Program Management

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The Art of Service has identified and prioritized

critical capabilities and use cases to assess and
use. Leaders select the highest prioritized results
which will align with their business needs before
implementing a solution.

The Art of Service’s Critical Capabilities evaluates

hundreds of prioritized results to help with the
outcome selection process.

This Critical Capabilities guide will enable leaders

to shortlist hundreds of appropriate results with
prioritized typical use cases, this research will
guide leaders’ choices.

This Analysis will plan your roadmap and get

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Program Management

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Table of Contents
About The Art of Service 5
Program Management Critical Capabilities, Meaningful
Metrics And Their Prioritization 6
Background 6
Prioritization Of Requirements 7
The Prioritization Categories Are: 8
Must Have 8
Should Have 8
Ought to Have 9
Might Have 9
Could Have 10
Use In New Product/Service/Process Development 11
Benefits 12
The Critical Program Management Capabilities And Their
Priorities: 14
Priority - Must Have
# From 889 To 1106 16
Priority - Should Have
# From 667 To 889 88
Priority - Ought to Have
# From 445 To 667 160
Priority - Might Have
# From 223 To 445 230
Priority - Could Have
# From 1 To 223 302
Index 369

About The Art of Service

he Art of Service, Business Process Architects since
2000, is dedicated to helping stakeholders achieve

Defining, designing, creating, and implementing a process

to solve a stakeholders challenge or meet an objective
is the most valuable role… In EVERY group, company,
organization and department.

Unless you’re talking a one-time, single-use project, there

should be a process. Whether that process is managed
and implemented by humans, AI, or a combination of the
two, it needs to be designed by someone with a complex
enough perspective to ask the right questions.

Someone capable of asking the right questions and step

back and say, ‘What are we really trying to accomplish
here? And is there a different way to look at it?’

With The Art of Service’s Assessments, we empower

people who can do just that — whether their title is
marketer, entrepreneur, manager, salesperson, consultant,
Business Process Manager, executive assistant, IT
Manager, CIO etc... —they are the people who rule the
future. They are people who watch the process as it
happens, and ask the right questions to make the process
work better.

Contact us when you need any support :

Program Management Critical
Capabilities, Meaningful Metrics
And Their Prioritization

This guide provides meaningful Program Management metrics
underpinned by prioritization and is used in management,
business analysis, project/process management, development
and innovation to reach a common understanding with
stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of
each requirement.

It is useful for having insight and agreement on the right

prioritization for Program Management initiatives because it
places the most value on items that carry the highest business

It accomplishes the objectives of prioritizing deliverables and

providing assurance as a function of taking away the uncertainty
of the underlying estimates.

This prioritization is based on the MoSCoW prioritization

method, which was developed for use in 1994 in Rapid
Application Development (RAD). It was first used extensively
with the agile project delivery framework Dynamic Systems
Development Method (DSDM) from 2002.

It is often used with timeboxing, where a deadline is fixed so that

the focus must be on the most important requirements, and is
commonly used in agile software development approaches such
as Scrum, rapid application development (RAD), and DSDM.

In any project it is vital to understand the importance of different

things. This is because time is a fixed resource, so prioritization
is applied to requirements, tasks, products, user cases, etc.

This guide cuts down on wasted time, arguments, and
misdirection. It also omits as much bias as possible from the
process so that everyone involved can take an objective view of
the requirements at hand.

Prioritization Of Requirements
All requirements are important, however to deliver the greatest
and most immediate business benefits early the requirements
must be priortized. Organizations will initially try to deliver all
the Must have, Should have and Ought to have requirements
but the Should and Ought to requirements will be the first to be
removed if the delivery timescale looks threatened.

The plain English meaning of the prioritization categories has

value in getting stakeholders to better understand the impact
of setting a priority, compared to alternatives like High, Medium
and Low.

Ask the question, ‘What happens if this requirement is not

met?’ If the answer is ‘cancel the project – there is no point in
implementing a solution that does not meet this requirement’
then it is a Must Have requirement.

If there is some way round it, even if it is a manual workaround,

then it will be a lower requirement. Downgrading a requirement
does not mean it will not be delivered, simply that delivery is not

The Prioritization Categories Are:

Must Have
Requirements labelled as Must have are critical to the current
delivery timebox in order for it to be a success. If even one Must
have requirement is not included, the project delivery should
be considered a failure (note: requirements can be downgraded
from Must have, by agreement with all relevant stakeholders; for
example, when new requirements are deemed more important).
MUST can also be considered an acronym for the Minimum
Usable Subset.

This can be defined using some of the following:

• Cannot deliver on target date without this

• No point in delivering on target date without this; if it
were not delivered, there would be no point deploying the
solution on the intended date
• Not legal without it
• Unsafe without it
• Cannot deliver the Business Case without it

Should Have

Requirements labelled as Should have are important but not

necessary for delivery in the current delivery timebox. While
Should have requirements can be as important as Must have,
they are often not as time-critical or there may be another way to
satisfy the requirement so that it can be held back until a future
delivery timebox.

This can be defined using some of the following:

• Important but not vital

• May be painful to leave out, but the solution is still viabl

• May need some kind of workaround, e.g. management
of expectations, some inefficiency, an existing solution,
paperwork, etc.

A Should Have may be differentiated from a Ought, Might or

Could by reviewing the degree of pain caused by it not being
met, in terms of business value or numbers of people affected.

Ought to Have

Requirements labelled as Ought to Have are desirable but not

necessary and could improve for example the user experience
or customer satisfaction for a little development cost. These will
typically be included if time and resources permit.

• Wanted or desirable but less important than Should have

• Less impact if left out (compared with a Should Have)
• Won’t Have this time

Might Have

Might Have is a Wish, i.e. still possible but unlikely to be included

(and more likely than Could have).

• Wanted or desirable but less important than Ought to have

• Less impact if left out (compared with a Ought to have)
• Won’t Have this time

Could Have

Requirements labelled as Could have, have been agreed by

stakeholders as the least-critical, lowest-payback items, or not
appropriate at that time. As a result, Could have requirements
are not planned into the schedule for the next delivery timebox.
Could have requirements are either dropped or reconsidered for
inclusion in a later timebox.

• Wanted or desirable but less important than Might Have

• Less impact if left out (compared with a Might Have)
• Won’t Have this time

Use In New Product/Service/Process
In new product, service or process development there is always
more to do than there is time or funding to permit (hence the
need for prioritization).

For example, should a team have too many potential tasks, they
can use this guide to select which tasks are Must have, which
Should have, and so on; the minimum viable product (or MVP)
would be all those epics marked as Must have.

Oftentimes, a team will find that, even after identifying their

MVP, they have too much work for their expected capacity. In
such cases, the team could then use the guide to select which
features are Must have, Should have, and so on; the minimum
marketable features (or MMF) would be all those marked as Must

If there is sufficient capacity after selecting the MVP or MMF, the

team could then plan to include Should have and even Might
have and Could have items too.

Aim for a delivery probability of 60, 60, 40, 40 and 20% with
each of the categories. It is recommended to have no more
than 60% effort for Must Haves for a project. Anything higher
than 60% poses a risk to the success and predictability of the
project, unless the environment is well understood, the team is
established and the external risks are minimal.

The benefits of this guide include:

• It helps decide between multiple requirements with the

same priority. This guide offers a priority ranking rating for
each requirement, this ranks all requirements based on their
priority from highest to lowest.

• You now have rationale around how to rank competing

requirements: why something is must rather than should.
The priority ranking creates this clarity, it provides focus.

• There is no ambiguity over timing, especially on the Could

Have category: whether it is not in this release/project/
process/focus or not ever.

• The potential for political focus on building new features

over technical improvements is off the table with the help
of built-in prioritization of the requirements. The benefit of
this method is that it places several initiatives in the ‘ought-
might-could’ category. This helps manage expectations
about what will not be included in a specific release/project/
process (or other time frame you’re prioritizing for).

• Placing initiatives in the ‘ought-might-could category is one

way to help prevent scope creep. If initiatives are in this
category, the team knows they are not to be a priority for
this specific time frame. Some initiatives in the ‘ought-might-
could’ group will get prioritized in the future, while others
are not likely to happen at all.

The Critical Program Management
Capabilities And Their Priorities:

Priority - Must Have
# From 889 To 1106

# 1106 | Focus Area: Configuration Management -


Be confident that your organization participates in

reviewing engineering change data and coordinates
changes with program management, engineering, quality
assurance, material management and manufacturing to
ensure compliance with (internal) customer requirements
and Company policy and CDM procedures.

Ask the Partner Project Program Management:

What data should the backup include, and how often

must it be made?

# 1105 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - MANAGEMENT

Assure your group is involved in technical project

leadership, program management and team

Ask the Director, Global Strategic Sr Program


Are there interactive relations with pertinent external


# 1104 | Focus Area: Cyber Asset - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your staff is involved in technical project and/

or program management for complex software data
cloud computing products or platforms.

Ask the Technical Program Management Manager:

Does the program/project test, validate, and verify
security in its software and system components?

# 1103 | Focus Area: Hoshin - MANAGEMENT

Make headway so that your workforce has Program

management capabilities to define and implement
technical strategy and programs to support a major
project having a significant technical and/or financial

Ask the Global Ops and Fraud Transformation Program

Management Lead (VP):

Which portions of the program management training did

you find demanded a greater emphasis?

# 1102 | Focus Area: Agile HR - PRODUCT

Be sure your operation is driving program delivery of your

roadmap by working with Digital Product Owners and
Program Management to prioritize, monitor, and deliver
work to support your business initiatives and enterprise
digital transformation initiatives.

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, Treasury


Where do you have delivery risk?

# 1101 | Focus Area: Workforce planning -


Warrant that your organization is involved in the

application of project and program management
practices supporting the execution of large and complex
training programs.

Ask the Program Management:

Is the execution of the workforce plans regularly

# 1100 | Focus Area: Data Center Design and

Construction - DESIGN

Build alignment and provide oversight for programmatic

design and engineering efforts and business
improvement efforts through comprehensive project and/
or program management from project scoping through

Ask the Sr Mgr Project & Program Management:

When project execution starts, what happens even to the

high visibility projects?

# 1099 | Focus Area: Security engineering

requirements - SECURITY

Make sure your process maintains awareness of the most

recent system security policies and directives to lead
Systems Engineers, Project Engineers, other Information
System Security Engineers, and Program Management
with the analysis of user and system requirements and

Ask the Sr. Program Management Analyst:

Do you make privileged users aware of the cybersecurity


# 1098 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Enable the product management team to serve as the key

interface for science products across the organization as
they work with content, editorial, program management,
digital, production, marketing, and legal teams, and

external partners to drive the execution of the product
roadmap in alignment with key requirements, ensuring
readiness for each product launch.

Ask the Program Management Officer (Program Director):

What is the best structure for program management for

ensuring satisfactory customer results?

# 1097 | Focus Area: Director - Process Risk and

Controls Consulting - MANAGEMENT

Be confident that your strategy leads a team to keep

abreast of the information security strategy and roadmap,
invest in maintaining a prioritized list of information
security projects and initiatives, and provides program
management support to various prioritized initiatives.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management:

Where do you have confidential information and what

regulations is it subject to?

# 1096 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - MANAGEMENT

Certify your group is involved in Program Management
or involvement planning and leading a team to achieve a
technical goal.

Ask the Rcsa Core Program Management Assurance


Does senior management meet at least once annually to

review the safety and loss programs?

# 1095 | Focus Area: Multi Brand Strategy -


Certify your staff is involved in program management

roles and functions, including program development
lifecycle, Statement of Work generation, risk
management, action item management, requirement
change management, and Earned Value planning,
tracking, and reporting.

Ask the Senior Director, Program Management:

Have your organizational structure and roles failed to

keep pace with change?

# 1094 | Focus Area: Mitigating Risk - PROJECT

Secure that your organization is involved in modern,

cloud based project and program management tools.

Ask the Programmer:

How do you secure the buy in of middle management?

# 1093 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - MANAGEMENT

Liaison so that your operation is involved in program

management for large scale business transformation
projects and programs.

Ask the Program Management Analyst:

How do you confidently represent the programs before

regulatory departments and stakeholders?

# 1092 | Focus Area: Process Governance -


Confirm that your operation works with Engineering and

Program Management to develop and maintain a project
priority list that reflects agreed overall product priorities
and aligns organizational resources against them.

Ask the Group Manager, Product Technical Program

What is/are the data capacity building priorities for your


# 1091 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Risk

Analysis and Testing - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your strategy is involved in project

program management tools and resources demand

Ask the Information Security Specialist:

Are requirements management tracking tools and

procedures in place?

# 1090 | Focus Area: Cloud Migration - PROJECT

Make sure your process is involved in small, mid, and

large scale project and program management, including
the management of project teams.

Ask the Global Head of Program Management, SMB:

How do you make sure that the migration plan fits

with your standards of project management and your
benchmarks of quality?

# 1089 | Focus Area: digital transformation

healthcare - MANAGEMENT

Use expertise in organizational design and change

management practices to improve program
management, team management, process management,
and software development.

Ask the Director Technology Program Management:

What is the culture of cybersecurity outside the team

with direct responsibility for keeping data protected?

# 1088 | Focus Area: ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 -


Participate as a team member in program management

activities to ensure successful new product launches,
including supplier approvals, process readiness, and
PPAP approvals.

Ask the Director of Program Management - IP Video:

Are team members involved in decision making?

# 1087 | Focus Area: Activity Based Costing -


Ensure your personnel delivers complex (internal)

customer solutions through the Program Management
Discipline, integrating project management with (internal)
customer requirements, with business process delivery.

Ask the Senior Regional Portfolio Manager:

How you can prioritize budgets with business metrics?

# 1086 | Focus Area: IT Security Audit - PROGRAM

Advance provides program management where cross-

product engagement where multiple products are
required to meet specific business outcomes for a
(internal) customer engagement with support from a
team of project/program managers.

Ask the Program Management Chief of Staff Office:

Does the vendor have experience in producing high
quality IT security products?

# 1085 | Focus Area: Security Operations -


Be sure your group collaborates with program

management and facility administrators to establish goals
and objectives and develop and implement guidelines,
procedures, policies, rules, and regulations to enhance
programs and services; uses data to direct decision-
making processes; oversees and participates in the
development and implementation of activities designed
to ensure legislative and program performance measures
are met.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management -

Inventory Management:

Are there any appropriate security policy, guidelines or

procedures established?

# 1084 | Focus Area: Workplace Health Promotion -

Work closely with Program Management and technical
team to define tactical and strategic technology
development plans, and support business development

Ask the Director of Program Management:

Do project charter and detailed project plans reflect the

work that needs to be performed?

# 1083 | Focus Area: Sales Leadership -


Be certain that your strategy is involved in building

processes, program management, project management
and related schedules.

Ask the Director of Program Management – Regulatory


Should project management be based on theories or

economics or production?

# 1082 | Focus Area: Chief Revenue Officer -


Confirm that your company is developing, prioritizing,

and executing program management bench for cross
functional initiatives, business process excellence, and
continuous improvement initiatives to support core

Ask the Group Manager, Product Technical Program


What approach gives you the ability to securely view and

manage programs and workflows?

# 1081 | Focus Area: Amazon Redshift -


Develop experience working with information technology

(internal) customers and/or partners through account
management, product management, program
management and business development engagements,
as examples.

Ask the Sr Manager, Technical Program Management -

AWS Security Onboarding:

Does business management consider the business use of

IT when preparing business strategy?

# 1080 | Focus Area: Microlearning -

Warrant that your company is involved in cross functional

business delivery, ideally with large data intensive
program management involvement.

Ask the Global Data Head Program Management:

When creating a WBS, how much involvement is needed

from the project team?

# 1079 | Focus Area: IT PMO - PROJECT

Develop and lead the IT Program Management and

Alignment Office to ensure quality, consistency and
oversight of information technology projects by
developing and maintaining project management
methodologies, standards, and tools.

Ask the Senior Software Delivery Project Program


Has the program evaluated the strategic alignment of its

current projects?

# 1078 | Focus Area: Operating Model -


Be confident that your organization is involved in

program management, management consulting,
corporate strategy, business operations, or planning.

Ask the Purchasing Specialist - Program Management


What useful data is already being collected and/or

studied across your organization departments?

# 1077 | Focus Area: BCM and IT DR -

Be confident that your group is involved in Business

Resilience program management software and
administration of toolsets.

Ask the Administration and Program Management


What are the attributes of resilience?

# 1076 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes Effects

Analysis - QUALITY

Make sure your group scientists and cross-functional

teams, including Process Development (PD),
Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Supply Chain, and
Program Management among others to ensure on time
delivery of Technology Transfer activities.

Ask the Cyber Security Privacy Program Management

Support Manager Lead:

Does the supplier have an adequate quality assurance

and statistical process control programs?

# 1075 | Focus Area: Shifting Business Priorities -


Establish that your personnel is involved in

documentation planning and support, project
administration, program management support, event
planning and administration, mail services, records, and
data input.

Ask the Business Systems Analyst:

Are project expenditure records reviewed, managed and


# 1074 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis Template -

Ensure appropriate staff skills, competencies and

development plans are in place for the team and track
the deployment of program leadership and program
management support to programs.

Ask the Director Software Engineering Program


What support, if any, is necessary for each team


# 1073 | Focus Area: Maintains applicable call

center metrics - MANAGEMENT

Certify your operation is involved in project and program

management and evaluation.

Ask the Senior Manager Operation Program


How involved was top management?

# 1072 | Focus Area: KOL Management -


Verify that your group is involved in project or program

management is an advantage.

Ask the Head Director/Senior Manager Program


Which stage of the BCM program helps verify the

efficiency of the BCM process?

# 1071 | Focus Area: Digital Transformation -

Safeguard that your workforce supports business goals

by collaborating with digital product, architecture,
program management and various engineering teams
to execute consumer digital product and experiences

Ask the Senior Director- Sourcing Excellence and

Program Management:

Do you carry complimentary products where the sale of

one will lead the consumer to another purchase?

# 1070 | Focus Area: Chief Finance Officer -


Make sure your organization builds transformation office

through strong program management structure and skills
including effective process improvement methodologies
and tools, change management model and tools,
governance, communications, standards aligned with
Agile management and Lean as foundation, reporting,
tracking and monitoring progress, all with outcomes

Ask the Program Management Specialist:

How does risk management carry out its reporting?

# 1069 | Focus Area: ISO 27001 Lead Auditor -


Work with program management and project leads to

support programs with team resources.

Ask the Program Management Sr. Manager - VP - Hybrid:

Are your and your powers being applied in a way that

contributes to your goals or supports the team?

# 1068 | Focus Area: Sprint Planning - PRODUCT

Establish that your operation brings depth of Project

and Program Management in both traditional and Agile
project/product approaches to execute projects and
achieve business outcomes.

Ask the Sr Analyst Core Applications:

Does the program have a limited number of specific,

ambitious long term performance goals that focus on
outcomes and meaningfully reflect the purpose of the

# 1067 | Focus Area: Service Level Indicators -


Oversee that your team directs and oversees the Program

Management Office (PMO) to ensure COO programs
and projects meet organization goals, requirements, and

Ask the Head Director, IT Program Management:

Is the pmo a permanent organization feature?

# 1066 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Certify your group facilitates required project

management activities and deliverables, with priority by
contract, including annual project kickoff, annual product
kickoffs, project workplans by product, monthly program
management meetings, monthly budget report and
meetings, weekly product management meetings, and
quarterly performance metrics reporting.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management

Are agendas and minutes kept of key meetings?

# 1065 | Focus Area: Master Data Management -


Warrant that your organization is involved in financial

management, compliance and regulatory requirements,
program management, change management and risk

Ask the Director Planning and Program Management:

How will you engage others in the design and continuous

improvement of your program?

# 1064 | Focus Area: Product Owner - PRODUCT

Warrant that your company is involved in product

management or strategic security program management.

Ask the Head Director, Development Operations &

Program Management Planning & Strategy:

Who should be involved during the security product

selection process?

# 1063 | Focus Area: Risk Identification - RISK

Drive effective program management to support

the establishment of risk identification processes,
remediation and strategy across technology and the
business divisions.

Ask the Manager, Technical Deployment Program


How will the Development Management Policies drive

forward energy efficiency?

# 1062 | Focus Area: Cloud Infrastructure -


Confirm that your design is involved in process

management and continuous process improvement, and
program management, prioritization, and delivery.

Ask the Lead Architect – Digital Transformations:

Is your organization undertaking any process

improvement projects?

# 1061 | Focus Area: Project Risk Management -


Work with Program Management Office, Project

Managers and Leadership Team to support program and
team objectives.

Ask the Director Technical Program Management Media


Do you have different process and methods of work for

different projects?

# 1060 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - PRODUCT

Evaluate and track progress of supplier project progress

and product maturity; reporting status to program
management organization and leadership.

Ask the Wholesale Credit Transformation - Program

Management - Head:

Are vehicle induction procedures a component of your

vehicle safety program?

# 1059 | Focus Area: Digital Workplace Strategy -

Oversee the Program Management team efforts to

collect, consolidate, organize and distribute project
information, high level reporting, metrics, and
dashboards throughout the organization in collaboration
with the program leads.

Ask the Director, Major Customer Program Management:

How is information collected for the log?

# 1058 | Focus Area: Strategic Account

Management - MANAGEMENT

Verify that your operation is defining and owning key

business input drivers and be the business owners Hiring
and grooming a high performing program management
team and drive organizational success by establishing,
measuring and tracking team and individual goals.

Ask the Senior Specialist, Program Management:

What business problems are being addressed by the


# 1057 | Focus Area: ISO 31000 - RISK

Safeguard that your organization is involved in the

program management in risk including reporting,
creation and analysis of risk metrics.

Ask the iOS Engineer:

What limitations of existing enterprise risk management

models prompted creation of a new framework?

# 1056 | Focus Area: FMEA - ENGINEERING

Liaison so that your team has application of project

and program management fundamentals to complex
engineering problems.

Ask the Sr Manager, IT Program Management (Enterprise

Data Management):

Why can teams on the cloud better estimate and manage


# 1055 | Focus Area: Cyber Security - SECURITY

Ensure your program management function has a

variety of needs including project management, process
mapping/creation, security awareness, risk and privacy.

Ask the Senior-Software Delivery Project/Program


Does the board ensure that managements action plans

regarding your organizations cybersecurity culture and
awareness take into account current or future use of AI?

# 1054 | Focus Area: GDPR - MANAGEMENT

Safeguard that your strategy is involved in program

management and roadmap development with strong
organizational skills to be able to track important details
across a cross functional organization.

Ask the Director of Program Management Office:

How will HIPAA be affected by developments in

telemedicine, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence?

# 1053 | Focus Area: Operations Management -


Make sure your personnel participates in development
and improvement of key business processes, tools
and templates related to program management, best
practices, and cross-functional diagnostic product
development, including standard program and portfolio
management tools and processes.

Ask the Director, Corporate Real Estate Program


Is production and operations management a discipline?

# 1052 | Focus Area: Management Review -


Recommend, develop, and implement program

management tools, process ownership and analysis,
risk management, controls, and performance metrics to
monitor and report program performance to objectives
(including budget, schedule, and other management
requirements), and facilitate project coordination and

Ask the Manager Program Management - Office of the


What developments in the past year will influence current

performance measures?

# 1051 | Focus Area: Experience API -


Be certain that your staff is involved in software program

management and/or engineering management.

Ask the Principal Customer Experience Program

Management Professional:

What strategies has your organization or team developed

to incorporate risk management into project and

program management that have added value and
benefited decisionmaking and planning?

# 1050 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your team is involved in cross functional

portfolio and program management and delivery to the
level that they can set standards, propose policy, and
coach others.

Ask the Principal Technical Program Management:

Which entity should make the investments needed to

make the service delivery model work?

# 1049 | Focus Area: GxP - MANAGEMENT

Work collaboratively with product managers, designers,

researchers, program management and front-end
developers across the business to champion the
information creation process and incrementally realize
the long-term vision.

Ask the Sr Manager Supply Chain Program Management:

Does the training program include temporary staff?

# 1048 | Focus Area: Card Not Present -


Invest in program office management of projects,

tracking progress against schedules, driving, and
coordinating accomplishment of actions, coordinating
the development of proposed solutions to issues,
supporting meetings, and providing analysis of logistics
support processes and progress on behalf of the
organization program management office.

Ask the Technology Program Management Senior Lead:

Are internal project status meetings held at reasonable


# 1047 | Focus Area: Marketing Processes -


Warrant that your operation has involvement working

and communicating with multiple stakeholders and cross
functional teams including direct and channel marketing,
business development, program management and
account management teams.

Ask the Project Program Management:

How could a multiple benefits approach to

energy efficiency investments in organizations be

# 1046 | Focus Area: Zero Trust - MANAGEMENT

Check that your staff members of the PMO effectively

deliver business results by championing a culture of
accountability and consistent application of project and
program management practices.

Ask the Sr. Program Management Analyst:

How can zero trust improve your identity and access

management practices when moving to a hybrid cloud

# 1045 | Focus Area: SAP Supply Chain

Management - PROJECT

Make sure the Project Coordinator works in the context

of a program management team managing inventory for
programs consisting of multiple projects for your multi

site (internal) clients.

Ask the Administration and Program Management


How can research on relational capital be applied to the

supply network context?

# 1044 | Focus Area: Data Monetization - SUPPLY

Provide program management support, perform data

analysis, develop briefings and papers for all levels of
organization agency leadership, and conduct research in
support of logistics strategy and supply chain initiatives.

Ask the Technical Program Management:

Is the system meeting targeted service levels?

# 1043 | Focus Area: APQP - MANAGEMENT

Oversee that your staff supports Program Management

generated project macro schedules with detailed
engineering micro schedules to ensure that all project
milestones are tracked and completed on time.

Ask the Consultant, Project Program Management:

Does your organization have a list of preventative

maintenance procedures and schedules?

# 1042 | Focus Area: Venture Capital -

Confirm that your workforce is responsible for end to
end project or program management throughout the life
cycle of a software/system development project/program
(have to be internal or external (internal) client facing).

Ask the Director, Global Strategic Sr Program


Who is hired during initiation phase of a project life


# 1041 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Confirm that your staff seamless integration of Supply

Chain, Engineering, Quality, Finance, and Operations
organizations in support of Program Management and
Business Development.

Ask the Global Technology Program Management:

What are the significant aspects of your processes/


# 1040 | Focus Area: Corporate Compliance -


Build a comprehensive Program Management E2E

process that incorporates for a guideline for managing
projects, identifying validation points that ensure
expectations are met or exceeded and provides guidance
on when extended and stakeholder team engagement
with priority.

Ask the Application Services Manager:

Does the segment require any validation beyond data

type and maximum length?

# 1039 | Focus Area: soc 2 - COMPLIANCE

Provide Project and Program Management (specifically
including Status and Risk Management Reporting)
to such teams in support of Policy and Regulatory
Compliance activities.

Ask the Senior Manager Technical Program Management:

What affects the information sharing activities and cannot
be changed?

# 1038 | Focus Area: Reduce Risk - MANAGEMENT

Make headway so that your process is involved in

program management and stakeholder management.

Ask the Compliance Program Management Sr Manager:

Are the management and leadership involved for

improvement to safety and risk reduction?

# 1037 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - QUALITY

Partner with Design Engineering and Program

Management to ensure appropriateness and adequacy of
quality management system documentation facilitating
design and development planning and execution.

Ask the Program Management Head Manager -

Procurement / Supply Chain:

Does your organization have demonstrated applicable

experience in program management?

# 1036 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - PROGRAM

Make sure the program manager (pm) is responsible for

program management throughout the entire product life
cycle (from pre-acquisition through end of production);
providing customer acquisition support for new
programs; leading program-related communications, and
taking full program management ownership of related
activities performed by multi-disciplined cross functional

Ask the Program Management Lead, Carrier Engineering,

New Product Introduction:

Will different strategies be needed in different phases of
the safety life cycle?

# 1035 | Focus Area: Digital Strategy Audit -


Advise stakeholders on leading practices and adapt

the IA plan accordingly (with proper risk-based
considerations and broader IA leadership team
collaboration), particularly regarding governance
and controls regarding key risks to new system
implementations, digital programs, cyber program
management and related initiatives, SOX compliance
optimization, etc.

Ask the Cybersecurity and Privacy Program Management


Does your battle plan include a value based data risk

management approach?

# 1034 | Focus Area: GDPR - SECURITY

Make sure the Security Program Management team

collaborates with cross functional teams to deliver
security best practices throughout program or product

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, Data Privacy:

How does HIPAA apply to data management and hosting?

# 1033 | Focus Area: Strategic Planning -


Provide program management leadership and

operational support throughout your design organization
and across partner teams by increasing communication

and connection points, streamlining the design process,
and driving design excellence.

Ask the Program Management Lead IT Project Manager

Vice President:

What resources do you need for the strategic planning


# 1032 | Focus Area: Project Risk Management -


Make sure your process manages cross-organizational

or business projects develops processes; coordinates,
defines, and understands functional software
requirements, and utilizes software applications in
accordance with accepted program management

Ask the Principal Technical Program Management:

What kinds of judgments do you make before

downloading a piece of software?

# 1031 | Focus Area: Mentorship - MANAGEMENT

Guarantee your strategy ensures consistency across
Product Management leadership from other Business
Units and the central Program Management R and D

Ask the Program Management Advisor:

Which business units are in scope?

