

express their ideas in both oral and written form. To support the speaker’s interaction in

communication, vocabulary becomes important because it can be used as a basic

foundation to construct a word into a good sequence of the sentence. Therefore, students

should have to obtain vocabulary mastery.

Jack C. Richards stated that vocabulary is a core component of language and

provides much of the basic how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. Without an

extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new word, from making use language

learning opportunities around them such as listening radio, listen to native speakers,

Using the language in different context, reading, or watching television. 15 Kamal

(2012) stated that vocabulary is hardly get in learning process in classroom although it is the

easiest aspect of second language to learn.Students must master vocabulary to develop another

aspect in language, such as speaking, reading, listening, and writing .16Without mastering

vast vocabulary, language learner cannot both producing and receiving the target

language. Similarly, Richard and Renandya stated that vocabulary is a core component

of the language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak,

listen, read, and write.

Vocabulary is a core part of language proficiency since it has a big role in all

language skill; speaking, listening, reading, and writing as well. 17Hornby (1995) as cited

in Alqahtani (2015) defined the mastery of vocabulary as complete knowledge or

Richards, J. C., and Renandya, W. A. (2002), Methodology in Language


Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kamal (2012). Language Teaching Methodology. New York:Prentice Hall.
Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W. A. (Eds.). (2013). Methodology in language
teaching: ananthology of current practice (1st publ., 17. print). Cambridge: Cambridge
Univ.Press, p. 255
complete skill. From that definition, mastery means complete knowledge or great skill

that makes someone a master in a certain subject. Vocabulary mastery refers to the great

skill in processing words of a language (Susanto & Fazlinda, 2016). It is an individual

achievement and possession (Alqahtani, 2015). Due to that reason, the biggest

responsibility of increasing knowledge is in the individual himself. The success in

widening the vocabulary mastery requires their own motivation and interest in the

words of a language. As in conclusion, vocabulary mastery is an individual’s great skill

in using words of a language, which is acquired based on their own interest needs and

motivation.18 It is a productive skill because when we speak something it means that we

think about something. A good vocabulary event is when the delivered messages can be

understood and is needed by the listener.

"And these examples We present to the people, but none will understand

them except those of knowledge." (QS. Al-Ankaboot 29: Verse 43).19

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said:

‫ٰۤيا َ يُّها الَّذي َْن ٰامنُ ۤ ْوا ا َذا ق ْيل لَـ ُكم تَفَ َّسح ُْوا فى ْالم ٰجلس فَا ْفسح ُْوا ي ْفس هّٰللا‬
َ  ‫ح ُ لَـ ُك ْم‬
‫ۚ واِ َذا‬ ِ َ َ َ ِ ِ َ ِ ْ َ ِ ِ َ ِ َ

ٍ ‫قِ ْي َل ا ْن ُش ُز ْوا فَا ْن ُش ُز ْوا يَرْ فَ ِع هّٰللا ُ الَّ ِذي َْن ٰا َمنُ ْوا ِم ْن ُك ْم  ۙ  َوا لَّ ِذي َْن اُ ْوتُوا ْال ِع ْل َم َد َر ٰج‬
‫ت  ۗ  َوا‬

‫هّٰلل ُ ِب َما تَ ْع َملُ ْو َن َخبِ ْي ٌر‬

"O you who have believed, when you are told, "Space yourselves" in assemblies, then

make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, "Arise," then arise;

Alqahtani, M. (2015). The importance of vocabulary in language learning and


how to be taught. International journal of teaching and education, 3(3), 21-34.

Via Qur'an English
Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given

knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do."

(QS. Al-Mujaadila 58: Verse 11).20

In Al-Qur‟an, learning new thing and vocabulary are mentioned in Al-Baqarah

verse 31:

Meaning :

“And Allah (He) taught Adam all the names. ThenHedisplayed them to

theangels and said, “Inform Me the names of these, if you are truthful.”21

َ ‫ طَلَبُ ْال ِع ْل ِم فَ ِر‬:‫صلَّى هَّللا ُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم‬

‫يضةٌ َعلَى ُكلِّ ُم ْسلِ ٍم‬ َ ِ ‫ال َرسُو ُل هَّللا‬
َ َ‫ق‬


“Studying knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim. (HR.Muslim).22”

Based on the verse above the researcher concludes that God taught Adam’s

names entirely, which gives him the potential of knowledge about the names or words

used pointed objects, or objects of teaching function. This verse informs that God

endowed human potential to know the name or function and characteristics of objects,

Via Qur'an English
ShehnazShaikh and Kausar Khatri. (2017). The Glorious Quran. New

Delhi :Alhuda Publications, p.7

Imam Nawawi, Terjemah RIyadhus Sholihin, (Jakarta: Pustaka Amani, 1999),
such as fire function of the wind, and so forth. He was also awarded the potential to


From all the explanation above, the researcher concludes that vocabulary can be

defined as the collection of words that can be used and understood by people in order to

be able and fluent in speaking, writing, reading and listening of language. Vocabulary is

necessary to be understood to everyone because it is not only help people to

communicate each other but also help people to live in the world. Even the intelligence

of someone can be known by what vocabulary they used and understood.

A.2 The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery in Language Learning

Mastering vocabulary means that students have comprehensive knowledge about

the vocabularies which include the meanings, the spoken form, the written form, the

grammatical behavior, the word derivation, the collocations of the words, the register of

the word-spoken and written, the connotation or associations of the word, and word

frequency.23 To learn vocabulary, students should know the importance of the things

what they would like to learn. In fact, the importance of learning vocabulary is to help

the students in understanding a target language what they want to study. The low

vocabulary mastery of the students is due to several factors, they are external and

internal. Externally, it came from teacher who found it difficult to get aappropriate

methods, techniques, and media in the learning and teaching process. The assumption

above is supported by Santoso. He stated that there are many factors made English skills

of the students were still low, they are skill motivation, age, cognitive style, and style of

Thornbury, Scout. (2012). How to Teach Vocabulary. London : Longman.
learning. Internally, the factors which can affect students' vocabulary are the student

motivation was still low and they were lack of self-confidence, and the students interest

in learning English(as cited Solihatul Hamidah, 2021. Santoso, 2017). 24

Learning language is not only prepared the material of the language but it also

provides training to the students how to speak that language, whether oral or written.

There many definition of learning vocabulary purposed and can be found, Indonesian

National Education Department (cited in Muttahidah, 2011) pointed about learning

vocabulary. He stated that in accordance essentially language learning, learning

vocabulary is not

taught the words of phrases separated off, but it was involved in discourse

context, with regarding to subjects and also related with specific areas as an example of

the discourse on the theme of application. In order to achieve optimal learning outcomes

vocabulary, teachers need to equip their students with words related to particular field.

In every its part of science used special words. Vocabulary enrichment effort needs to

be done continuously and it can be obtained through certain areas.25

From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that mastering

vocabulary is important to understand a language. The students can communicate

verbally or orally. To gain the students’ need, teacher must ensure all the components in

Daulay, SH. Syaukani. Damanik, ESD. Wandini, ESD. Dinda, JHS. (2021).
The Effectiveness Of Beyond Centre And Circle Time Method On The Students'
Vocabulary Mastery. Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kependidikan. 2086-
6356. Vol. 12, No. 1, DOI: 10.31764.
Muttahidah, N. (2011). Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through
VocabularyCard (a Classroom Action Research in The First Grade of Mts. Nurul Falah
School at Pondok Ranji Ciputat Tangerang). Jakarta: UINSyarif Hidayatullah.
teaching learning process adequate to master vocabulary. Therefore, the words related

in specific areas, it is like nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

A. 3 Teaching Vocabulary

In this chapter review of related literature, the writer begins with what is

language in our life and then what’s a function of language itself, because language is a

tool of communication. How to make relation or communication, that’s because of

language. We can express our ideas and feel by language or communication.

