Managing Millenial Employess

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Good morning everyone! First of all I want to thank you all for coming here today.

So, today I’d like to talk to you about managing millenial employess. There will be 3 main point, first
what is millenial employe, second, Why you need millennials employees, and third how to managing
your milenial employees. There will be time for question and discusion at the end of my talk. My
presentation will take about 5 until 7 minutes.

So, what comes to your mind when you heard the word millenial employees? This generation have
received a lot of criticism and get so many labels attached to it: selfish, entitled, unmotivated,
addicted to technology, etc. for those who don’t know what is millenial employess, millenial
employees is a worker that born between 1981 and 1996. Because of this labels, many millenials
worker often underestimated by the people from generation above them.

In reality, Millennials have a lot to offer the workforce. Let’s put aside the stereotypes and, instead,
take a look at just a few of the many positive attributes of Millennials. There are some accurate
generalizations of millennials; for instance, Fast Company found that millennial workers are more
likely to report wanting to make a social impact through their work. They are “not motivated by
money. Rather, they aim to make the world more compassionate, innovative, and sustainable.” This
means that more than any other generation, these workers are willing to take pay cuts in order to
work for companies which match their values. Basicly, Millennials are Mission Minded, Collaborative
and Creative, Desire an Engaging Culture, Value Recognition, desire Flexibility. These positive
attributes are needed in industry 4.0.

As we know, we live in the fourth industial revolution or industry 4.0 that refers to a new phase in
the Industrial Revolution that focuses heavily on interconnectivity, automation, machine learning,
and real-time data. the way we live, work and relate to one are dependent to cyber-physical
systems, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Systems. As we implement smart technologies in
our factories and workplaces, connected machines will interact, visualize the entire production chain
and make decisions autonomously. This revolution is expected to impact all disciplines, industries,
and economies. To adapt to this 4.0 industry, of course we need a Millenial Employees.

But we still have to managing our millenial employees. What can we do for our millenials

1. Offer a Work-Life Balanced Environment

Millennials want to achieve a lot of things – they don’t want opportunities to just pass them
by. They want to travel, see the world, and experience a wide variety of things. This is most
likely why millennials prefer a workplace that allows them to balance their professional and
personal lives. A study confirmed that a large percentage of millennials claimed that they are
willing to accept a lower salary if it means that they will have better work-life balance. That’s
why you need to create a good environment for them to work.
2. Provide Leadership and Guidance
Millennials are results-oriented, but they want to maintain control over how and when they
work. Provide leadership and guidance and let them figure things out on their own.

They crave mentorship and want regular feedback to know whether they’re on the right
track. Take advantage of this.
Rather than giving them a long list of daily tasks and asserting your position over theirs, give
them a goal they need to meet. Then, get back to them on a regular basis to see how they’re
doing and whether they need help.
3. Recognize Their Work
Millennials crave recognition. They want to get credit for their talents, skills, and hard work.
A simple “thank you” or “great job today” will go a long way for millennials. This shows them
that you appreciate their hard work and commitment to the job.

As the generation that’s constantly seeking the approval of their peers through social media,
it’s important to let them know when they’re doing well at work. They don’t want trophies –
they want validation, recognition, and reinforcement. Complement them on their strengths
and encourage them to harness their talents further.

4. Craft a Future That Gets Them Excited

With millennials, it’s not enough that you’re giving them a job. Generally, millennials work
while thinking of a higher position they can get soon, so they have to know that there’s a
career path for them that will lead them to greater and bigger achivement
Show them what they can potentially achieve in your company and get them excited for a
future within your organization. But, make sure not to give them empty promises. Be

5. Allow Them to be Leaders

Millennials have a positive, can-do attitude. They are self-assured. Their parents raised them
to believe that they can achieve bigger things – and they can!

So, make sure not to squash their passion, hold them back, or belittle their efforts.
Demonstrate that you trust their abilities and allow them to be leaders.

Give them bigger, more meaningful projects, while showing them your support. Let them
know that you believe in them, and they will do everything in their power to live up to your

Millennials respond to positive reinforcement better, so they will surely be up for the
challenge and will perform at a higher level.

So this bring me to the end of my talk, just to summaries what I say32

9, first, millenial employees are a worker that born between 1981 and 1996, second, We
need a millenial employees to adapt in industry 4.0, and third you need to managing your
millenial employees with Offer a Work-Life Balanced Environment, Provide Leadership and
Guidance, Recognize Their Work, Craft a Future That Gets Them Excited, and Allow Them to
be Leaders.

Well, that’s all from me, thankyou.

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