PO 4, Mehdi Naderi

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Peer Observation Form

(Get a copy of your peer’s lesson plan before observing)

Name of Teacher: Parham Zolfaghari Name of Observer: Mehdi Naderi

Date: 27th, Dey, 1401

Level: Intermediate - advanced

Number of Students: 6

Class Profile (a brief description of the class): There are 6 students in this intermediate class.
Students in this intermediate class are between the age of 20 to 23. Both male and female.
They have active participation in class activities.

Aims of the Lessons: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to speak about
festivals and ceremonies.

Materials: Presentation file which includes pictures, texts, and exercises

Other Relevant Information: the lesson is held online on google meets, and everyone’s
cameras are turned on.
Final Comments and Reflection:
- What were the teacher’s major strengths and weaknesses?
o The teacher had chosen interesting topics to teach, which encouraged students
to participate in the class and activities, and this was a great strength.

- What suggestions do you have for the teacher to improve his/her TP?
o The lack of proper timing was one of the weak points of the teacher and he did
not have proper time management in the class.

Planning and Staging

- Are the aims clear? not 100%, they were a bit confusing..
- Are the stages clearly divided? Yes.
- Comments: the teacher explains if the stages are not clear and will divide them if

- Is timing effective and accurate? not really.
- Comments: needs to better manage time by detailed timing for each section and pay
more attention to the time.

Teacher’s position and body language

- When and where do they seat and stand?

o sits behind his desk
- How near do they approach the learners at different parts of the lesson?
o it’s an online class so this is not applicable.
- When do they move around?
o it’s an online class so this is not applicable
- Can they be heard and seen clearly? Yes.
- Do they use gestures effectively? Yes.
- Do they make eye contact with individual learners? Yes (to the camera and the
- Comments: none

Interaction pattern
- What is the predominant type of interaction? T-s, s-s. mostly T-s
- Does it seem appropriate to the aims of the lesson? somewhat.
Interaction Pattern Amount of time spent
Teacher-whole class 65%
Learners in pairs 10%
Learners in groups 0%
Learners working individually 25%
other 0%

- Comments:-

Instructions and teacher questions

- Are the instructions and questions clear, economic, and effective? Yes.
- Comments: -
Teacher talking time (TTT)
- Who spends more time talking, teacher or the students? Teacher.
- At what points in this lesson do the teacher talk more? While giving vocabulary
examples and instruction
- At what points in this lesson do the students talk more? While doing the activities.
- Comments: -
- To what extent do the learners seem engaged by the lesson? Engaged enough to have
complete attention and be active in class.
- Comments: -

Learner participation
- How much do the learners contribute during the lesson? about 40-50 %
- How much speaking do they do during the lesson? most students are active and speal
throughout the class.
- Comments: none

Error and correction

- Note down any instances of learner error, the teacher’s response (if any) and the
learner’s response. e.g., self-correction

Learner’s error Teacher’s response Learner’s response

a couple of grammar and none -

vocab errors were made by

- Comments: needs to pay more attention to error correction.

Board work/Whiteboard
- Do they use the board effectively? no whiteboard but the PowerPoint was good
- Comments:-

Mother tongue/L1 use

- How much do the teacher use L1? No L1 was used.
- How much do the learners use L2? All of the class.
- Comments: -

- What are the pronunciation problems you noticed? In some of the vocabulary.
- Comments: Students sometimes pronounce the words incorrectly, but the teacher
didn’t correct them.

Coursebook use
- Do they use course the book effectively? he teaches from a PowerPoint, not a book.
- Do they use any other aids and materials? No.
- Comments:

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