Teaching vocabulary is a crucial aspect of learning a language as languages are

based on words.26 It is almost impossible to learn a language without words; even

communication between human beings is based on words. Recent research indicates that

teaching vocabulary may be problematic because many teachers are not confident about

the best practice in vocabulary teaching and at times do not know where to begin to

form an instructional emphasis on word learning. 27 Walter stated that either teachers or

students agree that acquisition of the vocabulary is a central factor in teaching a

language (Walters, 2014).28 Teaching vocabulary is considered as one of the most

discussed parts of teaching English as a foreign language. When the teaching and

learning process takes place, problems would appear to the teachers. They have

problems with how to teach students in order to gain satisfying results. The teachers

should be concerned that teaching vocabulary is something new and different from the

student’s native language. They also have to take into account that teaching English for
Ibid …. Alqahtani, M. (2014)
Berne and Blachowicz, C. L. Z.,(2008), What reading teachers say about
vocabulary instruction: Voices from the classroom. The Reading Teacher 62 (4).314-
Walter. (2014), LearingVocabuaryIn another Language. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
young learners is different from adults. The teacher should prepare and find out the

appropriate techniques, which will be implemented to the students.

A good teacher should prepare himself or herself with various and up-to-date

techniques. Teachers should be creative and be able to master the material in order to be

understood by students and make them interested. The teachers have to know the

characteristics of his\her learners. They moreover need to prepare good techniques and

suitable material in order to gain the target of language teaching.

Biancarosa and Snow stated that improving students' vocabulary is an area of

urgent need if we are to develop the advanced literacy levels required for success in

school and beyond.

Vocabulary is also an area where teachers are asking for guidance on instructional

approaches, strategies, and materials.29 The researcher believes that digital tools and

media are available in most schools that teachers could harness now to improve

vocabulary learning, tools that capture the interest of students and that provide scaffolds

and contexts in which to learn with, and about, words more profitably.

B. Technology Integration in Language Learning

B.1 Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)

As access to wireless networks expands and ownership of devices that can

communicate with such networks increases, the use of mobile device to support

language learning becaimes ever more common. Mobile Assisted Language Learing

differs from computer assisted language learning in its useof personal, portable devices

that enable mew ways of learning emphasizing continuity or spontaneity of access and
Ibid … Berne &Blachowicz, C. L. Z.,(2008)
interaction across different contexts of use. Laurillard stated that as has been pointed out

that typical m-learning activity could build in more opportunities for digitally-facilitated

site-specific activities, and for ownership and control over what the learners do. In

general, MALL would be expected to use technologies such as mobile phones,

MP3/MP4 players, PDAs and palmtop computers.

An investigation of the MALL literature reveals that it is, indeed, these devices

that research in the field has tended to employ. For the purposes of the current paper, a

survey was carried out of MALL-related literature published in major, peer-reviewed,

CALL-related journals (such articles were found in ReCALL, Computer Assisted

Language Learning, JALT-CALL and System). The Academic Search Complete

database and Google Scholar were also queried to search for literature in this field,

whether this was published in the area of CALL or in more general e-learning journals.

Furthermore, several relevant papers presented at mobile learning conferences are

included. While the overview presented here is not – and, because of the rapid rate of

publication of MALL-related articles cannot be – comprehensive, it identifies current

trends in the use of mobile devices to support language learning.30

Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) can be defined as use of mobile

phones in language learning and language teaching. 31It creates the fun and interesting

learning process rather than usual.32Mobile phone devices have opened a new horizon in

Laurillard, D. (2007), Pendagogial Forms of Mobile Learning: Framing
Research Questions. In Pachler, p. 165
Beatty, K. (2013).Teaching and Researching Computer-Assisted
Languagelearning.Esse. England: Pearson Education Limited.
RahmahFithriani, Utami Dewi, Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, Maryati Salmiah
and Widia Fransiska. (2019). Using Facebook in EFL Writing Class : Its Effectiveness
the area pertinent to learning of language and mobile technology. According to Leila

and Mehry, Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is a branch of technology-

enhanced learning which can be implemented in numerous forms including face-to-face

distant or on-line modes.33

From definitions above, the researcher conclude that Mobile-Assisted Language

Learning (MALL) is a language learning process using mobile phone as a tool to help

either the students or the teacher in teaching and learning process.

Some advantages of using mobile device in learning are stated by researchers

that mobile learning takes advantage of powerful features on mobile phones and other

devices that make it easy for users to create simple content (photos, videos,texts,

recordings) and to share them with others. It can also make use of devicefeatures that

detect a user‟s location and their movements. Researcher also views that Mobile

learning and Mobile technology are much better for activities which are beyond the

classroom and outside the classroom. Through these activities original and practical

experiences of life can be bonded with technology. Additionally informal learning can

be done though mobile phone which can help students improve theirlanguage learning

and learning skills.34Furthermore, in learning English, a great number of studies shows

from Students‟ Perspective. In The Second Annual International Conference on

Languageand Literature, KnE Social Sciences, p.637.DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i19.4892.
Leila Khubyari and Mehry Haddad Narafshan.(2016). In A Study on The
Impactof MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) on EF L’s Learner’s
ReadingComprehension.International Journal of English Language Teaching. Vol.4
No.2 p. 62
Kukulska-Hulme and Lucy Noris and Jim. (2015). Mobile Pedagogy
forEnglish Language Teaching : A Guide for Teachers. ELT Research Papers. P.8
that learners have positive attitudes towards the use of mobile technologies about the

language learning process. However, the focus of MALL is mostly on speaking,

vocabulary, phrases, and grammar, rather than early reading skills.35

In this occasion, the researcher will only show the studies of mobile devices in

English vocabulary. Taj, Ali, Sipra& Ahmad, for instance, studied the effect of

technology enhanced language learning on vocabulary acquisition of EFL learners and

found out that vocabulary learning activities presented through PCs in language labs and

receiving vocabulary cards through mobile phones are effective in vocabulary

acquisition.36 Lu carried out a research study which aims to investigate the effectiveness

of using the mobile phone in English vocabulary learning. The results show that

students held positive attitudes towards learningvocabulary with the help of mobile

phones.37Learning vocabulary can also be accompanied by the pictorial annotation

shown on learners' mobile devices for better understanding of new words. In a study

conducted by Chen, et al.,learners were provided with verbal as well as pictorial

annotation for learning. English vocabulary. Results of a post-test showed that the


Leila Khubyari and Mehry Haddad Narafshan.(2016) A Study on The Impact
ofMALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) on EFL Learners’ Reading
Comprehension.Vol. 4 No.2 p.64
Taj, I. H., Ali, F., Sipra, M. A., & Ahmad, W. (2017). Effect of technology
enhanced language learning on vocabulary acquisition of EFL learners.
InternationalJournal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 6(3), 262-272
Lu, M. (2018).Effectiveness of vocabulary learning via mobile
phone.Journalof Computer Assisted Learning, 24(6), 515-525.
annotation assisted learners with lower verbal and higher visual ability to retain


C. Nature of DuolingoAppliction

C.1 Definition of Duolingo Application

In this chapter review of related literature, writer begins with what is Duolingo

application. Duolingo is a free language learning app created by Luis von Ahn and

Severin Hacker. This app is not only available in the web version but it is also available

in Android, iOS and Windows Phone versions. In November 2016, the app provides 66

different language courses available in 23 languages; there are 22 more courses that are

still being developed. English courses for Indonesian users are available and used by

1.39 million users. On the contrary, the Indonesian course for English speakers is still in

the development stage.Vesselinov and J. Grego stated that interactive exercises provide

immediate feedback to help the student improve English skills on the spot. Continue

tobe motivated with rewards.39

Students can earn virtual coins, open new levels, and see the value of fluency in

increasing as students' ability to master new words, phrases, and grammar. Duolingo

provides both written and sound learning, there is also vocabulary practice for more

experienced users. Duolingo has a tree of capabilities whereby the user can complete a

chapter later toward another branch of the tree. Users are hitting "experience points"

Chen, C. M. & S.-H.Hsu.(2018). “Personalized Intelligent Mobile Learning
System for Supporting Effective English Learning”.Educational Technology &
Society,(3), pp. 153-180

Vesselinov, R., & Grego, J. (2012). Duolingo effectiveness study. City


University of New York: USA.

(XP) after they complete a chapter, enough points can raise the user level. The

completed chapter will be golden, eventually, if the users rarely practice, the gold color

will disappear and the user must complete the chapter. B. Settles and B. Meeder stated

that if the user has completed all the chapters in one course they can repeat the exercise.

De Castro Ana Paula stated that duolingo can be used by teachers and students.

