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pase OF DOING BUSINEss ACT G&D RA No. 11032 OMOTING EASE OF DOING BUSI NACTPR INESS AND AUELIVERY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES, AMENDING ro arose RA NO. 9485, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE ANTLRE a P ACT OF 2007, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES > TAPE JNTRODUCTION TO EASE OF DOING Business Act G all government offices and agencies including LGUs, GOCCs and other government instrumentalities, whether located in the Philippines or abroad, ‘hat provide services covering business and nonbusiness related transactions. DEFINITION OF TERMS Action — refers to the written approval or disapproval made by a government office or agency on the application or request submitted by an applicant or requesting party for processing; Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) — a single common site or location, or asingle online website or portal designated for the Business Permits and Licensing System (BPLS) of an LGU to receive and process applications, receive payments, and issue approved licenses, clearances, permits, or authorizations; Business-related transactions — a set of regulatory requirements that a business entity must comply with to engage, operate or continue’ operate a business, such as, but not limited to, collection or Let of anumber of documents, submission to national and ayer authorities, approval of application submitted, and rec n, 2 te or eifates, permis Ucenses which inc ceca of ances and such sila authorization PMY cond © or contin o operate onda byt operate OF conte 1 pert es wih pn basins ons — applications oF sequsts ayy saci vomplex tn ty Comptes amting partes of Goverment ace wager at fe a casa a oe cara Ns sprain eevee of sid BONE 2m bby te office cone’ or not officially by ater ot AY ve ng sarment office oF agency who Has access to peony of geri oF mt olson with them, fe ey os ransortions for pecuniary gain or any other, epi fase os ‘onseration gece gm, me ere rice ~ te processor transaction between spy renin artes nd, even ofes spencer ma ss pay any prilege, Fight reward, license cearane ae camaro, oF ray modification rerena ag me vraumerated applications or requests which are acted yp ™™ Sema sec ets nr 7 ction ~ an apptication which req Highly technical applicati PP Urs the, Mig edge scald sls andor nn nt pee ‘efor evaluation thereof = etdines wanscions ~ al ter ROVEMEN tan filing under Section 4) ofthis Act Officer or employee — 2 person employed in a government og 4 Share perform specie duties and responsi. ‘employ seoorumiereem ee eeei he Arm ods 1 Seren Tn a pinay ae ny other statutory and mc — Pn sig patie of 2 8veminet are mg, to ao he a gM May ny ene fs sven eg Pn, Segue mere Sh wt RED TAPE AUTHORITy aon 2) ye ty "iene hy ey sped Tape Authority refers ntie Olfice of the President Becta 1 the soem, and that ig oe an ty ee are the functions of 5 td Aut rand verse 2 national getty Pm a onal policy “ne of doing bus a any vaHiOUs CA OF doing by 2 bites ied at Improving the raking) 2 yy for and evaluate the compliane gf oP Mippog, = 5 ‘Act, and issue notice of cored ott arming te ee employees or officials "*"Esnlocacme ia tnwetigation, mote pris rg a open 1 Rete tte aPPOpra agen, oe ASP omplainans ning “ dapedsman and other appropriates teonmend ols, process ani open Sb paragement t0 increase the productiviy en P% tpy esis permitting an licensing agence "cee | isew proposed major relations of yep sited regulatory impact assessments sibs eM Wing tote determined by the Authority Proportional ues «Gat regulatory management ai sLGUsto comply with sud eu ee SPAN | Pepare, in consultation with the appropri sp ubtey munagement manuals for all gmemm ‘ssrumentalities and LGUs; Srremment genes “adr $a ey 1 cay tot ws mh te 5, tah cae the a sis wince 208 ASCH Pos iy so. Provide tei a egisation regulations or pray popes ne rn and public aces ete 1, Eure the dierent aystem and changes in laws ans i rey cng rn acy SMe ee ‘of the CSC, DTI and