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The British Journal of Psychiatry (2020)

216, 204–212. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2019.53

Refractory depression – mechanisms and efficacy

of radically open dialectical behaviour therapy
(RefraMED): findings of a randomised trial on
benefits and harms
Thomas R. Lynch, Roelie J. Hempel, Ben Whalley, Sarah Byford, Rampaul Chamba, Paul Clarke,
Susan Clarke, David G. Kingdon, Heather O’Mahen, Bob Remington, Sophie C. Rushbrook, James Shearer,
Maggie Stanton, Michaela Swales, Alan Watkins and Ian T. Russell

Background Declaration of interest

Individuals with depression often do not respond to medication Six of the 16 authors have received royalties or fees for RO DBT.
or psychotherapy. Radically open dialectical behaviour therapy R.J.H. is co-owner and director of Radically Open Ltd, the RO DBT
(RO DBT) is a new treatment targeting overcontrolled personality, training and dissemination company. D.K. reports grants outside
common in refractory depression. the submitted work from NIHR. T.R.L. receives royalties from
Aims New Harbinger Publishing for sales of RO DBT treatment man-
uals, speaking fees from Radically Open Ltd and a grant outside
To compare RO DBT plus treatment as usual (TAU) for refractory
the submitted work from the Medical Research Council. He was
depression with TAU alone (trial registration: ISRCTN 85784627).
codirector of Radically Open Ltd between November 2014 and
Method May 2015 and is married to Erica Smith-Lynch, the principal
shareholder and one of two current directors of Radically Open
RO DBT comprised 29 therapy sessions and 27 skills classes over
Ltd. H.O’M. reports personal fees from the Charlie Waller Institute
6 months. Our completed randomised trial evaluated RO DBT for
and Improving Access to Psychological Therapy. S.C.R. provides
refractory depression over 18 months in three British secondary
RO DBT supervision through S C Rushbrook Ltd. I.T.R. reports
care centres. Of 250 adult participants, we randomised 162 (65%)
grants outside the submitted work from NIHR and Health & Care
to RO DBT. The primary outcome was the Hamilton Rating Scale
Research Wales. M.St. reports personal fees from British Isles
for Depression (HRSD), assessed masked and analysed by
DBT Training, Stanton Psychological Services Ltd, and Taylor &
treatment allocated.
Francis Ltd. M.Sw. reports personal fees from British Isles DBT
Results Training, Guilford Press, Oxford University Press and Taylor &
Francis Ltd. B.W. was codirector of Radically Open Ltd between
After 7 months, immediately following therapy, RO DBT had
November 2014 and February 2015.
significantly reduced depressive symptoms by 5.40 points on the
HRSD relative to TAU (95% CI 0.94–9.85). After 12 months (pri-
mary end-point), the difference of 2.15 points on the HRSD in Keywords
favour of RO DBT was not significant (95% CI –2.28 to 6.59); nor Treatment-resistant depression; chronic depression; personality
was that of 1.69 points on the HRSD at 18 months (95% CI –2.84 to disorder; radically open dialectical behaviour therapy (RO DBT);
6.22). Throughout RO DBT participants reported significantly randomised controlled trial.
better psychological flexibility and emotional coping than con-
trols. However, they reported eight possible serious adverse
reactions compared with none in the control group. Copyright and usage
© The Royal College of Psychiatrists 2019. This is an Open Access
Conclusions article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
The RO DBT group reported significantly lower HRSD scores than Attribution licence (
the control group after 7 months, but not thereafter. The imbal- 4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and
ance in serious adverse reactions was probably because of the reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
controls’ limited opportunities to report these. properly cited.