Teachers can monitor the abilities and weaknesses of each student and help them

improve their language skills.40

According to International Journal of English Linguistics “Duolingo, a free

online language learning site, has as its mission to help users to learn a language while

simultaneously using their learning exercises to translate the web”. Language is learned

through translation with, according to developers, Duolingo being as effective as any of

the leading language learning software. For translating the web, machine translation is

not good enough and relying only on professional translators, far too expensive.

Duolingo, we are told, offers a third way, with translation as a by-product of its

language learning. The translation which will be, if as promised, almost as cheap as if

done by machines and almost as good as if by professionals. Launched in June 2012,

Duolingo boasts already at the time of writing 300,000 active language learners ready

for the task. This article independently assesses the extent to which Duolingo, at its

current stage of development, meets those expectations.

C.2 Teaching Vocabulary Using Duolingo Application

In any classroom, it is important to get students paying attention and listening.

English is a compulsory subject that must be learned at all level. The first thing that
de Castro, Ana Paula, Suzana da Hora Macedo, and Hélvia PereiraPinto


students must know about the vocabulary we can express our idea in communication.

According to the Rivers (1983) states that an adequate vocabulary is a vocabulary, the

researcher will be unable to use the structure and function but we may have learned for

comprehensible communication. By using Duolingo the teacher introduces first to the

students how to apply the media in vocabulary learning, besides that the teacher also as

guide and guide in arranging student learning activity, so that the learning process run

effectively and efficiently.

C.3 Step how to use Duolingo Application41

a. First Step The main display of

Duolingo Application
before we log in

b. Second Step

The second display of Duolingo

Application when we want to log in.
Suwandi.2020.The Effect of Duolingo Application on Students’
There are two ways Vocabulary
to log in :
Mastery at MTs Darul Ilmi Batag Kuis. Unpublish paper. Medan: UINSU
1. We can log in by using Facebook
2. We can log in by using Google
3. We can log in by register ourself
with our account if we have it
c. Tird Step

The third display of Duolingo

Application when we want to log

Here is the Google account

display, the researcher log in by
using google accunt.

d. Fourth Step
The fourth display of Duolingo
Application when we have loged in.

Here is step when you want to learn

English, there are 2 types of it. First is
basic step and second is advanced step.

e. Fifith Step

The fifth step to learn English in

Duolingo Application. The last
you can clict submit

You do it to the next lesson.

D. Previous Study

There are many studies of Duolingo which have been done, name;y:

1. Vasselinov and Grego, 2012, Munday, 2016, Heba Bahjet Essa, Ahmed,

2016). Vasselinov and Grego (2012) discusses about the motivation for

learning a new language take a primary role in the progress of the learners’

level in improving their new language. People who are motivated are

more likely to follow the program’s regulations. The participants had to

learn Spanish for two months by depending on Duolingo though some of

them were not committed to the program. The findings displayed that the

majority of learners developed over time without any external sources or

assistance. The result indicate the importance of being determined and

having an incentive in order to learn energetically and independently by

using online website and apps such as Duolingo.

2. Munday (2016) “The Case for Using Duolingo as Part of the Language

Classroom Experience”examined the efficiency of Duolingo in corporate

with the traditional teaching method, and it was used in Spanish

university courses. The purpose of study was not to cram for Spanish

learning, but to enhance their learning process by not limiting them to

members of hours. At the end, it was shown that Spanish learners

enjoyed the app, and achieve more than the required levels. However,

advanced learners did not show an adequate development in comparison to

first-level learners who improved rapidly through the course. Munday

(2016) recommended that Duolingo should be used in the classrooms as

the learners prefer to have it instead of homework. Furthermore, there are

students who kept using Duolingo even after Duolingo at the end of the

course (Munday, 2016). The result Demonstrate that Duolingo could be

more enjoyable and beneficial for basic level learners than the

sophisticated levels.

3. Suwandi (2020) “The Effect of Duolingo Application on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery at MTS Darul Ilmi Batang Kuis”. It explored on the

use of technology in order to promote language learning. Duolingo is one

of the modern applications that facilitate acquiring a second language.

Hence, the study aims to confirm the hypothesis that Duolingo helps

promote acquiring two languages simultaneously for beginners, but it has


From the previous study findings reviewed, the researcher believed that Duolingo

application can help students, especially who is still beginner in improving their English.

E. Conceptual Framework

Vocabulary is one of the essentials part in language which are taught for every

language learner. Vocabulary is the words used in general, there is no limit of fields or

users, general in meaning and use, vocabulary has also the important rules in

understanding the language. Where, vocabulary does not only smallest units of

language but it must be with grammatical rule in order to be correct. It will be useless if

the learners do not know how to form a new sentence.

One of the best ways in teaching vocabulary is using Duolingo application,

because it can make the students faster to memorize many vocabularies. Besides,
learning vocabulary through Duolingo application is recommended as an effective and

enjoyable way to teach vocabulary.

The application of Duolingo application which is addressed by researcher hope

that can help foreign learner to learn a new language and they can learn more than one

language there. It designed easily and comfortably, so it does not feel like the user are

learning, but rather to have fun – fun with application. Because of that the researcher try

to use it classroom activity as media in learning English, to see it will help students in

mastering vocabulary.

From the statements above the researcher concludes that Duolingo application in

teaching vocabulary especially in English language can improve students’ English

vocabulary. So, the more teachers use Duolingo application the more vocabulary

students will have.



A. Research Setting

This research carried out at seventh grade in MTs Alwasliyah Belawan which was

located at Jl. Selebes No.40 Belawan, Belawan II, Kec. Medan Kota Belawan, Kota


B. Type of the Research

This study is an action research, a research that becomes increasingly significant

in contemporary professional teaching practice. This research focused on the effort to

improving students’ vocabulary ability through Duolingo Application at MTs Swasta

Alwasliyah 05 Medan.

This research study will implement in the form of collaborative action research.

The research will conduct collaboratively with the English teacher and the students.

There have been numerous definitions of action research proposed by some experts.

C. The Subjects of the Research

The subjects of this research would the students at MTs Swasta Alwasliyah 05

Medan. There would 25 (twenty five) students as the participants. The students live in

Medan and other village. They went walked. Their parents had occupation civil, Fisher,

military/police officer and farmer. It will be chosen because according researcher, most

of the students were shy to practice in English. Based on the interview with English

teacher, the researcher found that the students at MTs Swasta Alwasliyah 05 Medan.
D. Data Collection

3.4.1. Types of the Data Collected

The data collected would qualitative in nature but also supported by quantitative

data. The qualitative data were obtained through interviews and observations.

3.4.2. Data Collection Techniques

The qualitative data would gain through observations and interviews. Meanwhile,

the quantitative data would collect from various kinds of vocabulary tests. Furthermore,

those techniques are explained as follows:

a. Observation

This observation will to discover valuable information related to the teaching and

learning process. The information here will related to the student’s involvement during

the lesson, the student’s understanding of the given materials, the techniques and

method used by the teacher, and also the media used in teaching and learning process.

b. Interview

The researcher had a personal contact with the participants so it provided an

opportunity for her to make a close relationship with the participants. The researcher

interviewed the participants (the students and the teacher) before, during, and after the


c. Vocabulary tests

Vocabulary tests would administer to see the students’ improvement in their

vocabulary. There would a pre-test to know students vocabulary ability before the

implementation of the actions, and post-test to find their vocabulary ability

development. The results of the tests then would assessed by the researcher and the
collaborator. The results of those tests became one of the indicators to decide the next

plan and to draw the conclusion of the research.

d. Documentation

Documentation of the qualitative data will gained through taking photographs,

audiotape, and videotape recording to monitor and to evaluate the action. Meanwhile,

the quantitative data were gained in the form of pre-test and post-test for each cycle.

3.4.3. Instruments Used

In conducting the research, the researcher used some research instruments. The

instruments for collecting the data will be in forms of observation checklist, field notes,

interview guidelines, photographs, student’s vocabulary, and scoring rubric. Each

research instrument supported each other.