# 1030 | Focus Area: Cloud ERP - MANAGEMENT

Operationalize project planning and execution, work

with program management and cross functional team for
overall delivery of the project.

Ask the Deposit Operations Supervisor:

What is the timeframe for the project?

# 1029 | Focus Area: Internet of Things -


Be confident that your staff has leadership, program

management and project engineering skills.

Ask the Facilities Planner - Program Management


Which AI technologies has your organization already

implemented for your field service operations?

# 1028 | Focus Area: Security Operations -


Make sure your process coordinates, monitors, and

evaluates program activities and operations; ensures
compliance with laws, rules, regulations, policies,
procedures, and standards; oversees the preparation
of and review of forms and records; oversees the
preparation of or prepares management and operational
reports; oversees the preparation of or prepares serious
and critical incident reports and debriefing reports;
collaborates with program management and facility
administrators in establishing goals and objectives
and in the development of guidelines, procedures,
policies, rules, and regulations; develops schedules,
priorities, and standards for achieving goals; uses data
to direct decision-making processes; and assists with the
development and evaluation of budget requests.

Ask the Sr. Director, Technical Program Management -

Product Operations:

How much of the staffing budget is allocated to


# 1027 | Focus Area: Cloud Access Security -

Make headway so that your process is involved in

program management and leading cross functional

Ask the Sr. Director Automotive Program Management:

What are the characteristics which makes software

projects different from other project?

# 1026 | Focus Area: Infrastructure Provisioning -


Make headway so that your design is involved in agile or

other program management methodologies.

Ask the Senior Program Management Consultant:

What challenges does your organization encounter in the

process of adopting agile project management?

# 1025 | Focus Area: Data Monetization - SUPPLY

Oversee that your organization is involved in providing

program management, technical support, or (internal)
client relationship management for large projects,
specifically in the context of procurement, logistics, and
supply chain management.

Ask the Program Management Officer - Trust & Safety:

Why must a billing platform enable recurring customer


# 1024 | Focus Area: Confirmation Bias -


Make headway so that your group drives DEI goal

attainment through program management and defined
project plans; manage implementation activities, and
develop processes, documentation and communications
for program/process rollout and ongoing support.

Ask the Program Management Group Leader:

Is the person in charge trained in proper management


# 1023 | Focus Area: Metadata management -


Collaborate with product management, program

management and partners in building the long-term
strategic roadmap for enterprise technology systems
architecture in line with business priorities and

Ask the Systems Specialist:

What do you need a roadmap for products, strategy,


# 1022 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Make sure your operation is providing project and

program management support for significant change
efforts that align with divisional priorities and your
Corporate Scorecard.

Ask the Manager - Program Management Office:

Does your organization currently have/utilize an existing

change management protocol for other major initiatives?

# 1021 | Focus Area: Business Analysis Manager -
Enterprise Risk Management - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the VP, Technology Portfolio Lead is

responsible for providing program management support
to project teams.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management Office

Electronic Health Record Management:

What percentage of your affiliate program will make up

your client portfolio and/or your total revenue?

# 1020 | Focus Area: cloud adoption -


Assure your organization is involved in program

management, (internal) client service and/or
management consulting.

Ask the Lending Systems Manager:

How do you introduce cloud computing to your

organizations workforce in a way that inspires widespread

# 1019 | Focus Area: UI Tests - DATA

Interact with project stakeholders and other data

team as Data Architecture, Data Governance, Program
Management etc.

Ask the Principal Technology Project Program


How will the project change business processes?

# 1018 | Focus Area: Scaled Agile Framework -


Assure your personnel is responsible for program

management and branch workload oversight to ensure
appropriate technical architecture, systems engineering,
and supporting services are planned and executed
to support transitioning matured enterprise digital
capabilities into operations and sustainment.

Ask the Content Designer:

What are the differences between projects and routine


# 1017 | Focus Area: Project Management Staffing


Drive program strategy and goals provide program

management and define project plans, manage
implementation activities, and develop processes,
documentation and communications for program/
process rollout and ongoing management.

Ask the QC, Analytical Program Management Lead:

Is there an established reporting system that provides the

necessary data to each level of management to track the
cost, schedule, and scope of a project?

# 1016 | Focus Area: Liquid Cooling Data Center -


Make sure the Security Innovation Execution team

delivers project and program management support.

Ask the Senior Manager, Project Program Management:

What is the most important thing a project manager can

do when starting project execution?

# 1015 | Focus Area: innovation - MANAGEMENT

Certify your team identifies and manages proposed

changes to program parameters and works with
Enterprise Program Management and Program Managers
to ensure appropriate processes and communications are

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management,

Experience Engineering:

Do organization managers rely on employees or team

leaders to innovate?

# 1014 | Focus Area: Functional Upskilling -


Certify your organization is involved in both with Program

Management and Full life Cycle Recruiting.

Ask the Vice President Program Management Lead:

Have you considered recruiting the right people to

support the program?

# 1013 | Focus Area: Project Risk Management -


Assure your workforce leads and manages the Program

Management Office and is accountable for all the Project
Management processes required for efficient program

Ask the Purchasing Specialist - Program Management


Has the impact of late system or functional delivery been


# 1012 | Focus Area: Hiring for Diversity -

Ensure strong operations management skills, including

project and program management, process analysis and

Ask the VP Project Program Management:

How do you ensure your projects finish on time and

within budget?

# 1011 | Focus Area: CISO - SECURITY

Guarantee your company is involved in both technical

information security management and security program

Ask the Program Management Chief of Staff Office:

How could improvements in information security

management be achieved?

# 1010 | Focus Area: Business Process Outsourcing


Confirm that your team is responsible for tracking and

managing all necessary tactical activities required to
realize potential savings from proposed/approved Cost
Optimization measures; as well as support and lead other
routine functions of a Program Management Office.

Ask the Director, Corporate Real Estate Program


Are business research and information systematically

integrated into the management program?

# 1009 | Focus Area: Pricing Structure - PRODUCT

Warrant that your organization works with Program

Management and Business Development to identify
and create new products, and the associated value

Ask the CMC Program Management Lead:

Do you identify a measurable indicator for each of the

outcomes your program seeks to accomplish?

# 1008 | Focus Area: Reduce Risk - MANAGEMENT

Enhance existing Program Management methodology

and project delivery framework, introducing enhanced
tool sets and best practices with a focus on continuous
process improvement.

Ask the Director of Program Management - Data and

Analytics Platform Team:

What improvements are recommended that future

processes and management are enhanced?

# 1007 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - PROJECT

Support program management office on required

business and project analysis for program decisions to
move forward.

Ask the Program Management:

Is there a fit for purpose program team structure with

appropriate resourcing and access to expertise?

# 1006 | Focus Area: Effective Governance -


Develop experience working with ISVs through
account management, product management, program
management and business development engagements.

Ask the Business Program Management - Enterprise


Does the business have a benefits management system in


# 1005 | Focus Area: 5G in the Enterprise -


Lead all aspects of a team of Marketing, Business

Development and Program management professionals.

Ask the Sr Manager, IT Program Management (Enterprise

Data Management):

What should happen after you have launched a program

that leads to more activity, increased enthusiasm, and
new engagements?

# 1004 | Focus Area: ISA95 - PROJECT

Apply a structured change management approach and
program management methodology to effectively meet
team and project requirements.

Ask the Project Program Management Consultant:

How can projects be effectively managed if the target is

constantly shifting?

# 1003 | Focus Area: target operating model -


Ensure your process is involved in program management,

financial management, demand management and user


Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management:

What is how and why data capacity demands of the

system might grow in the future?

# 1002 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management - MANAGEMENT

Warrant that your company is involved in agile/iterative

development and program management methodologies.

Ask the Head Director / Director, Program Management:

What is the final stage of the system development life


# 1001 | Focus Area: Cloud Migration - PROJECT

Provide oversight and advanced program management

level coordination for the COVID project and activities in
concert with IT Business Liaisons.

Ask the Director, Program Management – Global


Do you have a documented, organization wide program

in place to manage risk?

# 1000 | Focus Area: Facilities Energy Management


Be certain that your design has involvement in project

and program management principles and involvement in
managing multiple simultaneous projects.

Ask the Practice Lead, Program Management and


What are the principles of behavioral economics?

# 999 | Focus Area: Governance, Risk and

Compliance - MANAGEMENT

Make headway so that your strategy has project and/or

program management involvement.

Ask the Sr. Specialist - Program Management:

How has employee involvement contributed to the

success of the process?

# 998 | Focus Area: Data Center Design and

Construction - MANAGEMENT

Be certain that your process is involved in establishing

program management frameworks for new initiatives.

Ask the Director, IT Enterprise Architecture & Program


What are the key management actions and technology


# 997 | Focus Area: post merger integration -


Be sure your workforce is involved in cross functional,

complex program management including tracking,
reporting and risk management.

Ask the Operations Specialist Deposit Support:

Is there a tie between workforce planning and strategic


# 996 | Focus Area: nist cybersecurity framework -

Engage with the information security program

management team to ensure that projects scoped and
designed in alignment with architecture models.

Ask the Teller:

What are the positions on the team?

# 995 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Be confident that your strategy participates in risk and

other management forums and contributes to continuous
improvement of risk and project program management

Ask the Senior Director Program Management Office:

What is your goal the intended use of your task/project?

# 994 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management


Provide program management leadership by working

with product managers and engineering teams as well
as cross functional teams to create and manage full IoT
software portfolio.

Ask the Senior Manager, IT Program Management

(Information & Analytics Governance):

Do you operate IoT programs designed to create new


# 993 | Focus Area: Enterprise Data Governance -


Interface so that your process provides feedback to team
and program management regarding (internal) customer

Ask the Vice President Program Management Lead:

Is it clear how you can provide feedback on the service?

# 992 | Focus Area: Blockchain Business Model -


Manage elements of product and engineering program

management especially in early project phases.

Ask the Core Operations Specialist:

What products and services deliver your objectives?

# 991 | Focus Area: Security Fundamentals

Professional Certification - MANAGEMENT

Warrant that your company provides oversight of

comprehensive life cycle program management cost
estimates; continually assesses the cost, technical,
operational, and workforce risks associated with
individual realignment and consolidations; and develops
risk mitigations plans inclusive of stakeholder needs.

Ask the Special Security Representative Technical

Program Management Analyst Support Service:

Have all the relevant project stakeholders been consulted

and updated on the progress?

# 990 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - MANAGEMENT

Prefer Project Management, Program Management,

Business Analyst, and/or Risk Management related

Ask the Principal-Technology Project/Program


Have all the major Change Management issues

associated with the preferred alternative been identified
and considered?

# 989 | Focus Area: ISO 17024 - MANAGEMENT

Be certain that your group enhances program

management processes for continuous improvement for
project risk management, project planning, and project

Ask the Commercial Solutions Program Management

Head Director:

What is the association between risk governance

determinants and project success?

# 988 | Focus Area: Sarbanes-Oxley Internal

Certify your design is blending program management,
stakeholder engagement, relationship management,
process improvement and organizational change
management capabilities are key to success.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management Office

Electronic Health Record Management:

What are the key factors affecting the behavior you wish
to change?

# 987 | Focus Area: Stakeholder Management -


Interface so that your operation is involved in Program
management in implementing change management.

Ask the Senior-Software Delivery Project/Program


Do you view your account invoices in the management

web interface?

# 986 | Focus Area: mining health and safety -


Ensure your process is involved in hazardous materials

program management and awareness.

Ask the Manager - Program Management Office:

Have provisions been made to have adequate first aid

materials at all work areas?

# 985 | Focus Area: Cyber Asset - MANAGEMENT

Lead enterprise wide (internal) client facing resiliency

projects and programs as the lead technical SME in
partnership with your project and program management

Ask the Sr. Head, Program Management:

Who is leading your cybersecurity program?

# 984 | Focus Area: Business Continuity -


Ensure strong project management skills in all areas of

Business Continuity Program management.

Ask the Sr. Manager - Program Management:

Which are the service areas that will be considered to be
in scope for the strategy roadmap?

# 983 | Focus Area: Scope Management -


Be sure your organization develops a pipeline of Project/

Program Management talent to ensure business and
program continuity.

Ask the Director Customer Experience Strategic Program


Do you have agreements to ensure your providers adhere

to your information security and privacy policies?

# 982 | Focus Area: Data Integrity - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your workforce has leadership

involvement in program management and process

Ask the Senior-Software Delivery Project/Program


Has the lack of involvement by other functional offices

been detrimental to the effective application of LSA?

# 981 | Focus Area: Enterprise Operating Model -


Liaison so that your process provides the processes,

structures, and tools for individual project management
and program management across your organization.

Ask the Director, Program Management & Strategic


How effective was the quality review process?

# 980 | Focus Area: Master Data Management


Make sure your workforce is responsible for all aspects

of technical project and program management that are
more network focused and not IT or Software Delivery

Ask the Sr. Director, Technical Program Management -

Product Operations:

Is your network at risk of failure that can be avoided if you

take protective action right now?

# 979 | Focus Area: Business Model Agility -


Ensure your team works closely with colleagues in

technology, user experience, operations, assessment
design and development, psychometrics and program
management to design and develop digital solutions that
meet the needs of your users.

Ask the Senior Manager Project Program Management:

Does your organization ensure complete trace ability of

lots through all operations?

# 978 | Focus Area: Critical to Quality - QUALITY

Interface and update regularly key project stakeholders

including R and D (design), Manufacturing (process),
Supplier Quality, Program Management and Product

Ask the Branch Manager:

How many project leaders to interface with?

# 977 | Focus Area: Fault Tree Analysis - PROGRAM

Be sure your design collaborates with the Plant Quality

Engineer, (Factory Focus Quality Engineer), Operations
and Program Management on the required activities
to ensure that delivery schedules are maintained, and
monitors the timely resolution of quality related issues
that could adversely affect delivery commitments.

Ask the Director Program Management Office Operations:

Are there manual operations that will be required to

recover from common kinds of failure?

# 976 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management Program - CHANGE

Make sure your design is responsible for enterprise wide

digital roadmap change management plan and partners
with Digital Program Management to integrate strategy
and plan for managing change for your organization.

Ask the Mid-Level Supplier Program Management

Specialist (Virtual):

Does management have backup plans for business

continuity if your organizations cloud service goes down?

# 975 | Focus Area: ISO 14644 - MANAGEMENT

Interface with Engineering, Program Management

and Business Operations to coordinate planning for
production of the entire product line.

Ask the RCSA Core Program Management and Assurance


Has bcm been coordinated with other organizational

processes and linked to your organizations business

# 974 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management


Oversee that your organization is involved in a

program management role, especially across program
workstreams in a complex program.

Ask the Operational Risk Program Management Analyst-


Do you have a due diligence process for the selection of

third parties, based on the risk assessment?

# 973 | Focus Area: Business Development

Management - MANAGEMENT

Work with program management team to understand

and manage the ongoing commercial relationships with
each OEM including reporting, analysis, contract re
negotiations and business growth strategies.

Ask the Commercial Solutions Program Management

Head Director:

Why should the customer pick you over the other good

# 972 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - PROJECT

Support Program management office for program

strategy planning, program and project alignment
communications and key actions follow up to deliver.

Ask the Project/Program Management, Senior Manager:

What about transactions processed in future years?

# 971 | Focus Area: Data Center Facilities -

Make sure the Technology Program Management team

drives programs that deliver innovative, enterprise cloud
solutions for your (internal) customers.

Ask the Senior Systems Analyst:

Which other team will collaborate with the A-team to

manage the implementation?

# 970 | Focus Area: Data Center Power and Cooling

Techniques - MANAGEMENT

Make headway so that your workforce is involved in

program management methodologies.

Ask the Manager, Supply Chain Program Management:

Which organizations will be involved in delivering the


# 969 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Sustainability -


Establish that your company is establishing Program

Management Office for agile management of a portfolio
of cross functional initiatives with aim to deliver
measurable business impacts.

Ask the Federal - IT Program Management Specialist:

Are program management procedures and systems


# 968 | Focus Area: Resourcing - PROJECT

Ensure you also lead a program management team(s)
across multiple (internal) clients and/or sectors managing
programs consisting of multiple projects for (internal)
clients while acting as an extension of an owners design
and construction staff overseeing the work of general
contractors, designers and vendors.

Ask the Senior Acquisition Master Scheduler/Program

Management Professional:

What about vendor sub contractors?

# 967 | Focus Area: Communication Skills -


Make sure the Program Management Coordinator works

as a part of the Program Management team to manage
the development and production of advertising programs
(print, broadcast, collateral, experiential, digital content,

Ask the Business Program Management Office Avp:

What are participant outcomes for key measures

identified in the logic model?

# 966 | Focus Area: Epicor - MANAGEMENT

Be the IT advocate for the business and manage

technical and program management expertise to support
technology implementation.

Ask the Project/Program Management, Senior Manager:

How can business intelligence be used in agile program


# 965 | Focus Area: Maturing Security Operations


Be confident that your strategy is involved in program

management methodologies and governance.

Ask the Senior Advisor, Technical Program Management:

How can program level flexibility be balanced with

effective institutional governance?

# 964 | Focus Area: technical policies -


Interface so that your organization utilizes business

program management system to manage programs.

Ask the Senior Director Digital Program Management:

What kind of application initiatives are needed to support

the business?

# 963 | Focus Area: Strategic HR Partner Strategy -


Interface so that your operation is compelling leadership

style that includes extraordinary people, program
management skills, business and technology expertise
with a style that influences others outside direct span of
control and shows confidence.

Ask the Manager Technical Program Management:

Has your organization retained outside energy efficiency

or sustainability specialists or groups?

# 962 | Focus Area: Risk Business Management-

Associate - MANAGEMENT

Lead and manage continuous improvement and

planning for deliverables while ensuring adoption and
implementation of project and program management
methodology and drives the project and program
management coaching for the team.

Ask the Principal-Software Delivery Project/Program


What are the sources for development of the subject

methodology and resultant optimal vehicle allocation?

# 961 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Risk

Analysis and Testing - MANAGEMENT

Partner with various program management stakeholders

and technology execution teams to ensure alignment
with strategy and vision.

Ask the Business Program Management Consultant:

How can BCP organization ensure alignment of data

standards and reporting between partners?

# 960 | Focus Area: Business Process Outsourcing -


Build and lead a team accountable for the end-to-end

program management of your largest, strategic (internal)
customer programs in High Performance Compute
including operational, financial, and contractual
ownership of programs.

Ask the Strategy Transformation and Program

Management Consultant:

Does the workload increase impact IT system


# 959 | Focus Area: Software Configuration

Management - MANAGEMENT

Assure your team is managing high visibility projects

and applying program management strategies to meet
organization goals.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management,


What percentage of your program is developed from the

binary representation?

# 958 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Collaborate with finance, accounting, and the science

program management and operations team to establish
time and expense coding practices that support
meaningful cost, budget, and ROI analyses.

Ask the Director of Program Management Office:

Should project management practices be used prior to

the project start up phase?

# 957 | Focus Area: Digital Forensics - PROGRAM

Ensure you specialize in a wide range of services

including Business Process Re-engineering and
Improvement, Program Management, Analytic Forensics,
Cyber Incident Response and Advanced Penetration
Testing, Creative Media Services, Infographic Web and
User Experience Design, and IT Management Consulting

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management,

Engineering Education:

Do you have an incident response workflow in place to

remediate the situation?

# 956 | Focus Area: Software architecture -

Interface with scientists, engineering managers, product

management, and/or program management to drive
new product development programs from concept to

Ask the Director Technical Program Management:

How might one distinguish between bad schedule driven

practices that harm programs and good, aggressive
program management that yields more efficiency and

# 955 | Focus Area: Sprint Planning -


Verify that your staff is involved in program management

in the automotive industry.

Ask the Program Management Head Manager -

Procurement / Supply Chain:

Will the same staff be involved with the SCP project?

# 954 | Focus Area: cybersecurity risk management


Be confident that your process is attending meetings,

workshops, conferences, and program reviews at the
direction of the program or project manager to provide
programmatic and technical review, record meeting
minutes, and operationalize the program management
dialogue with performers.

Ask the Senior Director, Enterprise Program Management:

What cybersecurity related projects is your organization

planning to undertake?

# 953 | Focus Area: Personal Finance Software -


Make sure your strategy is owning the program

management through complete product lifecycle,
including all engineering changes to the specific

Ask the Head Ops Program Management:

What products or services are needed to sustain the

product throughout its life?

# 952 | Focus Area: Vendor Relationship

Management - MANAGEMENT

Check that your design is involved in cross functional

program management leadership.

Ask the Senior Accountant:

How should senior leadership be involved?

# 951 | Focus Area: Budget management -


Ensure you understand program management best

practices, able to clearly define roles and responsibilities
of team members and stakeholders, manage multiple
end-to end creative workflows, and able to proactively
provide thoughtful solutions to address changes in
timelines or feedback.

Ask the Head Principal - Program Management Office:

Who is the best person on your team to handle the test

management tasks while you are gone?

# 950 | Focus Area: APQP - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your operation is involved in a disciplined

Program Management environment based on logical
program task sequencing and the mutual reliance of
different functions represented on the team.

Ask the Director of Program Management Office (PMO):

Does the audit program plan consider status and

importance of the activities and areas to be audited and
results of previous audits?

# 949 | Focus Area: Digital Workplace Strategies -


Liaison so that your group is involved in program

management lifecycle and tools.

Ask the Hardware Accessibility Program Management


How are customers connected with programs?

# 948 | Focus Area: Data Domain - MANAGEMENT

Be sure your strategy performs the relevant program

management processes for traditional and Agile
programs for product development.

Ask the Manager, Program Management - Risk and

Payment Operations:

Do you understand the impact of delays or changes in

requirements in individual projects and programs on the
rest of the portfolio and the overall delivery of benefits?

# 947 | Focus Area: Microsoft SharePoint -

Perform program management and analysis support in

the form of strategy development, data collection and
analysis, performance management, and metric/return
on investment analysis.

Ask the Spec, Program Management:

How will performance based lifecycle product support be


# 946 | Focus Area: Information Systems

Contingency Plan - PROJECT

Make sure your organization enters project information

into capital program management software.

Ask the Federal - IT Program Management Specialist:

Is a software product used to assist in managing


# 945 | Focus Area: low code - DEVELOPMENT

Ensure strong project and program management

involvement in managing software development projects.

Ask the Sr Director Program Management Office:

Who ensures the project benefits are aligned with

strategic goals?

# 944 | Focus Area: IT Program Management -


Work with key stakeholders in product management

and executive teams to define program strategy and


Ask the Senior Director- Sourcing Excellence and

Program Management:

Is there a documented assessment strategy, defined

progression requirements?

# 943 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Warrant that your staff is responsible for development of

advanced risk management concepts such as scenario
analysis, risk based decision making, bow tie analysis,
and others; assisting in the development and use of risk
management tools, practices, and policies to analyze,
report, and to manage risk in a program management

Ask the IOTG Technical Program Management Analyst:

Are risk appetite and tolerance statements developed;

and is adherence ensured?

# 942 | Focus Area: monitoring eligibility to work


Oversee that your group works closely with program

management and QA/QI staff in the development and
implementation of reporting, monitoring and training

Ask the Finance Chief Data Office Data Sourcing Program

Management Head:

Will the implementation team have strong program

management skills and a proven record of successfully
working through or overseeing major transformations?

# 941 | Focus Area: People Analytics - PROGRAM

Be sure your group provides program management

support for talent acquisition, engagement surveys,
performance management, talent reviews, and other key
activities as warranted.

Ask the Sr. PM, Program Management, Partner Support

and Solutions:

How satisfied are you with the range of services and

support offered by the program provider?

# 940 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes - PRIVACY

Ensure your Privacy program management team is

chartered to ensure your program meets internal
standards, regulatory requirements and applies industry
best practices to the program.

Ask the Program Management Office Support Specialist:

How do you ensure your incentive program takes account

of risk and meets regulatory requirements?

# 939 | Focus Area: Project Financing -


Make sure your organization is analyzing management,

business and technical issues related to program
management and information systems.

Ask the Senior Project Manager Technical Program


What significance criteria might make sense for your


# 938 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management -


Support all aspect of Business and Program Management

for the Enterprise Risk Management, Business Continuity
and Information Security Team.


What is information security risk management?

# 937 | Focus Area: innovation - MANAGEMENT

Make sure there is involvement in a Product Management,

Program Management or Digital Strategy role, with
increasingly complex projects and managerial

Ask the Director Program Management Office:

What is the role of integration of the different activities in

your organization in the strategic management process
of technology and innovation?

# 936 | Focus Area: DLP Technologies - PROJECT

Make sure your operation is involved in Program

Management on cross functional projects.

Ask the Director Planning and Program Management:

What is the cost of an outage of your critical business


# 935 | Focus Area: Strategic Alliance -


Establish program management routines for the overall

project and key workstreams, including charters,
principles, detailed project schedules, project meetings

and technical working sessions, budget management,
risk identification and mitigation, issue resolution, lessons
learned documentation, etc.

Ask the IT Program Management Support:

Are external dependencies identified, considered, and

documented during planning sessions?

# 934 | Focus Area: PMO Business - PROJECT

Make sure the PMO assumes both execution

responsibilities of specific project management areas,
as well as program management governance support

Ask the Program Management – Regulatory (Impact


Are project management resources sufficient to service

your requirements?

# 933 | Focus Area: Cost Effectiveness -

Assure your workforce has program management
involvement, leading process improvement from
identification to rollout.

Ask the Head Director of Global Programs (Program

Management Specialist):

How has the implementation of the resilience approach

in crisis management been in practice?

# 932 | Focus Area: Prototyping - DEVELOPMENT

Support all aspects of a technical program management

expertise in an Engineering or scientific related field to
support the engineering development of prototypes

across key technical areas.

Ask the Spec, Program Management:

How do information systems support key business


# 931 | Focus Area: B2B Applications CRM -


Ensure strong business strategy, decision making,

program management and project management skills.

Ask the Director - Silicon Program Management:

How do you influence outcomes to ensure the truth is

told to the press, and communicate a positive vision
by encouraging a decision to rebuild and move the
operation to your organizations?

# 930 | Focus Area: Engineering management -


Drive best known methods for program, project and

portfolio management through active sponsorship of the
Program Management Organization Center of Excellence.

Ask the Director, Project/Program Management:

Is your organization prepared to function as a joined up

center of excellence?

# 929 | Focus Area: iPaaS for Data Integration -


Be confident that your company leads program

management functions for compliance areas to include
topics like business partner screening, GDPR, and
FedRAMP or other equivalent public sector initiatives.

Ask the Sr. Mgr, Program Management:

Does your organization require business partners to

comply with its privacy and security policies?

# 928 | Focus Area: Net Present Value -


Check that your company leads the development

and implementation (or improvement) of program
management processes, systems, methods, tools,
guidelines, standards, and a maturity roadmap to
establish a stable framework that supports all program
teams and stakeholders to improve the probability of
successful program delivery.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management:

Will the system sufficiently integrate and interoperate

with other systems when deployed?

# 927 | Focus Area: Workforce Planning -

Own the program management of the Supply Chain
Inclusion Leadership Team to drive inclusion and diversity
action plan execution across the business.

Ask the Bus Ops and Program Management Leader, Data

and AI Service Line:

Is your supply chain capable of dealing with an

autonomous workforce?

# 926 | Focus Area: innovation - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your staff is responsible for utilizing

advanced program management skills and knowledge

to follow the organizations strategic plan and lead the
large-to-medium and/or moderately complex programs
spanning multiple organizations.

Ask the Senior Financial Planning Analyst:

How well has your organization articulated its purpose,

vision and strategy to its staff and stakeholders?

# 925 | Focus Area: Digital Transformation -


Verify that your group leads strategic portfolio planning

and program management to support your organizations
digital transformation goals.

Ask the Head of Program Management Business Support

- Global:

How are you transforming your supply chain and

business portfolio to be carbon neutral or positive?

# 924 | Focus Area: Security Awareness - SECURITY

Lead program management staff in support of (internal)

customers programs with all aspects and disciplines of
program security administration.

Ask the Manager, Program Management Role, Supply

Chain Management:

What departments block or supports awareness


# 923 | Focus Area: Software Project Manager -


Certify your operation exercises superb follow up and

follow through skills in all facets of program management

and Agile process to quickly drive problems to resolution.

Ask the Senior Advisor Project Program Management:

Are additional agile teams needed to meet demands?

# 922 | Focus Area: Risk Business Management-

Associate - MANAGEMENT

Certify your company manages a portfolio of project and

program management services (project analysis, project
execution, project delivery) for the enterprise.

Ask the Core Technology Operations - Program

Management - Senior Manager:

What are best practices in choosing services?

# 921 | Focus Area: Corporate Compliance -


Provide high level program management direction and

support to the project delivery team.

Ask the Manager, Programming:

Is the project sponsor involved and supportive?

# 920 | Focus Area: IT Key Risk Indicator -


Build program management capacity and project

prioritization evaluation system that bridges the gap
between internal (internal) customer requests and
scoping technology development.

Ask the LIVE! Head Director, Program Management:

Do program incentives cover enough of project costs

identified in the project scoping?

# 919 | Focus Area: API Monetization -


Ensure you also work closely with the Engineering Team

and participates in sprint review, documentation review,
program management planning and enhancement
request delivery.