Major depressive disorder is a recurrent, disabling condition respond poorly to personality disorder treatments.6,7 The core
causing substantial impairment in psychosocial functioning and characteristics of overcontrolled personality disorder are:
quality of life.1 Only one-third of individuals respond fully to anti- cognitive and behavioural rigidity; strong desire to control
depressant medication and only half to psychological treatment.2 one’s environment; restrained emotional expression; limited
Recently treatments developed for refractory depression have social interaction; and problems with close relationships
achieved small-to-moderate effect sizes.3 Treatments are seldom because of aloofness, distancing, mistrust and fear of rejection or
effective owing to comorbidity, especially personality disorders.4 criticism.8
About half of patients with unipolar depression meet criteria for Radically open dialectical behaviour therapy (RO DBT), a novel
comorbid personality disorders, with higher rates among those transdiagnostic psychotherapy, aims to address this rigid coping
with chronic or treatment-resistant depression.4,5 The commonest style.9 Earlier versions of RO DBT showed promise in two pilot ran-
personality disorders among individuals with depression domised trials of patients with refractory depression and comorbid
show excessive inhibitory control or overcontrol, including cluster personality disorders.10,11 This trial aimed to assess the efficacy of
A (paranoid personality disorders) and cluster C (obsessive– RO DBT for refractory depression,12 and whether RO DBT causes
compulsive and avoidant personality disorders) – those that identifiable harms.13

Radically open dialectical behaviour therapy for refractory depression

from 32 to 61 years. All therapists were standard DBT therapists

with a minimum of 3 years clinical experience. To be recruited,
therapists had to submit three treatment tapes rated as adherent
on the standard DBT Adherence Coding Scale – the recognised
Refractory depression: mechanisms and effectiveness of radically measure of adherence in standard DBT,18 relevant also to RO
open-dialectical behaviour therapy (RefraMED) was a three- DBT. All therapists attended weekly team meetings, to enhance
centre parallel-group randomised trial that compared RO DBT treatment adherence and reduce therapist burnout. We maintained
plus treatment as usual (TAU) with TAU alone (trial registration: treatment fidelity across the trial by applying the standard DBT
ISRCTN 85784627). After an internal pilot in one centre, shortage scale18 to randomly sampled sessions; and feeding scores back to
of therapists reduced recruitment below the target rate. So we therapists and their site leaders.
extended our recruitment period from 24 months to 32; and
followed the last 27 participants for 12 months (the primary end-
Outcome measures
point) rather than 18.
Primary outcome
The primary outcome was the severity of depressive symptoms 12
months after randomisation, that is 5 months after the end of treat-
Patients were eligible for the RefraMED trial if they: were 18 years or ment. Trained assessors measured this by the 17-item HRSD.15
older; had an IQ more than 70; spoke English well enough to partici- Participants completed the HRSD at four points – baseline, and 7
pate; had a current diagnosis of major depressive disorder according (immediately after treatment), 12 and 18 months after randomisa-
to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR (SCID)-I;14 tion. We chose 7 months rather than 6, when most clients were
had refractory depression, defined as either chronic depression, still attending treatment sessions, to make RefraMED more com-
that is depression lasting at least 2 years, or treatment-resistant parable with other trials that assess response to treatment immedi-
depression, that is recurrent depression (which we operationalised ately after that treatment. We judged it most useful to evaluate RO
as two or more previous episodes) which has not responded to an DBT after a full year, when remission is most important, even
adequate dose of anti-depressant medication (ADM) for at least 6 though psychotherapies are usually evaluated immediately after