First of all, an observation checklist will need to record the observation data

during the observation process by giving a tick mark (√) on the aspects that are being

observed. It will useful to gain information about the condition of the teaching and

learning process. Secondly, field notes would used to gain some important information

that is sometimes accidentally existed in the data collection process. The third one is

interview guidelines. Interview guidelines would useful to guide the researcher in

asking important questions related to the information needed for the research. The

interview guidelines helped the researcher to conduct the interviews in a sequenced

order. Next, important moments during the research would need to be captured. The

photographs were useful as supporting evidences for the research. Fifth, to see the

students’ improvement, their vocabulary was useful to decide whether the effort was

successful or not. The last instrument was a scoring rubric. A scoring rubric was needed
to assess the student’s vocabulary. This rubric consists of the vocabulary aspects or

criteria, the scale of the score and also the descriptions of each criterion. The researcher

used an analytic scoring rubric proposed by Dick, Gall, and Borg which consists of four

criteria; fluency, pronunciation, accuracy, and vocabulary.42

E. Techniques of Collecting Data

The data of the research would qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data

would obtained through observation, interview, and documentation related to teaching

and learning process of vocabulary in the classroom including the techniques used by

the teacher, the learning media and the classroom vocabulary activities.

1) Observations

Observations would conducted to discover valuable information related to the

teaching and learning process, the students vocabulary ability, the students’ involvement

during the lesson, the students understanding of the given materials, the methods and

techniques used by the teacher, the media used to support the teaching. The observation

results were in the form of field notes. They were useful to examine experience in order

to understand it better by writing about it. It was used to record activities and situations

during the research. By using field notes, the researcher could examine the data and deal

with the problems of analysis.

2) Interviews

Interviews put the researcher in personal contact with the participant. Thus, it can

provide an opportunity to ask follow-up questions, reveal rich insights into the thinking

of the participants and help explain why the participants made the choices they did or
Gall, M.D, Gall, J.P, and Borg, W.R. Educational Research: An Introduction
(7th Ed).( Boston: Pearson Education, 2003), p 571.
how they think about a particular issue. 43

F. Validity and Reliability of the Data

To get the validity of the data, According Burns proposes five criteria of validity.

They are as the following:

1. Democratic validity: it is related to the participants personal opinion, ideas, and

comments about the implication. To get democratic validity, the researcher

conducted an interview to examine the teacher and student’s opinion, ideas, and


2. Outcome validity: it refers to the action that leads to solve the problems. In this

research, this principle can be fulfilled by the improvement of the student’s

vocabulary ability as the main purpose through the use of short film.

3. Process validity: is related to the criteria to make the action research believable.

This criterion was applied to validate the data by observing at the teaching and

learning process during the research.

4. Catalytic validity: is required that the participants will moved to take action on

the basis of their understanding of the subject of the study. It referred to the

change in the student and teacher’s perspective and attitudes towards the

vocabulary skills after the implementation.

5. Dialogic validity: is dealt with the process of peer review. This research involved

the teacher as the collaborator. The researcher and the collaborator examined the

failure and success of the action.44

accessed on Sunday, 31th December 2021 at 1.45 pm.
G. Research Procedure

The researcher used the procedure of action Research proposed by Kemmis and

Mc Taggart in Burns. The procedure is as follow:

a. Reconnaissance

In this stage, the researcher found out valuable information concerning on the

students’ vocabulary skills. The researcher identified the existing problems and

obstacles in teaching vocabulary by observing and interviewing the teacher and


b. Planning

After doing observations and interviews in reconnaissance stage, the researcher

made some plans to determine feasible actions to be implemented in the field. In

planning the actions, the researcher worked together with the English teacher. The

action plan was using short film as teaching media and was aimed at improving the

students’ vocabulary skills.

c. Action and Observation of the Action

In this stage, the researcher carried out the actions in the class that has been

planned before. The actions would be implemented in some cycles depends on the needs

of the research. All emerging and detected activities in the classroom during the

implementation of the action were recorded, documented and analyzed.

d. Reflection (evaluation and recommendation)

In this process, the researcher made some notes and reviews on the changes

during the implementation with the collaborators. This reflection was carried out to

decide whether there would be another cycle or not. If the actions were successful, the
researcher would continue to implement it. However, if the actions were not successful,

the actions would be modified or the researcher tried to find other suitable actions so
that the condition would be better.45

Cycle 1

Figure 2: Research Procedure (Kemmis and Mc Taggart, 1998 in Burns 1999)

The steps of each cycle can be seen in the following figure:


1. Administrated the pre-test to obtain the level of students’ current ability.

The students’ were asked to transpose the letter of one word to another

word, which consisting of ten items.

2. Prepare the lesson plan about improving students’ English skills through

Duolingo application in teaching vocabulary at MTs Swasta Alwasliyah

05 Medan.
3. Prepare the equipment that was necessary, such as problem sheet / answer


4. Developed an observation sheet.


In this phase, everything has been planned on the lesson plan can be implemented

in teaching-learning process.


1. Observation is done when the action had been done.

2. Checked the observing sheet by checklist the observation format.

3. Took the diary notes, analyzed the classroom and wrote all of the action

that happen in the classroom

4. It was done to know students’ interest in learning of vocabulary by using

Duolingo application and to know the influence of short film strategy in

improving students’ vocabulary mastery.


1. Done the evaluation of teaching and learning process.

2. Reflected and evaluated what had been done.

Cycle 2


1. Prepared the lesson plan about improving students vocabulary ability though the

use of Duolingo application at MTs Swasta Alwasliyah 05 Medan

2. Prepared diary note, interview sheet and observation sheet

3. Prepare the second test to measure students’ vocabulary mastery


Implemented the scenario of teaching and learning process are which has been

revised from first cycle.

1. Giving the second test (last test)


1. Checked the observing sheet checklist the observation format.

2. Took the diary notes, analyze the classroom and write all the action that

has been appended in the classroom.

It had been done to know the students’ perception about studying by using

Duolingo application


Evaluate the result of students’ score and result of observation.

Burns, Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers. (UK:
Cambridge University Press.1999) p 161.
Burn, op. cit, p 32


A. Data Analysis

The data was evaluated using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis

techniques. The quantitative statistics were derived from the mean of the pupils'

scores on a vocabulary exam they had taken earlier. The qualitative information

was gathered via an interview, an observation sheet, a diary entry, and

photographic documentation. This study was carried out in one class at MTs

Alwashliyah in Belawan, namely in class VIII, which had a total of 25 students.

Every cycle of this study consisted of four phases, and each cycle was completed

in two cycles total (planning, acting, observing, and reflecting). Pre-testing is

included in the first cycle, which is completed in four sessions. The second cycle

was done over the course of three sessions.

1. The Quantitative Data

Three meetings were held throughout the study, and the quantitative data was

derived from the results of certain competency tests undertaken during the research.

Every cycle, the examinations provided are related to the subject matter that has been

taught and discussed in the classroom. The pre-test was administered at the beginning of

the first meeting. Then, at the conclusion of the cycle, the additional tests were


Learning results of students in class VIII MTs Alwashliyah Belawan in the pretest

are still unsatisfactory as shown by the fact that only two students out of twenty-five

students completed the test before the researcher implemented the Duolingo Application

The school judged that the student had received a 75. The Appendix contains the results

of the students' tests taken at the conclusion of each cycle. After reviewing the subject
with them, the researcher administered a 20-item vocabulary test for each cycle at the

conclusion of the discussion. According to the students' performance in each cycle, it was

discovered that the kids' performance continued to improve from the first meeting until

the final meeting.

It can be found from the students’ score in the pretest, post-test in cycle I, and also

post-test in cycle II. The students’ score in post test I was higher than the pretest and the

students’ score in post-test II was higher than the post test I. The result of the students test

can be seen on (Appendix VIII )

The table 4.1 showed that the total of students score increased from pretest until

post-test II. It could be seen from the mean of the score from pretest, post-test of cycle I

and post-test of cycle II that increase. It means that there was an improvement of

students’ vocabulary mastery by using Duolingo Application. And the data analysis for

each test can be seen on Appendix VIII.

The students’ score in Pre-test can be seen on table 4.2. From the table of the Pre-test

above, the students who get success the test were 2 students, and the students who did not

get success the test were 23 students, in addition, the total score of the students was 1.515

And the number of students who took the test was 25 students. To find out the mean in

this test, the researcher applied the following formula:



X = the mean of students’ score

∑x = the total score

N = the number of the students

So, the mean of the students’ score was 𝑋 = = 60.6
From the analysis above, the students’ vocabulary mastery were very low.