Ask the Director Technical Program Management:

Why advanced analytics for network planning?

# 918 | Focus Area: Compliance Management -


Ensure your organization needs in depth knowledge

in information security and assurance program
management with involvement in risk, audit, and
compliance management leveraging framework.

Ask the Principal, Strategy Program Management,

Consumer Security:

What percent of the audit plan makes use of subject

matter resources to increase audit depth/value?

# 917 | Focus Area: IP Licensing - DEVELOPMENT

Partner with technical program management and supply

chain team members to manage external development
partners, suppliers and vendors.

Ask the Director, Program Management & Operational


How is the transaction expected to benefit Oracle


# 916 | Focus Area: ISO 17025 - MANAGEMENT

Develop experience leading engineering development

and/or program management across full product
development lifecycle.

Ask the State & Local Government Consulting - Strategy

Transformation and Program Management Consultant:

Does the development team have strong knowledge of/

experience with the technologies?

# 915 | Focus Area: Data Domain - MANAGEMENT

Assure your company is involved in program

management of fully original projects.

Ask the Global Marketing Program Management Lead:

How do applied program management methodologies

deal with digital transformation programs which
comprise traditional and Agile components?

# 914 | Focus Area: server and storage design -


Safeguard that your workforce is involved in program

management and development.

Ask the Senior Manager Project Program Management:

Are there any development needs related to program

management practices and competence?

# 913 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes - PRODUCT

Work closely with Product Development, New

Technology, and Program Management Teams to ensure
milestone attainment to (internal) customer expectations.

Ask the Director Business Program Management:

What level of saturation ensures service performance and

availability for customers?

# 912 | Focus Area: Security Architecture -


Warrant that your company has program management

involvement in implementing technology solutions at
enterprise level.

Ask the Senior Director Digital Program Management:

How has cost, schedule, and performance changed over

time for a particular program or across programs?

# 911 | Focus Area: Employee Onboarding -


Support the PMO Operations lead in development,

implementation and maintenance of project
management, program management and portfolio
policies, standards, procedures.

Ask the Manager, Programming:

Which is a reflection of the project managers ability to


# 910 | Focus Area: Insurance Data Models -


Provide strategic management, program management,

and project management while incorporating a total
quality management approach to support high impact


Ask the Head Director/Senior Manager Program


Has the initial economic development impact of the

project been estimated?

# 909 | Focus Area: Data Governance -


Collaborate with program management team to

implement various privacy projects related to the
implementation of privacy compliance programs.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management,

Experience Engineering:

How can compliance officers get time with the board?

# 908 | Focus Area: APQP - PROCESS

Secure that your operation improve program

management standard work including project checklists,
templates and work processes.

Ask the Data Services Manager:

What reference is made to workmanship standards in


# 907 | Focus Area: Chief HR Officer -


Ensure your staff is accountable for providing program

management leadership and guidance in planning,
deploying and supporting shared solutions, including
a focus on resources, architecture, data integration,
scheduling, on-time delivery, quality assurance, and

overall IT operations.

Ask the Director, Regulatory Program Management &


How do you ensure that your workforce planning,

management and improvement are effective?

# 906 | Focus Area: Workplace Health Promotion -


Support functions, program management and project

engineering teams to solution engineering efforts.

Ask the Program Management Office Analyst:

How long will the solution be operational and need

product support services?

# 905 | Focus Area: unrelated - MANAGEMENT

Establish that your strategy supports business

developers, account representatives, program
management and business sector management by
providing contractual compliance guidance and advice.

Ask the CMC Program Management Lead:

What program management supports are needed?

# 904 | Focus Area: Enterprise Coworking - DIGITAL

Make headway so that your strategy is responsible for the

program management of the current omnichannel and
digital programs and managing the development of new
programs and initiatives.

Ask the Head of Program Management, SVP:

Which products and initiatives are most aligned to

organization objectives?

# 903 | Focus Area: Risk Management Plan -


Make sure there is successful program management

leadership skills including involvement with data
migration for large enterprise systems implementation

Ask the Program Management Chief Staff Office:

Does your employee development plan build skills to

remain competitive in the future?

# 902 | Focus Area: Issues Management -


Ensure your program management and operations

expertise, personable approach, and cross functional
collaboration facilitates improved operational efficiency
and better overall support for legal team members.

Ask the Senior Director- Sourcing Excellence and

Program Management:

What did the project teams do to ensure success?

# 901 | Focus Area: IT Program Management -


Responsible to support through leading communications,

program baseline support, strategic planning
and analysis, data collection, quality reviews, risk
management, and overall management of supporting

Ask the Program Management Officer - Trust & Safety:

Have you established liaison and communications with
government official and emergency services?

# 900 | Focus Area: Multi Brand Strategy -


Interface so that your organization drives dialogue with

engineering teams and program management from
multiple products to deliver integrated services.

Ask the Head of Program Management, SVP:

How can the strategic planning phase of your program be

used to integrate the disciplines of systems engineering
and program management?

# 899 | Focus Area: Zero Trust - WORK

Work closely with Business Technology teams, Program

Management and the wider Design Authority.

Ask the QC, Analytical Program Management Lead:

When was the last time your employees and management

had training on data security?

# 898 | Focus Area: Physical Security Professional -


Liaison so that your process is partnering with program

management and GS Security colleagues to identify and
resolve potential risks to sensitive program and (internal)
customer operations.

Ask the VP Program Management:

Are the findings in risk assessment taken into account

when the goals for security work are set?

# 897 | Focus Area: CCISO - SECURITY

Participate in systems analysis, systems development,

and information technology program management to
understand technical requirements in the context of
strategic development, implementation, and support for
cyber security practices.

Ask the Executive Director, Program Management Office


Do you understand the development process well

enough to be able to identify and evaluate the key risks?

# 896 | Focus Area: Sarbanes Oxley -


Ensure you are key members of the program

management team and works directly with the Program
Manager in defining the Contracts goals and objectives;
and leads recommended actions to improve financial
progress and performance.

Ask the Director, Privacy Program Management:

Do you or your team members want to improve the way

projects are managed?

# 895 | Focus Area: Strategic Alliance -


Execute program management routines to ensure on

time, in budget delivery of full scope through all project
phases from design, through build, piloting/testing, and

Ask the VP Project Program Management:

Are the bcp program objectives integrated with your

organizations strategic business plan?

# 894 | Focus Area: Monitoring and Reporting -


Check that your staff provides program management

oversight on complex programs with significant
impact to ensure timely and successful delivery while
remediating risks.

Ask the Program Management Analyst, Head:

Are you continually assessing if your program is crisis


# 893 | Focus Area: Employee Value Proposition -


Ensure strong project management skills, program

management and non technical product management

Ask the Core Operations Specialist:

Are the highest standards of integrity and devotion to

duty ensured through adequate management systems,
including a system of review of propriety in program

# 892 | Focus Area: digital twin - ENGINEERING

Be certain that your personnel has involvement in

process re engineering, program management and
technology implementation.

Ask the Director Technology Program Management:

What are the procedures and processes that are needed

to adopt best practices?

# 891 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management

Make sure the Program Management Office, Office

of Enterprise Strategy Management, is responsible to
develop and implement processes to assess and analyze
market information.

Ask the Sr. Manager, Manufacturing Systems Program


How are your enterprises processes for identifying,

assessing and managing climate related issues integrated
into your enterprise risk management?

# 890 | Focus Area: Security Orchestration

Automation and Response - DEVELOPMENT

Verify that your design is working cross functionally with

product development, product management, program
management and cloud infra operations teams.

Ask the VP, Global Program Management:

Does the platform have guidelines and in product

capabilities for easy classification and mapping of labels
between products?

Priority - Should Have
# From 667 To 889

# 889 | Focus Area: Service Transition -


Provide advice, training, support and recommendations

for all program management matters in the acquisition
process to include updating systems, policies,
procedures, analyzing issues, developing strategies and
creating standard operating procedures.

Ask the Senior Director - Business Program Management:

Have Standard Operating Procedures or decision making

guidance been provided to employees?

# 888 | Focus Area: post pandemic - MANAGEMENT

Partner with the Program Management team to ensure

programs go to market as thoughtful, integrated
solutions at scale.

Ask the Global Head of Program Management, SMB:

How has the host organization planned for good program

management to ensure high quality programs?

# 887 | Focus Area: Assertive Community

Treatment - MANAGEMENT

Advise the Enterprise Program Management team and

other internal teams on communication best practices
and strategies to streamline reporting.

Ask the Senior Engagement Leader / Program

Management Specialist (Virtual):

What is the status of portfolio management today?

# 886 | Focus Area: IT PMO - PROJECT

Secure that your company ensures adoption and

implementation of project and program management
methodology and oversees project and program
management coaching, including waterfall and Agile.

Ask the Vendor Program Management Head:

What would be the total cost of the project until


# 885 | Focus Area: Information Risk Management -


Verify that your team has lifecycle acquisition Program

Management involvement in a overarching environment.

Ask the Business and Program Management Office – AVP:

How are updates rolled out for your application in terms

of a frequency, and b involvement of your staff?

# 884 | Focus Area: New Product Development -


Employ program management methodologies to identify

and drive initiatives that directly support the strategic
objectives of Service Leadership, Services (internal)
customer Experience, and Warranty Cost Reduction.

Ask the Project/Program Management Consultant:

What self-service support resources do you provide?

# 883 | Focus Area: Business Transformation Office

Be confident that your workforce facilitates ongoing

training with business partners to create capabilities
around program management best practices and
opportunities to further automate required activities.

Ask the Director, Major Customer Program Management:

How would you characterize your organizations overall

approach to project management?

# 882 | Focus Area: Cyber Operations -


Proactively support program management of multiple

projects and facilitate your organization needs in depth
working groups to identify credible threats, relevant
vulnerabilities, and assess operational impacts.

Ask the Senior Vice President, Portfolio and Program


What are the main projects in development with foreign

partners, and what can be expected?

# 881 | Focus Area: Cloud Governance -


Provide overall program management consulting and

direction for all major complex programs to IT and
Business Executives who are responsible for managing
and delivering IT related services to end user community
or external (internal) customers.

Ask the Program Management Director, Defense

Maintenance Solutions:

Does your organization have user content governance,

standards or policies?

# 880 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management Program - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your personnel lead cross functional teams

and provide program management support for programs
or projects where someone else serves as the Lead.

Ask the Senior Director, Product & Program Management:

Does organization management have a leader with the

necessary level of authority to take action?

# 879 | Focus Area: IT Operations Management


Certify your team is responsible for program

management activities as issue resolutions and root
cause analysis (RCA).

Ask the Senior Manager Supply Chain Program


How does operations management support your

organizations business strategy?

# 878 | Focus Area: high impact position -


Provide support to plan and implement product program

management related initiatives and projects.

Ask the Cyber Security and Privacy Program Management

Support Manager/Lead (Technic:

Is there sufficient public/stakeholder awareness in

support of the projects long term objectives?

# 877 | Focus Area: IT Operations Management -

Establish that your workforce is responsible for preparing,

updating, and distributing project management products,
as PERT/CPM charts, and major milestone calendars
required for overall program management.

Ask the IT Program Management, Senior Staff:

What is the project managers responsibility in preparing

for project meetings?

# 876 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - MANAGEMENT

Verify that your team is having the right blend of

technological depth, supply chain functional expertise
and program management skills is key to the success of
the role.

Ask the Mid-Level Supplier Program Management

Specialist (Virtual):

What are the core supply chain processes driving the


# 875 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Make sure your process acts as the main focal point to

the subcontractor; briefs program management and
(internal) customer on the status and issues affecting
performance or cost; and supports program reviews with
the subcontractor and program office.

Ask the Client Solutions - Services Technical Program

Management Consultant:

Does the program demonstrate improved efficiencies and
cost effectiveness in achieving program goals each year?

# 874 | Focus Area: Benefits Realisation

Management - MANAGEMENT

Help in the development and running of the program

management office or project management practice.

Ask the Customer Experience Program Management:

Does the project management office / portfolio

management process help reinforce ea?

# 873 | Focus Area: Data Integrity - DATA

Verify that your team is responsible for coordinating data

gathering with Supply Chain, Contracts, and Program
Management for subcontracting reporting requirements.

Ask the Cyber Resilience Senior Program Management


Did the delivered product meet the specified

requirements and goals of the project?

# 872 | Focus Area: App Management -


Assure your workforce provides program management

and analytical support for designated projects and
projects at a (internal) client property.

Ask the Senior VP - Platform Simplification Technical

Program Management People Leader:

What is the level of dependencies between the different


# 871 | Focus Area: HR Management Metrics and

Ensure the People Program Management Office can

support both new and ongoing programs, while
encouraging innovation and transformation as your
organization expands.

Ask the IT Program Management Senior Manager:

Who will be the key participants in delivering the


# 870 | Focus Area: GDPR - MANAGEMENT

Provide program management of planning organization

activities including enterprise and technology
architecture initiatives.

Ask the Sr. Director - Program Management Office:

Which initiatives are part of your GDPR compliance


# 869 | Focus Area: Strategic Risk - MANAGEMENT

Support early program development activities, including

cost estimating, project integration, and program
management plan development.

Ask the Director of Program Management - Technology

Partner Management:

What values drive your activities?

# 868 | Focus Area: Software Project Manager -


Collaborate with other members of the program
management team to break down top tier program
scope and timelines into components, while tracking
components through the development lifecycle.

Ask the Vice President of Program Management:

How involved was top management?

# 867 | Focus Area: Product Life Cycle Management


Create, develop and manage a team of In Service

Program Management professionals through coaching
and performance management.

Ask the Executive Director of Program Management,

Subscriber Experiences:

Why develop products and services?

# 866 | Focus Area: Risk Management Tools -

Check that your personnel has knowledge and handling
of project and program management methodology and

Ask the Program Management Consultant:

What are the programs risk and issue management


# 865 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Solutions - RISK

Collaborate with business representatives and other

internal stakeholders as Third Party Program Management
and Operational Risk Department in order to manage

deliverables and enhance processes.

Ask the Director, People Program Management and

Strategic Operations:

What are the roles, responsibilities and authorities of the

stakeholders and other key players?

# 864 | Focus Area: BCM and IT DR - MANAGEMENT

Assure your company collaborates internally to

implement and manage BCM Program Management
Software with primary focus on BIA and BC Plan
development and migration.

Ask the Head of Information Security Program


What steps is management taking to protect


# 863 | Focus Area: Security Assessment and


Partner with your program management team to

implement operational changes in your vendor software

Ask the Head Director, IT Program Management:

How difficult is it for you to keep up with technological

changes and new vendors in the insights space?

# 862 | Focus Area: AIOps - MANAGEMENT

Work closely with engineering teams and program
management to deliver product to market.

Ask the Sr Mgr, Program Management, Campaign and

Creative Services:

Where should you start in building out an IT resilience

# 861 | Focus Area: Liquid Cooling Data Center -


Drive program management for Security and Trust

Services programs by leading cross team and
dependency alignment and defining clear and
predictable processes.

Ask the Director, Program Management Office:

Do team members trust each other enough to

communicate freely at all times?

# 860 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - MANAGEMENT

Work with program deployment core team to track and

trace program status, supporting program management
office on program metrics updates and early awareness
for issue resolutions.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management:

What, if anything facilitated the connecting with data and


# 859 | Focus Area: Security Operations Center -


Oversee enterprise network architectural analysis, to

include Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), for feasibility,
thoroughness, security, reliability and provide
recommended action to the organization program
management team.

Ask the Core Operations Specialist:

Is Software-Defined Networking ready for the enterprise?

# 858 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - MANAGEMENT

Be certain that your team is tailoring and applying

program management and systems engineering

Ask the Director, IT Enterprise Architecture & Program


Is there a fit for purpose program team structure with

appropriate resourcing and access to expertise?

# 857 | Focus Area: quality and accountability -


Work with department Recruitment leadership to

establish the program management infrastructure and
develop standardized project documentation.

Ask the Head of Information Security Program


How do you extend the value of IT beyond the

provisioning of infrastructure and applications?

# 856 | Focus Area: DFSS - MANAGEMENT

Ensure strong project and program management skills to

develop and implement plans and timelines.

Ask the Senior Manager, IT Sourcing and Program

Management, Technology Sourcing and Infrastructure, IT

Did your organization take the right approach to

developing an asset management program and plan?

# 855 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Risk
Analysis and Testing - MANAGEMENT

Utilize project and program management techniques

to ensure overall program health and visibility through
governance, strategic program delivery, and program
tracking and reporting.

Ask the Finance Chief Data Office Data Sourcing Program

Management Head:

What reporting mechanism does your organization

provide to the customer upon completion of any project?

# 854 | Focus Area: ISO 31000 - MANAGEMENT

Be confident that your workforce works with Program

Management to ensure (internal) customer timelines are

Ask the Program Management Subcontract Stf:

What works in changing energy using behaviours in the


# 853 | Focus Area: APQP - PRODUCT

Work with program management teams to ensure that

suppliers meet product launch requirements.

Ask the Senior Manager Cybersecurity Program


Are the work instructions derived from sources as the

quality plan, the control plan and the product realization

# 852 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - MANAGEMENT

Perform project program management duties including

the creation of status reports, work plans, and
presentations to (internal) client leadership.

Ask the Senior-Software Delivery Project/Program


What is the value to clients, as yourself?

# 851 | Focus Area: Master Six Sigma -


Secure that your group advises management of

the status of work in progress, coordinates with
manufacturing, quality, and supply chain and interfaces
with engineering and program management as well as
external (internal) customers.

Ask the Principal Customer Experience Program

Management Professional:

Are the supply chain components each of a high quality?

# 850 | Focus Area: Information Governance - DATA

Make sure your design is applying program management

knowledge to set program objectives, and to design,
build, and operationalize programs that advance
established customer-focused data values through
partnership and collaboration with stakeholders across
the enterprise.

Ask the Senior Director Program Management:

Does the checking that programs are run at the correct

time exist?

# 849 | Focus Area: Data Center Design and
Construction - PROJECT

Guarantee your operation researches and implements

emerging project and program management techniques.

Ask the Program Management Lead, Go-To-Market:

Are management arrangements of the project that

efficient execution and implementation is guaranteed?

# 848 | Focus Area: customer lifetime value -


Make sure your design is leveraging strong program

management industry expertise and collaboration skills,
identify required activities to successfully deliver the
program, ensuring appropriate task projects are in place.

Ask the Sr Manager Supply Chain Program Management:

How much have you invested in your marketing programs

over the last few years?

# 847 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Make sure your organization leads agency-wide

strategic transformation initiatives, including overseeing
program management and oversight, leading change
management efforts, collaborating with peers to resolve
complex policy and cultural barriers to success, and
establishing diverse stakeholder coalitions to enable

Ask the Manager, Program Management - Risk and

Payment Operations:

What do you want that the employees do for digital


# 846 | Focus Area: Software Project Manager -

Safeguard that your process is participating in and

supervising each stage of the project, while coordinating
critical deliverables with program management and
product teams.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management -

Inventory Management:

Are management arrangements of the project that

efficient execution and implementation is guaranteed?

# 845 | Focus Area: Disaster Recovery Service Level

Management - MANAGEMENT

Be confident that your process collaborates internally

to implement and manage BCM Program Management
Software with primary focus on IT Recovery Plans and BIA
results (application RTO/RPO).

Ask the VP, Program Management and Operations:

Is there an approved comprehensive disaster recovery

plan with current implementation guidance for the

# 844 | Focus Area: Corporate Enterprise Risk

Management Director - RISK

Ensure your team is responsible for program

management activities, including contingency/
dependency tracking, status reporting, issue/risk
identification and tracking, scope management,
estimation, and internal/external stakeholder

Ask the Senior Manager Supply Chain Program

What is the frequency and format of testing status

reporting and who is the report sent to?

# 843 | Focus Area: Manager - Process Risk &

Controls Consulting - RISK

Establish that your strategy is leading all aspects

of program management including requirements
definition and analysis, risk management, testing,
cost and schedule, change management, strategic
communications, and training.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management Office

Electronic Health Record Management:

What are the most important aspects of and changes in

the environment?

# 842 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - ENGINEERING

Work with Engineering, Product Management, and

(internal) customer Program Management teams to
define, prioritize, and implement features, infrastructure,
processes, and workflows.

Ask the Director, Corporate Real Estate Program


Are workflow management systems useful for

collaborative engineering?

# 841 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Framework - MANAGEMENT

Interface with procurement, technology risk

management, business teams, application management,

and third party program management on cybersecurity

Ask the Manager, Operations Strategy, Program


Who will monitor and manage digital risks alerts and take
action when issues are discovered?

# 840 | Focus Area: Vendor Management Process -


Guarantee your staff reviews the office programs

in community planning for technical and program
management effectiveness; makes reports and offers
suggestions for improvement based on findings.

Ask the iOS Engineer:

Can team members make suggestions about improving

and changing the project?

# 839 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Talent

Management - MANAGEMENT
Collaborate with Business partners, engineering teams,
and program management to drive business value.

Ask the Principal-Technology Project/Program


Does the program collaborate and coordinate effectively

with related programs that share similar goals and

# 838 | Focus Area: Security Management

Processes - MANAGEMENT

Manage, track multiple engineering and logistic support

activities, and provide periodic status to (internal)
customers and program management team.

Ask the Compliance Program Management Vice


Are resources available in your organization to support

the risk management program?

# 837 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management -


Warrant that your design is working with InfoSec Program

management ensure security compliance objectives are

Ask the Senior Advisor Project Program Management:

Is there an documented internal compliance and ethics

program to ensure professional ethics and business
practices are implemented and maintained?

# 836 | Focus Area: Telecom Providers - PRODUCT

Check that your strategy is working closely with

engineering teams, design, and program management in
an agile environment to deliver products to market.

Ask the Program Management Analyst IV:

When will each environment be upgraded?

# 835 | Focus Area: at your request - MANAGEMENT

Ensure strong project and program management skills
with proven success in driving and completing multiple
cross functional cross regional transformation projects.

Ask the Program Management – Regulatory (Impact


How do you ensure consistent project management
practices throughout your organization?

# 834 | Focus Area: counselings and status changes


Develop and execute complex effective project and

or program management throughout the project
development lifecycle, including and not limited.

Ask the Program Management Officer:

What organizational, project or program management

tools already exist that would help to plan, execute and
monitor the change?

# 833 | Focus Area: Security Operations Center -


Verify that your strategy is overseeing reporting and data

analysis for performance metrics, program management
and adhoc reporting.

Ask the Director of Program Management:

How will you configure the business to enable to overall

business strategy?

# 832 | Focus Area: Indirect Sourcing and

Procurement BPO - MANAGEMENT

Develop experience successfully supporting a large scale

Program Management Process Improvement Integration
initiatives resulting in organizational change.

Ask the Sr Manager Supply Chain Program Management:

What is your experience with contract management?

# 831 | Focus Area: Reduce Risk - MANAGEMENT

Foster adoption of the vision of Program Management

across Group leadership, team members and

Ask the Senior Director Program Management Office:

Do you have the bench strength to reduce the risk of

turnover in leadership or key positions?

# 830 | Focus Area: Data Migration Collection -


Utilize proven program management processes to

ensure this effort is completed in accordance with the
organization (internal) customers expectations, budget,
and timeline.

Ask the Program Management:

What is the save order of processes?

# 829 | Focus Area: HR Management Metrics and


Lead program management operations and systems/

tools to ensure scope, progress, status, triage, and
help drive on time, on budget delivery on core people
programs and initiatives.

Ask the Head Program Management Operations Global:

Which products and initiatives are most aligned to

organization objectives?

# 828 | Focus Area: Risk Appetite - MANAGEMENT

Assure your staff is providing program management
support for issue identification and management.

Ask the Data Services Manager:

What is the role of the tax function in the risk

management program?

# 827 | Focus Area: Blockchain in Supply chain -


Provide overall program management and critical

problem solving throughout the lifecycle of the
engagement including project timeline and budget.

Ask the Senior Specialist, Program Management (Supply


How does change control occur for the cloud

provider infrastructure, as system patching, firewalls,
intrusion detection, anti malware, virtual environment
management, and hardware equipment?

# 826 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - MANAGEMENT

Make headway so that your operation develops and
maintains program management documentation,
including, Service Asset and Configuration management,
Change management, IT Service Continuity
management, Capacity management, Availability
management, and Service Level management

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management,

Engineering Education:

What was the high point of your experience in the


# 825 | Focus Area: Lean Software Development -

Provide guidance in investment management

control, records maintenance, and technical program
management and support for the Business Certification
(BC) and relevant functions.

Ask the Head Director, Regulatory Program Management:

When it comes to making decision what level of guidance

do IT staff need from upper management?

# 824 | Focus Area: Workplace Health Promotion -


Provide Program Management support of new business

proposals; create PM deliverables to the management

Ask the Director Program Management Office Operations:

Does the program have a written security policy which is

provided to all new employees?

# 823 | Focus Area: Digital Workplace -


Ensure your Product and Program Management teams

works on the most impactful and challenging problems in
the Software industry.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management:

What types of changes require a change management


# 822 | Focus Area: Vendor Management -


Provide project and program management support,
including monitoring project progress and keeping
projects and tasks on track, keeping cross-functional
partners appropriately engaged and informed, and
actively resolving issues.

Ask the Senior Director, Program Management Office and

Gross Margin:

What are the unique issues in contracting with fintech?

# 821 | Focus Area: vendor performance

management - MANAGEMENT

Lead Agile transformation and Program Management

Office across the enterprise supporting all internal and
external work efforts including technology, security, legal,
operations and compliance.

Ask the Rcsa Core Program Management Assurance


Is there leadership buy in on the priorities and focus

areas for the Agile/Lean transformation?

# 820 | Focus Area: Factor Analysis of Information


Assure your design develops, coordinates and

implements program management support to establish
best practices, guidance identify tools, and evaluation

Ask the Sr Specialist, Program Management:

Who, what, where, when, why, how is the program,

model, component for evaluation purpose?

# 819 | Focus Area: Reduce Risk - MANAGEMENT

Build and set the vision for the Program Management

function in support of your organizations organization

Ask the Director Customer Experience Strategic Program


How does your organizations culture support risk


# 818 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management


Oversee that your staff is building educational awareness

of, and support complex program management for,
Diversity and Inclusion programs and initiatives.

Ask the Teller:

What knowledge and experience does the board

currently lack in order to understand and effectively
oversee your compliance programs?

# 817 | Focus Area: JIRA for software development


Create (internal) customer relationships by Partnering

with Product Management and Program Management,
working closely with the (internal) customers to
understand requirements, test plans and expectations.

Ask the Lead Customer Experience Program Management


What has been the single greatest contributor to the

success of your change management program?

# 816 | Focus Area: upskilling - MANAGEMENT

Accelerate strong project/program management to lead

HR program design, planning and delivery across the
business unit.

Ask the Head Director, Digital Program Management -


Does the project delivery team have the right skills,

leadership and capability to achieve success?

# 815 | Focus Area: Security Operations -


Oversee that your team collaborates with program

management and facility administrators to develop
and implement techniques for evaluating activities;
oversees evaluation activities; identifies areas of needed
change; makes recommendations to improve operations,
programs, and services, and takes action to implement
and monitor outcomes for those improvements.

Ask the Senior Advisor, Services Project/Program


Has your organization implemented any security

management standards?

# 814 | Focus Area: Business Transformation Office


Ensure open communication with the Program

Management Office, providing information when
requested, escalating issues that are not being resolved
by management and identifying any process continuous
improvement opportunities.

Ask the Director Program Management:

Is your organizational environment monitored for
opportunities, threats, and changes?

# 813 | Focus Area: Certified Quality Engineer -


Interact with Research, Development, Program

Management to plan releases in support of product
roadmap strategy.

Ask the Director Program Management:

Do the methods adequately support all aspects of the

development project?

# 812 | Focus Area: digital transformation -


Make sure the Manager, Program Management, of the

Digital Transformation Office (DTO) provides enterprise
wide program management support to the Digital
Transformation Office.

Ask the Sr. Mgr., Program Management (HYBRID):

What are the key elements of your strategic program?

# 811 | Focus Area: AWS RDS - MANAGEMENT

Invest in post acquisition program management by

ensuring cross functional teams are executing on the
respective M and A integration plans at the business unit
and corporate level.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management:

Is digital explicitly integrated into strategic plans in and

across business functions?

# 810 | Focus Area: Technical Standards -

Develop and manage a program management practice

including the applications required for project and
portfolio execution.

Ask the Head Information Security Program Management:

Are there certain services or applications which are more

prone to security issues, causing increased risk?

# 809 | Focus Area: Assertive Community


Drive initiatives related to engineering and program

management onboarding and process operations.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management


Does your process for hiring and onboarding include

culturally responsive practices?

# 808 | Focus Area: Cloud Access Security -


Make headway so that your personnel develops

new policies and procedures that affect program
management and product development.

Ask the Data Risk & Controls Office Program Management

Lead, VP:

How has the program affected the demand for energy


# 807 | Focus Area: Logistics and SCM -


Ensure your personnel collaborates with Program

Management and Operational Management locally and
internationally to ensure a seamless process service for
the customer.

Ask the Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, Regulatory

Program Management:

Does your organization have the necessary program

management skills?

# 806 | Focus Area: Sprint Planning -


Work with Program Management Office in defining

business processes for efficient execution of the

Ask the Executive Director Program Management:

How does program management work?