other eae ane fever met 1 ate a npones and chon Ped . —_ nt vo rmach asanay Teco HEI eg ad Proedares-Al ies, sing Stes and Pros ee etn cs hey aed ory Oe and motion ues undewe e ri stom systems td proctiten agra teduceburnucate red tape meee bees ‘created in this Ac ye Ante Tape thor, Racy Tn pent ons covered under Scion 3of this Ainge a owe eccuve tmuances and eel dns oe the repeal ofthe same if deemed outdated reduney renner ey burden tothe Waencting pie i regu of oveTne oC NES, At ago rely impo semen To eae se decent ad nd olny bere Rope nh applicant or equi Pres Panag thee “erry ay proposed regulation may” days erento oases regultry impact ia immo is Act all LGUs and NGAS diced wig ven ing plies and operations and commen i tek opm abd pocetire i oabacr at, mt ps ht preg the tpyeval of Co blenny Ta reuttins GRR) ret he i fmprovement of thet rae if deemed necessary © CITIZEN’S CHARTER. |All government agencies including departments, bureaus, ix instrumentals, or government-owned andor -contrlled corporat rs atl 5 YP Pe mt ay cs oven a8 the Citizens Charter nt 4 Upday gs whit re, in theit respective webs x Of oes or at ot riven ether in English, Filipino, opin the ye °F pub Pec et “ie td ist oro obtain a particular servic Ri EP ja responsible fr each te ; uit time £0 conch the proces, ts to be presented bythe ae men Pan gy of ees necesay; and faa 4 cedure fo fling complin~ CONTACT POLICY 180° anyone yar ty mee apr posing pry conceming m ppt ost Ore tp Fo cried Paes mew a pce ee panded by Scan Seen en tions shall be coursed through such system, all wees AS all ‘ding LGUs shall adopt a zero-contat policy. "SM Agencies RULES IN ACCESSING GOVERNMENT SERVICES nN SERVICES |(CEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS OR REQUESTS VAM fers or employees shall cept ites andor documents being submited by plan ihe offices or agencies. ae 1 Tie mesiving ofcer or empl employee shall perm priming assessment of the application or request submitted with tre ad documents to ensure a more mae eens o ensure 3 meee eis cn nt pan sue The receiving officer or employe sllimdatck. nore te pplication, requests, ousting parties of ant oF Fe mens ster. a offer or employee shall assign a uni umber 9 2 umber al applicant 4, The receiving m aboquent tansactions between he goy nesters party regarding such specge esting paty f any deficiency in ret shal be limited to thos nerang ich ere nay et 1B dng be the es ny lean pplication of request which shall ter or employee shall 184 an sekngy, ng the ssa of the age, the name of gy ane of ey eceipt cota jovee hisher unitand designation and fcr orem rh pplication oF reques OS RIBED PERIODS TO PROCESS: All pplication : Cr ey Orel” My subi re peserbed processing time stated sree tngeha Se ae [TPROF TRANSACTION —| = pplication oF Since by applic oF pes of # government office or agency which Se require ministerial ary ason tbe pat othe public ster or employee oF boar which present only tRonseguential oes forthe “Son by an olier or Teper of sid government otice as [_FERIOD TORE i 3 work ing days 1 recat Aa inthe Citizen'sCh i applications or quests submitted by applicants or reuesting. parties of a government ‘fice which necessitate evaluation in the resolution of complicated issues by an officer or employee of said 7 working days fom daa receipt ee pF TRANSACTION— GE TRANSACTION Siew] (aon tipy the office concerned Bch ues the we of | an . i edge sree a| ine etemined by ain i We POC enor ie io rn ie | ons oF NES. : ch pos anger be os ioe safety, public morals, i se 0 ball rere the eel he ee Seggmin ng Bayan, Segginin Peer of the Sagniang wn these may 8) sn wil 1 IXTENSTION: The maximum tne p * ay ance for the a cedars ye or the sme umber eet Ghinen's Chater roe othe lapse of te pray aa ns stove maybe extended rr, ote enn fr he cae na eng pay erica Sara en ested. Suh writen no bs By the applicant or requesting pay saves ctetranne ee PENSION OF PERIOD TO PRocgs. relay if OFC MAEUTE OF natura ee V0r mg. sag estate a the eter whic et aapoeroed of mona sya al ng tmesmanat