The mean of the students score was 60.6 The percentage of students who got

success in vocabulary mastery was calculated by applying the following formula:

P= x 100 %


P = the percentage of students who get the point up to 75

R = the number of students who get the point up to 75

T = the total number of the students who did the test.

P1 = x 100 %=8

P2 = x 100 %=92

According to the results of the previous investigation, the pupils' command

of language was limited. The number of students who passed the exam was two,

or 8 percent; on the other hand, the number of students who failed the test was 23,

or 92 percent; and the number of students who failed the test was 23. After

conducting a pre-test, it may be inferred that the pupils' vocabulary knowledge

was limited.

In Appendix VIII, you can observe the students' performance in Post-test

cycle I. 1.955, according to the post-test results from the first cycle of students,

with a total of 25 students taking part in the test, as shown in the post-test table

above. When the students took this post-test after cycle I, the mean score they

received was as follows:


So the mean of the students’ score was X = 78.2

From the analysis, the students’ vocabulary mastery got increase. It could

be seen from the mean score of the test was 78.2 it included fair level, the

percentage of students who got success in vocabulary test was calculated by

applying the following formula:

P= x 100 %

P1 = x 100 %=64

P2 = 25 x 100 %=36

According to the results of the table analysis, the pupils' command of

vocabulary was growing. This resulted in a mean score of 78.2 for all of the

pupils. In all, 16 individuals earned an average of 75 or above, for a total of 64

pupils. There were nine pupils that had a score of less than 75 or a 36. As a result,

it was possible to determine that the students' vocabulary knowledge was

improving relative to their performance on the pretest. However, the students'

performance on the post-test of cycle I was deemed ineffective by the instructors..

Considering that just 64 percent of pupils received a passing grade, Ideally, the

researcher would have seen a pass rate of 75 percent or even higher among the
students taking the exam. As a result, the researcher decided to go on with the

investigation into cycle II.

In Appendix VIII, you can observe how students performed in Post-test

Cycle II. Students scored 2.175 points in total in the post-test of cycle II as shown

in the table above, and the number of people who scored this high in this test and

finished the exam was 25 students. This formula was used by the researcher to get

the mean of the students' scores on this examination.


So the mean of the students’ score was X = =87

From data analysis above, it showed that the students was 87 the percentage

of students who got success in vocabulary test cycle II was calculated by applying

the formula:

P= x 100 %

P 1= x 100 %=100

P 2= x 100 %=0

From the percentage, the students vocabulary mastery was determined on

very good level. The students’ score showed improvement in every cycle. To

analyze the improvement of the students’ score, it can be seen from the number of

students who passed the grade in the test. It can be seen by using formula, as

P= x 100 %


P = the percentage of students who get the point up to 75

R = the number of students who get the point up to 75

T = the total number of the students who did the test

The percentage of the increasing of students’ vocabulary mastery could be

seen as follow:

1. P1 = x 100 %=8 %

2. P1 = x 100 %=64 %

3. P 1= x 100 %=100 %

The students' scores improved from the pretest to the post-test I and the

post-test II, as shown by the data. Only two students out of a total of twenty-five

received a score of 75 or above on the pretest (8%). There were 16 students out of

25 who received a score of 75 or above during the first post-test cycle (64%).

There were 25 pupils out of a total of 25 students that received a score of 75 or

above in the post-testing cycle II (100% ).

2. The Qualitative Data

The qualitative data were analyzed from the observation sheet, interview,

diary notes and documentations.

2.1 Observation sheet

The observer observed the researcher, the students, situations, conditions,

and the problems found during the teaching-learning process in every meeting.

This was an alternative to gather information about teacher behavior, students’

attitude, the class participation, the interaction between the teacher and the

students and the teaching learning climate while the research conducted, from the

observation, the observer noted that the students were active, enthusiastic and

excited in learning vocabulary by using Duolingo Application. The complete

information about the observation sheet can be seen in appendix.

2.2 Interview

The researcher asks the teacher to know students’ difficulties in mastering

vocabulary and students condition during English class. The first interview was

done before conducting the first cycle. The researcher interviewed the English

teacher and the students to get information related to the teaching and learning

process. The interview was also done after implementing the technique.

Based on the students and teacher’s answer in interview, it showed that

there were differences notion before and after the implementation of the

technique. The teacher argued that the teaching and learning process were more

active. The students also demonstrated their enjoymentand activity when learning

vocabulary through Duolingo Application. The complete information about the

interview can be seen in appendix.

2.3 Diary Notes

This is a way to write about classroom events, the teaching method, and the

students attitude during the class, the diary notes depicted that the students felt

excited and enthusiastic to get the vocabularies by using Duolingo Application.

However, the diary notes also showed that the students were very noisy during

the activities. From the first meeting until the last, the students showed their

curiosity at the materials given. The researcher have typed the diary notes and it

can be seen completely in appendix.

2.4 Documentation

Photography is one of evidences of students and teacher activities in the

class. It captured every activities which conceived important. The photography

was captured during the teacher taught the students, when students did the

vocabulary test and while researcher did the interview . it can be seen from the

photos that the students involves actively and enthusiastically during the teaching

and learning process. These shoots can also be seen in the appendix.

a. The Activities in Cycle I

This research was accomplished in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four

steps of action research (planning, acting, observing and reflecting). The first

cycle including the pre test was conducted in three meetings altogether.

1. Planning

From the preliminary study, the plan was arranged before researcher

conducting the research. Researcher created two meetings lesson plan that will be

used in teaching. The topic discussed was vocabulary which was noun about the

name of animals. The planning were: (1) preparing observation guide, (2)

interview guide, (3) conducting the test, (4) preparing the material that was used

through short film technique (projector, speaker, white board, paper and etc), and

(5) preparing the camera to take the photograph.

There were some points that had been done by the researcher, all the points
are put in the lesson plan, they were: competency standard, basic competences,

indicator, the objectives of learning, prepare the topic in subject matter,

learning method, steps of learning activities, learning sources, assessment.

2. Action

Researcher brought the action learning activities based on lesson plan that

had been made to improve the result of English learning by applying Duolingo

Application. Implementation of the action on the first cycle consisted of two

meetings with 2 x 45 minutes each meeting. The teaching process began with

greeting and apperception to gain students motivation and attention. Then, the

teacher explained the material about how to use the application of Duolingo


These were the procedures in playing Duolingo : (1) after grouping, The

teacher started from showing to the students to see the picture of animal by using

Duolingo, (2) give the students time about 3 to 4 minutes to analyze the pictures,

(3) then the students were asked to identify those animals and their meaning. The

observer also asked to students to try to spell the name of those animals and

identify the characteristic of the animals that was showed by Duolingo, (5) and

also divided class into some groups to play the application.

After some times, the learning process finished and the teacher concluded

the materials together with the students to know how deep students understand

about the lesson.

3. Observation

The researcher observed the situations and conditions happened during the

teaching-learning process and the students’ performance while receiving the

material and to know the students attitude during the class. In addition, the

researcher also taken notes to every moment that happened in the class and put

that notes in diary note. The diary notes have been typed by the researcher and

can be seen in the appendix.

Most of the students participated enthusiastically during teaching learning

process, when they asked to write how many vocabulary they remembered, they

helped each other to fill the test, however, based on the achievement test given at

the first cycle, it showed that there were only 16 out of 25 students who passed

the test, while 9 others students are not successful. It meant it was not to satisfy

the classical mastery learning. To see the students result in the test of cycle I can

be seen in the appendix.

