Local Govt Assignment

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COURSE # 621:


MPA- C (EVENING BATCH): 2021-2022




Local Government is the lowest and third level of the government in every Federal Structure. Each Local
Government looks after the interest of the people in the particular Local Government Area. Local government is a
generic term for the lowest tiers of public administration within a particular sovereign state. This particular usage
of the word government refers specifically to a level of administration that is both geographically-localized and
has limited powers. While in some countries, "government" is normally reserved purely for a
national administration (government) (which may be known as a central government or federal government), the
term local government is always used specifically in contrast to national government – as well as, in many cases,
the activities of sub-national, first-level administrative divisions (which are generally known by names such as
provinces, states, regions etc.). Local governments generally act only within powers specifically delegated to them
by law and/or directives of a higher level of government. In federal states, local government generally comprises a
third or fourth tier of government, whereas in unitary states, local government usually occupies the second or third
tier of government.

Pakistan is a federal republic with three tiers of government: national, provincial and local. Local government is
protected by the constitution in Articles 32 and 140-A, and each province also has its own local-government-
enabling legislation and ministries responsible for implementation. District councils and metropolitan corporations
are respectively the highest rural and urban tiers of local government in the provinces. Both urban and rural local
government have two or three tiers in all provinces except Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where councils are not identified
as either urban or rural.

Definitions of Local Government:

It is the administration of a particular county or district, with representatives elected by those who live there.

Local governments are the governments that ordinary people have the most direct control over. This is due to the
fact that communities have much smaller populations than states or countries. Local Government means, the
government which manages services and amenities in our villages, towns and cities with focus on local problems.
The local governments normally function within a specified limited territory of a village, a town, a city and also a
large metropolitan city. The local governments function as the basic link between the people in a village or town
with the government. As and when people have problems such as road repairs, water stagnation in the streets,
nonfunctioning of street lights and construction of small water bodies recreation parks, etc. The local governments
have the responsibility to attend to any emergency situations, birth or death of persons in the village or town. The
local governments are the institutions, which issues certificates of proof of residence, birth, death and incomes etc.
to the residents in that area. In total, the local governments are the institutions which are responsible for all such
local needs of the people. They are the lowest unit of administration in the administrative structure of the
government. The local government has council, which is normally elected by the people of the village or town
concerned, which is responsible for the representing the problems of the citizens in the council and find solutions
to the problems. The council representatives are elected once in five years, or four years, depending upon the law
in operation in the country.

Local government is the authority to determine and execute measures within a restricted area inside and smaller
than a whole state. Some degree of local government characterizes every country in the world, although the degree
is extremely significant. The variant, local self-government, is important for its emphasis upon the freedom of the
locality to decide and act.

Importance/Significance of local government:

The importance of the local government lies in the nature of the problems handled by the local governments,
which are basically “local” in nature and also the variety of problems attended by the local government cannot be
attended by the higher levels of the government like state or central governments. Because the local problems are
specific to the local areas and the solutions found for those problems should also be relevant to the situation. An
irrelevant solution to the problems may hamper the situation and also it is also concerned with the spending of the
taxes collected from the people. If solutions are irrelevant to the local problems, the resources used for that
programme may by wasted and it gives more burden on the people again.

Therefore, local governments are the institutions created for the purposes of solving the local issues and addressing
the local level problems. The local governments normally consist of elected representatives drawn from the local
population representing the local people and they represent the local issues in the council and try to find solutions
to the problems. The local governments are the important channel of flow of resources and programs to the people
at the lowest levels normally called “grassroots” level. No country today affords to ignore local governments
because of the fact that local issues at present becomes global issues. With development of Information and
communication Technology (ICT), the whole world has become global village.

In modern states there is a great importance of the local self-government because the burden of the provincial and
central government is lessened by it. Local self-government is also essential for the success of democracy. These
institutions impart training to the citizens in the running of the government. Moreover, democracy is made real in
local self-government.

Some of the significant points include:

1. Decentralization of Power:

The success of democracy depends on the decentralization of power. Through this system of local self-
government, people can obtain their democratic rights. Through this system, power can be properly decentralized
and every individual can get the scope to develop his or her personality fully and properly.

2. Democratic environment:

The local self-governmental institutions are the best centers for imparting democratic thoughts and education.
People prefer democracy because they want to live in an environment of equality and liberty.