weeks in the current episode; and had a Hamilton Rating Scale the end of therapy.
for Depression (HRSD)15 score of at least 15. As we had developed
RO DBT specifically for overcontrol, we excluded patients who: met
Secondary outcomes
criteria for bipolar disorder, psychosis or dramatic-erratic personal-
ity disorders in SCID-II;16 had a primary diagnosis of substance We assessed remission from HRSD scores and psychosocial func-
dependence; or were currently receiving or waiting for standard tioning measured by the Longitudinal Interval Follow-up
DBT. We recruited these patients in three National Health Evaluation – Range of Impaired Functioning Tool (LIFE-RIFT):19
Service (NHS) secondary care centres already delivering standard we defined full remission as an HRSD score below 8 and an LIFE-
DBT for dramatic-erratic personality disorders – Dorset and RIFT score below 13; and partial remission as an HRSD score
Hampshire in England, and North Wales.13 below 15 and an LIFE-RIFT score below 13 points.
We measured suicidal ideation using the assessor-rated
Modified Scale for Suicidal Ideation (MSSI);20 total scores less
than nine show low ideation.
TAU After 3 months, and the other four points, we collected data on
As all three centres seek to deliver best practice, that was the natural the following potential mediating variables.
control treatment. All participants received TAU, including pre-
(a) Acceptance & Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II)21 measuring
scribed antidepressant medication or psychotherapy.13 Participants
psychological inflexibility.
in the control group could also access any treatment from the
(b) Emotional Approach Coping (EAC) scale22 measuring emo-
NHS or privately, except standard DBT. At each follow-up assessors
tional processing and emotional expression.
asked participants to report their antidepressant medication and
(c) Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)23 measuring depres-
adherence to it, and psychotherapy accessed since their previous
sion severity.
assessment or in the 6 months before their baseline assessment.
(d) The three-item Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ-3)24 meas-
uring responders’ satisfaction with support.
At baseline we also recorded potential moderating variables,
RO DBT is a transdiagnostic therapy designed to address a spectrum
notably age, gender and marital status.
of disorders that are difficult to treat, notably chronic depression.9 It
differs from other psychotherapies, notably by encouraging social
bonding through emotional expression. At the time of the trial RO Sample size
DBT comprised 29 weekly individual therapy sessions each lasting Two pilot studies of an earlier but similar version of RO DBT for refrac-
an hour and 27 skills training classes each lasting 2.5 h.9,12 The RO tory depression showed effect sizes at end of treatment of 0.8511 and
DBT lesson plan (supplementary Table 1 available at https://doi. 0.71.10 We aimed to recruit enough participants with analysable data
org/10.1192/bjp.2019.53) included new RO DBT lessons9 and stand- to yield 80% power to detect as statistically significant at the 5% level
ard DBT lessons.17 RO DBT began soon after participants learned a standardised difference of 0.4 between RO DBT and TAU. We
their treatment allocation. Although they continued to receive anti- judged that clinicians and the UK National Institute for Health and
depressant medication as prescribed, we strongly discouraged them Care Excellence would consider this, equivalent to a mean difference
from seeking additional psychotherapy during RO DBT. of two points on the HRSD, to be ‘clinically important’.
The RO DBT developer (T.R.L.) did not contribute to treatment If there were no correlation between patients with the same
delivery. He led the 10-day programme to train the 23 recruited therapist, a sample of 200 participants with analysable data would
therapists – 8 in Dorset, 10 in Hampshire and 5 in North Wales; detect such a difference. As we aimed to collect analysable data
and supervised them thereafter. Two were men, and ages ranged from at least 83% of participants, we increased our target to 240.