4. Reflection

Reflection was used to provide feedback on the teaching-learning process,

and it was derived through observations, interviews, tests, and other

documentation sources. At the conclusion of the conference, the researcher

provided an evaluation of the teaching-learning process. Using Duolingo

program, the researcher inquired of the students about their comprehension

difficulties, as well as any difficulties they were having speaking, all of which

would be followed up with questions by the researcher at the conclusion of the


Based on the results of the test in Cycle I and the observation, it was

determined that additional action was required to raise the score even higher. It

can be determined by observing what has been successfully done and what has
not been successfully done at those activities, as shown on the observation sheet,

which includes the following:

a. The teacher has not been able to maintain the attention of the pupils

throughout the learning process in this cycle 1

b. Some students are still perplexed as a result of the teacher's failure to ask

pertinent questions about the subject

c. The pupils seem to have a poor understanding of the content as a result of

the teacher's failure to conduct a successful question and answer session

When looking at the results received from the first cycle, it is clear that the

intended outcome has not been reached. It was intended as follows in order to

overcome the deficiency in the first cycle:

In order to maintain students' attention, the researcher should improve the

management of the class and activities. In addition, the researcher must take a

greater role in encouraging students to ask questions during class. Finally, the

researcher should allocate adequate time for a question and answering session

about the application and material provided.

b. The Activities in Cycle II

This is the second cycle of the research. These activities consisted of four

steps of action research (planning, acting, observing and reflecting), it was

expected that the second cycle in this research will come up the problem and get

better than the first cycle. In this cycle, researcher gave more motivation and

support to their learning process. The explanation about the lesson was given as

clear as possible as it has been designed as follow:

1. Planning
The researcher prepared the lesson plan and served the explanation needed

by the students in the class, in this phase, the material provided was more

interactive. The explanation just about the meaning of the vocabulary that

supposed to be mastered by the students. The goal is to make the students know

and memorize the vocabulary given. The researcher also will create more

supportive and challenging class.

2. Action

The researcher explained about the use of Duolingo application, such as

select the right answer based on the picture and matching pictures based on the

translation appeared, these made students more enjoyable in the class. They

understand the things and also the names in English. They happy and easy to

increase their vocabulary.

Additionally, the researcher also did the Duolingo application which made

the class more active and enthusiastic. At that way, the students will be easier to

accept the vocabulary, so it will be long lasting memorization for the students, at

the end of the meeting on the second cycle, the researcher gave the test to know

the students improvement about the lesson. The result of the text in cycle II can

be seen in appendix.

3. Observation

The activities of the students and the teacher were observed. It showed that

most of the students did well in discussing the words with their friends. In the

process of discussion the students began to understand and comprehend their

work, thus the activity of students had already started to rise. To see the

observation sheet it can be seen in the appendix.

4. Reflection

After checking the result of the test and observation, it was found that the

students’ score increased dramatically, based on the observation researcher

concluded that the students can improve their vocabulary mastery by using

Duolingo Application. The score in the second cycle improved than in the first


B. Research Finding

The result from the qualitative and quantitative data showed that the

improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery were attained it was denoted by the

students’ test score. The mean of the first cycle was 78.2 which is good enough.

The mean of the test in the second cycle was 87. This indicated that the result and

the mean in the second cycle were much better than the first cycle.

The proportion of pupils who received a passing grade of 75 or more has

likewise grown in recent years. The students that received a score of 75 or above

on the pretest were just two out of a total of twenty-five pupils (8 percent ). In the

first post-test cycle, there were 16 students who received a score of 75 or above

out of a total of 25 students (64 percent ). In the post-test cycle II, the students

who received a score of 75 or above were 25 students out of a total of 25 students

(100 percent ). The proportion of patients who improved from the pre-test to the

post-test of cycle I was 60.6 percent, while the percentage of patients who

improved from the post-test of cycle I to the post-test of cycle II was only 24.25

percent. During cycle II, the cumulative increase in the students' scores from the

pre-test to the post-test was one hundred percent. There was an improvement in
vocabulary knowledge from the first meeting to the final meeting, according to

the results.

In addition to the observation sheet, interview, diary notes, and

photographs, qualitative data was gathered from other sources. A conclusion was

reached based on data collected, which indicated that students found it fascinating

to learn vocabulary with the Duolingo application. The modifications in reaction

and behavior suggested that the teaching and learning process had progressed to a

higher level.

Improvement was seen in the students' attitudes as shown by an observation

sheet for the students, which demonstrated that they were paying attention to the

teaching and learning process throughout class. In addition, they communicated

with other students more often during discussions. Despite the fact that the

researcher was aware of the gap at the first encounter. However, it reduced as the

following teaching-learning process progressed. According to the pupils who

participated in the interview, having such a lesson allowed them to love studying

language. The journal entries documented the highs and lows of the lesson as it

progressed from one day to the next. Depending on the photographs, it was

discovered that the pupils were engaged and attempted to do the work assigned to

them in a helpful manner based on their abilities.

1. Discussion

The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the students'

vocabulary knowledge might be improved via the use of the Duolingo program. It

is possible to teach vocabulary using the Duolingo program, which is one of the
applications available. This was determined by doing research, which revealed

that the Duolingo program is successful in terms of teaching vocabulary. A

supporting evidence for this was found in the researcher's analysis of the growing

mean score in each cycle. Averaging the scores from the first and second cycles,

the mean was 78.2 while the mean of the scores from the third cycle was 87. In

the second cycle, the score and mean were both higher than in the first cycle, as

was reflected by the results. The proportion of pupils who received a score of 75

or above has also grown.. The students that received a score 75 or above on the

cycle I exam accounted for 16 out of the total 25 students who took the test. Then,

in the second cycle, the students who received points 75 and above accounted for

25 out of the total of 25 pupils.

Aside from that, the children were improving on their performance in the

first meeting. Observation sheet, interview, diary notes, and documentation all

yielded qualitative data that suggested that the teaching-learning process had

improved, as shown by the qualitative data collected. As a result, the students

provided thoughtful comments throughout the course. In accordance with the

findings of both qualitative and quantitative data, the action and execution of the

Duolingo Application were enhanced. When the instructor was instructing the

lesson, the pupils were engaged and paying close attention.

According to the findings, the Duolingo Application may help pupils

enhance their vocabulary knowledge. Students might be motivated to participate

in language learning using the Duolingo application, and students could be

assisted in the teaching and learning process with the Duolingo application.
However, despite the fact that the researcher discovered that the students were not

paying significant attention to the instructor during the first and second meetings,

some of them engaged in raucous conversation with one another. It cannot be

denied that pupils need more attention from their teachers in order to maintain

their motivation. Aside from that, their willingness to increase their vocabulary

was remained low, according to the survey. As a result, it is the teacher's

responsibility to identify some resources that will motivate students to acquire the


After a few days, the researcher saw a significant increase in the students'

performance in the class when the researcher brought in the photographs and

organized them such that the students could play using the pictures via the

Duolingo program. The fact that the pupils had a good time in class is the most

significant factor to consider. During class, they paid whole attention to the

instructor. They encouraged one another to complete the application so that they

could compete with other groups.

As a result, the Duolingo program is an excellent tool for teaching

vocabulary since it provides image and figure prompts. While using the

application, students may figure out the vocabulary from the photos. When

completing the application, the students may also make a list of the items they had

seen and named them accordingly. The images may then be acquired from

anywhere in the surroundings with relative ease. Furthermore, the program may

be used either independently or in a group setting, which will help to create a fun

and engaging learning environment.



A. Conclusions

Based on the findings of the research, it can be concluded that teaching

vocabulary through the Duolingo Application to improve students' vocabulary

mastery is extremely effective, that students' ability in learning vocabulary is not

poor, but that students require more activity and creations in learning vocabulary

in order for their motivation to master vocabulary to continue to increase. Aside

from finding that students' ability to acquire vocabulary improved after using the

Duolingo application, the researcher also discovered that students' capacity to

learn vocabulary improved after using the Duolingo application. The pre-test had

a mean score of 60.6, according to the results of the research. The first cycle's

Post-test averaged 78.2, whereas the second cycle's averaged 87. The proportion

of pupils who achieved a score of 75 or above also increased. There were just two

students out of a total of 25 who scored 75 or above on the pretest (8 percent ). 16

of the 25 students who took the post-test had a score of 75 or above (64 percent ).

25 of the 25 students who took the post-test in Cycle II received a score of 75 or

above (100 percent ). Cycle two's pre-test to post-test increase in percentage was

100%. It was shown that using Duolingo to help students enhance their

vocabulary might have a positive impact on students' ability to learn new words.

This exercise drew in the children because they were more engaged, eager, and

motivated. So, it can be inferred that the Duolingo application's ability to boost

students' vocabulary knowledge resulted in an increase in their interest in

studying. It was established by taking the mean of the students' scores over all


B. Suggestion

The findings of the research revealed that the use of the Duolingo

application may help pupils enhance their vocabulary knowledge. As a result, the

following recommendations have been made:

1. For English teachers, it is beneficial to utilize the Duolingo

Application as one of many different methods of teaching

vocabulary in order to create variety. As a result, pupils are not

bored when learning English, especially when it comes to


2. For other researchers, it is advised that those who are interested in

the subject of vocabulary development perform an extensive study

and gather as much information and expertise about the Duolingo

program as possible.

