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Software Development Project “telpify”

TEKHOTEL is a private limited company incorporated under Section 24 of the Companies Act by
the Corporate and Business Registration Department at Port Louis, Mauritius under Company
Number 169725 (hereinafter: the Company).

The Company is a multi-service internet and telecommunications Company that serves business
clients (as opposed to retail clients) in Sub-Saharan Africa. A large part of the current client portfolio
includes hotels and hospitality venues. These clients are partially situated in metropolitan cities as
well as in some of the most remote and inaccessible parts of the region with limited internet and cell
phone reception. For more information visit

TEKHOTEL has designed telpify as an in-house application to increase operational efficiency and
transparency. Once successfully deployed, it may be sold as a white label solution to service
companies in the region.

In a nutshell, telpify allows clients to report technical issues by opening a ticket on a dedicated app;
the ticket is delivered to the Company’s IT Helpdesk for remote support; if not the ticket cannot be
solved remotely, it is escalated and converted into a job; the Company assigns the job to a field
technician; a physical site visit is being planned and a budget approved; the technician goes on site
and solves the problem; he reports and documents his work on a dedicated app; the client signs off
on the work and rates the service.

 the Company can efficiently plan and track and document all main activities and communication
related to the above core processes in telpify.

Based on the above outline, the software combines features of the following standard applications:

(a) Client Relationship Management

(ie. capturing client data)

(b) Ticketing
(ie. logging incoming issues, rendering remote support, escalation mechanisms)

(c) Field Management

(ie. creating physical maintenance jobs, booking them, documenting tasks)

(d) Budget Planning

(ie. compute and request simple travel and procurement budgets for travel and/or materials)

(e) Human Resource Management

(ie. defining a monthly shift rota for members of staff, see availabilities)

(f) Dashboard and Reporting

(ie. pulling out a series of reports with KPIs)

(g) API Integrations

(ie. notifications)


As a starting point, the software is going to be deployed internally to the Company’s Management
(Web), Operation (Web), IT Helpdesk (Web), Field Engineers (Mobile); and externally to its Clients
(Mobile). Applications are role-based with an initial user total of about 50.

The goal is to redirect all decisive communication and processes from currently WhatsApp to telpify,
so that the Company may develop an audit trail over time as well as run regular and detailed
statistics on its operation, performance and people.

Project Parameters

Telpify has completed the design phase with the following scope:

 10 user profiles
 15 system modules
 40 database tables
 45 mobile screens (Clients)
 35 mobile screens (Field Engineers)
 125 web screens (All Other Users)
 25 reports (downloadable)

We are looking for an experienced partner with a solid operation and team, who is able to deploy
this software to us in a 90-day sprint (or less) including UAT phase. Programming will have to be
performed on the Company’s cloud servers at Hetzner, Germany (

If you would like to receive detailed documentation from the design phase – database, functional
document and UX designs – please sign and return the attached Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Following immediate screening, we aim to award this contract end of this month and start the
project on 1st February.

+++ We are looking forward to your cost and resource proposal +++

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