Lynch et al

To focus on the mechanisms of RO DBT we randomised in the ratio efficient and unbiased when data are missing at random. Without
3 : 2 by allocating 144 ‘unclustered’ patients to RO DBT and 96 to suitable auxiliary data we did not impute missing responses, for
TAU. However, participants in the RO DBT group cluster by ther- example by multiple imputation. However, when fewer than 10%
apist. To allow for an intratherapist correlation coefficient (ICC) of of items were missing in a given scale, we imputed them by linear
0.025 between HRSD scores, and an average cluster size of 11 regression using the other scale items as covariates. For each
participants for each of the expected 16 therapists, we increased outcome we estimated the main effects of treatment allocation
the RO DBT sample size to 180, yielding the same statistical and time, and the interaction between them; and compared
power as 144 unclustered participants. Thus, we aimed to random- groups at months 7, 12 and 18 by treatment allocated.
ise 276 patients – 180 to RO DBT and 96 to TAU. We planned no In assessing remission from depression, we used Button’s criter-
interim analysis or stopping rule apart from that imposed by ion of 17.5% change in HRSD scores from baseline.28 We refitted
funding. our mixed models using the Bayesian software Stan, and the asso-
ciated R package ‘brms’.29 We assessed heterogeneity in therapist
Randomisation and masking performance by ICCs, and simulated prognoses for future patients
on RO DBT. Analyses post hoc estimated posterior odds ratios30
Once we had confirmed eligibility and received informed consent for hypotheses of interest. We derived remission rates from predic-
through the form approved by Hampshire Research Ethics tions based on continuous outcomes, so did not need to test for
Committee, we randomised participants between treatments. We differences in these rates directly.
used three stratifying variables to ensure balance between groups –
early or late onset of depression, HRSD score above or below 25,
Serious adverse events
and presence or absence of personality disorders. Within the RO
DBT group, we randomised participants between available thera- Our report to the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
pists so as to use as many as feasible of the treatment slots at each describes how we monitored serious adverse events (SAEs).13 The
centre. To minimise risk of subversion, the Swansea Trials Unit chief investigator reviewed these immediately, and reported them
used dynamic randomisation to make these allocations stochastic- to the Data Monitoring & Ethics Committee (DMEC) every year,
ally rather than deterministically.25 They emailed the resulting allo- or immediately if there was suspicion of an unexpected serious
cations to the trial manager for dissemination to participants and adverse reaction.
study therapists, but not assessors.
To keep assessors masked to treatment allocations they: con- Ethical approval and conduct
ducted assessments away from treatment centres; asked participants Before recruiting patients, we gained approval from the Hampshire
not to reveal their allocations during assessments; and avoided clin- Research Ethics Committee (National Research Ethics Service refer-
ical notes after initial assessment. If an allocation were revealed, we ence 11/SC/0146) and the Research Governance Department of the
remasked by using another assessor for later assessments. If the allo- University of Southampton, the sponsor of this trial. We asked trial
cation were revealed during assessment, we used the unmasked participants for consent on three occasions: before telephone
ratings; this happened 17 times at month 7, 12 times at month 12 screening; before baseline assessment; and before randomisation.
but not at all at month 18.
Patient and public inclusion
Assessor reliability
The NIHR Mental Health Research Network and ‘Involve’, the
A clinical psychologist experienced in administering SCID and national advisory group on public engagement, helped us recruit
HSRD in clinical trials (H.O’M.) trained assessors to administer service users – two to the Trial Steering Committee and two to
all these outcome measures. The minimum requirement for the Trial Management Group. These users contributed to patient
RefraMED assessors was a degree in psychology or closely related information leaflets, managing the trial and disseminating findings.
field. In reality all assessors had postgraduate qualifications,
mainly MSc, DClinPsy or PhD. We discussed queries at weekly con- Data availability and role of the funding source
sensus meetings. We assessed interrater reliability for the HRSD at
9-month intervals across nine assessors. We analysed the reliability All non-confidential data and syntax for analyses reported
of individual items, more rigorous than analysing total scores. here are available online (
Across all measurements Krippendorff’s alpha was 0.89 (95% CI The Efficacy & Mechanism Evaluation Programme, funded by
from 0.86 to 0.92), implying ‘very good’ to ‘near perfect’ interrater the Medical Research Council and administered by the NIHR,
reliability.26 funded this trial by grant 09/150/12. NIHR monitored the trial
and appointed the independent members of the Trial Steering
Committee and Data Monitoring & Ethics Committee. The
Statistical methods grant holders were responsible for: study design; collecting, ana-
To create a data-set for analysis, we linked study data-sets by ran- lysing, and interpreting data; writing this paper; and submitting
domisation codes. We validated this database by comparing infor- it for publication.
mation across sources, and by entering data twice. We scored all
measures according to their published rules for imputing missing
data. Results
We used the lmerTest package for the statistical language R to fit
linear mixed-effects models to primary and secondary outcomes Recruitment
over the 18 months from baseline.27 Covariates included treatment Figure 1 shows the flow of participants through the RefraMED trial:
allocated, treatment centre, baseline HRSD score, early or late onset we randomised 250 eligible patients, 162 (65%) to RO DBT and 88
of depression, and presence or absence of personality disorders at to TAU (the control group). Recruitment started in Dorset in March
baseline. We used a three-level mixed-effects model to account for 2012 with an internal pilot; started in Hampshire and North Wales
clustering of data by patient and therapist, avoiding the assumption in September 2012; and continued until April 2015. Of the 250 ran-
that all therapists are equally effective. These mixed models are domised participants, 170 (68%) came from secondary care,

Primary care – 1703 Referred Not assessed – 1765
Secondary care – 849 2678 • Did not respond to contact – 1194
• Declined in responce to contact – 437
Self referred – 101 • Not contacted – 134
Other – 25 Excluded after phone screen – 340
Screened by phone
for eligibility – 913 • Ineligible – 211
• Unable to commit to study – 129
• Booked interview but did not attend – 100
• Eligible but declined interview – 29
Interviewed for Passed phone screen but did not attend interview – 129
eligibility – 444 Excluded after assessment interview – 160
Primary care – 55 • Failed exclusion criterion e.g. psychosis or borderline
Secondary care – 170 personality disorder – 78
• HRSD score < 15 – 49
Self-referred – 19 Randomised • Declined to commit to study – 15
250 • Neither chronic nor recurrent – 5
Other – 6
• Other – 13
Eligible but declined participation – 34