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a. Score result Pre-test

Total Answer Score
NO Students Grade
Questions (t × f)
1 KH 10 50 failed
2 MH 8 40 failed
3 HS 6 30 failed
4 BAL 12 60 failed
5 AB 7 35 failed
6 WS 13 65 failed
7 AP 9 45 failed
8 WS 11 55 failed
9 DBF 8 40 failed
10 HBS 6 30 failed
11 MKA 9 45 failed
12 EA 7 35 failed
13 YL 5 25 failed
14 SH 10 50 failed
15 RV 12 60 failed
16 IZD 7 35 failed
17 IA 6 30 failed
18 AD 8 40 failed
19 JH 5 25 failed
20 DA 9 45 failed
21 LW 11 55 failed
22 CA 8 40 failed
23 RA 9 45 failed
24 TAPN 6 30 failed
25 RTH 10 50 Failed

b. Score result Post-test I

Post- test 1
NO Students Score Grade
(Score ×5)
1 KH 15 75 Passed
2 MH 9 45 Failed
3 HS 14 70 Passed
4 BAL 15 75 Passed
5 AB 16 80 Passed
6 WS 14 70 Passed
7 AP 16 80 Passed
8 WS 15 75 Passed
9 DBF 11 55 Failed
10 HBS 9 45 Failed
11 MKA 12 60 Failed
12 EA 15 75 Passed
13 YL 10 50 Failed
14 SH 12 60 Failed
15 RV 16 80 Passed
16 IZD 15 75 Passed
17 IA 10 50 Failed
18 AD 12 60 Failed
19 JH 8 40 Failed
20 DA 11 55 Failed
21 LW 15 75 Passed
22 CA 16 80 Passed
23 RA 17 85 Passed
24 TAPN 11 55 Failed
25 RTH 17 85 Passed

b. Score result Post-test II

Post- test 2
NO Students Score Grade
(Score ×5)
1 KH 18 90 Passed
2 MH 17 85 Passed
3 HS 19 95 Passed
4 BAL 17 85 Passed
5 AB 16 80 Passed
6 WS 17 85 Passed
7 AP 16 80 Passed
8 WS 18 90 Passed
9 DBF 16 80 Passed
10 HBS 15 75 Passed
11 MKA 16 80 Passed
12 EA 19 95 Passed
13 YL 15 75 Passed
14 SH 14 70 Passed
15 RV 20 100 Passed
16 IZD 15 75 Passed
17 IA 16 80 Passed
18 AD 17 85 Passed
19 JH 15 75 Passed
20 DA 14 70 Passed
21 LW 15 75 Passed
22 CA 16 80 Passed
23 RA 17 85 Passed
24 TAPN 16 80 Passed
25 RTH 20 100 Passed
Appendix II


School : MTS Alwashliyah Belawan

Subject : English

Class : VIII

Skill : Vocabulary Mastery

Topic : Noun (name of the things)

Time : 2 X 45 minutes

Meeting :I


Comprehend and express simple instruction and information


Knowing the meaning of the words or pictures that will be showed in

Duolingo game


1. Selecting pictures with the right meaning or vice versa.

2. Translating a sentence from English into Indonesia and vice versa.

3. Fill in the blank and choose the right answer.


At the end of the learning process, students are able to:

1. The students are able to know the names of the pictures will be

showed in Duolingo game.

2. The students are able to translate a sentence from English into

Indonesia and vice versa.

3. The students are able to choose the right answer among two or four


To play Duolingo game, here some pictures as a guidelines:


Duolingo Game


1. Opening
⎯ Greetings

⎯ Warming up activities:

• The teacher shows some pictures about noun.

• Ask the students some questions related to the picture in their

daily life.

2. Main Activity

⎯ The teacher shows the picture by using Duolingo

⎯ Ask the students to identify the meaning and spelling from the pictures


⎯ The teacher command to the students to listen some sentences in

Duolingo that related with the sentences.

⎯ The teacher invite the students to play the game.

⎯ The teacher invite the students to accomplish some exercises in

Duolingo game.

⎯ The teacher gives an opportunity to the students to ask that they did not

understand what they have done.

3. Closing

⎯ The teacher concludes the material

⎯ The teacher gives feedback for the students

⎯ The teacher advices the students to remember the lesson

⎯ The teacher gives the test to the students


⎯ Android (Duolingo Application)

⎯ English Book
⎯ Dictionary


Vocabulary test: multiple chooses which is consisted of 20 questions


School : MTs Alwashliyah Belawan

Subject : English

Class : VIII

Skill : Vocabulary Mastery

Topic : Name of the Animals, Fruits and Food

Time : 2 X 45 minutes

Meeting : II


Comprehend and express simple instruction and information


Knowing the meaning of the words or pictures that will be showed in

Duolingo game


⎯ Matching pictures with the right meaning or vice versa.

⎯ Translate a word and sentence from English into Indonesia and vice

⎯ Fill in the blank and choose the right answer.

⎯ Recognizing and Mention the names of the word will be appeared


At the end of the learning process, students are able to:

⎯ The students are able to know the names of the pictures will be showed

Duolingo game.

⎯ The students are able to translate a word and sentence from English into

Indonesia and vice versa.

⎯ The students are able to choose the right answer among two or four choices.

⎯ To Recognize and Mention the names of the word will be appeared.



Duolingo Game

2. Opening

⎯ Greetings

⎯ Warming up activities:
• The teacher shows some pictures about noun.

• Ask the students some questions related to the picture in their

daily life.

3. Main Activity

⎯ The teacher shows the picture by using Duolingo

⎯ Ask the students to identify the meaning and spelling from the pictures


⎯ The teacher command to the students to listen some sentences in

Duolingo that related with the sentences.

⎯ The teacher invite the students to play the game.

⎯ The teacher invite the students to accomplish some exercises in

Duolingo game.

⎯ The teacher gives an opportunity to the students to ask that they did not

understand what they have done.

4. Closing

⎯ The teacher concludes the material

⎯ The teacher gives feedback for the students

⎯ The teacher advices the students to remember the lesson

⎯ The teacher gives the test to the students


⎯ Android (Duolingo Game Application)

⎯ English Book

⎯ Dictionary


Vocabulary test: multiple chooses which is consisted of 20 questions


The instrument for pre-test and post-test

Pre-Test Choose

The Correct Answer For The Following Questions!

1. Look at the picture!

What is this?
a. Bicycle c. Duck
b. Kitchen d. Lion

2. What is this…?
This is a….
a. Turtle c. Fan
b. Laptop d. house

3. Look at the picture!

This is a…….
a. Shoe c. whiteboard
b. Cupboard d. roof

4. Please, look at the picture!

This is a…..
a. Fence c. grape
b. Broom d. slipper
5. What is this?
This is a…..
a. Trousers c. Gas Stove
b. Refrigerator d. Sock

6. Look at the picture!

What is this….
a. Napkin c. pail
b. Spoon d. glass

7. What is this?
This is a….
a. Mirror c. window
b. Table d. plate

8. Look at the picture!

What is this…?
a. Wok c. key
b. Water dipper d. door

9. What is this?
This is a….
a. Bench c. blanket
b. Scissors d. pillow
10. Look at the picture!
What is this…..
a. Toothpaste c. lamp
b. Bag d. box
11. Apakah arti dari kalimat dibawah ini:
I always pray five times in a day
a. Kami selalu belajar di sekolah c. saya suka membaca buku
b. Ibu memasak di dapur d. saya selalu sholat 5 kali dalam sehari
12. The meaning of “pillow” in bahasa Indonesia is:
a. Bantal c. selimut
b. Buku d. kunci
13. Apakah bahasa inggris dari “hujan”:
a. Cool c. Hot
b. Rain d. Tree
14. Apakah bahasa inggris dari “sepatu”:
a. Plate c. nail
b. Shoe d. library
15. Apakah arti dari “milk”:
a. Makan c. Susu
b. Minum d. tidur
16. Do you………….. an apple?
17. Sarah, andi, anita …………. My friends
18. The birds use their………… to fly
19. The horse is the most………animal in my farm
20. I sleep in my….