# 805 | Focus Area: Information Governance -


Interface so that your personnel is providing analytical

management and program management support and
leadership in the planning, programming and oversight
of the Records Management program development and

Ask the Pricing Program Management Consultant:

Will your organizational structures support strategy


# 804 | Focus Area: Subscription-based Ecommerce


Collaborate with your program management team to

build people resources as management and leadership
training, employee resources, and engagement

Ask the Manager, Operations Strategy, Program


Has the practice of talent management increased your

commitment and retention in your organization as an

# 803 | Focus Area: Sarbanes Oxley -


Work closely with Strategic Alliance Management,

Program Management and Business Development in
fostering relationships, communication and reporting
with the strategic partners.

Ask the IT Program Management:

What are the implications for programs?

# 802 | Focus Area: Risk Business Management-

Associate - MANAGEMENT

Provide strategic direction and tactical leadership of day-

to-day responsibilities for the program management and
operations teams and ensure proper staffing and training
to accomplish departmental goals and objectives.

Ask the Director, Program Management Office:

Has survivability provided necessary program status,

manpower, issues information to program management?

# 801 | Focus Area: Z-Wave - DEVELOPMENT

Verify that your group has history driving technical

development in a project/program management capacity,
including development of and reporting on complex
program schedules.

Ask the Senior Manager of Vendor Program Management:

Are system resources reviewed to ensure adequate

capacity is maintained?

# 800 | Focus Area: Liquid Cooling Data Center -


Be certain that your design engineering background

and or Technical Program Management in a technology

Ask the Cyber Security Privacy Program Management

Support Manager Lead:

Does your organization have a cybersecurity roadmap

with different projects?

# 799 | Focus Area: Integrated IT Service

Management - MANAGEMENT

Liaison so that your operation engages in proactive

problem resolution and strategies for the emergency
management program management to include
incorporating best practices and alignment with system
emergency management initiatives.

Ask the Lead Call Center Service Representative:

Do you have Service Level Agreements for Request

Response and Resolution?

# 798 | Focus Area: Employee Onboarding -

Develop the strategy and goals and provide program

management support across critical organizational
initiatives, including employee attraction, development,
recognition, and engagement.

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, Data Privacy:

What is your organizations diversity strategy focus?

# 797 | Focus Area: Service Level Indicators -


Assure your company leads all program management

activities to ensure program requirements are established
and are fully integrated.

Ask the Program Management Support Specialist:

Do you have requirements that all items being shipped

have tamper evident packaging?

# 796 | Focus Area: Configuration Management -


Ensure your staff analyzes interrelated issues of

effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity; develops
recommendations to solve problems; and applies
program management principles to guide program
accomplishment through the various phases of the
software change cycle.

Ask the Principal, Strategy Program Management,

Consumer Security:

How is software configuration management addressed in

the method?

# 795 | Focus Area: Threat Hunting - SECURITY

Work with program management and other key

IT partners on design and implementation of new
operational security technologies.

Ask the Director, Program Management, Finance and

Human Resources:

How to identify information that highlights vulnerabilities

for cybersecurity mitigations?

# 794 | Focus Area: Cloud Workload Protection -


Establish that your company collaborate with other IT and

business functions including the program management
office, security, infrastructure, delivery, human resources,
legal, and finance.

Ask the SVP Portfolio & Program Management Office


Should the chief diversity officer report to the head of

human resources or directly to the CEO?

# 793 | Focus Area: CCISO - MANAGEMENT

Ensure your strategy Translates/recommends processes

and procedures to ensure proper consideration of
programmatic, technical, and management factors for
overall program management successes.

Ask the Sr. Manager Program Management:

Are there already cybersecurity processes or

requirements documented in your organization?

# 792 | Focus Area: BCDR - MANAGEMENT

Drive all aspects of program management (planning

incorporating dependencies, key milestones and
deliverables, data gathering, analysis, communication,
risk management and mitigation, status tracking and
reporting, implementation, monitoring, execution, and
delivery of the initiative/program.

Ask the Manager Program Management:

How do you track the status of your transaction?

# 791 | Focus Area: data resource management -


Warrant that your group supports and advises

organization program management to integration across
full spectrum of interfaces.

Ask the Operational Risk Program Management Analyst-


Will the KPI provide value to a wide variety of groups or

users, or just a few individuals?

# 790 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Be confident that your staff communicates the status

of the schedule and key risk areas to the program
management team.

Ask the Program Management Coordinator:

How are employee benefit plans at risk for cyber attacks?

# 789 | Focus Area: AI Ethics - MANAGEMENT

Identify process inefficiencies and improve workflows
with Autopilot Leadership, Program Management and
Engineering teams.

Ask the Deposit Operations Specialist:

What are the characteristics of engineering design


# 788 | Focus Area: Information Risk Management -


Lead the end to end program management oversight of

strategic, high profile software development technology
related transformation initiatives.

Ask the Operations Specialist Deposit Support:

How are the results of your ongoing monitoring shared

with staff and program leadership?

# 787 | Focus Area: Project Governance -

Be confident that your company is responsible for
managing the end to end program management and
execution of core strategic transformation initiatives
across the business.

Ask the Program Management Director, Platform Delivery:

When is transformation management necessary?

# 786 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Drive Strong Business Partnership Across Engineering,

And The Business With IT Program Management
For Technical Delivery Of Capabilities And Overall

Management Of The Transformation Plan.

Ask the Director Technology Program Management:

How many years of program management experience do

you have?

# 785 | Focus Area: Requirements Management -


Make sure the Requirements Manager provides

requirements expertise and program management
functions in support of the (internal) client mission.

Ask the Director/Senior Director, Program Management:

What is the manager support hotline?

# 784 | Focus Area: cybersecurity risk management


Check that your strategy is executing duties governing

hardware, software, and information system acquisition
programs and other program management policies.

Ask the Head Director - Program Management Office:

Does your organization identify all software programs

that are authorized to execute on the system?

# 783 | Focus Area: Infonomics - MANAGEMENT

Own security projects from a program management

perspective, working directly with your Lead Architect,
to ensure remediations and timelines are managed and

Ask the Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, Regulatory

Program Management:

Do you demonstrate due diligence, ownership, and
effective management of cyber risk?

# 782 | Focus Area: Data Governance - DATA

Own the Enterprise Data Governance Strategy and

Roadmap; partner with the VP of Data Governance
Program Management to build.

Ask the Global Technology Program Management:

How does your organization build an effective Big Data

governance strategy?

# 781 | Focus Area: Data Privacy Risk Assessment -


Collaborate with your Health IT leaders and the Program

Management Office in developing and executing the
Health IT project roadmap.

Ask the Manager, Global Program Management:

Did your organization take the right approach to

developing an asset management program and plan?

# 780 | Focus Area: Strategic Planning -


Confirm that your group works closely experienced in

one or more Management Consulting, Go to Market
Strategy and/or Program Management.

Ask the Global Technology Program Management - Vice


What is the goal of your strategic planning group?

# 779 | Focus Area: digital twins - PROJECT

Apply IT program management methodology and

appropriate project management, organizational change
management framework for all sub projects.

Ask the Director Business Strategy & Program

Management Manager:

Will you utilise a change management process to

implement RPA into your organization?

# 778 | Focus Area: Customer Lifetime Value - DATA

Safeguard that your strategy partners closely with IT to

better understand all CRM feeds and data flowing in and
out of CRM program management tools, identifying and
resolving any issues that arise.

Ask the Director, Engineering Program Management:

Can customer database be segmented to identify which

customers are the most profitable?

# 777 | Focus Area: World Class IT - PROGRAM

Advise both enterprise and program management on

risk levels, security posture and cost/benefit analysis
of information security programs, policies, processes,
systems, and elements.

Ask the Director, Program Management and Deployment:

What are the most critical information assets in the


# 776 | Focus Area: Microsoft Dynamics - DATA

Make sure the Operations and Management (O and

M) contract focuses on providing (internal) customer
with Program Management, Systems, Databases, and
Application Management; IT Operations and Maintenance
including system sustainment, modernizing its
infrastructure, and controlling and managing the lifecycle
of all changes with minimum disruption to end users.

Ask the Head Director, Regulatory Program Management:

What is the minimum timing for your organization staff

to be on board in order to receive training and become
proficient to support the application?

# 775 | Focus Area: Multi Brand Strategy -


Support the Program Management of technology

deployment through process and skills training.

Ask the LIVE! Head Director, Program Management:

How important is your experience level support your


# 774 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Security -


Facilitate contract/project hand off meetings with

program management and operations to communicate
all details necessary for successful project execution.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management -

Digital Commerce Experience:

Do you have an incentive program that promotes


# 773 | Focus Area: Pricing Strategies -


Oversee that your team networks and generates
new leads specific to small to large scale program
management that requires change management

Ask the Director, Program Management Federal


Which change management actions is your organization

employing to increase the acceptance of analytics?

# 772 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management


Participate in continuous delivery improvement efforts by

providing input into an enterprise framework for program
management aligned with modern agile, lean and design
thinking practices.

Ask the Director Customer Experience Strategic Program


Are there any unique risks associated with an alternative

delivery contracting method?

# 771 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis Template -


Provide overall program management support and supply

to ongoing development of processes, templates, issue
procedures, and reporting.

Ask the Demand Manager, Program Management Office:

Do project processes reduce reporting requirements to

the minimum necessary?

# 770 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management Risk - MANAGEMENT

Warrant that your company is consulting, Business

Strategy, Program Management involvement.

Ask the Principal Customer Experience Program

Management Professional:

Does the program plan include a communication


# 769 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - MANAGEMENT

Use your knowledge to develop and document processes

to support program management office initiatives.

Ask the Global People Transformation and Program

Management Leader:

What does a chief digital officer do?

# 768 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Partner with program management and stakeholders

from Finance, Business Technology (IT), Business
affiliated teams, etc.

Ask the Practice Lead, Program Management and


How do you ensure risk management information

supports the decision making of executive / management

# 767 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Risk

Analysis and Testing - MANAGEMENT

Confirm that your workforce works in conjunction with

partners in development and program management to
determine overall cost and return on investment.

Ask the Applications & Support Analyst:

Who does land use, transport or economic development


# 766 | Focus Area: Business Analysis Manager -

Enterprise Risk Management - MANAGEMENT

Lead the program management team in establishing

program direction, identifying interdependencies,
communicating program requirements, tracking
progress, making decisions, and resolving conflicts and

Ask the Sr. Consultant, Conference Program


What has accounted for the delays in establishing a fully

functioning program management office?

# 765 | Focus Area: Business Model Agility -


Ensure your group demonstrates leadership in the scaled,

enterprise Agile and Program Management community,
showing differentiated invention and innovation.

Ask the Mobility Program Logistic Program Management:

Who will be the key participants in delivering the


# 764 | Focus Area: Infonomics - MANAGEMENT

Be sure your workforce is establishing program

management frameworks, tracking progress, assessing

risk, and controlling change to ensure delivery.

Ask the VP Product Governance Transformation -

Program Management Lead:

Is the system of program management/delivery framed to

ensure good value for money?

# 763 | Focus Area: ISO 10006 - MANAGEMENT

Manage and lead full lifecycle project program

management cross functional teams.

Ask the Director of Program Management - Data and

Analytics Platform Team:

Do you have a health and wellbeing leader to drive the

program forward?

# 762 | Focus Area: Strategic Information

Technology Planning - MANAGEMENT

Act as Product Owner for a squad of approximately

8 engineers, responsible for enabling vendor trade
surveillance for Compliance stakeholders, leveraging
technical and non-technical program management skills.

Ask the Head Director, IT Program Management:

How do you fulfill compliance obligations while still

enabling productivity and autonomy for your staff?

# 761 | Focus Area: digital transformation -


Make sure your staff manages directly managing projects

in program management and related software and in
compiling results for leadership.

Ask the Program Management Chief of Staff Office:

How have views about leadership changed over time?

# 760 | Focus Area: Blockchain in Education -


Secure that your workforce participates in the

development and implementation of Program
Management tools and best practices.

Ask the Program Management Reporting Lead-Vice


What components, techniques and tools should

constitute a web development method?

# 759 | Focus Area: Key Risk Indicator -


Confirm that your strategy has program management

and organizational leadership skills.

Ask the Manager, Enterprise Program Management:

How has adhering to project management practices

helped your organization?

# 758 | Focus Area: WordPress - MANAGEMENT

Collaborate with product marketing, creative, campaigns,

social media, (internal) customer marketing, and program
management as key partners.

Ask the Head Director/Director, Program Management:

What role will federal departments/partners have as part

of the communication roll out?

# 757 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management
Consulting - MANAGEMENT

Ensure you must also have relevant involvement in

change strategy, product and program management, and
organizational change management execution.

Ask the Director, Corporate Program Management:

What training programs have been held?

# 756 | Focus Area: Risk-based Auditing -


Provide overall program management leadership for

Product Cybersecurity programs and projects.

Ask the Director, Regulatory Program Management &


Has survivability provided necessary program status,

manpower, issues information to program management?

# 755 | Focus Area: Certified Information Security


Partner with the Program Management Office to ensure

data security and access management is taken into
consideration for all applicable projects.

Ask the Sr Manager, Technical Program Management,

Emerging Devices:

Are information security controls appropriate, and is data

risk constant at acceptable levels, or are there conditions
that require immediate remediation and warrant more

# 754 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Digitalization -

Make sure your personnel has process improvement,

organizational, and program management capabilities
with a high tolerance for ambiguity.

Ask the Sr. Mgr., Program Management (HYBRID):

Are all the requirements, specifications, and capabilities

necessary to the products function?

# 753 | Focus Area: Change Management

Deployment - MANAGEMENT

Design program management and governance structures

in collaboration with (internal) client business partners, IT
business partners and digital capability leads.

Ask the Data Risk & Controls Office Program Management

Lead, VP:

Are clients satisfied with the results, and unable or

unwilling to proceed independently?

# 752 | Focus Area: Sarbanes Oxley -


Ensure you have involvement creating highly disciplined

program management and business tracking systems.

Ask the Customer Experience Program Management:

Is the system of program management/delivery framed to

ensure good value for money?

# 751 | Focus Area: Strategic Planning -


Collaborate with program management team to manage
financial aspects of program, optimizing program cash
flow and profitability.

Ask the Lead, Utilities and Program Management:

How can management involve the staff in the

strategic planning of a professional, knowledge based

# 750 | Focus Area: digital transformation

healthcare - MANAGEMENT

Coordinate all program management activities including

ensuring appropriate communication to all stakeholders
onsite and offshore, and ensure the programs are
executed in alignment with strategic goals and tactical
milestone of the business.

Ask the Sr Head, Program Management:

Are your development programs designed to nurture and

advance future digital leaders?

# 749 | Focus Area: Corporate Enterprise Risk

Management Director - MANAGEMENT

Be confident that your strategy contributes to the

development of internal protocols and processes
used to carry out program management work, often
recommending innovative or cutting edge ideas.

Ask the Sr. Manager Supply Chain - Material Program


Are testers actively involved throughout the requirement,

planning, and development phases?

# 748 | Focus Area: Configuration Management -


Support program management and engineering staff in

utilization of database tools and processes.

Ask the Business Program Management Consultant:

Do the service desk and support staff need training?

# 747 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Automation -


Check that your strategy provides technical and program

management expertise in planning, execution, and
leadership of programs, projects, and initiatives.

Ask the Senior Accountant:

Which departments are driving cybersecurity projects in


# 746 | Focus Area: Multi Brand Strategy -


Secure that your staff supports development of

organizational culture of continuous improvement,
accountability, and results by formalizing program
management methods and building as a core
organizational competency.

Ask the Program Management Director:

What are quality methods as defined in product


# 745 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Work with the Program Management Office and other

departments (physics, engineering, purchasing, finance,
manufacturing, executive management), to plan,
determine required resources for, and lead the execution
of research and development efforts, ensuring that tasks
and deliverables are completed in accordance with the
program objectives and requirements.

Ask the RCSA Core Program Management and Assurance


What are the project requirements?

# 744 | Focus Area: Microsoft SharePoint Server -


Recommend program management and quality

assurance process improvements and best practices to
maximize operational efficiency.

Ask the Security Program Management Manager:

What do the quality assurance reports suggest about the

technical competence and efficiency with which audits
and installations were performed?

# 743 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - MANAGEMENT

Ensure effective program management practices

through process definition, improvement and effective

Ask the Program Management Group Leader:

What is Oracle database autonomous transaction


# 742 | Focus Area: ISO 15504 - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your organization is communicating

changes with Program management which influence

cost, timing, and specifications.

Ask the Technical Director Program Management:

Are specifications clearly traceable from physical design

to logical requirements?

# 741 | Focus Area: it vendor risk management -


Partner closely with Product, Engineering, and Program

Management leaders to plan and commit to work in both
long range business plans and short range program

Ask the Director, Program Management - Telecommute:

What are the characteristics and equipment of the

production facility or workplace?

# 740 | Focus Area: vendor performance

management - MANAGEMENT

Verify that your team is owning continuous improvement

efforts using your program management skills.

Ask the iOS Engineer:

How do you measure the impact of your efforts?

# 739 | Focus Area: Operations Strategy -


Develop experience advising organization program

management on integration across full spectrum of
interfaces to include coordination with multiple mission

Ask the Program Management Senior Lead:

Is collaboration a requirement for organizations eligible
to apply?

# 738 | Focus Area: digital transformation -


Support program management synthesis across

transformation pillars and surface risks with DTO
management and cross functional business partners.

Ask the Global Data Head of Program Management:

Why does your organization engage third party vendors

to support its digital transformation?

# 737 | Focus Area: Bluetooth Low Energy -


Drive quality control and process improvement for all

program management activities.

Ask the Senior Director Program Management Office:

How well did the consulting organization keep to

schedule and deliver high quality content?

# 736 | Focus Area: Channel Partner Program -


Help in establishing standards for program management

including processes, methodologies, metrics, reporting,
and tools to ensure the development and use of program

Ask the Data Risk & Controls Office Program Management

Lead, VP:

What has accounted for the delays in establishing a fully

functioning program management office?

# 735 | Focus Area: Data Privacy Risk Assessment -


Develop and enforce department policies and procedures

and ensure the teams adhere to the procedures and
requirements of your Program Management Office.

Ask the Grants and Program Management:

How are access control security requirements

incorporated into development?

# 734 | Focus Area: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Accounting - MANAGEMENT

Certify your strategy has modern program management

and agile management techniques.

Ask the Senior Manager Supply Chain Program


Has your organization modified its supplier management

processes to fully support agile development?

# 733 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Execution -


Guarantee your design briefs the Program Management

Office (PMO) and executive management on the
status and issues affecting Program cost and schedule

Ask the Program Management Lead:

Where are the best opportunities to remove cost and

improve performance in your supply chain?

# 732 | Focus Area: Internet of Things -

Work in close partnership with a team of diverse and

talented peers in various disciplines including Silicon,
Hardware, Program Management and Quality teams.

Ask the Operation Technical Program Management Team


Will blockchain technology revolutionize excipient supply

chain management?

# 731 | Focus Area: Shopify - PRODUCT

Work with operations, engineering, product

management, and other leaders to scope and build
programs and tools for program management and

Ask the Technology Project & Program Management

Head Director:

What work processes, programs, policies, and tools do

you need?

# 730 | Focus Area: Chief Compliance Officer -


Establish and drive lightweight program management

process using best in class software tools.

Ask the Head Director, Development Operations &

Program Management Planning & Strategy:

How do management models affect the application of a

process approach?

# 729 | Focus Area: digital twins - ENGINEERING

Understand and advise on program management for

engineering and design activities, as timing for prototype
builds, production tooling etc.

Ask the Sr. Director - Program Management: Aftermarket:

What skills and how many people are needed to support

the activities?

# 728 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - MANAGEMENT

Coordinate with program management to establish

project scopes, resources needs, priorities and

Ask the Vice President, Technical Program Management

and Software Operations:

How does your organization ensure the availability of

appropriate resources?

# 727 | Focus Area: Vendor Relationship

Management - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your company has program

management involvement including outsourcing contract

Ask the Director Technical Program Management Media


Which process provides an interface with corporate or

program management?

# 726 | Focus Area: Production Leveling -


Collaborate with cross functional programs, change
management team and training for successful program
management communications.

Ask the Head Director Safety Science Program


What are the changes the program will help make


# 725 | Focus Area: Vendor Risk Management -


Oversee that your staff is supporting Marketing Program

Management in requirements gathering, stakeholder
communications, vendor analysis, and associated tasks.

Ask the Business Systems Analyst:

Is it appropriate to involve outside contractors in

information management tasks?

# 724 | Focus Area: Change Management Skills -

Make sure your staff is maintaining and providing
oversight to a well managed program management tools
and routines owned by the Operations team.

Ask the IT Program Management Senior Analyst AVP:

What tools and resources are the most important for

supporting a transformation program?

# 723 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Maturity Model

Certification - SECURITY

Be certain that your staff provides overall program

management to thoughtfully apply resources to lower

application security risk.

Ask the Program Management Office Analyst:

Are improvements to vulnerability management activities

documented and shared across your organization?

# 722 | Focus Area: Anomaly Detection - PRODUCT

Assure your staff collaborates with engineering,

manufacturing, supply chain, program management
and (internal) customers to develop, test and integrate
systems to validate and inspect products and assemblies.

Ask the Head of Program Management, SVP:

What are the engineering requirements that define the

type of anomaly that could lead to failure of the structure
or component?

# 721 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management

Consulting - MANAGEMENT

Ensure command of project and program management

principles, techniques, tools, and methods that result in
on time, on budget delivery.

Ask the Director, Program Management & Delivery:

What program management practices and methods are

used to ensure projects meet targets?

# 720 | Focus Area: Vendor Relationship

Management - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the Manager, Operations Strategy, Program

Management is responsible for a portfolio of strategic
initiatives related to employee experience work in

Ask the State Budget Analyst:

Do you have any experiences in area of a competence?

# 719 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Program - SECURITY

Support compliance assessment remediation and

continuous improvements to the security organization,
the program management process, and control
implementation projects in coordination with the service

Ask the Director, Project/Program Management:

Is there ever an argument that too much data

complicates threat management?

# 718 | Focus Area: Lean Software Development -


Interface with IT Executives, Finance, Project Control

and Program Management Offices on IT Total Cost of
Ownership, financial metrics, and cost transparency

Ask the Sr Mgr, Program Management:

How many project leaders to interface with?

# 717 | Focus Area: Activity Based Costing -


Act as your organizations program management

discipline leader integrating all new business initiatives
into your organizations portfolio.

Ask the Senior Advisor Project/Program Management - IT

- United States:

How would you characterize your organizations

leadership structure on scale?

# 716 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -

Strategy & Governance Analyst - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your group leads the establishment and

management of the Enterprise Office of Program

Ask the Bus Ops Program Management Leader:

Who is involved in your community enterprise group?

# 715 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - PROJECT

Support ERP transformation program management

planning, analyzing business scenarios, program/project
review, meeting coordination and facilitation of program
follow up.

Ask the VP, Program Management & Product


Are you planning batch integration or real time

integration of data?

# 714 | Focus Area: Subscription Newsletter -


Liaison so that your strategy positions are located

in Information Technology, Enterprise Program
Management Office.

Ask the Leader, Innovation Delivery Program


What factors contributed to any identified program
management weaknesses?

# 713 | Focus Area: IBM Maximo Asset

Management - MANAGEMENT

Provide service offerings covering program management,

assessment and reviews, data management capabilities,
and end to end application development lifecycle.

Ask the Director, Program Management:

How does management provide security information to

employees at it?

# 712 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Make sure your operation is responsible for insurance

program management and renewal process, including
application of best practices to your portfolio and

Ask the Lead Call Center Service Representative:

Is the project located within an operational or public


# 711 | Focus Area: IPO Readiness - MANAGEMENT

Partner with the leadership, extended leadership, and

program management lead to understand business and
scientific decisions and the related financial impact.

Ask the Special Security Representative Technical

Program Management Analyst Support Service:

How do you know what type of leadership is appropriate?

# 710 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Certification - RISK

Be certain that your organization is identifying and

evaluating technology operations, implementation, and
program management risks.

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, COMPASS:

What programs are designed to enable special

populations to meet the local levels of performance?

# 709 | Focus Area: Chief Diversity Officer -


Assess, strategize, design, develop, and deliver

actionable change and program management alignment
of tactics to support the transition from the current state
to the future state.

Ask the Program Management Head Manager:

What are the keys to a successful cultural alignment?

# 708 | Focus Area: Manager, Chief of Staff -

Commercial Risk - MANAGEMENT

Lead a small team of Program Managers, developing a

unified program management approach to meet program

Ask the Program Management Chief of Staff Office:

How does the application of a phased approach to

project management vary in different industries?

# 707 | Focus Area: provides completed forms to

RM PM for review approval - MANAGEMENT

Make headway so that your personnel oversees, plans,
and directs extensive aspects of executive leadership
coaching activities including stakeholder engagement,
and conducting needs assessments, methodology and
policy review, program management oversight, and
executive leadership coaching.

Ask the Program Management Office Support Specialist:

Is there a need for more leadership procedures or


# 706 | Focus Area: Director - Enterprise IS & Tech


Facilitate program management processes (intake,

discovery and approval) with departmental stakeholders,
IT leadership and digital strategy and planning.

Ask the Wholesale Credit Transformation - Program

Management - Head:

Where can the senior leadership team get help?

# 705 | Focus Area: Lean Spare Parts Management -


Make headway so that your staff emphasis placed on

proactive program management to identify and resolve
resource conflicts and timeline issues.

Ask the Director Technology Program Management:

How much focus should be placed on customer service

in a disaster situation?

# 704 | Focus Area: Enhanced avionics system -


Confirm that your design is maintaining the program
management data schedules, plans, action items, etc.

Ask the Senior Manager of Technical Program


Do you have requirements that all items being shipped

have tamper evident packaging?

# 703 | Focus Area: Cyber Security Risk

Management - MANAGEMENT

Certify your organization ensures that Contracts and

Capital Program Management Departments are provided
supporting insurance information in payment and
closeout of contracts.

Ask the Director, Program Management Federal


Why should the project have a closeout celebration?

# 702 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Security -


Support the Program Lead in management of projects to

support the Program Management function.

Ask the Director, People Program Management and

Strategic Operations:

What is/will be the role RFID in green projects?

# 701 | Focus Area: iso 13485 - PRODUCT

Work with program management to establish timelines

and deliver on objectives throughout product

Ask the Sr Manager, Project and Program Management -
Business Operations:

Do you establish a record of your planned audit program?

# 700 | Focus Area: GDPR - MANAGEMENT

Develop, implement, and iterate on program

management procedures, frameworks, and metrics to
achieve business goals with defined success criteria.

Ask the Senior Manager of Technical Program


Have you implemented procedures for periodic testing

and revision of contingency plans?

# 699 | Focus Area: Risk and compliance -


Provide general program management support on

compliance issues, and other ad hoc cross functional
projects related to compliance.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management:

Does the core financial system provide the capability

to report the financial information required for program
management performance reporting?

# 698 | Focus Area: Digital Transformation - LEAD

Lead the portfolio management function and program

management driving transformation and in doing so be
leading consistently assessing tradeoffs, dependencies,
risks and manage delivery across multiple work streams.

Ask the Head Director/Senior Manager Program


Do you exploit data as a strategic asset to drive real time
insight into opportunities and risks?

# 697 | Focus Area: Software License Management


Certify your personnel coordinates with Business

Development, Program Management, Engineering,
Business Unit Management and Cost Estimating
personnel on proposal preparation and submittal.

Ask the Head Program Management Rolling Stock:

Do you estimate the costs of current program

management, in terms of personnel and other costs?

# 696 | Focus Area: Offensive Security -


Define approach for program management structure to

meet emerging needs of the business and collaborate
with other business units (BU) for alignment across

Ask the IT Manager:

Is there a close alignment between organizational

cultures and the policy objectives?

# 695 | Focus Area: Rebranding Process -


Coordinate with program management leadership to

assess and prioritize strategic initiatives and timelines to
ensure deliverables are met.

Ask the Program Management Coordinator:

Has an earned value management system been employed
and approved?

# 694 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis Template -


Oversee project and program management concepts,

methodologies, practices, and technologies.

Ask the Program Management Specialist - Strategic

Account Management:

Does your scope management plan meet customer


# 693 | Focus Area: Instructional Design - PROJECT

Ensure strong operational, program management, and or

project management involvement.

Ask the Director Planning and Program Management:

Have adequate resources been provided by management

to ensure project success?

# 692 | Focus Area: we hire the best employees to

serve our customers - UPDATES

Support Program Directors in providing Head of Program

Management project updates.

Ask the Head Director, Technical Program Management:

How do you learn about program updates or changes?

# 691 | Focus Area: logistics - MANAGEMENT

Interface with suppliers, MRP, manufacturing, program

management, and operations management to ensure
performance metrics are met quality, cost, schedule,
technical, etc.

Ask the Global Data Head Program Management:

How can management leverage resources to improve

customer service, operate more efficiently and cost
effectively, and ensure competitive success?

# 690 | Focus Area: Organizational Behavior

Management - MANAGEMENT

Lead program management, including operationalization

of data management methods and products in functional
settings, and drive development of new methods and

Ask the HRIS Manager, Central Office Program

Management Office:

What industry can lead the private-sector economic

development charge?