3. Reduce heavy responsibility:

The local self-government creates that scope for enjoying democracy. It is through these local self-governments
that the local problems can be considered and solved adequately and properly. It also reduces the heavy
responsibilities of the central and the state governments and establishes democracy in a wider context.
4. Knowledge of local problems:

Since the members of the local self-government are local people, they can realize and understand the gravity of
local problems more seriously than the administrators of the State or Central government and can properly solve

5. Corruption free:

In local self-government, the members have close and intimate contact with the local people. Naturally, it remains
rather free from corruption and acts with real social welfare motif.

6. Active participation of People:

To implement various economic planning in local and regional levels the local self-government institutions are far
more helpful than the state or central government. It also inspires the local people to actively participate in various
governmental activities. It thus, enables the ordinary people to take part or make active participation in the lowest-
level of administration. Naturally, the political socialization of local people becomes possible.

7. Unites to the local people:

The Local Self-government generally unites the people with democracy and encourages them to participate in its
activities without any bias or prejudice. Naturally, it can consolidate the political values and faith of ordinary
people and thereby influences the political activities and political culture of the people.

8. Experiments through local self-government: 

Moreover, both the central and the state governments can make various administrative experiments through these
local self-governments.

9. Condcive for people:

Moreover, the local self-government is conducive to equality and liberty and the perfect medium for satisfying the
need and grievances of the people at local and regional level. 

Functions of local government:

i. Control and provision of Markets and motor packs:

This is one of the most important functions of the Local government. In rural areas where there is hardly good
motor packs or large market for the people, the local government is expected to provide and control markets and
motor parks.

ii. Collection and disposition of refuse:

As it is always said, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. No society can survive in a dirty environment and that
is why the local government has this function. They collect and dispose refuse in the community.

iii. Making recommendations:

Local government is also given the obligation of making recommendation to state/federal government on issues
and problems of rural communities that cannot be solved by the local government.

iv. Provision and control of cemeteries and slaughter houses: 

In cases where the local government does not exist, it is usually difficult to control the way people use
cemeteries. However, with local government, rules are given on how the local people use cemeteries and
slaughter houses. This brings about development in the nation and makes the local government organized.

v. Regulation and issuing of birth, death and marriage certificates:

When someone dies or gives birth in the local community, it is the job of the local government to issue
certificates for that. Even after marriage ceremonies the local government gives marriage certificates to the

vi. They issue and regulate various types of licenses: 

Since there is no federal or state body that gives licenses at the local level, the local government is given that
function. They are responsible for issuing different types of licenses; such as: driver’s license, gun ownership
licenses etc.

vii. Naming of streets:

In order to bring development to the local level, as it is at the federal and state level, the local government is
giving this function. They name streets and number plots of land in the community.

viii. Collection of various rates and taxes: 

At the local level, the local government is responsible for collecting taxes and rates. They can also impose fines
on the people for different reasons. All this is to ensure development of the nation.

ix. Building and maintaining of schools and colleges:

It is also the fundamental duty of the local government to provide and maintain primary, adult and vocational
education. This, in turn, helps to bring about equitable development in the country.
x. Awarding of bursaries and scholarships:

The local government also has the function of awarding bursaries and scholarships for people at the local level.
This is so because, in most cases, scholarships given by the federal or local government can be limited to certain
communities. Thus, Awards given by the local government ensures fairness and equity.

xi. Control of public housing, town and housing planning: 

No matter how developed a nation is, if there is no good control of public housing and planning, it cannot be
seen as a developed nation. For this reason, local government is given the responsibility of controlling public
housing, towns.

xii. Provisions of health facilities:

Health is a very important sector of every country and that is why the local government has to take this function. If
there is no good health facility, it simply means that there will be increase in death rate and sick patients in the

xiii. Provisions of public libraries:

Every educated person needs a place where he/she can read and stay current with things happening in different
fields of study. At the local level, this may not be possible except there are public libraries and reading rooms for
the people in the community. Undoubtedly, this brings about rapid development in the country too.

xiv. Provisions of pipe borne water and other public institutions:

The local government is supposed to provide good water for the people. They also provide recreational facilities
such as public play grounds, hotels, swimming pools etc.
Brief History:

Pro-Independence to 1958:

