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The reeord ol wMgt,11 ol Ille mu1 pop.,latlon follCIW'I the normel d4.

utbuUcn Ila mean and

$llndlrd dlvt1tlonl art 70 I:; and 15 kg r~lvel)'. 11 a , ... .,die, COll..idlNI the reoordl o1

50 malea. 1hen what wookl ba the mun and standard dev111Jon or the choMn umpi.7

lei ~tii • ,random Ylllalllo with man /l"'lO and lllndud devtatloo ""4. A
rarn:1omt)i aefocttd from Ua · And the man end standard QVYq.(.R,1111
am,- of di~ 64 ·
s,,·- -:,. ___fllll
_ lll_ 11nu1l cLolm• Ii. n ,lc-lh...-v 1~110 lo 30 111l111J1-. Bui )\JOI hclic'! 11
tho-,...,,...,r..,,t \u:m more I ulca. s..t up II• "

C . . . 11·1 ♦
EXAMPLE 1.,. . .
A ■tudy"!rWn16 that ti,. -11
lndl&Strial otate II f lMli,000 per llWIIL111 . To - 10

l1101>111e ol tl,o tll!nlor exce1'1h"lll Lia the mui~wiri& _,or_ln.,..,..,.
tbi,, cl&l111, II II d«idod tau • u.mplci o1 z
_ w-,u1i',..,. 1111<1 0~11 ll>0l1 ,,_,, i1>C01110. Set "P 11,. •P1'f'Dl'f1•to ll)'JIOtl...,.. 'f -
1>l,;t11l,otbal 11,o IIIC'AJJ clally .,...,, ol Y""'" bnlu tr, bo,
1ily iu,d • -. • with a
l.». s.t. up tbo 11wl IUKI tbo nllerDAW
11 ·.1 8,PM r,PloCY
- Nhalal•ta,,rl "" l11wlllc,,1100 !al 1o nll lt.1 oa1p1<')'00• fur a lo1t1 pc,rtod of ti,~ty1"•.,,
I..,,,, ..,.

/JQ,000 "'" , tbe m,.n .,,,,. 1"NI luund lo bo 7?i u,d tlM ICua<larJ tt..vb.llot, 12. A -
wltJ- to Ol\udy tho tlieury that Ille top lb,e •ul><'f:.;:;;;; of Ibo C<>Ulpe!JY aro mOR l11k>lllc,,111 t_b&i, t
• - •· For tllAI, "•••111ple or 20 aipervi,,on lad__,, n,ruLomly a,111 tbclr lllAll ec,:,re loo lfotwd.•To- ,-- --=-
' bo l ~ , •l"'I ah,ould be tho 1111II t.1>1I nlta1111to b,,vpot1-"I


11 :22 PM 1Wldi1,,. wit!, 11 bulk <an .art, ..., aa •'"'"'C" n ,.. In II da1 with 0 ,,:... ,, •..: 2 °·
2S() ool11.11. A IIVW 11iodol or lbe ....... i. .. ia oul ■ I 11...-kat uv:I , ... lau lll&la..., ,
cc, I tbo old o,,e to be ·. The l_,.k ,,,,.,~ pi,;,i- to fOJl..,. the ol,I o,,e w\111 llai_,i •
IIC"lii '111cidul II ooly 1lie lat• -ta out wi,,r 11111nb,r or C'Dina than 11,e !comw. Fcx lliio, the 111.,.,......,.
.;;;:,1oy,, Ibo INW -Car b • p,,rlocl o! •I -i.. ud ,,... tllAI II• a..,,.. aW11hor or cob'" IOrt('(I per
. 111},1,!M0 with alaKJIIII IIUIIII • d...-ta1loi1 u the old OIKI. Write Ilia t. to b,-po1b. .

- j H, : ,u $ 2.2. VCb

• R lfq, : ...--c. > -i 2 v""

11 :2'1 PM •It:,, mul1>1 hroloo sy,.tco11 for car,i. u.11>111,lo l•llb .,....,.,•car nmal.!11"" " , ~ vii· .,II Ill
1 - lo" !LIii! attar..,..l,,. • ,11,,ta,,cc ul I~ lc,:t ,m the •'""'&q· Ucwatly, ti• rum....,iy
►'lc\'111opclll i - b,,. wl,lcb, wt,.., "Jll'ilcd .,,.. 1r;;i"~1m1 UulQII w"""' ru1u1l111 11,\ -Ill luu,,1,, 111<\katad
lhal tho "--C• illouac., ""''"""' la 13 lccl ~ •lo!11linc. To lG1'l M to Ir _tl,o """""'·l,rakG •Y"lclll lo
boll<1r, wl up tbo ~IIVJlflAle l:l)ToCl.;;iil:" -,-- -
EXA'MP.L!E ~ .26

. 1. ll.:r
IEXAMP.lE ~ .21
~ Mmrn2 of 10, wtrm t&ba from tK1'.or.t bu " DJCM nr - ,11:1n• ,...n,,u·'-~
_ ._ l!l"I ,oC4G~J;g·wtth 1

aC\. ·ion or 2.6 g. · ~-LR tho cl&lm o! Cac&ory that mean .__- _ sin» \ 60 kc: ~ ~ ~

,I (or '0 o( ' - al G" lavcl ia 2.2G2. -

Sol : ;t'-::'iC- ~ ~~2 • S-
,. ~

, EXA:lilPl:f 1.2t -
)\ 1uad1
,_ ln1llhlnc .....1..,.. fur el«trkal dc,,rl- or "''UPP tbldut- ol o.m ctn , A .-.orul
MIN ..... l.&lrott aud llavo ... •--co t b l ~ or 0.0'2~ ("111 •ltb • - •-lud devlatiuu

Al -:- .-
- ' , __
laa. V.t111 ol I for
X"-:. . O-•
11 •• • ,.,i ., 2.211'2.
12:41X~it,1PL'I I.H 0 :'.,11 -19'¾
. aro l&kai el r1,1Mlom from u auto111atlc padr;mc 11wu::hl1•. Tbo 1.-11 llt'I ,nipll of I
11.S q. ud awid.ard dovlatloo Lt 0.10 kc, 0.- tlM -apll .,_.. dlffor ,oplf\ou111ly C!
tba l1>Wllclod ~ l ol·12 q.? Yoo, aro at-• tlaat b • -• II, r... • 2.2111. 1lp

•ii + I

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