# 689 | Focus Area: Risk Communication -


Participate in the development or improvement of

Program Management systems and processes for it and/
or collaboratively across the network.

Ask the Branch Manager:

What will the communication processes be?

# 688 | Focus Area: Scaled Agile Framework -


Ensure your personnel provides program management

expertise to oversee cost, schedule, performance,
and risk associated with planning and evolving new
IT capabilities with appropriate integration and
interoperability across the lifecycle.

Ask the Data Governance Officer:

Will the implementation team have strong program

management skills and a proven record of successfully
working through or overseeing major transformations?

# 687 | Focus Area: Social Design - MANAGEMENT

Work closely with product, design, engineering,

usability and program management teams across your
organization to help launch features and products.

Ask the Head Director Safety Science Program


Do work products provide information that is actionable

by the stakeholders?

# 686 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis Template -

Ensure your organization must have technical knowledge,
as well as traditional program management and
leadership skills.

Ask the Core Operations Specialist:

How does your organization determine the regulatory

requirements it must meet?

# 685 | Focus Area: Employee Experience and

Employee Engagement - MANAGEMENT

Ensure strong program management (PM) involvement in

cross organization scenarios that bridge gaps to uncover

Ask the HRIS Manager, Central Office Program

Management Office:

Does the selected portfolio of projects and programs

withstand all scenarios of the future?

# 684 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Security - DATA

Ensure strong knowledge and involvement of quality

management systems, stability program management,
statistics, control charts, and data trending.

Ask the Program Management Lead:

What controls are in place to ensure the sustainability of


# 683 | Focus Area: Reference Data Management -


Maintain a Program Management and OPS team leader

pipeline and have a succession plan in place.

Ask the Mobility Program Logistic Program Management:

What roles and organizational structures must be created

to maintain an effective MDM program?

# 682 | Focus Area: Software Change and

Configuration Management - MANAGEMENT

Confirm that your company advises and provides

guidance concerning configuration management issues
to Program Management and Change Board.

Ask the Senior Manager Project Program Management:

What is the role of configuration management in design

# 681 | Focus Area: posting deposits and

withdrawing funds - MANAGEMENT

Certify your design prepares ad hoc reports and data

collection surveys for program management for case
review and surveillance.

Ask the Core Technology Operations - Program

Management - Manager:

Are module and software subsystem test cases

consistent with the design?

# 680 | Focus Area: Data and Analytics Governance


Make sure your process provides advanced professional

input to complex Program Management projects/

Ask the Head Director (Program Management Leader),

Center for Global Health:

Which process provides an interface with corporate or

program management?

# 679 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management


Oversee that your workforce is executing program

management duties organizational methods, procedures,
and processes to implement an enterprise wide program.

Ask the Full Stack .NET Developer:

Are there any specific processes or methods during
implementation of regulations?

# 678 | Focus Area: ISO 14971 - MANAGEMENT

Employ program management skills to ensure

implementation of adequate controls and corrective
actions to prevent recurrence of nonconformances.

Ask the Senior Manager, IT Program Management

(Information & Analytics Governance):

How many re transactions does the project have?

# 677 | Focus Area: Payment Services Directive -


Liaison so that your staff is supporting acquisition

program management of software intensive products/

Ask the Director Technology Program Management:

Do you need asset management software?

# 676 | Focus Area: Succession Planning -


Collaborate with cross functional partners including

product management and technical program
management to drive product direction.

Ask the Global People Transformation and Program

Management Leader:

Are you looking to share your departments programs and

services with employees?

# 675 | Focus Area: good heart - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your organization works in conjunction with

program management in identifying referral sources and
additional educational requests.

Ask the Director, Corporate Real Estate Program


Do you have sufficient managerial experience to run your


# 674 | Focus Area: Sr. Enterprise Risk Analyst -


Participate in the implementation and roll out of GRC

software to support efficient and effective SOX program
management and execution.

Ask the Technology Program Management Senior Lead:

How is sox compliance achieved if in scope systems are

deployed in the cloud provider environment?

# 673 | Focus Area: Change and Configuration

Management - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your process authorizes the release

of configuration changes specified by Program
Management and other functional groups/workstreams.

Ask the Head Program Management Rolling Stock:

Why do educational administrators and other

stakeholders fail to recognize an ineffective program and
initiate change?

# 672 | Focus Area: Benchmarking - QUALITY

Guarantee your strategy develops new quality program
management methodologies that accelerate schedules
and maximize constrained resources.

Ask the Senior Director- Sourcing Excellence and

Program Management:

Does management involve appropriate program

members in meetings with the customer?

# 671 | Focus Area: Vendor Governance -


Make sure your operation provides planning,

communications and program management regarding
your organizations diversity and inclusion cultural and
education events, strategic initiatives and offered D and I
education or trainings.

Ask the Sr. Specialist - Program Management:

How quickly are other organizations expected to retain

public communications?

# 670 | Focus Area: Application Security -


Develop experience performing program management

activities including staff oversight.

Ask the Head Director / Sr. Manager*, Program


What is your current confidence level in your application

security program?

# 669 | Focus Area: terminations: - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your team participates in and

contributes to Division program management activities.

Ask the Head Director Safety Science Program


Does your organization encourage employee involvement

in a continuous improvement program?

# 668 | Focus Area: Internet of Things - DATA

Ensure your capabilities across disciplines such as IT

strategy, program management, cyber security, service
delivery and operations, third party management,
data management, application management, service
continuity management, financial management and
talent management allows you to define an approach that
can efficiently and effectively manage cyber risks.

Ask the Director of Program Management - Data and

Analytics Platform Team:

How well defined is your customer contact channel

management strategy?

Priority - Ought to Have
# From 445 To 667

# 667 | Focus Area: Net Present Value -


Make sure the Director, Technical Program Management

and Strategy has three primary responsibilities.

Ask the Principal Program Management Head:

Has the directorate put in place a governance structure

to monitor and track project management?

# 666 | Focus Area: Application Security - SECURITY

Implement continuous improvements to the security

organization and the program management process.

Ask the VP of Program Management:

What challenges do you face in implementing an

application security program?

# 665 | Focus Area: IT Chargeback - MANAGEMENT

Lead the team with program management and details

(virtual learning and engagement support, logistics,
external providers, catering, venue etc).

Ask the Business Program Management - Instructional


What plans are in place to engage the service providers

to support supervisors/managers?

# 664 | Focus Area: Data Retention System -

Ensure strong combination of program management,

business analysis, and business relationship stakeholder
management skills.

Ask the Principal Program Management - Vehicle


How do you ensure the efficient and effective balance

of scarce resources among competing projects for the
benefit and optimization of the entire program?

# 663 | Focus Area: FRACAS - MANAGEMENT

Develop experience working with the different types

of organization funds specific to acquisition program
management and operation.

Ask the Purchasing Specialist - Program Management


Should all development programs have some sort of

growth program?

# 662 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis - MANAGEMENT

Work with the technical community, operations

community and program management to translate
authorized (internal) customer requirements into the
performance measurement baseline.

Ask the Global Ops and Fraud Transformation Program

Management Lead (VP):

How often do management and department heads

receive security training?

# 661 | Focus Area: Data Risk - MANAGEMENT

Lead with solid Program Management skills, and

collaborate across your organization to land programs
and enable change.

Ask the Backend Engineer:

Does the program collaborate and coordinate effectively

with related programs that share similar goals and

# 660 | Focus Area: Strategic Planning -


Liaison so that your design reviews and evaluates

program management data submitted against
established program objectives.

Ask the Vice President of Program Management:

Are the data relevant to the strategic planning needs of

your organization?

# 659 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Present program performance data and metrics at

program management and (internal) customer reviews.

Ask the Teller:

What was done after discovery of the misrepresented


# 658 | Focus Area: API Economy Strategy -


Work closely with UX/UI designers, full-stack engineers,

developers, and program management to develop goals,
specify clear requirements, enable service offerings and
capabilities, and work with teams to deliver outstanding
user experiences.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management Office

of Electronic Health Records Management:

Which service or user accounts do you specify a service

to use?

# 657 | Focus Area: Mitigating Risk - MANAGEMENT

Implement an enhanced program management

structure; establish processes, policies, and procedures
for maintaining proactive program management
oversight, escalation paths and decision-making support
throughout the entire program life cycle.

Ask the Director Program Management Office:

Can program benefits be delivered to the person making

the purchase decision?

# 656 | Focus Area: WIIFM - PROGRAM

Secure that your staff owns all aspects of Program
management from the initial planning, vendor
relationships, utilization of 3rd party tools/resources, to
building out reporting templates and optimizations.

Ask the Program Management Senior Lead - SVP:

How easy was it for you to reach the program staff?

# 655 | Focus Area: 27001 - MANAGEMENT

Verify that your organization performs program

management assessments and evaluations to determine
compliance with PCI, HIPAA, and IT general controls.

Ask the Rcsa Core Program Management Assurance

What responsibilities does a health system have to assure

that medical staff members have been trained or are
aware of the impact HIPAA has on day to day functions?

# 654 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management - MANAGEMENT

Operationalize Identity Access Management (IAM)

program management, service delivery model and
strategy planning.

Ask the Director of R&D Program Management:

Is security aligned with business strategy and processes?

# 653 | Focus Area: Cost reduction - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your personnel is supporting (internal)

customer engineering program management activities.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management Office

of Electronic Health Records Management:

Does outsourcing freight management make sense?

# 652 | Focus Area: Building Lifecycle Management


Maintain organizations effectiveness and efficiency by

defining, delivering, and supporting strategic analysis
and plans for implementing IT Risk and Third Party
program management process.

Ask the Lending Systems Manager:

How the cost benefit analysis can be done?

# 651 | Focus Area: Sr. Enterprise Risk Consultant

(Chief Risk Officer Equivalent) - MANAGEMENT

Work with program management teams to establish and

track progress toward interim and long term milestones;
keep stakeholders apprised of key work efforts,
relevance, progress and impact.

Ask the Sr Mgr, Program Management:

Have key risks on the project been identified?

# 650 | Focus Area: Vendor Management Process -


Ensure management of organization systems and

adherence to HQ related Program Management minimum

Ask the Head of Technology Program Management:

How do departments ensure FISMA compliance for

connections to non organization systems?

# 649 | Focus Area: DevOps Toolchain -


Make sure there is technology and technical program

management expertise in delivering new technologies
and products, and in managing teams in matrix
organizations and suppliers/(internal) customers across
multiple locations.

Ask the State & Local Government Consulting - Strategy

Transformation and Program Management Consultant:

How do you accelerate the migration effort to realize the

business and technology benefits more quickly?

# 648 | Focus Area: digital transformation

healthcare - MANAGEMENT

Define and supervise segment program management

activities New Product Introduction, etc.

Ask the Director, Program Management & Strategic


Do you outsource any of your digital transformation


# 647 | Focus Area: Prototyping - MANAGEMENT

Interface with Planning and Program Management to

assess current and future sourcing requirements and
manage Supply Chain deliverable tracking reporting.

Ask the Head Director, Development Operations &

Program Management Planning & Strategy:

Are distributions properly logged to the inventory

tracking system?

# 646 | Focus Area: Training and Development -


Check that your design assists with program

management of customized programs or curricula.

Ask the Core Systems Administrator:

How do the programs or services align with the outlined

policies and procedures?

# 645 | Focus Area: Cyber Asset - MANAGEMENT

Support of the programs execution, including the
development of the Program Strategy; Program
Management Plan; Spend Plans; Input to Resource
Allocation Plans; Requirements Generation Plan; Charter;
and other related plans.

Ask the Engineering Program Management:

Has data input to applications been validated?

# 644 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your design is responsible for the capture and

reporting of required program management metrics.

Ask the Systems Specialist:

Which of companies specializes in cloud computing

management tools and services?

# 643 | Focus Area: Service Level Indicators -


Be confident that your personnel establishes and uses

Program Management Best Practices to manage budgets,
maintain schedule, identify and mitigate risks and issues,
and develop program goals.

Ask the Head Director Senior Manager Program


How effective was the program at helping you set goals

for improving your health?

# 642 | Focus Area: Net Present Value -


Liaison so that your team not an average team and this is

definitely not your average program management role.

Ask the Cyber Security and Privacy Program Management

Support Manager/Lead (Technic:

How will multidisciplinary teamwork be achieved?

# 641 | Focus Area: Risk Optimization -


Make sure the Program Management Team is comprised

of strategic contributors who are.

Ask the Senior Manager Program Management:

Are the program and the projects that make up the

program achieving goals?

# 640 | Focus Area: End User Adoption - PROGRAM

Safeguard that your operation is leveraging such

resources, you strive on a daily to lead the industry in
program management and service delivery.

Ask the Global Technology Program Management - Vice


What is an integrated GRC program and what are the


# 639 | Focus Area: Service Transition Plan -


Be confident that your strategy uses program

management best practices and tools, tracks and
measures results, and identifies obstacles and flags them
for resolution.

Ask the SVP, ATM Program Management Transformation


Does the program have baselines and ambitious targets

for its annual measures?

# 638 | Focus Area: GSLC - MANAGEMENT

Support program management through the analysis,

oversight, and status of vehicle and support equipment
costs, delivery schedules, quality, and location tracking.

Ask the Principal-Software Delivery Project/Program


Are distributions properly logged to the inventory

tracking system?

# 637 | Focus Area: Security Information and Event

Management - MANAGEMENT

Develop, maintain, and implement a Program

Management Plan that supports a Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) and guides the performance of
functional activities performed on the Program.

Ask the Manager, Operations Program Management,

Sourcing and Operations:

How do the security program approaches rank in order

from least mature to most mature?

# 636 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Assurance and Continuous

Improvement Manager is responsible for the quality
management system as well as systematic program
management for the Fabrication Division.

Ask the Program Management Officer:

How are the results of the audit program reviewed?

# 635 | Focus Area: Reduce Risk - MANAGEMENT

Partner with Program Management to drive product

improvements based on market analysis.

Ask the Head of Program Management Business Support

- Global:

Are you aware of any local programs and policies

designed to reduce risk from flood hazards?

# 634 | Focus Area: APQP - MANAGEMENT

Ensure that equipment is invoiced promptly after

(internal) customer approval To be able to develop
and update the program status reports (Program
Management Templates) and to use the reports as a
tool to monitor performance against (internal) customer
expectations (internal/external).

Ask the Application Services Manager:

How does the audit program demonstrate that the QMS

is effective?

# 633 | Focus Area: Reduce Risk - MANAGEMENT

Champion and continue the development of program

management and scaled agile practices, ensuring
program/project management processes are aligned with
the complexity and impact of the program or project.

Ask the Design Program Management Lead:

What characteristics are used to determine similar


# 632 | Focus Area: Requirements Development -

Provide general program management support on

compliance issues in Geo and other cross functional

Ask the Program Management Lead:

How can middle or senior management support for

sustaining the program be achieved?

# 631 | Focus Area: Mitigating Risk - MANAGEMENT

Oversee that your organization manages flow chart and

other program management diagrams.

Ask the Data Risk & Controls Office Program Management

Lead, VP:

Does the service provider understand your organizations


# 630 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management


Guarantee your staff supports the Audit Readiness

Strategic Initiative by providing financial management
services, program management and broad operational
remediation work for DFAS sites.

Ask the Vice President, Portfolio and Program


What are the risks of using social media to support your

organization continuity program?

# 629 | Focus Area: Expert Test Manager -


Drive training needs and end to end procedures that
support the program management of each onboard
inclusive of pre go live testing, early post go live test

Ask the Group Manager, Product Technical Program


What procedures should you use to collect data?

# 628 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - MANAGEMENT

Serve as the program point of contact for customer

leads and the Program Management Office and provide
regular program updates including presentations to the
executive audience.

Ask the Corporate Program Management Director:

Does the system incorporate a contact management or

customer resource management system?

# 627 | Focus Area: Vendor Governance -

Make sure your staff drives the development, program
management and execution of cultural competency

Ask the Data Risk & Controls Office Program Management

Lead, VP:

Why auto job execution is failing?

# 626 | Focus Area: Telecom Infrastructure Sharing


Invest in the development of cost estimates, cost

evaluations, programmatic evaluations, risks
management planning, development of program
management requirements, and work statements.

Ask the Senior Director, Enterprise Program Management:

Are the evaluations and rankings completed for all risk

events and opportunities?

# 625 | Focus Area: Director of Enterprise &

Operational Risk Management - MANAGEMENT

Secure that your operation applies program management

best practices and tools, tracks and measures results.

Ask the Sr Mgr, Program Management, Campaign and

Creative Services:

Is there any voluntary clean-up program?

# 624 | Focus Area: Data Privacy - DATA

Manage involvement of managing data privacy issues for

program management and third party engagements.

Ask the Programmer:

Which information management process most directly

supports an effective privacy program?

# 623 | Focus Area: Procure-to-pay - PROGRAM

Liaison so that your workforce is providing analysis,

support, and expertise to emerging program
management tools such as Procure to Pay to enable
faster funds disbursement while eliminating the need for
several legacy systems and interfaces.

Ask the Sr Program Manager- Media Services Program

Management - Subscriptions:

Which leads the workforce diversity?

# 622 | Focus Area: EV Charging Infrastructure -


Work with the Program Manager, Lead System

Engineer, and Chief Engineer (CE) to establish program
organization, schedule (IMS) and milestones, Planning
Packages, Program Management Reports, and
Performance Management Baselines.

Ask the Director Program Management:

What is preventing the contact center from achieving its


# 621 | Focus Area: Orchestration - PROGRAM

Be a part of your (internal) customer Success

Organization, the Cloud Program Manager leads the
entire cycle of program management from capture
through program execution.

Ask the Finance Chief Data Office Data Sourcing Program

Management Head:

What is the Network Service Orchestration Lifecycle?

# 620 | Focus Area: Interacts with your

organizations payment and refund partners -

Check that your strategy interacts with Marketing,

Contracts, Program Management Organization, Order
Management, and other internal departments to
effectively manage collection efforts.

Ask the IT Program Management Senior Analyst AVP:

Are the client credentials you list on your website related
to affiliate marketing/ management services?

# 619 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Planning -


Guarantee your workforce expands its knowledge in

program management execution and reporting.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management -

Digital Commerce Experience:

Who is primarily responsible for reviewing progress

against the business case during project execution?

# 618 | Focus Area: DevOps IoT - MANAGEMENT

Ensure your operation is accountable for the final

program management evaluation review with
stakeholders for approval upon program completion.

Ask the Head Director, Program Management - Protected

Secure Communications Front End of the Business

How much time and effort do you spend getting

approvals for change requests?

# 617 | Focus Area: Diversity and Inclusion -


Provide full end to end program management including

identifying, analyzing and understanding program needs
and values of diverse audiences, content development,
program implementation, administration and monitoring,
data analysis and program evaluation, budget
management, and vendor/contract management.

Ask the Business Program Management Consultant:

What formal performance management in place and


# 616 | Focus Area: Systems Engineer -


Invest in program management and product

management, including interfacing with (internal)
customers on programmatic and schedule matters.

Ask the Director Program Management - Service Quoting:

What matters most, capability or maturity?

# 615 | Focus Area: Reliability Engineering -


Safeguard that your operation escalates program risks

to the Transformation Program Management lead, or
Program Sponsor, when appropriate.

Ask the Director of Business Program Management –

Global Corporate Sustainability Team:

Are program members at all levels aware of the status

versus plan?

# 614 | Focus Area: 27001 - SECURITY

Ensure strong background in information security

program management and risk management, including
working with specific frameworks, as SOC 2 Type II, ISO
27001, PCI DSS, etc.

Ask the IT Program Management:

What requirements should be met by a software tool to

ensure a SaaS solutions security?

# 613 | Focus Area: Cloud Adoption Strategy -


Establish that your strategy drives excellence in program

management fundamentals to continually build your
shared best practices.

Ask the Senior Advisor Project/Program Management - IT

- United States:

Does a formal transition management strategy exist?

# 612 | Focus Area: Good Manufacturing Practice -


Ensure strong operational and program management

involvement, including designing and operating
programs, budget management, analysis and modeling,
and translating data and analytics into insights and
recommendations to drive ROI.

Ask the Program Management Officer:

Which energy efficiency programs are your interested in?

# 611 | Focus Area: UX Design - DESIGN

Help shape design program management practice by

applying best practices and creating standard ways of

Ask the Information Security Specialist:

Is the record keeping and reporting system contributing

to the effective running of the program or is it creating an
unnecessary workload for the workers?

# 610 | Focus Area: IT Service Management -

Leverage program management tools and processes to

manage delivery, measure results, and produce reports in
accordance with established service level agreements.

Ask the Bus Ops Program Management Leader:

How regularly should value delivery be assessed for

organizational IT systems?

# 609 | Focus Area: Logistics and SCM -


Oversee that your strategy authorizes the release

of drawings and changes specified by Program
Management and other functional groups.

Ask the Program Management Reporting Lead-Vice


Do you have any indications on what specific impacts the

program made?

# 608 | Focus Area: Director - Process Risk and

Controls Consulting - MANAGEMENT

Establish that your company defines and reports metrics

to monitor timeliness and effectiveness of the security
policy, awareness and program management processes.

Ask the Engineering Program Management:

Is project staff efficiency and effectiveness being


# 607 | Focus Area: target operating model -


Lead the end to end planning, implementation and

program management of the Finance Operations
Transformation Program, specifically the target operating

Ask the Sr. Director, Program Management:

How will the addition of digital technologies to the supply

chain and operations benefit your business/customer?

# 606 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis Template -


Identify and champion, in partnership with Heads of

Early and Late-Stage PMs, best program management
practices to be instituted including integrated planning,
risk identification and contingencies, action item and
decision-making tracking, and use of dashboards,
templates and tools.

Ask the Vendor Program Management Head:

What do the unit heads and end users need?

# 605 | Focus Area: Chartered Enterprise Risk


Leverage internal external best practices to enhance

program management practices and effectiveness
of governance processes to strengthen the teams

Ask the Senior Specialist, Program Management:

Why is greater governance needed?

# 604 | Focus Area: Root Cause Analysis -


Collaborate with Engineering and Program Management

partners to translate customer, business, and technical
requirements into architectural designs and feature

Ask the Head Director Senior Manager Program


Is management aware of the negative consequences

related to excessive overtime?

# 603 | Focus Area: Vendor Portfolio -


Assemble and present capability briefs, In Process

Reviews, Program Management Reviews and other
presentations for program stakeholders.

Ask the Sr Head, Program Management:

What does a capability sound like?

# 602 | Focus Area: EC Council Certified Incident


Safeguard that your workforce measures program

management performance against policy and standards.

Ask the Programmer:

What are the dimensions of workforce diversity in your


# 601 | Focus Area: target operating model -


Help the Program Manager to design and construct the

Program Management plan and the schedule.

Ask the Senior Customer Experience Program

Management Professional:

Does the governance framework provide the project

manager with the ability to make decisions in time to
meet the project schedule?

# 600 | Focus Area: Data Quality Assurance -


Check that your staff lead the Program Management of

the Rebuild Program funded by the Field Capital Portfolio.

Ask the Senior Systems Analyst:

What projects in the portfolio are dependent on others?

# 599 | Focus Area: Cloud Adoption Strategy -


Develop experience supporting enterprise (internal)

customers in professional services organizations, IT
consulting, or program management organizations.

Ask the Program Management Analyst, Head:

How well have you focused on the critical network

infrastructure elements supporting your customers?

# 598 | Focus Area: Infrastructure Management


Participate in the full range of program management

activities, from concept and exploration through
development to production, as well as supporting life
cycle management and support.

Ask the VP Project Program Management:

How effective are program management and contracting

arrangements compared to alternatives?

# 597 | Focus Area: Cyber Operations -


Safeguard that your company sets up, coordinates, and

prepares materials for meetings and reviews, to include
program management reviews, contract status reviews,
and technical reviews.

Ask the Director, Major Customer Program Management:

Does your organization contractually shift risk to its

business partners?

# 596 | Focus Area: Oil and Gas Asset Management


Make sure the M and A and Restructuring Management

offering advises, implements, delivers transformative
solutions to (internal) clients to optimize their central
program management office activities due to a
pending/completed transaction, restructuring and cost
transformation event.

Ask the State Budget Analyst:

Who or which offices/groups need to be involved in

project cost estimating?

# 595 | Focus Area: Digital Order Management -


Provide program management mentorship and support

around the execution of events.

Ask the Senior Manager of Vendor Program Management:

Do you need program management support to the

transform delivery of your support functions?

# 594 | Focus Area: Data Governance - DATA

Launch partner with the VP of Data Governance Program

Management and Human Resource around Lift and Shifts,
dealing with headcount/reporting changes and roles and
responsibility changes.

Ask the Senior Manager, Delivery and Program


What roles did you have on the project?

# 593 | Focus Area: Prototyping - DEVELOPMENT

Make sure the PMO also implements program

management best practices tailored for the dynamic
research and development environment.

Ask the Director, Project/Program Management:

Does the information system meet the needs of eligibility

decision makers and program management?

# 592 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - MANAGEMENT

Prepare technical presentations, briefings, and papers

to address program management issues in venues as
technical design reviews, technical review boards, and

Ask the Bus Ops and Program Management Leader, Data

and AI Service Line:

Does the tool assist with risk analysis and management


# 591 | Focus Area: FedRAMP - MANAGEMENT

Leverage technical and program management skills to

plan, track, collaborate and report on FedRAMP program
deliverables, including scheduling and leading meetings,
assigning and tracking action items, and developing
status reports and measurements.

Ask the Data Center Program Management Analyst:

Is there an effective process for reliable reporting on risks

and risk management performance?

# 590 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - WORK

Work with program management office to ensure and

maintain the soundness of the program plan, risk,
timelines, and costs.

Ask the Manager, Program Management, Devices -

Sustainability and Energy:

How does the plan from each area and management level
support the other plans for accomplishment of the overall
program goals?

# 589 | Focus Area: Security Operations Center -


Engage and work in coordination with other

geographically diverse Engineering and Program
Management teams.

Ask the Lead Call Center Service Representative:

What are the primary goals of your organizations threat

hunting program?

# 588 | Focus Area: BACnet - MANAGEMENT

Complete Program Management of new Digital tools

(Vendor Selection, Development thru Deployment,
Vendor Management).

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management -

Digital Commerce Experience:

Does internal audit have a consistent and effective

audit and compliance program set forth and completed
over the financial risk management functions of your

# 587 | Focus Area: Management of Change -


Be confident that your organization understands program

management operational models.

Ask the Special Security Representative Technical

Program Management Analyst and Support Services:

What data models are utilized and is there an enterprise

data model?

# 586 | Focus Area: post pandemic - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the purpose of program management is to

coordinate the efforts of the sub-teams to ensure they
work together effectively towards the common goal of
producing a consumable solution for their stakeholders.

Ask the Manager, Enterprise Program Management:

Did you develop any useful workarounds or solutions to

problems that cropped up during the project?

# 585 | Focus Area: Organizational Change

Management Communications - MANAGEMENT

Verify that your group employs appropriate Program

Management Best Practices and tools.

Ask the Business Program Management Consultant:

What are the advocacy goals of organizations/groups?

# 584 | Focus Area: cybersecurity risk management


Confirm that your group is conducting IT strategic

planning and program management activities.

Ask the director, program management, Global Growth

and Development:

Who are the key stakeholders in your risk management


# 583 | Focus Area: IT Service View CMDB -


Ensure strong program management involvement

with proven success in managing vendors, drive
cost efficiencies, innovate solutions, deliver frequent
successes in a high speed, and result oriented culture.

Ask the Senior Director Digital Program Management:

What measures can be taken that lend themselves to

practical steps by individual innovation stakeholders and
which will yield positive results in the short term and
foreseeable future?

# 582 | Focus Area: NIST Cybersecurity Framework


Leverage technical and program management skills to
plan, track, collaborate and report on regulated program
deliverables, including scheduling and leading meetings,
assigning and tracking action items, and developing
status reports.

Ask the Director of Software Engineering Program


Are you developing the right skills and culture to

consistently build secure systems?

# 581 | Focus Area: Disaster Recovery -


Ensure your functional expertise is in program

management and operations, planning and
preparedness, technical assistance and training,
strategic communications and outreach, compliance
and monitoring, implementation, and performance
measurement and evaluation.

Ask the VP of Program Management:

Do you need to find external expertise for this type of


# 580 | Focus Area: Strategic Planning -


Own and execute special ad hoc projects and initiatives,

end to end from planning and program management to
measuring results and recommending next steps.

Ask the Business Program Management Consultant:

Have you integrated risk management into the strategic

planning process?

# 579 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis - MANAGEMENT

Oversee that your staff performs what if scenarios for

individual program management teams.

Ask the Director, Program Management, Finance and

Human Resources:

Does your program office or risk management ipt track

risks for cost, schedule, or performance?

# 578 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Work closely with other members the program

management office (PMO) to set up key milestones,
timing requirements, and performance targets.

Ask the Director of Business Program Management –

Global Corporate Sustainability Team:

How do you identify, quantify, and prioritize energy

efficiency programs and set appropriate targets?

# 577 | Focus Area: Business Transformation Office


Be sure your strategy sets program management

routines, creates, monitors, and updates program plan.