Appendix IV

Post-test I

1. Look at the picture!

What is this….?
a. Monkey c. Tiger
b. Rabbit d. Cat

2. What is this…?
This is a…..
a. Chair c. Garden
b. Window d. Table

3. Look at the picture!

What is this….?
a. Television c. Towel
b. Ashtray d. Knife

4. What is this?
This is a….
a. School c. Hospital
b. Tree d. House

5. What is this?
This is a….
a. Bear c. Bee
b. Bull d. Goat
6. Look at the picture!
What is this….?
a. Elephant c. Ant
b. Lion d. Bat

7. Look at the picture!

What is this….?
a. Sun c. Moon
b. Globe d. World

8. What is this?
This is an…….
a. Hair c. Ear
b. Eye d. Nose

9. Look at the picture!

What is this….
a. Slipper c. Shoe
b. Wood d. Water

10. Look at the picture!

What is this…
a. Handphone c. Computer
b. Laptop d. Book

11. Look at the picture!

What is this…?
a. Eraser c. Blackboard
b. Pencil d. Spidol
12. Look at the picture!
What is this?
a. Rice c. Milk
b. Cake d. Juice

13. Pillow, blanket, wardrobe! Where we can find these things?

a. In the living room c. in the bathroom
b. In the bedroom d. in the kitchen
14. Translate into Indonesia, please!
Aunt, uncle, grandmother
a. Ayah, ibu, kakak c. nenek, paman, teman
b. Adik, kakak, kakek d. Bibi, paman, nenek
15. Apakah arti dari “Dictionary”
a. Buku c. perpustakaan
b. Kamus d. lapangan
16. Bathtub, shower and shampoo. Where we can find these things?
a. In the dining room c. in the kitchen
b. In the bathroom d. in the living room
17. Pilihlah kalimat terjemahan yang benar dalam bahasa inggris
I like wine and orange
a. Saya suka semangka dan anggur c. saya suka anggur
b. Saya suka anggur dan jeruk d. saya suka appel dan anggur
18. What is the meaning of “knife”
a. Pisau c. Bantal
b. Piring d. Selimut
19. I have ….. friends
a. Many c. Few
b. Little d. Much
20. What is the meaning of “hand, foot, head”
a. Rambut, hidung, tangan c. kaki, telinga, mata
b. Tangan, kaki, kepala d. dahi, mata, tangan
Appendix V

Post-test II

Please, match the pictures with the right meaning!




4. CAT



Terjemahkanlah kalimat ini kedalam bahasa Indonesia

8. I like to eat banana

9. I love my family

10. We will succeed later

Terjemahkanlah kata ini kedalam bahasa inggris

11. nanas

12. belimbing

13. Bakso

14. Susu

15. kursi

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar sesuai dengan gambar!

16. What is this?

a. Meat ball c. Vegetable
b. Fried Rice d. Soup

17. This is a……?

a. Bird c. Buffalo
b. Fish d. Bull

18. Mention 3 the name of things in your class

19. Mention 3 the name of fruits as you know

20. Mention 5 the name of things in your house

Appendix IV

The Key Answer

Pre-test Post Test I

1. A 1. B

2. A 2. A

3. C 3. D

4. C 4. C

5. C 5. B

6. B 6. D

7. D 7. C

8. B 8. B

9. C 9. B

10. A 10. A

11. D 11. D

12. A 12. B

13. B 13. B

14. B 14. B

15. C 15. A

16. Like 16. A

17. Are 17. B

18. Wings 18. B

19. Fastest 19. A

20. Bedroom 20. A

Key Answer Post Test II

1. Number 1-7 ( Matching Pictures)

8. Saya suka makan pisang

9. Aku mencintai keluargaku

10. Kita akan sukses nanti

11. Tomato

12. Orange

13. Meatball

14. Milk

15. Soap

16. B

17. B

18. Eraser, whiteboard, window

19. Banana, orange, grape

20. Door, window, plate, pillow, blanket.

Appendix V Observation List

Observation list of post-test cycle 1

No Object of Observation Yes No

1. Teacher opens the lesson with greetings. 
2. Teacher checks the students whether the student ready to 
study or the students have not ready yet.
3. Teacher gives preview about the material to the students. 
4. Teacher gives clear explanation about the game’s rule. 
5. Teacher walks around the class. 
6. Teacher stands or sits in front of the class. 
7. Teacher goes to every group to check the activity in students 
8. Teacher uses media for teaching. 
9. Teacher gives ice breaking in the middle of learning activity. 
10. Students pay attention to the teacher. 
11. Students make noise. 
12. Students keep the class quiet. 
13. Students talk to other students during the lesson. 
14. Students walk around the class during the lesson. 
15. Students sit on their own chair during the lesson. 
16. Students raise their hand when the teacher asks them to 
answer the questions during the games.
17. Students discuss the questions actively in group during the 
18. Students use the media for games given by the teacher. 

Observation list of post-test cycle 2

No Object of Observation Yes No
1. Teacher do offline class. 
2. Teacher opens the lesson with greetings. 
3. Teacher checks the students whether the student ready to 
study or the students have not ready yet.
4. Teacher gives preview about the material to the students. 
5. Teacher gives a question to attract students’ attention in the 
beginning of class.
6. Teacher gives the students time to do discuss. 
7. Teacher uses media for teaching. 
8. Teacher gives ice breaking in the middle of learning activity. 
9. Students pay attention to the tearcher. 
10. Students are uncontrollable. 
11. Students keep the class quiet. 
12. Students keep fast responding for every questiions teacher 
13. Teacher asks the students to finish the second level of the 
14. Students have no question during the class. 
15. Students are not interested the class. 
16. Students discuss the questions actively in group during the 
17. Students use the media for games given by the teacher. 

Appendix VI Permission and Reply Letter

Appendix VII


1. First Meeting (16 st February2022)

In this meeting, the writer introduced herself to the students and

welcomed to them. Then he explained that the writer came to their class is
for collecting the data that the writer need for her research. The writer
explained about the material that proposed in his thesis was about
“Improving Students’ vocabulary mastery through Duolingo game
cooperative with the writer. After the writer introduced himself to the
students, he checked the students’ attendance list to know participants and
to know who did not come in the classroom that day. Then he started the
class by giving a test to each student.
2. Second Meeting (17th February 2022)

At the beginning of the class, the writer said greeting to all the
students in the class, check the students’ attendance list, pray together
before start to learn the material and review what have they did last
meeting. Then the writer showed to the students to see the picture, for
example is the picture of animal by using Duolingo, then the students
were asked to identify those animals and their meaning. He also asked to
students to try to spell the name of those animals and identify the
characteristic of the animals that was showed by Duolingo. and then, he
gave a change to students to asked the question, some students asked the
aim from what they have done. Then the writer and students concluded
what they have learned together.
3. Third Meeting (18st February 2022)

At the beginning of the class, the writer said greeting to all the
students in the class, pray together, and check the students’ attendance list
before start to the main activity. Then, he started to the main activity. The
writer divided into four group and asked them to sit based on their group
that had divided. he showed some picture of animals with Duolingo and
asked the students to identify the meaning, the right spelling and
characteristic of those animals. After that, he gave some exercises to
students with Duolingo such as; asked them to translated some sentences
and also ordered asked them to did some gap-filling exercises, those
exercises did based on group. In the end lesson, the writer and students
concluded what they have learned together.
4. Fourth Meeting (19th February 2022)

The writer started the class by saying the greeting to all the students in
the class, pray together, check the students’ attendance list and asking the
students about the previous material. The writer showed some picture of
animals with Duolingo and asked the students to identify the meaning, the
right spelling and characteristic of those animals. she gave some exercises
to students with Duolingo such as; listened some sentences, asked them to
translated some sentences and also ordered asked them to did some gap-
filling exercises, those exercises. In the end of the class, the writer
concluded the material and suggested the students to prepare themselves
for post-test in next meeting. The writer also said thank to the students for
their cooperation.
5. Fifth Meeting ( 23th February 2022)

In this meeting, the writer said the greeting, pray together, checking
the students’ attendance list before start classroom activities, asking the
students about previous material and review it together. Then he
distributed a test to all students and also distributed the questionnaire to
collect the data from the students to know the students’ attitude toward the
implementation of Duolingo in teaching. The students may choose some
possible alternative answer that suitable for them in the
questionnaire and it would not give effect to their score in English subject.

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