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Guidance and Counseling

Guidance definition:

 Is the act /process of guiding or helping the individuals through giving advice or
instructions to solve their problems and also giving a wise choice in life.
 Is advice given to an individual concerning matters such as career path
 It aims at making people know the pros and cons of their decisions
 To enlightens the students/individuals on how to make the right choices.

Counseling definition:

 Refers to specifically to the process of counseling by a professional counselor based on

people’s psychological problems.
 Counseling digs into the root of the problems before identifying potential solutions.
 They can have a one on one session to discuss the confidential reasons.

Different between Guidance and Counseling:

 Guidance gives student/clients ready answers, while in counseling helps them to come
up with their well-informed solutions. They create more appropriate solutions to tackle
the issues.
 It was an external approach to tackle the issue while counseling uses an in-depth
approach to establish the root causes of the problem before tackling it.
 Guidance is provided by an expert in the field, it doesn’t need professional trainings.
Counseling is given by people who have been trained professionally to handle
psychological problems.
 It can conduct for one or group of people while in counseling one on one.


A. Guidance Personnel
 They are the one who can assist the individual with personal, social,
family, educational, career path and mental health problems.
 Help students to develop coping skills and learn to solve problems and
become a good decision maker on their own.
 Giving students to pursue right type of education (they did not choose
their passion due to many reasons.)
 Providing information on career possibilities and stereotypes
 Recognizing the talent of the student (unlocking the potential)
 Helping students make a career plan
 To understand students oneself, how to get along with others
 Help to achieve social relationship and skills.
Guidance and Counseling

B. Auxiliary or Supporting Personnel

 Teacher, Health personnel, Social Workers and etc. They are consultants
outside the department of guidance
 They provide supplementary or additional help and support to make sure
that the guidance services are properly delivered to the students.
 For example, the teacher is the first line of between the students and the
guidance program, they communicate on a daily basis, and their role is to
become a listener and adviser to the students when the students need
advice. The teacher can also be a referral to the guidance to detect their
needs and strengths and give them appropriate help.
 Teacher is one of the auxiliary personnel who get to spend more time with
the stu
 dent. It’s responsible to know at first hand if a student is having a
concerns or problems. They are the one can notify the student about the
guidance program that could help her with his/her problem.

C. School Personnel
 Refers to any person working in a school
 School counselor and school plans activities which give students the
opportunities to explore their career goals.

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