Ask the Manager, IT Program Management Office:

Does your organization have a project management or

program management office?

# 576 | Focus Area: Shared services Center -


Lead and coordinate with all Program Management

Offices to plan and execute Enterprise Tools
Implementation and Adoption successfully.

Ask the Director, Project/Program Management:

Does it have any plans to open additional offices?

# 575 | Focus Area: Roadmapping - MANAGEMENT

Develop experience leading end to end program

management and large scale change management
efforts across multiple functions.

Ask the Sr Mgr Project & Program Management:

How does the rating scale align to the programs risk

rating scale and your organizations risk rating scale?

# 574 | Focus Area: Finance Management -


Provide guidance to program management to ensure

adherence to Earned Value Management System (EVMS).

Ask the Director, Business Process and Program


Does your ongoing monitoring system support your

planning efforts and ensure continuous ongoing quality

# 573 | Focus Area: Related experience in financial

services industry auto - MANAGEMENT

Confirm that your operation develops standard Program

Management Documentation including Program Charter,
Communication Plan, Schedule/Work Breakdown

Ask the Director Program Management Office Operations:

Has mobilization and demobilization time been included

in the schedule?

# 572 | Focus Area: Shifting Business Priorities -


Partner with Program Management and Application

Engineering to align on operational execution and resolve
operational challenges.

Ask the Director Business Program Management:

What would the staff and management do differently the

next time a similar incident occurs?

# 571 | Focus Area: Card Not Present -


Develop program management documentation to

support all phases of the acquisition life.

Ask the Director of Product Program Management:

Has the appropriate system development lifecycle been


# 570 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - DEVELOPMENT

Support program management in technical

considerations and negotiations with oem (internal)
customers regarding the feasibility, cost and timing of
new development items.

Ask the Manager, Strategic Program Management:

Can someone help you to make your system

development more agile?

# 569 | Focus Area: APQP - MANAGEMENT

Develop experience must include strong program

management skills in resource, task, and budget

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, Treasury


What records do you have that personnel performing

specific assigned tasks are qualified especially to meet
customer requirements?

# 568 | Focus Area: GDPR - SECURITY

Maintain, update, and enhance the Information Security

Program Management in conformance with both security
and compliance needs.

Ask the Deposit Operations Specialist:

What types of information does HIPAA protect?

# 567 | Focus Area: GxP - MANAGEMENT

Work with program management office, service delivery

and practice managers to create Professional Services
implementation processes.

Ask the Head of Program Management, SVP:

What cloud services are being used, if any?

# 566 | Focus Area: Master Data Management


Ensure your personnel prepares, maintains and follows

a program management plan governing technical
approach, organizational resources and management
controls to meet the cost, schedule and performance

Ask the Program Management Senior Lead:

What must manufacturing management do to manage a

process or operation?

# 565 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management -


Be confident that your group reviews significant events

and advises Prepaid Program Management owners of
action steps required to prevent future recurrence.

Ask the Senior Manager of Technical Program


Are managements actions aligned with the implemented

ERM strategies?

# 564 | Focus Area: Sarbanes-Oxley Internal


Develop experience conceiving, developing and

standing up new program management capabilities at an
enterprise level.

Ask the Head Program Management Business Support:

How could a strategic understanding of the multiple

benefits approach to energy efficiency investments in
organizations be operationalised?

# 563 | Focus Area: Issues Management -


Work with the Legal Departments Products and
Agreements teams to design, launch, and execute
program management across strategic initiatives that
deliver on the operational needs of your organization.

Ask the Director of Business Program Management –

Global Corporate Sustainability Team:

Can program benefits be delivered to the person making

the purchase decision?

# 562 | Focus Area: Service Transition Plan -


Hold regular status meetings with Program Management

Office leadership and executive management.

Ask the VP Project Program Management:

Is there a stakeholder management plan?

# 561 | Focus Area: Workforce planning -

Safeguard that your staff directs the provision
of technical leadership, expertise, and program
management across a broad spectrum of HR program

Ask the Senior Director Global Program Management:

Do new recruits have the needed knowledge, skills and

level of expertise?

# 560 | Focus Area: Vendor Assessment -


Provide operational program management for

assessment content definition and delivery, working with

vendors, Learning Design, Product, and Content Strategy
teams; perform operational steps to launch assessments.

Ask the Director of Business Program Management –

Global Corporate Sustainability Team:

What do you believe about the nature of learning and its

relationship to school leadership?

# 559 | Focus Area: FMECA - DESIGN

Attend design reviews, technical interchange meetings,

test readiness reviews, and program management

Ask the Global People Transformation and Program

Management Leader:

Are periodic reviews planned to update the list and


# 558 | Focus Area: cybersecurity risk management


Work with CWT Legal, Sourcing and Program

Management leadership to complete security contract
language reviews.

Ask the Lead Program Manager - Program Management


What do you do to change the language, adapt the

cybersecurity culture, and shift your perspective?

# 557 | Focus Area: Communities of Practice -


Run or help others run enterprise level programs

utilizing program management methodologies and best


Ask the Data Analyst - Program Management:

Do you have adequate program management capacity to

run all your programs successfully?

# 556 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management


Make sure the VP of Program Management is responsible

for ensuring the smooth and consistent delivery of
strategically aligned initiatives across the enterprise.

Ask the Director of Business Program Management –

Global Corporate Sustainability Team:

Which entity should make the investments needed to

make the service delivery model work?

# 555 | Focus Area: Data Privacy - DATA

Establish metrics, tracking, documentation, and program

management of diverse data privacy compliance

Ask the Engineering Program Management:

Who is enforcing the management and accountability of

data as it moves are there minimums?

# 554 | Focus Area: Technology Process

Improvement - MANAGEMENT

Warrant that your personnel demonstrates involvement

in program management, change management and
continuous improvement.

Ask the Senior Advisor, Services Project/Program


Is it better than Organizational Change Management for


# 553 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management

Consulting - MANAGEMENT

Coordinate with auditors (internal and external)

and SOX Program Management to ensure adequate
documentation of SOX controls and potential SOX
deficiencies if applicable.

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, Product


Has the program taken meaningful steps to address its

strategic planning deficiencies?

# 552 | Focus Area: identity and access

management - PROGRAM

Oversee the creation of procedures and governance

for program management and regulatory requirements
for Identity and Access Management related to legacy
systems, cloud applications, and privileged access.

Ask the Senior Manager - B2B Program Management:

How do you develop and test applications in the cloud?

# 551 | Focus Area: appraisal order forms -


Establish that your group formulates new program

management standards and analytical approaches.

Ask the Head Director, Program Management - Protected

Secure Communications Front End of the Business


Which corporate governance polices and standards must

be included?

# 550 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Framework - MANAGEMENT

Implement various program management capabilities

including infrastructure management, quality
management, financial controls and vendor and third
party management.

Ask the Vice President of Program Management:

Can a sponsor ever really transfer risk and liability to a


# 549 | Focus Area: Global Supply Chain

Governance - MANAGEMENT

Develop experience leading large program management

efforts including establishing effective governance
structures, cross functional coordination, and executive
stakeholder management and reporting.

Ask the SVP Portfolio & Program Management Office


How will you obtain and/or track necessary financial and

operating information for program management and

# 548 | Focus Area: Management Assistant -


Build and manage resources, processes, systems and

controls to effectively execute the digital program
management functions.

Ask the Technical Program Management Office (PMO)-
Senior Professional:

What are the key activities to build an effective

information security program?

# 547 | Focus Area: LIMS - MANAGEMENT

Meet with it program management and portfolio lead

weekly to provide status updates.

Ask the Head of Program Management Business Support

- Global:

Is there a gorilla in your portfolio?

# 546 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Process

Standards - PROJECT

Participate or lead in special projects for the Directorate

with priority as Program Management Review Briefing
support, contract closeouts.

Ask the Special Security Representative Technical

Program Management Analyst Support Service:

Who are your priority suppliers/partners whom you

depend on to undertake your critical activities?

# 545 | Focus Area: Stakeholder Analysis -


Support stakeholder analysis, communications

development, end user training execution and program
management execution.

Ask the Program Management Consultant:

What kind of end user training and support is provided?

# 544 | Focus Area: Chief Diversity Officer -


Design thinking and program management involvement

leading a large scale change management initiative.

Ask the Information Assurance Program Management


What are the critical success factors for change


# 543 | Focus Area: Corporate Vice President - Risk

Governance and Reporting - MANAGEMENT

Oversee all program management activities including

planning, reporting, risk assessment and mitigation, and
lessons learned.

Ask the Program Management Director:

When appropriate, is there an IRM function that oversees

the risk activities of your organization?

# 542 | Focus Area: Chief Information Security -


Ensure strong involvement in program management,

financial management and organizational change

Ask the Information Security Specialist:

What changes to management processes will improve


# 541 | Focus Area: ISO 27001 Lead Auditor -

Liaise with program management to ensure integration of

tasks across organization.

Ask the Head Director Program Management:

How well is your organizational strategy delivered

through change activities?

# 540 | Focus Area: Talent Management - BUILD

Build a scalable recruiting operation to identify,

hire, train, deploy and onboard talent in operational
excellence, program management and manufacturing

Ask the Director Business Strategy & Program

Management Manager:

What tools/technologies exist to facilitate job matching?

# 539 | Focus Area: Reputational Risk -


Ensure strong organizational skills and proven program

management covering multiple projects and diverse

Ask the Deposit Operations Specialist:

Is there a product charter that lays out the mission and

strategic goals?

# 538 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - MANAGEMENT

Ensure strong program management skills with

involvement managing and delivering complex and

critical programs.

Ask the Manager, Operations Strategy, Program


When to use an ITSM risk management methodology?

# 537 | Focus Area: Internet of Things -


Ensure strong delivery focus, strong program

management skills, experienced at managing
enablement programs demonstrating highly effective
stakeholder management.

Ask the Director, Program Management, Finance and

Human Resources:

What are the best risk management practices to ensure

the constant monitoring of connected devices and
associated IoT services?

# 536 | Focus Area: digital transformation

healthcare - MANAGEMENT
Ensure your company is including serving as line
manager of program management specialization.

Ask the Director, Program Management Federal


What is the timeline for adoption of healthcare


# 535 | Focus Area: Strategic Information

Technology Planning - MANAGEMENT

Communicate progress and coordinate with Program

Management Office to track and manage progress and

measure impact.

Ask the Head Program Management Business Support:

What measurement does your chief security officer share

with you to understand how well your security strategy is
working, especially at managing risk?

# 534 | Focus Area: digital transformation -


Make sure the Manager supports the synthesis of

transformation program management deliverables,
interdependencies, and risks across the entire DTO

Ask the Manager Technical Program Management:

Where do risks exceed a defined threshold?

# 533 | Focus Area: Physical security -


Be able to build and maintain strong (internal) customer

and program management relationships.

Ask the Director Customer Experience Strategic Program


What programs have you put in place to build morale?

# 532 | Focus Area: Field Service Management -


Adhere to technical and management escalation

guidelines established by Field Operations or the
Program Management Office (PMO).

Ask the Cybersecurity and Privacy Program Management


Has an escalation process been established?

# 531 | Focus Area: Human Resources Management


Coordinate with Program Management Officers,

Regional Human Resources Officers, the OCR and other
stakeholders to gather, analyze and report appropriate
information on behalf of your organization.

Ask the Sr Manager - IT Program Management:

How does performance management link to career


# 530 | Focus Area: Infonomics - MANAGEMENT

Make sure there is involvement with Waterfall and Agile

(Feature Driven Development, Kanban, Scrum) program
management methodologies.

Ask the Senior Director, Enterprise Program Management:

Should people professionals tackle recruitment bias

through training programs?

# 529 | Focus Area: Operational Risk Appetite -


Manage complex regulatory exams that require

significant program management across risk teams,
with a focus on ensuring regulatory expectations are
addressed on a holistic and consistent basis.

Ask the Business and Program Management Office – AVP:

How well does your organization meet the publics

expectations of service quality and trust?

# 528 | Focus Area: APQP - MANAGEMENT

Communicate to all levels of management and lead

teams in standardizing program management tracking.

Ask the Grants and Program Management:

Which management systems can be integrated?

# 527 | Focus Area: Information Systems -


Ensure strong Program management skills and cross

functional working capabilities to drive solutions.

Ask the Sr Director Program Management Office:

Are there viable online solutions that can save time and
provide value?

# 526 | Focus Area: Instructional Design -


Develop experience leading program management and/

or operations for large organizations.

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, Data Privacy:

Has a project transition to operations plan been


# 525 | Focus Area: Digital Government Platforms -


Establish a program management community of practice

as a forum to identify best practices and drive broad

adoption and continuous improvement.

Ask the Director of Program Management - Technology

Partner Management:

Have barriers to customer/user adoption of the system

been managed appropriately?

# 524 | Focus Area: devsecops - MANAGEMENT

Develop experience must include program management

of services including execution, growth, and financial

Ask the Operation Technical Program Management Team


Does the project understand its growth?

# 523 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis Template -


Support the improvement of portfolio and program

management effectiveness of projects, including
developing/improving processes, tools and templates.

Ask the Director of Business Program Management –

Global Corporate Sustainability Team:

Where is your enterprise in terms of developing diversity

management processes and practices?

# 522 | Focus Area: Logistics Network -


Work closely with cross functional teams including,

compliance, strategy, (internal) client operations,
product, program management and finance to achieve
overall objectives.

Ask the Vendor Program Management Head:

Did your organization achieve the expected benefit from

creating an asset management program and plan?

# 521 | Focus Area: Familiarity with iso 27000 -


Partner with IT and program management teams to

define and implement a secure SDLC framework.

Ask the iOS Engineer:

What percent of your project teams time should be spent

on planning?

# 520 | Focus Area: Lean Software Development -


Build and manage effective program management

oversight and governance routines.

Ask the Program Management Lead, Go-To-Market:

How do you build your organization case for a portfolio

management office?

# 519 | Focus Area: Strategic Planning -


Interface so that your personnel has program

management skills, including the setting of goals and

Ask the Manager, Program Management, Devices -

Sustainability and Energy:

What additional skills/qualifications do your employees


# 518 | Focus Area: IT Operations - MANAGEMENT

Support and lead program management of end user

onboarding and off boarding activities.

Ask the Head Information Security Program Management:

What exactly is service management?

# 517 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - MANAGEMENT

Provide program management and services in developing

and sustaining a knowledge based organization.

Ask the Technical Director Program Management:

Is your ITSM program suffering from an identity crisis?

# 516 | Focus Area: Implementing Software Asset

Management - MANAGEMENT
Execute on scope, schedule, cost, delivery, and quality
while demonstrating program management skills in

Ask the Senior Manager Program Management:

Does the board have the skills and capability to lead your

# 515 | Focus Area: Director - Enterprise IS & Tech


Develop, implement, and govern program management

processes, dashboards, templates, policies, and metrics
in accordance with enterprise guidelines, policies and


Ask the Program Management Analyst:

Have program management standards and guidelines

been identified and implemented?

# 514 | Focus Area: Data Migration - DATA

Establish data standards and disciplines including those

required for program Management and governance.

Ask the Program Management Director, Platform Delivery:

What project management approach should you adopt?

# 513 | Focus Area: VP, Enterprise Risk

Management - Products - MANAGEMENT

Utilize external expertise to develop a comprehensive

Program Management execution plan.

Ask the Data Services Manager:

What is the most difficult part of changing a project plan

during the project execution?

# 512 | Focus Area: Vendor Portfolio -


Develop processes that drive standardization through

operational rigor across Program Management, Release
Management and Production Support.

Ask the Lead, Program Management:

What is rigorous program management?

# 511 | Focus Area: Internal audit - MANAGEMENT

Execute SOX IT Program Management responsibilities

including resource planning, coordination, execution
and monitoring of controls testing, exceptions and

Ask the Global Technology Program Management - Vice


Are there controls wherein there is regular monitoring of

unmatched customer orders?

# 510 | Focus Area: Agile Supply Chain -


Develop experience working in an agile program

management environment with ambiguous requirements,
competing priorities, and shared resources.

Ask the Senior Manager of Vendor Program Management:

What will be the composition and size of the workforce


# 509 | Focus Area: Business Process Outsourcing -


Work closely with capacity and program management

teams to prioritize build deliverables.

Ask the Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, Regulatory

Program Management:

Will you build extra capacity into product lines in case

one goes down, or develop options to subcontract a
process to another vendor?

# 508 | Focus Area: Change and Configuration

Management - MANAGEMENT

Act as a liaison between Program Management and

other functional groups/workstreams to resolve issues
regarding configuration analysis documentation.

Ask the Program Management – Regulatory (Impact


Are standard reports documenting configuration

management activities and the contents of the baselines
developed and made available to affected groups and

# 507 | Focus Area: gxp - MANAGEMENT

Make sure there is involvement with program

management and research/development in an industry

Ask the Head Director, Digital Program Management -


Is there any specific requirement to comply with industry


# 506 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management -


Manage engagements in coordination with (internal)

client stakeholders and internal program management

Ask the Sr. Program Management Analyst:

What phase is your 3PRM program currently in?

# 505 | Focus Area: Sourcing and Procurement -


Provide vision, leadership and direction for the Sourcing
Excellence and Program Management Office.

Ask the IT Program Management Support:

Should you provide Scrum training to senior

management, including the people in the Program
Management office?

# 504 | Focus Area: CMMC - MANAGEMENT

Lead and implement all corporate program governance

and program management lifecycle processes.

Ask the Head Director, Program Management - Protected

Secure Communications Front End of the Business

Is the program being implemented effectively?

# 503 | Focus Area: Risk Management and

Compliance - MANAGEMENT

Explore new strategic opportunities, in the course of

program management to inform the future roadmap, for
leadership consideration.

Ask the Senior Specialist, Program Management (Supply


What type of leadership works well with complexity


# 502 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Planning -


Ensure strong stakeholder management, program

management, and change management in an

operationally intensive setting.

Ask the Head Technology Program Management:

Does your organization have the necessary program

management skills?

# 501 | Focus Area: Customer Satisfaction Survey -


Work with design, development, user research, and

program management to build and launch quality
features on time.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management,

Security Engineering:

How do you send in suggestions for new features or

report issues or bugs in the code?

# 500 | Focus Area: Manager - Technology Risk

Oversight - MANAGEMENT

Streamline ongoing program management needs

tooling, reporting, risk management, cross functional
engagement, planning, etc.

Ask the Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, Regulatory

Program Management:

How could internal DSS program management processes

be made more streamlined and efficient?

# 499 | Focus Area: Risk Appetite and Risk

Tolerance - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the expertise includes program management,

information technology, management services,
engineering, scientific prowess, logistics, financial

support, and human capital services.

Ask the Cybersecurity and Privacy Program Management


Is risk information transparent to decision makers in a

timely manner?

# 498 | Focus Area: Issues Management -


Provide full program management including needs

analysis, program maintenance, administration and
monitoring, data analysis, program evaluation, and
vendor/contract administration if applicable.

Ask the Senior Director, Product & Program Management:

How is the output monitoring data used in program

management and learning?

# 497 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - MANAGEMENT

Support program management office status update

preparation, review and tracking.

Ask the Head Director, Digital Program Management -


Is there an approved records management plan?

# 496 | Focus Area: ESG - MANAGEMENT

Provide program management and strategic planning

for (internal) customers with priority per contractual

Ask the Director Technology Program Management:

What ESG challenges should be addressed as a priority in

the acquisition phase?

# 495 | Focus Area: GxP - LEAD

Lead and guide program activities aimed at finding

solutions to the program management challenges

Ask the Manager, Operations Strategy, Program


What activities does GxP encompass?

# 494 | Focus Area: Program Managers -


Meet or exceed financial commitments and manage

Operational Excellence by driving strong Program
Management and Integrated Planning.

Ask the State & Local Government Consulting - Strategy

Transformation and Program Management Consultant:

What does technology offer to improve client services,

program management and the efficiency of legal

# 493 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management - MANAGEMENT

Ensure strong program management involvement,

including resource planning and readiness test

Ask the Senior Director Program Management:

Does your ongoing monitoring system support your

planning efforts and ensure continuous ongoing quality

# 492 | Focus Area: Shared Services Marketing -

Ensure strong program management involvement (Agile

and/or Waterfall) leading large complex initiatives.

Ask the Global Program Management Analyst:

What has had the greatest impact on IT spend and/or

board level involvement?

# 491 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes - PRIVACY

Ensure your privacy advisory supports (internal) clients

by operationalizing privacy program management and
regulatory requirements, as well as supporting responses
to regulators.

Ask the Senior Director, Program Management:

Is there scope for better alignment of data requirements

or regulatory processes with other regulators?

# 490 | Focus Area: Employee Experience -


Employ a Program Management and Operational

Excellence approach across all programs (templates,
process, frameworks).

Ask the Director Program Management:

Do you comply with leading information security

frameworks or standards?

# 489 | Focus Area: Supplier Agreement

Management - PROGRAM

Ensure strong involvement sourcing Engineering,
Product, Program Management talent.

Ask the Global People Transformation and Program

Management Leader:

Are the highest standards of integrity and devotion to

duty ensured through adequate management systems,
including a system of review of propriety in program

# 488 | Focus Area: Prototyping - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the PMO provides standard, scalable

approaches to program management functions
and provides independent assessments and
recommendations for improved program execution.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management - Finance

Operations Business Partnership:

Can the project afford execution of management


# 487 | Focus Area: SAP IoT - MANAGEMENT

Manage oversee affiliate program management and

necessary tools to drive results.

Ask the Partner Project Program Management:

What tools are used to manage policies, roles, and key

usage end points?

# 486 | Focus Area: IT Procurement -


Have helped build a Program Management Office (PMO)

and/or mentored emerging Program Managers.

Ask the Program Management Subcontract Stf:

What is your involvement with the application portion of

the program?

# 485 | Focus Area: ISO 20000 - MANAGEMENT

Maintain the corporate Program Management Plan,

Quality Manual, and other high level documents.

Ask the Senior Director - Business Program Management:

Will your organization commit to program

implementation schedule?

# 484 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Lead program management of key strategic initiatives,

including merger and acquisition opportunities.

Ask the Global Workplace Program Management Lead:

Does management lead fraud risk assessments and

include internal auditing in the assessment process?

# 483 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management


Make sure the key to your success is largely dependent

on the stellar ability of your program management team.

Ask the Technology Program Management:

How does your own team make your project riskier?

# 482 | Focus Area: Multi Brand Strategy -


Interface with Planning and Program Management to

assess current and future sourcing requirements.

Ask the Operation Technical Program Management Team


Which process provides an interface with corporate or

program management?

# 481 | Focus Area: IT PMO - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the Director, IT Enterprise Architecture and

Program Management should have.

Ask the Information Security Specialist:

Have you created information architecture before

application architecture?

# 480 | Focus Area: Risk Ecosystem - MANAGEMENT

Lead and drive integrated Program Management

(chartering, program planning, status, RAID, budget
formulation and tracking).

Ask the director, program management, Global Growth

and Development:

Should project managers be afraid of artificial


# 479 | Focus Area: Cloud ERP - MANAGEMENT

Provide status updates and report outs to program

management and Steering Committee members.

Ask the Compliance Product Group Manager- Flood

Program Management:

Does the program do what you want it to do?

# 478 | Focus Area: Monetization - MANAGEMENT

Partner with Program Management as they supervise

delivery, manage timelines, resolve blockers and risks.

Ask the Manager, Program Management - Risk and

Payment Operations:

How can cloud delivery solution enable or enhance?

# 477 | Focus Area: Product Maturity -


Ensure strong organizational skills, both to self organize

and also manage others by application of program
management best practices.

Ask the Senior Manager, IT Sourcing and Program

Management, Technology Sourcing and Infrastructure, IT

Who has strong administrative skills?

# 476 | Focus Area: ISO 17100 - MANAGEMENT

Lead CRO (Contract Research Organization) Program

Management in preparing for (internal) client meetings,
and effectiveness checks on CAPA items.

Ask the Core Systems Engineer:

Is there an incident management process for the


# 475 | Focus Area: Refinery Asset Management -


Have program management ownership for one or more

compensation programs or pay practices.

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, COMPASS:

Is there appropriate security to establish the ownership?

# 474 | Focus Area: Cyber Threat Intelligence -


Establish the rhythm for developing, deploying,

tuning, and improving infrastructure; track and report
on the progress and improvements; and partner
with the program management to deliver continual

Ask the Head Information Security Program Management:

Do you measure improvements resulting from your threat

hunting capabilities?

# 473 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Solutions - MANAGEMENT

Make sure there is successful technical program

management outcomes from idea to launching programs
to market.

Ask the Head Director, Digital Program Management -


Are the outcomes of risk management able to be

effectively measured?

# 472 | Focus Area: Threat Model - MANAGEMENT

Ensure strong program management involvement,

including building programs from scratch or taking over
existing efforts.

Ask the Technical Program Management Analyst I:

How to develop subsystems while taking into

consideration the constraints of the broader system?

# 471 | Focus Area: FMEA Failure Modes -


Ensure strong program management skills for organizing

information, breaking down complex problems, driving
cross-organizational consensus, and working effectively
in situations involving uncertainty are must haves.

Ask the Mid-Level Supplier Program Management

Specialist (Virtual):

Does your program effectively meet the professional

development needs of your staff?

# 470 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - MANAGEMENT

Work closely with program management to prioritize

and translate high level requirements into schedules,
milestones, and risks.

Ask the Project Program Management:

Have the users been adequately informed and warned of

the residual risks?

# 469 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -

Strategy & Governance Analyst - MANAGEMENT

Lead the development, execution, continuous

improvement, and adoption of frameworks to
operationalize program management best practices

across the enterprise, from building, launching, and post-
launch optimization.

Ask the Sr. Manager - Program Management:

Does management have a process for monitoring project


# 468 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Develop and produce reports and presentations for

(internal) client and program management staff.

Ask the Senior Specialist, Program Management (Supply


How effective were your program providers reports at

clearly summarizing program outcomes?

# 467 | Focus Area: GDPR - MANAGEMENT

Make sure there is program management success

leveraging portfolio management, metrics, and executive

Ask the IT Manager:

What is the purpose of a professional portfolio?

# 466 | Focus Area: Brand Experience -


Drive improvements to program management standards

and tools (sourcing, schedule, financial, quality, agendas).

Ask the Manager Program Management:

Do energy efficiency improvements actually drive

economic growth?

# 465 | Focus Area: IPO Readiness - MANAGEMENT

Evaluate, develop, and maintain internal controls

program management infrastructure.

Ask the Lead, Program Management Technical:

Is the strategic plan limited to the infrastructure and

support service of the it department?

# 464 | Focus Area: Process Governance -


Develop experience leading and managing cross

functional program management teams.

Ask the Senior Software Delivery Project Program


How do developments in new information technologies

impact processes and process management?

# 463 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Risk

Analysis and Testing - MANAGEMENT

Provide input for program management activities

requiring budgeting and resourcing input across diverse

Ask the Director, Supply Chain Program Management:

What are the critical inputs required by your business to

deliver each product and service?

# 462 | Focus Area: Manager - Technology Risk

Oversight - MANAGEMENT

Collaborate with Transformation and Program
Management leaders to prepare integrated executive
program updates.

Ask the Strategy Transformation and Program

Management Consultant:

Are the right leaders from across your organization

involved in overseeing the initiative?

# 461 | Focus Area: Multi Brand Strategy -


Partner with your peers to develop and strengthen

Technical Program Management practices.

Ask the Customer Experience Program Management:

Should management of the challenge be outsourced to a

third party vendor or partner?

# 460 | Focus Area: RFP Response Strategy -

Work closely with engineering, procurement and
program management to complete the formulation of
win strategies and themes taking into account strategic
relationships, competitor intelligence, etc.

Ask the Sr Manager, Technical Program Management,

Emerging Devices:

What kind of oversight and accountability norms can

we, and should we, enforce over machine learning

# 459 | Focus Area: Cyber Insurance Market -


Make sure there is program management and
collaboration across diverse stakeholders for Insider
Threat programs.

Ask the Sr Director Program Management Office:

What should boards, entrepreneurs and stakeholders

make of contemporary approaches to corporate
governance, compliance and risk management?

# 458 | Focus Area: low code - MANAGEMENT

Ensure your professional services depth includes

communications, acquisitions management, program
management and evaluation, and IT solutions.

Ask the Technical Program Management Office (PMO)-

Senior Professional:

Is there a staff position that includes responsibility for

utilities management?

# 457 | Focus Area: Lean Software Development -

Provide timely and effective executive level updates
on program management routines, successes, and

Ask the Senior Director, Program Management Office and

Gross Margin:

What were the successes/failures of your project?

# 456 | Focus Area: Open Compute Project

Networking - MANAGEMENT

Ensure strong program management fundamentals with a

background in services infrastructure engineering.

Ask the Bus Ops Program Management Leader:

How has the host organization planned for good program

management to ensure high quality programs?

# 455 | Focus Area: Risk Analysis Template -


Be certain that your personnel includes resource

management models and automation for program
management metrics.

Ask the Facilities Planner - Program Management


What programs are already being provided?

# 454 | Focus Area: Strategic Vendor Management -


Identify and recommend opportunities to enhance or

adjust program design, improve program management
and impact program costs.

Ask the SVP, ATM Program Management Transformation


Which software program is designed to assist managers

in creating logical and manageable projects?