Consequently, fluctuation of independence was of considerable significance for local government. The local
government’s system is administered by the central government by not holding elections and where the election
was held by bounded limitation. According to Talbot, the problem occurs in a newly born country which was the
state building that was badly suffered via provincialism. Moreover, the ratio of political participation in the
Muslim majority changed to low within the post-independence era. However, there have been a lot of problems
must face by the government after the independence of Pakistan. Mostly the local government design had been
inherited from the colonial period. (Khan S and Rehman, R) The colonial legacy instigated socio-ethnic and non-
secular political crises. Local authorities provided its original version in Pakistan after the navy takeover of the
state. In the 1950s, incapacitating local units corresponded with the expanding centralization which was controlled
by the civil and armed government. (Jalal, 1995) In 1956 the first reform was the democratic procedure
rejuvenated in local bodies when the central government established local government elections under the
instructions of General Ayub Khan, the Pakistan army terminated the democratization policy in 1958 based on its
unsuitability for the country.

Local Government Reforms during 1958-69:

Pakistan’s first local government came into existence in 1958 martial law where the government introduced some
administrative refinement to imply people at the grass-root level of growth and to expand the capacity of the local
organization for executing programs of rural development. To capture the position, Ayub Khan desired to boost
the economic condition of the country. The new local governments introduced a system of local bodies called the
“Basic Democracies Ordinance” in 1959 and the “Municipal Administration Ordinance” in 1960. (Abedin, 1973)
Under the Basic Democracies Ordinance, the Union Councilors were accountable for implementing government
strategies in rural regions and giving a source of political assistance to the national government. The local
government was designed to perform basic functions i.e., regulatory, municipal, administrative, and
developmental. Council gave huge importance to rural work plans and projects which make local authorities more
effective during that time. Although, it had an outcome of politically decollating democratizing standards and
general aristocracy democracy. These changes create a two-dimensional concept in which bureaucratization
became vital and rural elites were politically leaked first and the view of contribution endured afar the hold of
common people. The main objective of these programs was meant to contribute to the villagers in development
projects via direct elections to union councils and indirect elections to the communities to give awareness of
development and require the change of scheme at the grassroots level of the state. Under the BD system, the union
councilors were made liable for doing the public authority strategies in the country, and for giving a source of
political assistance to the national government. The different local bodies, particularly the district and union
committees, were allowed responsibilities regarding administration, municipal, civil managerial, and formative.
Councils emphasized the national government to do their capacity. Various plans were made local government
dynamic during that period. The BD framework offered support for the military government, as rural elites arise as
a reasonable political body to the electorate and they made authentically for the military era of Ayub Khan. Later
on, the BD representatives were utilized as an electoral college to elect the Prime Minister and authoritative
individuals. It was accepted that the system had been presented by the Ayub government to give an appearance of
being a fairly chosen government and keeping itself in authority for a long time. (Abedin, 1973) The most
contended feature of the local government structure in Ayub’s era was to authorize of the Presidential Constitution
in 1962 which allowed the virtual condition to control the armed powers. The Constitution of 1962 was directly
associated with the office of the president that designed local authorities by announcing the 8000 Basic Democrats
in the assemblies. The electoral system based on the idea of controlled democracy was a setback from the colonial
government that was assumed to conduct the representative. (Burki, 1980) Although, Ayub enhanced the portion
of selected provincial and federal assets for the rural sector because his chief source of assistance was based on
these areas. Rural bodies set up mainly in this structure were linked to growth programs at the local level because
of their electoral significance in comprehensive government (Rizvi, 1974).

Local Government Reforms during 1972-77:

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto focused more on national than community issues after coming into power. The destructive
moment of the civil war in East Pakistan and the war with India in 1971 provoked the reconsideration of the
centralizing design of the government. The Pakistan People’s Party had to choose carefully to develop both input
and output functions of the political structure. The party decided to replace the councils in the rural regions with
village committees. The Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP) is composed of a president, manager,
treasurer, and model farmer-all appointed by agreement in a village meeting headed by the IRDP manager. The
basic purpose of the committee was to identify village issues and execute development plans in the village under
the IRDP of the central government. (Burki, 1980) The main objective behind the formation of such a committee
was to encourage national unity, eliminate corruption, and secure the involvement of the individual in the growing
activities in the rural areas. The Bhutto articulated some pro decentralization schemes and regulations. No new
system introduced towards improving the local government until the declaration of the 1973 constitution which
accommodated the making of local councils by each authoritative unit. Particularly Articles 40 of the 1973
constitution: ‘The state will ensure the independence of local government units to guarantee their complete
improvement as an independent network’. The provincial administrative congregation has decided in favor of
improving and introducing the three-layered,