Allocated to RO-DBT – 162
Allocated to treatment as usual
• Received ≥ 4 RO-DBT sessions – 147
(TAU) 88
• Received ≤ 3 RO-DBT sessions – 15
Withdrew from study – 12 Withdrew from study – 12
Lost to follow-up – 12 Lost to follow-up – 6
Follow-up at 7 months
Followed-up at 7 months – 124 Followed-up at 7 months – 62
Did not attend – 14 Did not attend – 8
Analysed – 121 Analysed – 62

Radically open dialectical behaviour therapy for refractory depression

Withdrew from study – 3 Withdrew from study – 2
Lost to follow-up – 0 Lost to follow-up – 1
Follow-up at 12 months
Followed-up at 12 months – 130 Followed-up at 7 months – 62
Did not attend – 5 Did not attend – 5
Analysed – 130 Analysed – 60
Not followed-up at 18 months – 16 Not followed-up at 18 months – 11
Withdrew from study – 3 Withdrew from study – 1
Lost to follow-up – 3 Follow-up at 18 months Lost to follow-up – 0

Followed-up at 18 months – 113 Followed-up at 18 months – 55

Analysed – 112 Analysed – 55

Fig. 1 CONSORT diagram showing flow of participants through the Refractory depression: mechanisms and effectiveness of radically open-dialectical behaviour therapy (RefraMED) trial, including numbers
analysed at each assessment.
HRSD, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; RO DBT, radically open dialectical behaviour therapy.
Lynch et al

Table 1 Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and secondary outcomes by group at 0, 7, 12 and 18 months (see supplementary Table 2 for a more
detailed version of this table)

RO DBT group, adjusted TAU, adjusted

Dependent variable mean mean Difference 95% CI P Evidence ratio (d > 0)a
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
Baseline 23.14 23.14 −0.05 −4.44 to 4.34 0.979 1.10
7 months 15.34 20.73 −5.40 −9.84 to −0.94 0.023 46.30
12 months 14.19 16.34 −2.15 −6.69 to 2.28 0.290 5.53
18 months 13.79 15.48 −1.69 −6.22 to 2.84 0.424 4.67
Action and Acceptance
Baseline 38.53 38.53 0.00 −7.87 to 7.87 1.000 0.77
7 months 33.12 36.48 −3.37 −7.95 to 1.21 0.096 30.47
12 months 32.56 37.50 −4.94 −9.44 to −0.45 0.040 121.82
18 months 30.69 36.17 −5.48 −9.44 to −1.52 0.014 55.98
Emotional Approach Coping
Baseline 16.10 16.10 0.00 −3.83 to 3.83 1.000 1.00
7 months 18.38 16.89 1.50 −0.84 to 3.83 0.132 36.36
12 months 18.64 15.10 3.55 1.22 to 5.87 0.017 3242.24
18 months 19.31 16.33 2.98 0.84 to 5.12 0.012 278.72
Modified Scale for Suicide Ideation
Baseline 7.72 7.72 −0.00 −2.92 to 2.92 1.000 0.95
7 months 4.66 6.50 −1.84 −4.49 to 0.80 0.150 17.58
12 months 2.46 3.90 −1.44 −4.03 to 1.15 0.229 5.14
18 months 2.04 1.60 0.45 −2.48 to 3.37 0.753 1.52
Patient Health Questionnaire-9
Baseline 19.24 19.24 −0.00 −5.02 to 5.02 1.000 0.86
7 months 13.24 16.69 −3.45 −6.61 to −0.29 0.041 30.82
12 months 13.04 15.96 −2.92 −6.04 to 0.20 0.058 33.64
18 months 12.87 16.10 −3.23 −6.05 to −0.40 0.030 12.39
Social Support Questionnaire
Baseline 0.15 0.15 0.01 −0.44 to 0.46 0.952 0.92
7 months 0.15 −0.07 0.22 −0.23 to 0.67 0.279 0.15
12 months 0.25 −0.05 0.30 −0.15 to 0.75 0.157 0.10
18 months 0.27 −0.13 0.40 −0.08 to 0.87 0.093 0.20
RO DBT, radically open dialectical behaviour therapy; TAU, treatment as usual; OR, odds ratio.
a. Evidence ratio (d > 0) for hypothesis that RO DBT is better than TAU.