# 453 | Focus Area: ISO 27007 - MANAGEMENT

Provide additional Program management responsibilities

to own and run specific efforts identified by

Ask the Head Director (Program Management Leader),

Center for Global Health:

How to align and rationalize multiple IT quality and

process improvement efforts?

# 452 | Focus Area: Customer Service Training -


Establish and maintain continuity record of program

management processes, as checklists, flow diagrams, or
operating instructions.

Ask the Sr. PM, Program Management, Partner Support

and Solutions:

Are nonprofit food service programs required to break

even or maintain a negative account balance?

# 451 | Focus Area: Continuity Disaster Recovery -


Make sure there is excellence in planning, organizational,

and program management skills.

Ask the IT Support Technician:

Does your organization have application maintenance

standards that it uses to make program changes?

# 450 | Focus Area: Legacy Modernization -


Invest in maintaining Foreign Disclosure Representative

program management and manning requirements.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management


Who is responsible for entering and maintaining data in

the software program?

# 449 | Focus Area: Legal Analytics - MANAGEMENT

Ensure you have clear opinions on what Program

Management is and how to structure a program in an
environment that may not have a clear structure already.

Ask the Compliance Product Group Manager- Flood

Program Management:

How do you secure your BYOD environment?

# 448 | Focus Area: data resource management -


Make sure the program management assistant creates

and/or contributes to databases, spreadsheets,
presentations, and documents.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management,

Engineering Services:

How will you implement resource management?

# 447 | Focus Area: Information Risk Management -


Develop, analyze, and evaluate new or modified program

management policies, regulations, goals, or objectives.

Ask the Director of Program Management - Technology

Partner Management:

Do project and program management at your

organization include a clearly understood decision
making process involving delegation of responsibility,
authority and accountability?

# 446 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Plan -

Invest in the management and maintenance of

scorecards and dashboards related to overall program

Ask the IT Support Technician:

What is the calculated ROI on the direct investment in the

project management discipline?

Priority - Might Have
# From 223 To 445

# 445 | Focus Area: Management of Change -


Develop, implement, and govern program management

processes, dashboards, templates, policies, and metrics.

Ask the Head Program Management Operations Global:

How are the different metrics selected?

# 444 | Focus Area: EPC Contract - MANAGEMENT

Change management and complex program

management involvement, including working cross

Ask the Sr. Head, Program Management:

Are significant changes in risk posture or the emergence

of new risks being adequately identified across all
projects and program management activities being
actively managed and tracked?

# 443 | Focus Area: Service Level Indicators -


Make sure there is successful international complex

strategic program management involvement.

Ask the Senior Director Digital Program Management:

Does the existing structure of programs make sense?

# 442 | Focus Area: Mentorship - MANAGEMENT

Serve as primary liaison between Program Management

and the rest of the R and D department.

Ask the Director, Program Management Office:

Why is there a new or renewed interest in the field of

project management?

# 441 | Focus Area: Data Risk - MANAGEMENT

Drive productivity through program management

fundamentals, framework and best practices.

Ask the Director, Program Management Federal


How might one distinguish between bad schedule driven

practices that harm programs and good, aggressive
program management that yields more efficiency and

# 440 | Focus Area: Brand Experience -


Lead proposal development, RFP and RFI responses for

program management opportunities.

Ask the Treasury Management Research Specialist:

Have responses been decided for key risks?

# 439 | Focus Area: Sarbanes Oxley -


Make sure the establishment of a highly disciplined

program management methodology.

Ask the RCSA Core Program Management and Assurance

Does your organization have a formal program

management methodology?

# 438 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - PROCESS

Certify your design leads department or enterprise

initiatives in the areas of business process management,
request management, risk management, resource
management, project management, program
management, and portfolio management.

Ask the Program Management Coordinator:

Which service management aligns service provisions with

business goals and objectives?

# 437 | Focus Area: Change Impact Analysis -


Ensure your team primarily provides services in the

area of Process Reengineering, Enterprise Program
Management, Business Intelligence/Analytics,
Information Support and Operational Risk Management.

Ask the Head Technology Program Management:

How does the integration process of business

intelligence and knowledge management systems
occur to support the information integration system and
decision making processes of your organization?

# 436 | Focus Area: Demand Driven Supply Chain

Management - PRODUCT

Ensure your organization is involved in a program

management, product management, risk management,
analytics or business intelligence role.

Ask the Data Risk & Controls Office Program Management

Lead, VP:

Why formally define project roles?

# 435 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - DEVELOPMENT

Make sure your personnel is involved in project

management, vehicle program management, product
development life cycle, project planning, and supplier
liaison and management.

Ask the VP - Program Management for Wholesale Credit


What functional units are involved in the development of

the scope, schedule, and costs?

# 434 | Focus Area: Change and Configuration

Management - MANAGEMENT

Assure your design is involved in program management,

process improvement and/or operations in a (internal)
customer Service environment.

Ask the Sr Mgr, Program Management, Campaign and

Creative Services:

How do you get involved in process improvement?

# 433 | Focus Area: cybersecurity risk management


Make sure your operation expands its knowledge in areas

such as IT governance and planning, application systems
development, general support and business system

operations and maintenance, information security and
privacy program management, network administration
and database management.

Ask the Application Engineer:

How do you better protect your data beyond the

enterprise wide data privacy & security program?

# 432 | Focus Area: Monetization - PRODUCT

Certify your staff is involved in program management,

product marketing and business development.

Ask the Director of Program Management:

What staff resources were required to implement the


# 431 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management Program - CHANGE

Drive development, growth, and quality execution of all

of your transformation work under Business Consulting
capabilities, including Operational Excellence, Process
Automation, Organizational Change Management,
Organization Design, and Enterprise Program

Ask the Head Director (Program Management Leader),

Center for Global Health:

Why are you experiencing your organization agile


# 430 | Focus Area: Internet of Things -


Certify your design is involved in Cloud Architecture,

DevOps, Agile, Business Case Development, Performance
Improvement, Change Management, and Program

Ask the Senior-Software Delivery Project/Program


How many IoT devices will be deployed, and what is the

net increase in security management responsibility?

# 429 | Focus Area: Cloud Governance -


Confirm that your process has involvement working and

communicating with multiple stakeholders and cross
functional teams, including business development,
product management, product marketing, program
management, legal, as well as partner communities.

Ask the Director, Program Management:

What is managements vision of the business?

# 428 | Focus Area: Evaluation Fraud -


Make sure your organization is involved in technical

project oversight, including portfolio or program

Ask the QC, Analytical Program Management Lead:

How are oversight and accountability for the

implementation actions established?

# 427 | Focus Area: VP, Information Technology &


Make sure your strategy is depending on workflow and

type of business requirements, may provide project
or program management, financial or other reporting,
analysis and recommendations, vendor management,
change management, or communications.

Ask the Senior Acquisition Master Scheduler/Program

Management Professional:

Do you leverage project and program management tools

to plan, execute and monitor the change?

# 426 | Focus Area: Infonomics - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your workforce is involved in Technical

Program Management, Product Design with a focus on
Internal Tools, Analysis, and telling a story with data.

Ask the Senior Manager Technical Program Management:

What data are you already collecting?

# 425 | Focus Area: Virtual Desktop Infrastructure -


Make headway so that your operation is involved in

project or program management.

Ask the Manager, Program Management:

What percentage of your affiliate program will make up

your client portfolio and/or your total revenue?

# 424 | Focus Area: Impact Report - MANAGEMENT

Oversee that your company is involved in project or
program management, working collaboratively with
teams across your organization.

Ask the Senior Director Program Management Office


Which organizations and departments will be involved
and affected?

# 423 | Focus Area: Strategic Information

Technology Planning - PROGRAM

Make sure the Supplier Development Engineer interfaces

with Program Management, Quality, and Product
Engineering regarding supplier manufacturing and
quality issues to provide guidance to your team and

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management, Core


Can software engineers evaluate existing software

requirements for legal compliance?

# 422 | Focus Area: Pricing Structure - PRODUCT

Oversee that your workforce is involved in new product

development and technical program management.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management,

Experience Engineering:

How much executives in management of projects

involved are?

# 421 | Focus Area: Data Risk - MANAGEMENT

Engage a team of program and project managers with a

focus on motivation coaching developing the team on
how to expertly achieve program goals, deliver solutions
for the Data and AI applications team, and successfully
track manage communicate across the program
management, infrastructure engineering, and Data and AI

Ask the Mgr, Program Management, Strategic Account

What is the programs impact on actual projects and

future projects?

# 420 | Focus Area: HR Management Metrics and


Oversee that your group is involved in HR technology

product or program management.

Ask the Manager, Global Program Management:

Why did you decide to participate/get involved in the


# 419 | Focus Area: Security Management Program


Partner with security strategy and operations function

to support delivery of robust security program
management, project management, metrics, etc.

Ask the Senior Manager, IT Program Management

(Information & Analytics Governance):

Should your organization outsource its critical IT function

to a third party or many third parties?

# 418 | Focus Area: post pandemic - MANAGEMENT

Safeguard that your company directors provide (internal)

client engagement delivery oversight, key relationship
management, team leadership, business development,
and program management.

Ask the Principal Program Management - Vehicle


What are the key customer benefits that your product is
targeted to meet?

# 417 | Focus Area: Senior management -


Provide financial leadership and support to program

management, engineering and integrated supply chain
to ensure linkage between business unit and functional

Ask the Director Planning Program Management:

Does the business participate in special compliance or

supply chain security programs that provide conditional

# 416 | Focus Area: Monetization - PRODUCT

Be certain that your organization is involved in product

development, category management, pricing and
promotion, and program management.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management Office

Electronic Health Record Management:

What are the impacts of current management decisions

on future options?

# 415 | Focus Area: Business Transformation Office


Verify that your group develops and maintains the

playbooks and implementation standards required to
support business partners and provides them with the
tools required for effective program management.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management:

What kind of organizational support will help sustain the

# 414 | Focus Area: zSecure - MANAGEMENT

Be confident that your company is involved in business

planning, resource allocation, and program management.

Ask the Project/Program Management Consultant:

Does the employee have the necessary work related

resources to perform the assigned duties?

# 413 | Focus Area: Agile HR - PRODUCT

Interface so that your strategy is involved in engineering,

technical program management, product design, or

Ask the Director, Program Management - Telecommute:

Which is the best approach to raise team productivity in

a project?

# 412 | Focus Area: Windows Subsystem for Linux -


Make headway so that your strategy is involved in

program management, problem solving and analysis,
vendor management.

Ask the Lead Customer Experience Program Management


Does the information system meet the needs of eligibility

decision makers and program management?

# 411 | Focus Area: EV Charging Infrastructure -

Ensure your process is involved in an engineering roles in

manufacturing, integration, reliability, technical program
management, and/or operations.

Ask the Mid-Level Supplier Program Management

Specialist (Virtual):

Why did you decide to participate/get involved in the


# 410 | Focus Area: Service Asset and Configuration

Management - MANAGEMENT

Work closely with program management, systems

engineers, quality managers, and design engineers in an
integrated product team environment.

Ask the Head Director of Global Programs (Program

Management Specialist):

Does your organization have a team or a professional

acting in software asset management?

# 409 | Focus Area: Sarbanes Oxley Internal


Check that your group is involved in end to end life cycle

operations program management.

Ask the Lead Architect – Digital Transformations:

Is surprise check desirable in audit, if so, give important


# 408 | Focus Area: Enterprise Architecture -


Ensure your services include program management,
enterprise performance management, enterprise
architecture, implementation of emerging capabilities
and requirements, life cycle management, operations and
maintenance, enterprise data management, service desk
support and IT training.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management (HYBRID):

Can economies of scale be considered a barrier

or market failure to the implementation of central
generation renewable energy technologies?

# 407 | Focus Area: Food Ecommerce -


Check that your process interacts with program

management, team management, Digital Marketing
Team, Business Marketing Teams, and business process
team members.

Ask the Strategy Transformation Program Management


Do you have a knowledge of how cash flow interacts in

your business to ensure future cash flow?

# 406 | Focus Area: citizen development -


Make headway so that your company is involved in

program management, techniques, including program
evaluation, program development, and policy analysis to
perform research and analyses.

Ask the Marketing Program Management Sr Analyst:

What tools to use for evaluation?

# 405 | Focus Area: CMDB Tool - DATA

Be responsible for process improvement, program

management, and data stewardship for Product Lifecycle
organization, reviewing and maintaining Agile and ERP
data for alignment to existing data standards.

Ask the IT Program Management:

Will businesses opt for SaaS in next ERP lifecycle?

# 404 | Focus Area: ERP Migration - MANAGEMENT

Check that your process is involved in program

management, facilitating process improvement
workshops, and building consensus around a complex
plan with many stakeholders.

Ask the IT Support Technician:

Can the migration involve a process of conversion into

more sustainable formats?

# 403 | Focus Area: Supplier Management -


Foster a policy of procurement involvement with

Contracts, Engineering, Purchasing, Manufacturing,
Quality, Production, Planning and Scheduling,
Accounting, MIS, Program Management, and Business
Development/Capture to develop a pro-active
participating team on subcontractor and/or materials-
related issues.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management


Is there a reliable supply of materials to make the product

or perform the service?

# 402 | Focus Area: User Experience -

Make headway so that your process is involved in

Program management, PMO, Budget.

Ask the Manager, Global Program Management:

How does the evaluation align with the long term

research agenda for your program?

# 401 | Focus Area: MDM and Data Governance -


Make sure there is leadership skills including one or

more: project management, team leadership, program
management, or people management.

Ask the Director, Privacy Program Management:

What do you believe are the key elements that make your
program successful?

# 400 | Focus Area: data resource management -


Be sure your workforce is collaborating and coordinating

with proposal technical teams in developing the
material estimating strategy by interfacing with Business
Management, Procurement, Supply Chain, Program
Management, Program Office, and Pricing Organizations.

Ask the Senior Manager Supply Chain Program


How does organizational strategy tie into your strategy?

# 399 | Focus Area: Software Engineer Systems -


Ensure your expertise and primary support is in areas of
Program Management, Software Development, Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Enterprise Architecture, Data Analytics
and Business Intelligence, and Cyber Security.

Ask the Senior Engagement Leader / Program

Management Specialist (Virtual):

What are the benefits of big data analytics?

# 398 | Focus Area: Application Portfolio

Management - MANAGEMENT

Certify your team initiatives include process

improvement, change management, performance
management, or program management.

Ask the Business Program Management - Enterprise


Has an overview of programs, products or services been


# 397 | Focus Area: Card Not Present -


Be sure your design performs process improvement

evaluations of financial programs, processes, and
systems to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of
operations, identify root cause issues, and provide
recommendations for remedies/improvements in
policies, procedures, (internal) customer service, and
program management.

Ask the Program Management Analyst, Head/Program

Management Analyst:

What board approved policies directly impact the

budgeting process?

# 396 | Focus Area: Manager - Technology Risk
Oversight - MANAGEMENT

Certify your group identifies gaps, risks and issues with

fleet technology workstreams and surfaces them to
project management, technical leadership and program

Ask the Senior Advisor Project Program Management:

Has the needs analysis for the program established the

current baseline performance?

# 395 | Focus Area: Mitigate Risk - RISK

Make sure the CISO is directly responsible for Strategy,

Security Operations, Cyber Risk and Cyber Intelligence,
Data Loss and Fraud Prevention, Security Architecture,
Identity and Access Management, Program Management,
Investigations and Forensics, Disaster Response and
Business Continuity, Regulatory and (internal) customer
Compliance, Personnel, Budget, and Governance.

Ask the Program Management Officer (Program Director):

What happens if that data is compromised?

# 394 | Focus Area: Issues Management -


Certify your team is advocating and leading

transformation of Operational Excellence functional
teams into more mature, efficient, and reciprocal
organization through defining, building, and using
program management, team collaboration, and
knowledge tools.

Ask the VP Product Governance Transformation -

Program Management Lead:

Which would you rather have on your project team?

# 393 | Focus Area: Project stakeholder

engagement - MANAGEMENT

Liaison so that your team is involved in the field of health

education, program management, and/or aging.

Ask the Financial Intelligence Program Management

Team Analyst:

Who needs to be involved in a talent management


# 392 | Focus Area: Risk Based Internal Audit -


Guarantee your workforce is involved in SOX program

management, external audit, internal audit, risk
management, controls and/or corporate compliance.

Ask the Sr Director Program Management Office:

Why is information on the selected set of controls

captured in security and privacy plans?

# 391 | Focus Area: Systems Engineering -


Interface so that your staff liaises between business

development and strategy, program management,
product-line engineers, hardware engineers, software
engineers, and (internal) customers to understand
content and priority of pursuit opportunities.

Ask the Global Marketing Program Management Lead:

Can your organization distinguish between evidence

based health programs and other programs?

# 390 | Focus Area: Service Delivery Manager -


Make sure your organization is involved in transformation

or program management.

Ask the Analyst, Program Management:

What other kinds of transformational projects?

# 389 | Focus Area: Strategic Alliance - PROGRAM

Confirm that your design has involvement embedding

sustainability social and environmental impact with
organizations, project and program management,
leadership, and executive engagement.

Ask the Director of Product Program Management:

What should program management do to ensure

successful dmsms management?

# 388 | Focus Area: Manager - Technology Risk

Oversight - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your design has project management,

program management, analytical and problem solving

Ask the Director Program Management Office:

Is there anything you would do differently next time in

terms of program design and implementation?

# 387 | Focus Area: RBAC - MANAGEMENT

Partner with Program Management, Design and
Engineering to ensure product ships on time and to

Ask the Business Program Management Consultant:

What is transportation system management and


# 386 | Focus Area: Organizational Structure -


Ensure your core service offerings include strategy

development and implementation, stakeholder
alignment, (internal) customer experience, workforce
readiness, strategic communications, and program

Ask the RCSA Core Program Management and Assurance


Does your quality team include customer experience


# 385 | Focus Area: digital transformation

healthcare - MANAGEMENT

Invest in establishing robust business processes around

project management, program management, and
(internal) client interactions.

Ask the Director, IT Enterprise Architecture & Program


How would failures of individual systems of processes

impact business services?

# 384 | Focus Area: SAP Implementation -


Verify that your operation is involved in finance/
accounting systems or tools implementations and
program management.

Ask the Application Engineer:

Which stage of the BCM program helps verify the

efficiency of the BCM process?

# 383 | Focus Area: Chief Product Officer -


Lead and communicate with team leaders and

crossfunctional partners in decision-making, program
management, and project implementation, ensuring
active communication and collaboration between
different functions and teams.

Ask the Vice President, Technical Program Management

and Software Operations:

Does the follow up team have a formal process to

evaluate the test results?

# 382 | Focus Area: Quality Engineering - QUALITY

Be sure your strategy provides quality-engineering

support and leadership to quality inspectors, operations
personnel, Configuration Management, Program
Management, Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing
Planning, Liaison Engineering, Industrial Engineering,
Purchasing and other groups in the organization.

Ask the Head Director of Global Programs (Program

Management Specialist):

Are all changes routed to Product Support,

Manufacturing, Quality Control, and Product
Management for impact evaluation/implementation?

# 381 | Focus Area: Risk-Based Inspection -

Make headway so that your workforce leads fixed

equipment reliability efforts through project and
compliance program management.

Ask the Principal, Program Management:

What else do you learn about hosting organization


# 380 | Focus Area: Internet of Things -


Manage change to bring value to business through

effective project and program management.

Ask the Sr Mgr, Program Management, Campaign and

Creative Services:

Are vulnerable customers needs considered during the

project design phase?

# 379 | Focus Area: Sarbanes Oxley Internal

Controls - PRIVACY

Warrant that your design is involved in privacy program

management, privacy operations, and regulatory

Ask the Director of Program Management - IP Video:

Does your organization have a plan to respond to a

privacy incident?

# 378 | Focus Area: ISO 26262 - DEVELOPMENT

Collaborate with program management, manufacturing,
design and development teams, purchasing, and partners
to ensure on time sign offs at program milestones and
engineering gateways.

Ask the Program Management Sr. Manager - VP - Hybrid:

Are system level requirements accessible to development


# 377 | Focus Area: Security Fundamentals

Professional Certification - MANAGEMENT

Oversee that your company manages contract change

process and works with Program Management,
Engineering, Finance and other disciplines to mitigate
performance risk.

Ask the Head of Integration & Strategic Program


Are all pay items shown on the plans the same in the

# 376 | Focus Area: Cloud ERP - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the Cost Accounting team works with plant
operations as well as the corporate accounting and
finance teams to drive costing oversight, compliance and
analytics for manufacturing and program management.

Ask the Facilities Planner - Program Management


How will your teams collaborate in the system?

# 375 | Focus Area: Project Risk Management -


Assure your team ensures a rigorous and robust process
for asset planning and capital program management, in
order to drive investment appraisal decisions, balancing
financial and operational risks.

Ask the Technology Program Management:

Is it as straightforward as installing the software in order

to manage the risk or to be compliant?

# 374 | Focus Area: vendor performance

management - MANAGEMENT

Check that your personnel provides Corporate project

and program management; manages schedules, funding,
planning, technology and operational execution for key
strategic initiatives.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management,

Engineering Education:

How long did the performance planning meeting last?

# 373 | Focus Area: System Integration Services -


Manage the operational aspects of ongoing Corporate

Office (internal) customer projects, processes, and
other initiatives and serves as liaison between program
management, applications management, and multiple
project teams or individual contributors.

Ask the CMC Program Management Lead:

What factors would influence your customers purchasing


# 372 | Focus Area: SAP Implementation -


Safeguard that your group is involved in systems,
accounting, operations, external regulations, tax,
internal controls, requirements documentation, testing,
validation, and program management.

Ask the Director Program Management Office:

Do you have standard controls in place to address risks

identified through the review process in a consistent

# 371 | Focus Area: Hybrid IT - SECURITY

Guarantee your personnel provides coordination and

counsel to all levels of leadership on a wide variety of
legal matters, including channel and vendor program
management, privacy and data security, marketing,
business practices, and policies.

Ask the Application Engineer:

How do you guarantee more agility and more satisfaction

for your business users?

# 370 | Focus Area: Cloud Contact Center -


Verify that your strategy is assisting with program

management, post implementation reviews, project
status, and systems development/implementation

Ask the Senior Systems Analyst:

What is good program management?

# 369 | Focus Area: IT Security - MANAGEMENT

Interface so that your design is involved in Compliance,

Risk, IT Audit, or Technical Program Management.

Ask the Core Operations Specialist:

What, when, where, why and how are risks likely to occur,
and who might be involved?

# 368 | Focus Area: Innovation Culture - PROCESS

Guarantee your company is partnering with other

members of the Transformation Execution Office,
including the Program Management, Change
Management, and Robotic Process Automation teams.

Ask the Technology Program Management - Consulting

Senior Manager:

What are innovative strategies being used by your

department to improve officer safety and wellness?

# 367 | Focus Area: APQP - PRODUCT

Verify that your group mentors peers with less

involvement on processes associated with the business,
products, Product Line Teams or program management.

Ask the Program Management Office Analyst:

How do you determine, provide and maintain the

environment for the operation of processes to achieve
products and service conformity?

# 366 | Focus Area: Technical Standards -

Warrant that your staff leads multi-functional large-
scale projects through close collaboration with
multiple engineering, technical program management,
analytics teams, and product managers on security,
tools, architecture, planning, and delivery of multiple

concurrent projects.

Ask the Director Program Management Office:

What is the approximate number of current projects?

# 365 | Focus Area: Virtual Workplace Wellness -


Confirm that your operation oversees and manages

the lifecycle and operational aspects of programs, and
liaises between program management, project team, and
resource management.

Ask the Program Management Senior Lead - SVP:

What information do you share with your team members?

# 364 | Focus Area: citizen development -


Oversee that your design is skilled in strategic

leadership, organization program management, and staff

Ask the Program Management Subcontract Stf:

How will your organization be able know if it has been


# 363 | Focus Area: JIRA for software development


Be the entry point to Software Development and Test

teams for Product Management, Program Management,
and (internal) customers for Scoping Requests,
formalizing and communicating software development
and test plans, driving software deliverables.

Ask the Applications & Support Analyst:

Has the impact of emerging technologies on the product

been considered?

# 362 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Risk

Analysis and Testing - MANAGEMENT

Be confident that your company is involved in program

management, overseeing ongoing objectives, matrix
reporting structures, metrics, and related projects.

Ask the Head Director of Global Programs (Program

Management Specialist):

Which department best describes the reporting structure

of your program under your direction and management?

# 361 | Focus Area: Systems Engineering -


Support to delivering top line growth by working with

Business Development, Program Management, and
Business Leadership to provide input for Strategic
Planning, Research and Development Planning, and Inter-
Corporation Resource Sharing.

Ask the Sr. Manager Program Management:

Does business planning help support your business


# 360 | Focus Area: Service Level Indicators -


Provide functional leadership in a variety of process

improvement and development techniques, program
management, operational excellence, statistical tools,
and problem solving.

Ask the Manager Program Management:

What messages resonate with customers about energy

efficiency improvements?

# 359 | Focus Area: governance, risk and

compliance - RISK

Liaison so that your organization has involvement in

audit, risk management, and/or compliance program

Ask the Deposit Operations Specialist:

Why should your organization have an audit committee?

# 358 | Focus Area: NFV Management and

Orchestration - PRODUCT

Own the Product launch and execution strategy for

your service offerings including ideation, orchestration,
program management, implementation and managing a
cross functional team.

Ask the Cyber Security and Privacy Program Management

Support Manager/Lead (Technic:

Are there any common traits which make a successful

security program?

# 357 | Focus Area: Insider Threat Prevention


Make sure your workforce is involved in people analytics,

the HR functional domain, and program management.

Ask the Technology Program Management - Consulting

Senior Manager:

How do you position an insider threat program to your

# 356 | Focus Area: Program Management -


Certify your workforce is working closely with

Engineering, UI/UX, Operations and Product Management
teams to ensure projects are completed timely and
deadlines for key deliverables are met; Developing
automated reporting capabilities and systems for Product
and Engineering teams.

Ask the IT Program Management Support:

How are you going to communicate the availability of

your product to customers?

# 355 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management

Solutions - RISK

Develop experience that demonstrates progressive

leadership involvement in relevant fields such as program
management, business continuity, life safety, third party
risk, and exercising and testing development.

Ask the Sr Manager, Program Management, Data Privacy:

Has a training program been developed and established?

# 354 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Plan -


Manage the business continuity/disaster recovery

planning tools to support program management.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management Office

Electronic Health Record Management:

Which tools would you use to choose the appropriate risk

# 353 | Focus Area: Cybersecurity Automation -


Make sure the Privacy specialization supports the

development and implementation of privacy safeguards,
program management, and operational privacy
excellence as a member of the Privacy, Cybersecurity,
and Information Governance group in the Legal

Ask the Director, Program Management – Global


What are the cybersecurity and Data Privacy issues with

digital automation?

# 352 | Focus Area: Applicant Tracking System -


Confirm that your personnel is Influencing/Negotiating,

Information Technology Program Management, Project
Management, and Requirements Analysis.

Ask the SVP, ATM Program Management Transformation


Who needs the information being collected?

# 351 | Focus Area: governance, risk and

compliance - SECURITY

Confirm that your operation stays current with all relevant

IT security and compliance issues, technologies, and
requirements, as well as with emerging best practices
in IT program management, planning and governance;

Maintains professional and technical knowledge by
attending industry workshops, conferences, and
participating in personal and professional networks.

Ask the Manager, Program Management Role, Supply

Chain Management:

Is there a right structure for risk management?

# 350 | Focus Area: ISO 50001 - ENGINEERING

Make headway so that your organization is accountable

for all Engineering deliverables to Program Management.

Ask the International Program Management Head:

What kind of content will make your organization stand


# 349 | Focus Area: Vendor Management -


Invest in managing project plans, program management,

implementation and evaluation of all related Professional
and Organizational Development programs/training

Ask the Senior Director- Sourcing Excellence and

Program Management:

How are vendor controls monitored by the contract or

program manager?

# 348 | Focus Area: Program Management -


Safeguard that your organization provides leadership

in establishing and maintaining effective management
processes and a work environment conducive to

effective integration of technical functions of planning,
contracting, resource management, and information
technology project management.

Ask the Director Product Program Management:

How will enterprises justify investments in technologies,

people and business processes that enable effective
network and systems management?

# 347 | Focus Area: Design of experiments -


Ensure you work collaboratively with peers and other

staff in Engineering, Technical Program Management,
Product Management/Marketing, Supply Chain, and
other functions.

Ask the Sr Mgr, Program Management:

Is program management qualified and engaged?

# 346 | Focus Area: Cyber Security Red Team -

Certify your strategy is interfacing directly with members
of Software and Functional Test Teams, Development
Team, Operations Team, and Program Management.

Ask the Programmer:

How has your organizations digital strategy been

impacted by its cybersecurity?

# 345 | Focus Area: Supplier Performance

Management - PROGRAM

Be certain that your organization communicate

and interface with all key stakeholders, including

suppliers, program management, engineering and
quality management, procurement, and organization

Ask the Director, Program Management and Deployment:

Is the strategy well understood and communicated

throughout your organization?

# 344 | Focus Area: Liferay Knowledge -


Make headway so that your organization develops a solid

architecture that balances requirements from multiple
stakeholders including marketing/product owner,
program management, operations, quality assurance and

Ask the VP, Program Management:

Is economic valuation of ecosystem services useful to

decision makers?