Dehi council, Halqa council, and Zila council. The particular legislative act constitutionalizes the local government
units and their powers. This Act underlined the corporate character of local councils with common and public
services performing

 The Union Council The Tehsil Council

 The District Council The Divisional Council

 Basic Democratics System

It accommodated a wide scope of controls over local monetary issues. Consequently, the central government
focused on village development and people’s involvement. In the Bhutto era, no new scheme was generated at
recreating the local government until the announcement of the 1973 constitution, which provided a platform for the
creation of local councils by each administrative unit or province. The new local government was established in
their interest. It allowed representation for the outvoted, women and workers on the local council. This system
introduced some changes in the local government. It describes the link of local government with provincial or
national ministries to carry out general growth steps in the region including education and health. Shockingly, the
local government system and decentralization endorsed considerable reforms in the democratic span of the great
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. All local arrangements are terminated with military involvement and capture of power by
General Zia-ul-Haq in 1977 (Jalal, 1995).

Local Government Reform during 1979-85:

After Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s regime (1971-77), the local government was resuscitated under General
Zia-ul-Haq’s army authorities. Similarly, Ayub Khan and Zia-ul-Haq united political condensation at the federal
and provincial degrees with an authorization scheme at the local degree. It was attained via the application of
Martial law which held the 1973 constitution in abeyance. (Norman,1988) Local government was brought back
through the doctrine of the Local Government Ordinance (LGO) and local authorities were elected in the country
between 1979 and 1980. The military desired to utilize its previous scheme of ‘divide and rule’ by establishing a
current class of ‘collaborative’ lower-degree legislative. (Rizvi, 1980)


The local Government System under General Pervez Musharraf at the end of the 20th century the nation of Pakistan
witnessed another military coup. That resulted in the establishment of a new authoritative regime in Pakistan by
overthrowing the representative and democratic form of government. For the legitimization of his regime, like the
previous military coups, the Army Chief of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf, also presented his program titled
as “Seven Point Democratic Agenda”. The “Seven Point Democratic Agenda” includes: ensuring swift across the
board accountability and devolving power to the grass roots level, rebuilding and depoliticizing state institutions,
ensuring law and order and dispensing speedy justice, revitalizing and reinstating investor sureness, consolidation
of the federation while eliminating the inter-provincial disagreements, reconstruction national self- assurance and
self-confidence. At first, he presented the image that Army has had no intention to rule over the state for a long
time, but later on, it was proved wrong. The flourishing democracy was curtailed once again. Musharraf revived
the concept of local government and presented with a new version.

Problems and Issues of local government:

Here are some problems associated with the institution of local government:

i. Political problems
ii. Constitutional problems
iii. administrative problems
iv. Operational problems
v. Functional problems 
vi.  Financial problems.
Political Problems

In Pakistan, people are attracted by power in the national / central or provincial government and they look down
upon the local self-government. Unless an urge is created from within the people, the local self-government will
remain a far dream. An effort should be made by the government to create an urge for local government by the
people by;

i. Compelling the political parties to make LG as part of their manifesto

ii. Include LG in the school curricula.
iii.  Make the local government more strong
iv. Project the image of local government through mass media

Constitutional Problems

In the constitution of Pakistan, there is a guarantee that there will be a local government system in the country, but
unfortunately, no attention is being paid to this aspect. When there is Martial law in the country, there is local
government, when there is elected government, efforts are made to strangulate the local government system.

Administrative Problems

The fact is that in Pakistan, the local self-government has been subordinating to the whims and wishes of the
deputy commissioners and assistant commissioners in the past. These bureaucrats have played a havoc with system
and have never allowed them to flourish. The Basic democracy system failed because the then executive converted
the system into controlled democracy. It is thus necessary that the LG system be free from executive control.

Operational Problems

In Pakistan it is still believed if all the powers are transferred to the elected representatives, they will not be able to
use them aptly or they will misuse them. Therefore, the governments at national and provincial level are always
different and there is a tug-o-war between the central and even provincial governments.
Functional Problems

The local government system has nearly failed in Pakistan because there have been impediments in under taking
their functions.  There has been a growing undertaking on the part of various departments / secretaries to take more
and more functions and thereby have jeopardized the utility of local bodies as functional institution.

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