55 (22%) from primary-care database searches, 19 (8%) from self- 197 (79%) with at least one Axis II disorder; only 9 (4%) had no
referral and 6 (2%) from other sources, notably private practitioners.13 psychiatric comorbidity.13 Our report also confirms that our
Of 162 participants allocated to the RO DBT group, 34 (21%) adaptive randomisation procedure was effective in balancing the
withdrew, including 10 who attended no sessions, 4 who attended characteristics of participants across groups; treatment centres were
only one or two sessions; and 10 prevented from continuing also generally comparable in terms of participants’ characteristics.13
because of work or family commitments. If participants did not
attend a follow-up appointment after 7 or 12 months, we asked Delivery of therapy
them to attend the next scheduled follow-up. For example, 6 of
Of 23 therapists we trained, 1 did not provide therapy within
the 14 RO DBT participants who did not attend their appointment
RefraMED. The number of participants seen by the other therapists
after 7 months did attend their appointment after 12 months. This
ranged from 1 to 17, with a mean of 6.9 and a median of 7. The mean
explains why we analysed more participants after 12 months (130)
number of individual sessions attended by participants was 22.9
than after 7 (124).
(s.d. = 6.9; 79% of the 29 planned); and the mean number of
Of the 88 participants in the control group, 22 (25%) withdrew,
group sessions attended was 19.9 (s.d. = 7.6; 74% of the 27 planned).
including 9 because they were not happy with being allocated to
TAU. Only one of those withdrawing from treatment agreed to
stay in the study for follow-up interviews. So the proportion of par- Treatment fidelity
ticipants analysed at month 12 did not differ significantly between We rated 273 (9%) tapes; and adjudged 221 (81%) of these adherent
groups (χ2 = 0.71; d.f. = 1; P = 0.40). with a score of 4.0 or more.

Baseline data – demographic and clinical Primary outcome: depressive symptoms measured
Of the 250 participants, 164 (66%) were women; 138 (55%) were aged by HRSD
between 35 and 55; 232 (97% of 238 responders) described their eth- Table 1 and Fig. 2 compare HRSD and the five secondary continu-
nicity as White; 106 (42%) reported being in a stable relationship; and ous outcome variables between groups across all follow-ups (a more
82 (34% of 241 responders) had a university qualification. A total of detailed version of Table 1 is available in supplementary Table 2).
92 participants (37%) reported a first depressive episode before Depressive symptoms in both groups improved continuously
the age of 16; 179 (84% of 213 responders) were chronically from baseline to 18 months. By the end of therapy at seven
rather than recurrently depressed; and 191 (82% of 234 responders) months, RO DBT had substantially reduced depressive symptoms
had previously received psychotherapy. Our sample also showed relative to TAU by 5.40 HRSD points (95% CI 0.94–9.85; effect
high comorbidity: 217 (87%) with at least one Axis I disorder and size 1.03; P = 0.02). The RO DBT group maintained their

