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 Name: __________________________ Class:_____ Date:____________


Pointing Devices

Questions & Answer Key

1) What is a tool that can move and select things on the computing
device screen? 

  a pointing device 
2) How small is the computer mouse? 

     It is like the size of the hand. 

3) What do we put under the mouse to help it move? 

     a mouse pad 

4) What can the computer mouse do? 

     It can point at, select, move and open objects. 

5) What are the parts of the computer mouse? 

    right button, left button, scroll wheel and mouse cable 
6) What can we do with the computer mouse? 

    click, double click and drag 

7) What should we do to open a file with the mouse? 

    We should double click. 

8) What should we do to move objects around the screen? 

     We should drag. 

9) What are the shapes of the mouse pointer? 

     arrow, hand, I-beam 

10) When is the mouse pointer an arrow? 

When we want to select or choose an object 

11) When is the mouse pointer a hand? 

When we are clicking on a web link on the internet 

12) When is the mouse pointer an I-beam? 
When we want to type and move text 
13) What is a touch screen? 

A pointing device that we can use by using our fingers or a special

pen to point. 
14) Where can we use touch screens? 

In restaurants, hospitals and banks 

Practice Questions

Choose the correct option. 

1) Under the mouse, we put a: 

a) mouse net 
b) mouse pad 
2) To open a file we have to: 

a) double-click 
b) drag 
3) The mouse pointer becomes an arrow when we: 

a) click on a web link on the internet 

b) select or choose an object 
Choose true or false. 

1) The computer mouse is the size of a chair. 

a) True 
b) False 
2) The mouse only has a left button. 

a) True 
b) False 
3) The pointer becomes an I-beam when we want to type.

a) True 
b) False 
Fill in the blanks with the correct word. 

(A) drag (B) touchscreen

1) The pointing device that works by using fingers is ______. 

2) To move things on the screen, we ____ with the mouse. 


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