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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the parts of the plant;
b. Describe the role of each part of the plant; and
c. Draw and label the different parts of the plants.
A. Topic: “The Parts of the Plant”
B. References:
C. Materials: Laptop, Power point presentation, and internet
D. Values Integration
 To develop love for reading as well as honesty, kindness,
cooperation, contentment, appreciation and understanding.


1. Greetings  Students stand
Everybody, stand  Good morning/Good Afternoon Sir
Good morning/Good afternoon class

2. Prayer Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for

Before we start, may I call on our prayer today. Thank you for ways in which you
leader for today? provide for us all. For Your protection and
love we thank you. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds now on what we are
about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy
Spirit as we listen and write. Guide us by
your eternal light as we discover more
about the world around us. We ask all this
in the name of Jesus. Amen.

3. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present?  Yes Sir!
Is there no absents?  No Sir!

4. Classroom Management
Arrange your chair, arrange yourselves and  Students arrange their chair
pick up the pieces of thrash around you and  Students arrange their selves
then sit down  Students pick up the thrash around
 Students sat down
B. Review/Lesson Preview
Let’s have a review about our past lesson.
So, in every question you get right you will
receive a surprise gift.
 It’s all about the basic needs of
What was our past lesson last Friday? animals.

Very good!  Food, water, air and shelter.

So, before we go
What are theon ourneeds
basic lesson,oflet
sing first
a song
Very good!
What will happen to the animals if they are  Animals will die.
not provided with these needs?
Very good!
C. Motivation

The plant will grow so  The students will sing the song.
The plant will grow so
If you give them water
The plant will grow so

The plant will grow so

The plant will grow so
When you give them

What is all The plant will grow so

about the song? green
What do plants  About the plant.
need in order to  Water
grow so tall?  Sunshine
What do plants need in order to grow so
D. Lesson Proper
- Content and Skill Building

Ok class please read the parts of the plants

and its definition

Parts of Plant

The roots have two functions; they
hold the plant in place by anchoring
in the soil and they soak up the
nutrients and water from the soil.

The stem transports water and
nutrients from the roots to the
leaves and flower of the plant.

The leaves soak up sunlight and
store chlorophyll to make sugar -
which is food for the plants.

Flowers are needed for plants to
reproduce (grow fruits), they make
pollen which is spread around by
pollinators. They also provide food
for many insects and animals.

Fruits are what hold the new seeds
that will be spread and grown so
the cycle can continue. We also
love to eat.
Roots - the roots have two
functions; they hold the plant in
place by anchoring in the soil
and they soak up the nutrients
and water from the soil.

Stem - the stem transports

water and nutrients from the
roots to the leaves and flower
of the plant.

Leaves -the leaves soak up

sunlight and store chlorophyll to
make sugar - which is food for
the plants.

Flower - flowers are needed

for plants to reproduce (grow
fruits), they make pollen which
is spread around by pollinators.
They also provide food for many
insects and animals.

Fruit - fruits are what hold the

new seeds that will be spread
and grown so the cycle can
continue. We also love to eat
- Guided Practice
 So, class now that we’re finish on discussing  Sir, the parts of plants are Roots,
the parts of plants, I want you to tell me the Stem, Leaves, Flower and Fruit.
different parts of plants.

 Very good class!

 Independent Activity
Look inside and outside the classroom and This is an eggplant and the parts of it are
find a plant and identify what plant it is and Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flower and Fruit.
the parts of it.

E. Application and Generalization

What are the parts of plants again class? - The parts of the plants are
Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flower
and Fruit.
What is the function of the roots? - they hold the plant in place
by anchoring in the soil and
they soak up the nutrients
and water from the soil.
What is the function of the stem? - the stem transports water
and nutrients from the roots
to the leaves and flower of
the plant.
What is the function of the leaves?
- the leaves soak up sunlight
and store chlorophyll to
make sugar - which is food
What is the function of the flower? for the plants.
- flowers are needed for
plants to reproduce (grow
fruits), they make pollen
which is spread around by
pollinators. They also
provide food for many
What is the function of the fruit? insects and animals.
- fruits are what hold the new
seeds that will be spread
and grown so the cycle can
continue. We also love to

IV. Evaluation
Draw and label the parts of the plants. You can use any kind of plants, just
make sure that you can label its parts.
V. Assignment
Bring a plant tomorrow from your house and label it in front of the class.

VI. Enrichment Activity/Explore Activity

The teacher will point to a specific part of a plant and the students will
identify which part is it. The teacher will prepare a random prize for the
students who can answer the question.


a. What part of the lesson seems difficult for you to understand?
b. Is there a question you would like to ask your teacher about the lesson?

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