Radically open dialectical behaviour therapy for refractory depression

AAQ EAC significant (95% CI −2.28 to 6.59; effect size 0.41; P = 0.29). At 18
30 months the difference fell to 1.69 HRSD points (95% CI −2.84 to
40 6.22; effect size 0.32; P = 0.42). Thus, our planned contrasts revealed
30 20 a statistically significant difference between RO DBT and TAU after
20 10 7 months, but not after 12 or 18 months.
10 In contrast Bayesian analysis post hoc provided evidence that
0 7 12 18 0 7 12 18 RO DBT was superior to TAU across all follow-ups: the posterior
odds ratio was: 46 at 7 months – suggesting ‘strong’ evidence;30
HRSD MSSI and 5.5 and 4.7 at 12 and 18 months, respectively – suggesting ‘posi-
tive’ evidence.30 Figure 3 displays the posterior probability that RO
30 DBT achieved the range of effects on the x-axis. The likely causes of
20 the trial’s reduced power was the combination of under recruitment
10 10 and unexpectedly large therapist heterogeneity, yielding an ICC of
0 0 0.14, much larger than the ICC of 0.025 postulated in our power
0 7 12 18 0 7 12 18 analysis. The most and least effective therapists, judged by clinical
outcomes of their participants, differed by 2.6 HRSD points, equiva-
lent to a standardised effect size of 0.43.
20 30
Remission rates
10 Using primary criteria, full remission rates were low in both groups:
0 0 1%, 8% and 7% for RO DBT and 0%, 0% and 1% in controls, at 7, 12
0 7 12 18 0 7 12 18 and 18 months, respectively; and partial remission rates were higher
Month for the RO DBT group – 23%, 26% and 33% at successive assess-
ments – than in control group – 6%, 22% and 24%. Using the criter-
ion of ‘worthwhile’ change, namely 17.5% reduction in symptoms
from baseline,28 remission rates were: 59%, 69% and 59% in the
Fig. 2 Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) and secondary RO DBT group at 7, 12 and 18 months, respectively; and 27%,
outcomes by group. 48% and 41%, in the control group.
Box-and-whisker plots showing medians, interquartile ranges (IQRs), highest data To help patients and clinicians interpret our findings, we simu-
point within 1.5 IQRs of upper quartile and lowest data point within 1.5 IQRs of lower lated likely outcomes for new patients, estimating that, for every 100
quartile, and outliers. AAQ, Action and Acceptance Questionnaire; EAC, Emotional
Approach Coping; MSSI, Modified Scale for Suicide Ideation; PHQ-9, Patient Health new patients, 32 would achieve 17.5% improvement in symptom
Questionnaire-9; SSQ, Social Support Questionnaire; RO DBT, radically open scores after 12 months by choosing RO DBT rather than TAU,
dialectical behaviour therapy; TAU, treatment as usual.
whereas 10 would deteriorate by the same criterion, and 58 would
remain essentially unchanged.

improvement in depressive symptoms at 12 and 18 months, but the

control group improved more after 7 months, reducing the differ- Secondary continuous outcomes
ence between groups. The difference of 2.15 HRSD points at 12 The RO DBT group achieved significant gains in psychological
months exceeded our prior target of 2 points but was not statistically flexibility and emotional coping relative to controls throughout

0.95 Month
0.90 0
Probability D ≥ X


0 1 2 4 6 8
D = (RO-DBT — TAU)

Fig. 3 Cumulative probability that difference in Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression score between groups (D) exceeds X at months 0, 7, 12
and 18.
RO DBT, radically open dialectical behaviour therapy; TAU, treatment as usual.

