521H0489 H H U An WritingProfolio2

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It is a fact that many youngsters nowadays have unhealthy lifestyles.

Both the educational

institution and the caregiver share responsibility for overcoming this challenge.This essay
will express its complete agreement with this viewpoint and will explain why.

The contemporary period is the most noticeable element of this situation. To begin with, we
all spend time making a living, therefore they do not have time for their family since they
have a dozen jobs and a hectic schedule. Some parents would rather give their children
money so they may buy fast food at school than make meals at home. Second, in current life,
because social media is growing rapidly, the fact that the child uses the phone for hours a
day, which is one of the worst habits, is also the responsibility of the parents when they are
too careless for them. For example, using mobile phones or digital gadgets for lengthy
periods of time can have a major influence on children's eyesight, bone, and joint health.

Besides that, schools are responsible for the lives of their students. Because the first shift
begins early, they rely on quick food to get to class on time. Furthermore, pupils currently
have a highly tough curriculum, a lot of homework, and are forced to engage in after-school
programs rather of going home to rest. As a result, in order for children to have enough time
to study, exercise, and attend extracurricular activities, they must eat fast meals, snacks,
sweets, and junk food. Using quick, canned food over an extended period of time can have an
impact on health and organ systems.

To summarize, parents and schools should understand their children's sentiments and
adequately care for them. Children are nation builders, and every country relies on them.

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