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केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन - अहमदाबाद संभाग 2022-23

प्री बोर्ड परीक्षा 2022


SUBJECT: PHYSICS SET-A Maximum Marks: 70Marks

Class: XII Time Allowed: 3 hours.


1 b 1
2 c 1
3 a 1
4 d 1
5 a 1
6 c 1
7 a 1
8 a 1
9 b 1
10 d 1
11 a 1
12 b 1
13 c 1
14 a 1
15 c 1
16 a 1
17 a 1
18 c 1
19 Formula Ф = EA cosϴ ½
(i) When plane is parallel to Y-Z plane, the normal to plane is along X-axis
Ф= 50NC-1m2 ½
(ii) When the plane makes a 30° angle with the X-axis, the normal to its
plane makes 60° angle with X-axis Ф= 25NC-1m2
20 W = -mB (cosϴ2 – cosϴ1) ½
(i) Here ϴ2 = 90 degree so W= 1.32 J 1
(ii) Here ϴ2 = 180 degree so W = 3.96 J ½
21 (a)λ=2π/k=3.48m , 1
(b) B= E/c=1.03x10−8T 1
22 3λ’/2a = λ/a or λ’ = 440 nm 1+1
23 Reflecting Telescope,

Its two advantages over Refracting telescope:

1. It reduces the spherical aberration and forms a clear focused image. ½
2. no Chromatic aberration or any other relevant advantage ½

24 A plot of the potential energy between two nucleons as a function of 1

distance is shown in the diagram.

Important conclusions from the graph:

(i) The nuclear force is much stronger than the Coulomb force acting ½
between charges or the gravitational forces between masses. ½
(ii) The nuclear force are short ranged.
(iii) charge independent (iv) follow saturation property.

(i) Ek = –E = – (–1.51) = 1.51 eV ½
(ii)Ep = 2E = –1.5 1× 2 = –3.02 eV ½
(iii) Here, ground state energy of the H-atom = –13.6 eV
When the electron goes from the excited state to the ground state, energy
emitted is given by
E = –1.5 1– (–13.6) = 12.09 eV = 12.1 × 1.6 × 10–19 J
Now, E =hc/λ
λ = hc/E = 1.025 × 10–7 = 1025 Å
25 By doping Ge with Indium X becomes p-type and by doping Ge with As 1
Y becomes n-type. Since p type X is connected to –ve terminal of cell
hence diode is reversed biased.

Reverse bias I-V Characteristics

(i) As on doping the hole concentration has increased, the doped
semiconductor is a p-type semiconductor.
(ii) As ni = 2 × 108/m3 and nh = 4 × 1010/m3.
From the relation ne .nh = ni2, ½

we get, ne = ni2/nh = (2 × 108 )2 /4 × 1010 = 106/m3 1

26 Diagram 1
Derivation 1½
Vector form ½
27 Principle ½
Diagram ½
Correct relation 1
Correct reason – No, since when voltage is increased current is 1
28 Definition of M 1
Correct derivation 2
Principle – EMI (statement or mathematical expression of Faraday’s law) 1
Diagram ½
Correct expression e = NwaBsinwt 1½
29 Two properties 1
(a) Potential given to collector plate ½
(b) stopping potential ½
(c ) correct graph 1
ℎ ℎ 1
(i) use 𝜆 = 𝑡𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑡 λ𝛼 / λP = ½ (ii) 𝜆 =
to get λ𝛼 / λP =
1½ + 1½
30 Correct diagram 1
Expression for distance of closest approach 1
explanation 1
31 (a) Derivation and graphical representation. 2+1
1 +1
(b) correct diagram of EPS + field lines
(a) The capacitance of any capacitor is its ability to store charge and defined as
C= capacitance
Q= Charge
V= Potential across capacitor.
The SI unit of capacitance is farad(F).
Consider a parallel plate capacitor consisting of two large conducing
plates held parallel to each other and separated by a small distance (d),
A → area of each plate
The field at a point P between the plates then is:
E= E1 + E2 =σ/2ϵ0 + σ/2ϵ0 = σ/ϵ0→(1)
Potential difference between the plates.
we have V = Ed = Q d/ϵ0A→(2)
∴ Capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor is C=Q/V=ϵ0A/d 1
C′= Aϵ0/(d-t+t/K)
Put t=(3/4)d ;
C′= Aϵ0/(d-3d/4+3d/4K)
C′= Aϵ0/(d/4+3d/4K)
C′= Aϵ0/(K+3)/4
C′= 4Aϵ0/( K+3) 1
32 (a) derivation of expression for equivalent resistance 3
(b)correct formula and ans ( 4.54 V) 1+1
(a) Required expressions 2
relation between current density and the applied electric field E. 1
(b) current I = (120-8)/(15.5+0.5) = 7 A 1
Terminal Voltage V = E + Ir = 8 + 7(0.5) = 11.5 V 1

In the given figure, image is I and object is denoted as O.

The centre of curvature is C.

The rays are incident from a medium of refractive index to another of

refractive index .
We consider NM to be perpendicular to the principal axis.
For ΔNOC, i is the exterior angle.
Therefore, i = ∠NOM + ∠NCM

r = ∠NCM − ∠NIM

According to Snell’s law,

For small angles,

Substituting i and r, we obtain

Where, OM, MI, and MC are the distances

OM = −u
MC = +R
MI = v
Substituting these, we obtain

Applying equation (i) to lens ABCD, we obtain for surface ABC,
For surface ADC, we obtain

For a thin lens,

BI1 = DI1
Adding (ii) and (iii), we obtain

Suppose object is at infinity and DI = f, then

Using sign convention,

We obtain:

→ Refractive index of medium 2 with respect to medium 1 2

This is known as lens maker’s formula.

(a)Importance of coherent source – phase difference remains constant
with time so that sustained interference can be obtained.
(b) (i) 2λD/d = 6 mm (ii) 3λD/2d = 4.5 mm
(ii) fringe width will increase since β α D
34 (i) Refractive index of core should be greater than cladding. 1
(ii) Endoscopy, Communication 1
(iii) (a) light must move from denser to rarer medium.(b) angle of
incidence must be greater than critical angle. 2
Derivation of exact relation

35 (i) (a) Diffusion (b) drift 1

(ii) No, because continuous contact at the atomic level will not be possible
at the junction 1
(iii) (a)Width of depletion region decreases in forward bias
Reason:In the forward bias, external battery pushes the majority charge 1
carriers towards the junction.
(b)Width of depletion region increases in reverse bias 1
Reason:In the reverse bias, external battery attracts the majority charge
carriers away from the junction.
Electrcally neutral
Both host atom and impurity atoom which is added were electrical 2

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