# 343 | Focus Area: Network Engineering -


Develop lasting partnerships with product management,

program management, network engineering, software
engineering and other related groups to build and
improve your ever-growing large-scale distributed
infrastructure and product environment.

Ask the Program Management Analyst:

How do partnerships affect the complexity of the project?

# 342 | Focus Area: Social Design - MANAGEMENT

Brief business development, program management,

customer, functional and business leadership on status
and issues affecting contract performance, cost and
program risk.

Ask the Director of Program Management – Regulatory


Do materials on hand meet contract drawings and


# 341 | Focus Area: DLP Technologies -


Provide program support/delivery support to Business

Analyst in close partnership with Business Architecture
and Program Management.

Ask the Lending Systems Manager:

Does the solution support the ability to configure user

content management alerts?

# 340 | Focus Area: JavaScript - MANAGEMENT

Confirm that your workforce drives resolution of cross

workstream and other business related issues escalated
by program management.

Ask the Director Product Program Management:

Does the system enable project management personnel

to interrelate?

# 339 | Focus Area: ISO 14155 - MANAGEMENT

Establish that your operation projects include feasibility
studies, engineering and architectural design, program

Ask the Technology Program Management:

Do the customer and user requirements include explicit
changes to the operational environment?

# 338 | Focus Area: Supplier Performance

Management - MANAGEMENT

Guarantee your strategy is supporting Program

Management, Engineering, Materials, and Operations in
the execution of divisional projects and programs.

Ask the Vice President, Technical Program Management

and Software Operations:

What is the composition of information systems in asset

management operations?

# 337 | Focus Area: Business Architecture -


Act as a change agent by leading initiatives to improve

strategic planning, program management, and project

Ask the Director, Corporate Program Management:

How will the process fit with other ongoing organizational

processes and change efforts, as budgeting cycles
or process improvement and information technology

# 336 | Focus Area: Business Productivity Ratios -


Lead the coordination and integration of efforts among

finance, engineering, program management, marketing,
and (internal) customer success divisions to produce
smoother workflow and more cost-effective business

Ask the Application Engineer:

What is coordination theory and how can it help design

cooperative work systems?

# 335 | Focus Area: Building Lifecycle Management


Assure your strategy manages technical program

management, particularly in areas of security, and/or
technology risk management.

Ask the Sr Manager, Technical Program Management,

Emerging Devices:

Do you work without paying homage to a central design

authority, architecture group or program management

# 334 | Focus Area: Power Apps - SECURITY

Make headway so that your workforce expands its

knowledge in information security program management.

Ask the Sr. Specialist - Program Management:

Where is your enterprise in terms of developing diversity

management processes and practices?

# 333 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - MANAGEMENT

Improve Go To Market performance through advanced

analytics, and nurturing relationships with leadership
and staff at operating companies, tight program
management, and implementation of tools and methods
such Lean and Six Sigma.

Ask the Client Solutions - Services Technical Program
Management Consultant:

Can the six sigma quality measurement system help

during the business continuity management process?

# 332 | Focus Area: Personal Finance Software -


Collaborate with technical program management,

systems engineering and your Tier 1 partners to establish
efficient key account teams from RFI stage to mass

Ask the Branch Officer:

Have you and your suppliers taken steps to optimize

the energy efficiency of production processes and

# 331 | Focus Area: CCISO - SECURITY

Consult on the design, development, integration, and

analysis of classified computing systems with the
program management, system architects, software
architects, and Information System Security Manager

Ask the Rcsa Core Program Management Assurance


Has cybersecurity been considered in the design of the

medical device?

# 330 | Focus Area: gxp - MANAGEMENT

Safeguard that your workforce requires specialized

depth and breadth of expertise in industry, Program
Management, and business acumen.

Ask the Senior Advisor Project/Program Management - IT
- United States:

What expertise do staff have in quality improvement and

risk management?

# 329 | Focus Area: IT Program Management -


Interface so that your group manages a well defined

project management process and champions ongoing
process improvement initiatives to implement best
practices for PMO Methodologies (Waterfall, Hybrid and

Ask the Manager of Program Management:

Do you need to enlist local champions, to spearhead the

rollout in the own areas?

# 328 | Focus Area: Vendor Risk Management -


Ensure strong program management, project

management, and execution and delivery oversight.

Ask the Head Director Senior Manager Program


Have adequate resources been provided by management

to ensure project success?

# 327 | Focus Area: Mentorship - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the team comprises three main functions, End

User Services, Systems and Infrastructure, and Program

Ask the Sr Manager Supply Chain Program Management:

Why make changes to system process, products or

# 326 | Focus Area: Digital Order Management -


Ensure you provide innovative solutions for overarching,

state, and local (internal) clients, including project and
program management, training and technical assistance,
technology, event management, research and evaluation,
video production, and strategic communications.

Ask the Principal Technology Project/Program


What aspect of the program was the most decisive in

causing you to apply?

# 325 | Focus Area: Supplier Performance

Management - MANAGEMENT

Secure that your design leads project/program

management to ensure organization wide
implementation of strategic efforts that require direct
coordination across multiple disciplines and business

Ask the Tax Senior Program Manager, Tax Program

Management Office:

How does the project ensure that the remaining

resources are sufficient to meet the project objectives?

# 324 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management -


Lead enterprise wide projects or policy initiatives

impacting or governing risk governance and control

through program management, escalation of issues and

Ask the Vice President Program Management Lead:

How do you most effectively support your program


# 323 | Focus Area: Situational Leadership -


Make sure the office provides program management,

oversight, and (internal) customer service for a variety of
programs and services supporting such areas.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management - New

Product Development:

How should sustainability be integrated with current or

new facilities programs?

# 322 | Focus Area: Data Security - MANAGEMENT

Make headway so that your process manages IAM

solutions, including Authentication, Access Management,
Privileged Access Management, Identity Governance and
Administration, and IAM Program Management.

Ask the Entry Level - Program Management Analyst:

Can the provider give reports for monitoring user access?

# 321 | Focus Area: Business Model Agility -


Be confident that your organization is learning Strategy

and Program Management.

Ask the Program Management Senior Manager:

What approaches, if any, are currently being used for the
safety and security of your organization?

# 320 | Focus Area: Risk Breakdown Structure -


Develop, review, and maintain all appropriate

documentation to support program management,
compliance, risk management, quality management, and
preservation of your organizations intellectual property.

Ask the Head Director / Director, Program Management:

Who has the final responsibility for the preservation of

your organizations information?

# 319 | Focus Area: Reverse Supply Chain -


Liaison so that your staff interfaces with peers and

logistics personnel, program management, hardware and
software engineering SMEs, to generate new equipment

Ask the Director/Senior Director, Program Management:

How would the program be structured and what would

the key content include?

# 318 | Focus Area: Vendor Management

Competency - MANAGEMENT

Oversee that your team learns to collect, analyze and

track data for program management.

Ask the Program Management:

Are data elements consistently defined?

# 317 | Focus Area: Business Continuity Planning -

Oversee Office 365 suite, disaster recovery and business

continuity planning software, and program management.

Ask the Cyber Security Privacy Program Management

Support Manager Lead:

What part(s) of the business rely on this location?

# 316 | Focus Area: HPA - MANAGEMENT

Provide regular executive updates and course corrections

to ensure organization objectives are being met and
adjusted through effective program management.

Ask the QC, Analytical Program Management Lead:

How do you ensure consistent project management

practices throughout your organization?

# 315 | Focus Area: virtual environment -


Make sure your personnel is skilled in project and

program management, from planning to execution, and
to sustainment.

Ask the Head Director Safety Science Program


Is process management supported?

# 314 | Focus Area: Associate, Operational Risk

Management - RISK

Make sure your operation manages technology risks and
controls and program management.

Ask the Technical Program Management:

What difference does it make if management has weak

entity level controls?

# 313 | Focus Area: Problem Identification Types -


Guarantee your company drives the establishment of

objectives, plans, standards, risk identification, and
policies ensuring successful implementation of all phases
of program management.

Ask the Customer Experience Program Management:

Is the onus ultimately on the funder of the program to

allow for more adaptability?

# 312 | Focus Area: Business Model Agility -

Receive input and feedback from program team
members, program management, and program
leadership regularly.

Ask the Director, Program Management – Global


What project management training have key team

members received?

# 311 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management - MANAGEMENT

Make sure your workforce provides program

management, governance, and direction to ensure

overall success of large, complex initiatives.

Ask the Global Ops and Fraud Transformation Program

Management Lead (VP):

Is there a system in place to identify and ensure ongoing

compliance with regulatory requirements and codes and
is it documented as part of the management system?

# 310 | Focus Area: IT Program Management -


Confirm that your process demonstrates proactive

project management to avoid projects going off track;
develops and tightly manages a corrective action plan
when a project becomes at risk or off track.

Ask the Global Ops and Fraud Transformation Program

Management Lead (VP):

Is the risk management process based on an enterprise

wide risk management framework?

# 309 | Focus Area: ISO 45001 - MANAGEMENT

Assure your design has project/program management
skills including; skills for defining and prioritizing product
project features.

Ask the Program Management Specialist - Strategic

Account Management:

What does technology transition have to do with project

management standards?

# 308 | Focus Area: Program Management -


Support overall organizations program deliverables

(across multiple time zones) by interfacing with various
development, product management, safety, testing and
operations teams.

Ask the Global Workplace Program Management Lead:

Does the expected outcome of the project support your

organizations mission?

# 307 | Focus Area: Effective Governance -


Interface with software and firmware engineering,

configuration management, process organizations and
program management.

Ask the Head of Technology Program Management:

Does your organizations configuration management

process formally include provisions on maintenance?

# 306 | Focus Area: Third Party Risk Management -

Establish that your team is outsourcing Governance
Manager (Team Manager, IT Program Management).

Ask the Data Services Manager:

Does your organization have a third party data risk

management program?

# 305 | Focus Area: Process management -


Make sure your staff is engineering management,

engineering teams, program management, and

Ask the Director, Project/Program Management:

Are process improvement programs in place to identify

and improve problems and defects?

# 304 | Focus Area: such as ISO 9001 -


Make sure the Program Analyst is responsible for

performing program management, technical, and
business analysis.

Ask the Head Director, Development Operations &

Program Management Planning & Strategy:

Should the analyst focus on the economic benefits to


# 303 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Verify that your staff functions as the single point of

contact with the following (internal) customer functions
(Product Engineering, Program Management, Launch
Team, Plant Team, and Supplier Quality) from program
kick-off through SOP.

Ask the Senior Delivery Manager, Program Management:

Are your suppliers evaluated on a regular basis on the

quality performance?

# 302 | Focus Area: IT Program Management -


Ensure your staff is involved in ITIL service management

processes including Incident Management, Problem
Management, Change Management, Release
Management, Request Fulfillment to encourage best
practice workflows and issue type development.

Ask the Program Management Coordinator:

What types of changes require a change management


# 301 | Focus Area: Business Continuity -


Manage technologies and resources to support

program management, the planning process, continual
improvement, and performance measurement and

Ask the Manager - Program Management Office:

Is there a process for reporting risk and performance?

# 300 | Focus Area: Software Engineer Systems -


Drive collaboration, consensus, and decision making

with (internal) client Services, Program Management,
Technical team and executive management.

Ask the Senior Director, IT Program Management:

Which program management methodology is used within

your organization?

# 299 | Focus Area: Issues Management -


Interface so that your organization conducts the policy,

program management, and analyses of key issues; and
reviews issues identified as needing special attention.

Ask the RCSA Core Program Management and Assurance


Are there program management issues that require

# 298 | Focus Area: Centers of Excellence

Integrated - PROGRAM

Ensure strong project and program management,

organizational and entrepreneurial skills.

Ask the Director, Major Customer Program Management:

Has your organization stabilized the work program to

ensure the timely and systematic completion of projects?

# 297 | Focus Area: AIOps - MANAGEMENT

Coordinate with cross functional teams product

management, engineering, UI/UX designers, partner
ecosystem, program management, support, marketing,

Ask the Head Ops Program Management:

Are you using managed service providers or external

consultants to support your event management

# 296 | Focus Area: Agile HR - PRODUCT

Work closely with marketing, engineering, finance,

design, program management, legal and other internal
teams to execute on your set of product features.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management -

Inventory Management:

How stabilized are resources and assets of the program

management office?

# 295 | Focus Area: Product Development -

Interface with Program Management, Product

Development, Product Management, Marketing, and
Legal teams for packaging approvals.

Ask the Director, Program Management Office:

Do you give a user access to only virtual servers from the

management web interface?

# 294 | Focus Area: IT Program Management -


Make sure the Program Manager will be pro active in

developing and implementing organization approved
strategies that significantly reduce network/system risk.

Ask the Senior Director, Program Management:

Do the programs work in reducing risk?

# 293 | Focus Area: business process re-

engineering - MANAGEMENT

Establish that your process is accountable for functional,

operational, and program management.

Ask the Strategy Transformation and Program

Management Consultant:

Has bcm been coordinated with other organizational

processes and linked to your organizations business

# 292 | Focus Area: Threat Model - MANAGEMENT

Establish that your process coordinates public health
research and interventions through extramural program

Ask the Executive Director Program Management:

Are the objectives of the development interventions

being achieved?

# 291 | Focus Area: Enterprise Risk Management

Framework - SECURITY

Collaborate with program information assurance staff,

program management, and local engineers to ensure an
appropriate security posture is maintained.

Ask the Senior Director, Enterprise Program Management:

Are there noticeable differences in time/detail applied by

the different engineers?

# 290 | Focus Area: Net Present Value -

Drive process improvements, innovation, and
transformation efforts for project controls and project/
program management support functions.

Ask the Applications & Support Analyst:

Which program management methodology is used within

your organization?

# 289 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management -


Confirm that your process manages program

management, governance, process, risk, and controls.

Ask the Director, Program Management - Telecommute:

Will projects reduce risk and enhance safety?

# 288 | Focus Area: Risk Ecosystem - MANAGEMENT

Work with colleagues in functions as Engineering,

Product Management, Program Management, Finance,
Marketing, and Legal to inform and influence the decision

Ask the Special Security Representative Technical

Program Management Analyst and Support Services:

What information do you use for making decisions on the

product portfolio?

# 287 | Focus Area: Business Capability Model -


Drive business relationships from cooperative idea

generation to contract negotiation to program

Ask the Consultant, Project Program Management:

Will the theory spark off new ideas about teaching?

# 286 | Focus Area: Roadmapping - PRODUCT

Define launch requirements in partnership with product

marketing, program management, and other relevant

Ask the Senior Director Program Management Office:

Why are stakeholders so important?

# 285 | Focus Area: Workforce planning -

Work with partners in functions across program

management, operations, learning and development,
engineering, analytics, and product management.

Ask the VP Program Management (Workforce and


How can management reward employees who worked

during an emergency?

# 284 | Focus Area: Business Continuity -


Oversee delivery of product experiences collaborating

with Program Management, Product teams, IT, UI/UX,
Compliance, Credit, Fraud, and Legal.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management, Core


What other teams / processes would be impacted by

changes to the current process, and how?

# 283 | Focus Area: Expert Test Manager -


Be certain that your strategy performs broad analysis and

evaluation of regional program management.

Ask the Senior Manager Technical Program Management:

How does your dedicated team of high calibre project

and program management specialists help your

# 282 | Focus Area: Operations Manager -


Partner with the Program Management, Capacity and

Workforce Planning to prioritize and manage regular
operational workflows as well as associated training

Ask the Special Security Representative Technical

Program Management Analyst and Support Services:

Is more control required if the project impacts production


# 281 | Focus Area: ISO 27001 Lead Auditor -


Meet with key stakeholders as program management,

external partners and leadership to develop program

Ask the Head Director / Director, Program Management:

Are agendas and minutes kept of key meetings?

# 280 | Focus Area: APQP - QUALITY

Make sure the Quality Engineer works with Program

Management, Engineering, Supply Chain, Manufacturing,
and Quality Assurance to identify customer, internal,
and supplier-related requirements and expectations and
determine appropriate plans, methods, and procedures
for the design, purchasing, manufacturing, testing, and
inspection of products.

Ask the Head of Program Management:

Is your organizations design and development process

for its products and manufacturing processes truly

# 279 | Focus Area: FRACAS - MANAGEMENT

Interface closely with program management, cross

functional program stakeholders, suppliers, (internal)
customers and organization representatives.

Ask the Security Program Management Manager:

Will your customers be satisfied with the system?

# 278 | Focus Area: Our multicultural platforms

are disrupting the industry which is only made
possible by our diverse - MANAGEMENT

Establish that your operation communicates any demand

changes as well as challenges to production entities and
program management.

Ask the Director Customer Experience & Strategic

Program Management:

What information will be most useful for program


# 277 | Focus Area: mine health and safety -


Streamline strategy initiatives, overseeing program

management, and communicating objectives between

Ask the Business and Program Management Office – AVP:

What do you know about communicating risk?

# 276 | Focus Area: Instagram Reels -


Ensure strong program management, organizational,

critical thinking, and problem solving skills, with a
(internal) customer service orientation.

Ask the Senior Director- Sourcing Excellence and

Program Management:

Do you demonstrate due diligence, ownership, and

effective management of cyber risk?

# 275 | Focus Area: Business Relationship

Management - MANAGEMENT

Track prioritization and execution of activities for

implementation planning and program management.

Ask the Senior Director of Program Management –

Planning Transformation:

How have changes in strategic planning affected

management control?

# 274 | Focus Area: SIEM - SECURITY

Ensure your (internal) customers look to you to provide

them experts in Information Technology Services,
Insider Threat Analysis, Cybersecurity and Program

Ask the Manager - Program Management Office:

Which analysis techniques increase detection of

unstructured confidential data?

# 273 | Focus Area: Strategic Planning - PROGRAM

Managed enterprise strategic portfolio Effective
operations for all aspects of CT and I initiatives, internal
program management, etc.

Ask the Senior Regional Portfolio Manager:

How much organizations strategic planning is related to
the portfolio management?

# 272 | Focus Area: ISO 45001 - MANAGEMENT

Guarantee your personnel directs the activities of

the central warehousing and logistics area ensuring
all service, cost, quality, productivity, and other key
performance indicators (KPIs) are achieved with priority
by the contract and Program Management.

Ask the Operational Risk Program Management Analyst-


What key performance indicators does the program use

to track progress?

# 271 | Focus Area: Supplier Risk Management -


Develop experience developing large scale construction

and development program and program management.

Ask the Security Program Management Manager:

Is the approved supplier program based on the prior

performance of a supplier and the risk level of the raw
materials ingredients, packaging materials and services

# 270 | Focus Area: Energy Efficiency Program

Management - DATA

Develop experience defining program requirements and

using data and metrics to determine improvements.

Ask the Vendor Program Management Head:

When are security requirements considered within the
system development life cycle?

# 269 | Focus Area: threat modeling - SECURITY

Advocate for and lead complex security projects from

inception through completion, working closely with
engineering, product, and program management.

Ask the Head Director, Contact Center Messaging and

Program Management:

What constitutes completion of the model?

# 268 | Focus Area: Theory Of Constraints -


Provide tools and methods to analyze and assess

program activities and initiatives, projected results,
participant engagement, actual outcomes, and overall
effectiveness of the supported teams, measures,
metrics, and risk factors to aid decision making, program
management, and action planning.

Ask the Senior Manager, Program Management (HYBRID):

Do you share an interesting story or experience that

highlights the value of an onsite program?

# 267 | Focus Area: Supplier Risk Management -


Work cross functionally to forge collaborative

relationships with engineering, contracts, legal, finance,
program management, and operations leadership to
drive best practices.

Ask the Technology Program Management - Consulting

Senior Manager:

What kind of performance measures were incorporated
into contracts?

# 266 | Focus Area: Educational Technology -


Check that your organization is learning or Program

Development/Program Management.

Ask the Executive Director Program Management:

Have design elements of the program utilized qualified

designers and checkers?

# 265 | Focus Area: EV Charging Infrastructure -


Collaborate with responsible Engineering departments,

Program Management, and Logistics on field
investigations, modifications, and upgrades.

Ask the Director Program Management:

Who is responsible for implementing project

management best practices?

# 264 | Focus Area: IT Program Management -


Develop program timelines and critical path analysis,

including scenario planning for risk mitigation.

Ask the Head Director, Program Management:

Is it evident there is long term planning to support future

strategic and operational development?

# 263 | Focus Area: Customer Satisfaction Survey -

Interface so that your staff implements per approval from

account program management.

Ask the Sr. Manager, Global Security Program

Management Office (PMO):

Does the accounting general ledger interface with the

job cost ledger?

# 262 | Focus Area: Chief Revenue Officer -


Infuse program management, operational efficiency

and effectiveness, and innovation into contract solution
design for targeted opportunities.

Ask the Head Director - Program Management Office:

What is the current extent of market penetration for the

programs targeted technologies?

# 261 | Focus Area: Security Management Program


Make sure your operation acts as point of contact with

(internal) client program management.

Ask the Senior Advisor Project Program Management:

What is the role of security operations in the enterprise?

# 260 | Focus Area: Training and Development -


Oversee all aspects of Learning and Development to

include needs assessment, content design, program

management, delivery, and continuous improvement.

Ask the Senior Manager Technical Program Management:

Which old practices and ways of working/doing affected

the block of adoption of energy saving and efficiency
improvement in the past?

# 259 | Focus Area: NetSuite - MANAGEMENT

Participate in the development of new offerings and

improvement to processes, providing feedback and
suggestions to education program management.

Ask the Manager, Technical Program Management -

Inventory Management:

What input did you have in the development of the user


# 258 | Focus Area: Chief Revenue Officer - DATA

Ensure your cloud-based Data Privacy and Protection

Platform is built by privacy experts using industry best-
practices to help organizations simplify, structure,
and automate their approach to privacy program

Ask the Lead, Program Management Technical:

How are the new RegTech companies, which automate

the compliance requirement for financial companies,
incorporating consumer protection into products?

# 257 | Focus Area: Net Present Value -


Establish that your personnel oversees the initiating

and planning of program/project activities and analysis,
and performs professional or technical work related to

program management.

Ask the Director Technical Program Management:

What is the geographic area served by the program?

# 256 | Focus Area: (system knowledge) -


Support program management, interorganization

stakeholder collaboration, and policy level risk reduction

Ask the Sr. Head, Program Management:

Do the controls reduce system risk to an acceptable


# 255 | Focus Area: Change Advisory Board -


Invest in Information Security program management,

including defining and documenting corporate
security policies and procedures, security metrics, and
coordinating the security awareness program.

Ask the Business Program Management Consultant:

Which security model introduces access to objects only

through programs?

# 254 | Focus Area: Product Management Leader -


Establish that your company is reviewing metrics/

data analysis, risks mitigation, and strong program

Ask the Program Management Lead, Carrier Engineering,

New Product Introduction:

How long can the data be unavailable?

# 253 | Focus Area: Risk Ecosystem - MANAGEMENT

Ensure strong program management; able to lead

multiple projects simultaneously and deliver results.

Ask the Pricing Program Management Consultant:

What factors lead to consistently successful projects?

# 252 | Focus Area: Internet of Things - PROGRAM

Ensure your team provides end to end delivery support

on initiatives, from idea inception to successful
deployment of technologies, through critical functions
such as project/program management and organizational
change enablement.

Ask the Program Management Subcontract Stf:

What are the best opportunities more value and move up

the IoT delivery stack from connectivity?

# 251 | Focus Area: logistics - MANAGEMENT

Manage and provide schedule status visibility to program

management, manufacturing, and operations program

Ask the VP, Program Management & Product


How to plan and schedule the right workforce?

# 250 | Focus Area: Cloud Governance -


Invest in the evaluation of changes to existing

systems and consideration of alternative solutions for
cybersecurity program management.

Ask the Program Management Head Manager:

Have there been any personnel or organizational changes

occurring during the period of evaluation?

# 249 | Focus Area: Anomaly Detection -


Ensure your team is involved in and preference for

project/program management or operational policy.

Ask the Director, Technical Program Management, Core


What program management activities are you involved


# 248 | Focus Area: Capacity Management -


Provide strong interface between Program Management,

Supply Chain, and Operations to reduce all costs and
cycle times to determine line rates.

Ask the Advisor, Technical Program Management:

What are the major products line you have in stock?

# 247 | Focus Area: CMMi Level 3 - MANAGEMENT

Oversee that your workforce interface with all levels of

corporate management, on site program management,
and overarching contract management.

Ask the Branch Manager:

What are the dimensions of workforce diversity in your


# 246 | Focus Area: IT Operating Model Governance


Review self assessments across six functional areas

including Governance, Program Management,
Budget, Acquisition, Organization/IT Workforce and

Ask the Principal-Technology Project/Program


Is cash transfer programming fit for the future?

# 245 | Focus Area: APQP - PROCESS

Develop and mentor employees in Engineering (Process,

Program Management, Tooling, Manufacturing, Program
Launch, Controls).

Ask the Senior Advisor Project Program Management:

Which quality management system to go for?

# 244 | Focus Area: Digital Customer Experience -


Act as collaborative glue between engineering teams,

stakeholders, and program management.

Ask the Manager, Regional Program Management:

Does adoption of best practices actually lead to more

effective programs?

# 243 | Focus Area: Security Management Program

Use initiative to look for new technology, platforms,

software and methods for improved security program

Ask the VP - Program Management for Wholesale Credit


What does successful implementation of security

essentials look like?

# 242 | Focus Area: Package Engineering -


Develop, maintain, and communicate key focus points

and next steps with engineering, design, operations,
marketing, management, and system program

Ask the Compliance Product Group Manager- Flood

Program Management:

Does program management communicate problems to

senior management?

# 241 | Focus Area: Energy Efficiency Program

Management - MANAGEMENT

Be certain that your strategy is involved in ERP planning

modules and inventory management systems.

Ask the Purchasing Specialist - Program Management


Do you know what strategy of your organization is?

# 240 | Focus Area: HCISSP - SECURITY

Utilize available corporate resources with expertise in

security testing, architecture, incident response and
program management.

Ask the Global Data Head Program Management:

How would you classify your level of expertise in the

cybersecurity field?

# 239 | Focus Area: 27001 - SECURITY

Make sure the Technical Documentation specialization

reports to Security GRC Policy Program Management.

Ask the Manager - Program Management Office:

Has management asked you to highlight the key security

risks to the business, perhaps by relevance, impact, or
even by cost?

# 238 | Focus Area: Security Orchestration -


Work hand in hand with program management,

engineering, UX, QA, and Operations to deliver useable,
scalable products.

Ask the Cyber Security and Privacy Program Management

Support Manager/Lead (Technic:

Do you need to engage professional services to handle


# 237 | Focus Area: Business Relationship

Management - MANAGEMENT

Make sure the f and a am applies both traditional
disciplines and innovative approaches to program
management, maximizing f and a performance and
efficiency, balancing budget constraints and increased
demand for services.

Ask the Sr Mgr, Program Management, Campaign and

Creative Services:

What are similarities and differences between innovation

performance and organization performance?

# 236 | Focus Area: Cloud ERP - MANAGEMENT

Ensure existing ERP Standard Work, Program

Management, and Compliance practices are
appropriately followed.

Ask the Program Management Sr. Manager - VP - Hybrid:

How robust are your management practices?

# 235 | Focus Area: Strategic Risk - RISK

Ensure strong background in cyber risk management,

advisory, strategic consulting, and program

Ask the Director - Program Management:

Do you have a cyber focused mindset and cyber

conscious culture organization wide?

# 234 | Focus Area: Benefits Realisation

Management - MANAGEMENT

Manage, monitor and report progress, issues,

dependencies, risks to the program management,
internal stakeholders and/or steering committees.

Ask the Head of Technology Program Management:

Is project status reviewed with the steering and executive

teams at appropriate intervals?

# 233 | Focus Area: Software Development -


Assure your design has involvement hiring and

developing high performing engineering teams or
product/program management teams.

Ask the Director, Program Management, Finance and

Human Resources:

Who are already supporters of the program in your


# 232 | Focus Area: enterprise risk management


Develop experience managing third parties who may

provide augmentation for program management.

Ask the Head Program Management Business Support:

How should regulations and standards shape the

development of a BCM program?

# 231 | Focus Area: Supply Chain Optimization -


Work collaboratively with cross functional teams in

Operations, Engineering, Contracts, and Finance and
Program Management.

Ask the Sr Manager, Technology Program Management:

Are there any networks, special contracts or other

competitive advantages that can be used?

# 230 | Focus Area: Customer Lifetime Value -


Ensure strong program management, cross functional

collaboration, and leadership capabilities.

Ask the Head Director, Program Management:

What program management practices and methods are

used to ensure projects meet targets?

# 229 | Focus Area: Business Continuity

Management Risk - MANAGEMENT

Confirm that your group is involved in Project/Program

management and Quality Management.

Ask the Senior Director Program Management:

What has accounted for the delays in establishing a fully

functioning program management office?

# 228 | Focus Area: Transportation Management

Solutions - MANAGEMENT

Ensure your value-added program management,

best-in-class design-build expertise, and unparalleled
sustainability and economic solutions, build partnerships
and create solutions for current and future environmental
and infrastructure challenges.

Ask the Director of Program Management:

Does the technical expertise include the ability to offer

sustainable products and services?


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