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I/BiChannelGoogleApi( 8726): [FirebaseAuth: ] getGoogleApiForMethod() returned Gms:
I/FirebaseAuth( 8726): [FirebaseAuth:] Preparing to create service connection to
gms implementation
I/flutter ( 8726): PlatformException(ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL, The email address is
badly formatted., null, null)
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 8726): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection

I/BiChannelGoogleApi( 8726): [FirebaseAuth: ] getGoogleApiForMethod() returned Gms:
I/flutter ( 8726): PlatformException(ERROR_WEAK_PASSWORD, The given password is
invalid. [ Password should be at least 6 characters ], null, null)

I/BiChannelGoogleApi( 8726): [FirebaseAuth: ] getGoogleApiForMethod() returned Gms:
I/flutter ( 8726): PlatformException(ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED, The given sign-in
provider is disabled for this Firebase project. Enable it in the Firebase console,
under the sign-in method tab of the Auth section., null, null)

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