Lynch et al

the trial (Fig. 2, Table 1 and supplementary Table 2). Mean AAQ refractory depression.4 The later fall in effect size stems from
scores, measuring psychological inflexibility decreased over time, rapid improvement during RO DBT, and initially slow but acceler-
especially after RO DBT; the effect size increased from 0.49 ating improvement during TAU. Bayesian analysis post hoc gener-
(medium) after 7 months to 0.72 (large) after 12, and 0.79 after ated ‘positive’ evidence of the superiority of RO DBT over 18
18. EAC scores, measuring emotional coping, increased after RO months; and suggests that 22% (i.e. 32% less 10%) more patients
DBT, but not after TAU; the effect size increased from 0.32 would experience ‘worthwhile change’ at 12 months by choosing
(small) after 7 months to 0.76 (large) after 12 months and 0.64 RO DBT over TAU.
(also large) after 18.
However, Table 1 (and supplementary Table 2) shows no sig- Psychological outcomes
nificant advantage for RO DBT in suicidal ideation or perceived
RO DBT aims to help individuals with rigid psychological and inter-
social support. Mean MSSI suicidal ideation scores remained low
personal styles learn flexibility. Reassuringly participants in the RO
throughout the trial for both groups; and although mean SSQ (per-
DBT group reported significantly better psychological flexibility
ceived social support) scores increased after RO DBT, the difference
than the controls throughout the 18 months of follow-up. RO
between groups was never significant.
DBT also aims to encourage appropriate expression of emotion to
avoid isolation. Again, the RO DBT group reported significantly
SAEs better emotional processing throughout these 18 months. Both find-
We received reports of 32 SAEs – 4 from the 88 participants ings suggest that participants continue to use and improve their RO
allocated to TAU and 28 from the 162 participants allocated to DBT skills. However, there was no significant advantage for RO
RO DBT;13 none of these led to withdrawal from the trial. In the DBT in suicidal ideation or perceived social support. Throughout
RO DBT group, 21 participants experienced a single event; 2 experi- the trial suicidal ideation was low in both groups; although this
enced two events each; and 1 participant experienced three events. decreased further over time in both groups, the difference was
Thus, 24 people in the RO DBT group experienced SAEs. We never significant. This finding was probably because of both
judged that all 4 events in the control group and 13 in the RO groups continuing to receive treatment and support either from
DBT group were ‘definitely not related’ to the study intervention, the trial or from the NHS. Although social support scores increased
for example a leg fracture and one death from natural causes. after RO DBT and decreased after TAU, the difference between
We judged that another eight were ‘unlikely to be related’, for groups was never significant.
example recurrent non-suicidal self-injury starting before the trial.
Of the remaining eight SAEs, all from the intervention group, we Strengths
judged that five were ‘possibly related’ to RO DBT, including two RO DBT is the first treatment known to us to target deficits in social
overdoses, and three were ‘probably related’, including a prevented signalling as the main problem underlying overcontrolled emotional
suicide attempt. Nevertheless, we classed none of those eight serious loneliness. We designed RefraMED as a hybrid between a phase II
adverse reactions as ‘suspected unexpected’ requiring immediate efficacy trial and a phase III effectiveness trial. The former yielded
reporting to the Research Ethics Committee. strengths in: the consistency of both intervention and assessment;
Thus, all eight serious adverse reactions judged as potentially allocating therapists to patients at random rather than allocating
related to RO DBT occurred in the intervention group (Fisher’s difficult patients to the most skilled therapists.13 The latter yielded
exact test; one-tailed P = 0.004). However, trial assessors saw par- strengths in: minimising exclusion criteria thus including a wide
ticipants in the control group only at the three follow-up inter- range of patients with depression and maximising generalisability;
views, so that SAE reporting relied on their volunteering enabling the treatment developer to train therapists rather than
relevant information. In contrast trial therapists saw the partici- provide therapy; and facilitating cost-effectiveness analysis.13 See
pants in the RO DBT group twice a week, and they completed supplementary Table 3 for the CONSORT checklist.
diary cards reporting on suicidal ideation and self-harm. We
tried to ameliorate reporting bias by asking participants’ general
practitioners to report any SAEs they encountered. However, no
one outside the RefraMED team reported an SAE: participants There are a range of definitions of refractory depression and
in the control group reported all four SAEs either during assess- treatment-resistant depression which should be taken into
ment or to the trial office. In the RO DBT group therapists account when considering the generalisability of our findings.
reported 23 (82%) SAEs, and participants reported only 5. We Despite our best efforts to recruit 276 participants, and analyse
believe the imbalance was because of these gross differences in 229 (83%) of them, we recruited only 250 (91% of target) and
reporting opportunities and encouragement from therapists to analysed only 190 (76%); we also encountered unexpectedly large
use those opportunities. As in both previous trials of RO therapist heterogeneity. Despite achieving our target effect size at
DBT,10,11 there were no suicides in this trial. For all these 12 months, the resulting loss of power meant our pre-planned
reasons the Data Monitoring Committee saw ‘no reason to analyses did not achieve statistical significance beyond month 7.
suspect RO DBT had adverse effects on patients’.
RefraMED was the first multicentre trial of RO DBT. Although RO
Discussion DBT greatly improved depressive symptoms by the end of
treatment, our planned analyses were not statistically significant
Principal findings thereafter. Bayesian analysis post hoc suggests that RO DBT was
In participants with refractory depression, RO DBT was not statis- superior to TAU throughout, but this effect was not clinically
tically superior to TAU on the HRSD at our primary end-point of 12 significant after month 7.
months after randomisation, despite achieving the target moderate RO DBT does not label depression as the primary problem.
effect size of 0.40. However, it was substantially better than TAU Instead it targets emotional overcontrol – a maladaptive personality
immediately after treatment, with an effect size of 1.03, much style known to predict the development of chronic internalising dis-
larger than reported by previous trials of psychotherapy for orders such as refractory depression. Overcontrolled personality

Radically open dialectical behaviour therapy for refractory depression

disorders, including obsessive–compulsive personality disorders,

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10 Lynch TR, Morse JQ, Mendelson T, Robins CJ. Dialectical behavior therapy for
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