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The attacks of September 11 organized by armed group

el-Kaide. The attacks happened 4 times with planes. 19
people in this terrorist group hijacked planes. Attacks
started at 08.46 .

First plane attacked into the north tower of the World

Trade Center. The first attack resulted in the deaths of all
92 people on plane and more than 1,000 people in the
affected area.

After 17 minutes later second attack started. The second

plane crashed the south tower of the Trade Center. The
second attack resulted more than thousand death like first
attack. Both 110-story building collapse in two hours and
other buildings state in this area. Third plane hijacked
over the Ohio and this plane attacked Pentagon building.
There were more than death over the hundred in this
attack. Only the fourth attack failed in this attacks.

FBI searched this attacks for who did this and they found.
Usame bin Ladin, who did this attack killed after 10 years
later. 11 September attacks were more deadly terrorist
attack ever. About three thousand people died in these
attacks. The world economy slowed down in these years.


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