inthis Actshaltbg a, “, ep idjustments shall be made, . mod Q ters : “employee tansiting with the wer ith 3 a Tego BO ‘ sistancelComplaints Desk— Each oi pment of Pali ; erry ampli deskinl eo oan sistance’ en se srOMATIC APPROVAL OR EXTENSio) A CE, PERMIT, CeRtinie, LICENSE, CLEARANCE, 1 CERTIFICAT oR AUTHORIZATION Sp epee raaae Leen mr sceneries rr en ee a oe CE a en tr She enh rl ot a ee 1 ag meee eae an Roo" pI og this Act shall provide a isting oF gpl! tr, et appiaions and cts why A py sein poles ls ortopubic panes pl MATTERS f — Speer Ss A So rsp a ment erica .. ed in writing. © pay elaine ting 1 ae apie name othe Person making eo 1 of application or request is deemed to hays os ee learance {00 the highest suber ote oie OF AREY Coneeed, oe sygraTiN OF SIGNATORIES er of gnats tony document ht nent gnatures which shall represent oy agar Oey concerned: Provided, That in i business or oficial leave, an the deni a sis upon which Such denial sbaseg a bee made with ty hg radon reese ee wen ES Bec mre ret NC, erm cericton mechanism 6 abo JONS_OF _LICEN: incite sanay sr urngege ecm isin ame = tetera ie IN OF WORKIN “s * ‘OUESTING PARTIES cc which ender goveine and ge tse ice wo corre tata open. shel rica, in their premises prior to the - aut in snd even ring onc beget om of ces Hoon work rz wo ae Wil re eaten working hours “y 7 ECL_FIRE sary ‘gnc. OSHENEE STONES FBRELSSUAN ay FIC sl 0 be age = Beane of . aplication the FSIC already ugg Fen ag eb fii ag yg en erty 3 TTC tape 5 Reenter ela xr to, peet he FIC othe ym sa fetap ofthe FIC the negatielPstve is Pgs 2 all inform the BFP and sub nae, Bens a guement evasion modicton or any Sterations are made ‘incon ulingsruco 2 vimf he busines pom MY Om peer arn ugh nepativepostiv st ihn the yg se itom the sppiation of busines renewal, the busin? er she tempor aid SIC ad, foe age be deemed tomatic enews of the usin pe th a erieation ofr incident fr fi inurany p ‘Sinn cave be longer than tventy (20) working das and gt se ony once for another twenty (20) working day : ie ea speci tres es her Be en) working days 0 working date tes 2b LU, ag + Seal! Sed by NGA : authority 0 approve oy gant it, certificat ISAPProve an 92 rece PET cern or sue ne Pe Hie, 2PDUSON hall be deem ok" eet peal oe apo EP Seer te ody ne 'herey Pree ners and other communi a Nat association shall be given fen (0) Ny dlesranes he rr tt atten te members ofthe aan pune A we 1 Ne 7 eer ent eee and Homeowners Asiana Eye eta period of tty) working day SL Ta 2 ek de give ts consent or disapproval Progen Pome ie pring ato haa ge rent rar ed he ee cases thal may Be taken by the apliag PG i the applicants {il suing pry, . ee bareucratc ed ap, se gran oy munication Dir = ots anette rata pas hein establishing, operating and maintaining che yA cee pet ney a Iatene ss acental system orev apptsend ep age fnvolving business-related transactions, neh, Tai were an te nce in iy a scrape ocr te ee gain ela ta ah esneg ae tn nin hu ten cen _athoratons issued by the LGUs: Provided, Tat the CBP may also provide ations and pure etation wih the Nation! Povey ¢ Ct es are gu oma, eI a sn io eg Nerf ope” 2 = a aaa ‘Sets signa oN undied 1. implement se DICT gram fr ncn eT eens Pera enh eA and UU ey cr mcntenn wn oe SEY NG, nC dca AMPH aed nag conduct ire exstnce ofthe CBP andthe improved Sting Sat cen or PROCEDURES IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT Uyy,. mandated o implement the following revised gy coment ttre. we unified business application form shay Pri ats alte information ofthe appcang or S™™¥ nim goverment partments sch pan Mal toes and clearances, bulling clearance, sae 10m tan and ober pele LOU regu gr on ng the fie ceaance rm the Buea of Fe Pgs aie Ya bad talib ein vg Be an att eed ob re a raiye, inte a. aoe a ee hierelod meatal me eens ines deed es of be conrad ea eno: & Kanciog aint failnon eve, cater le at fiSiness ene stop shop, (BOSS) for the city/municipaiy’s bags a ed aig open io ese ae pee meade Caer a ppdiaion sosmon, carwce « Ctethng and Heensing system ore up an et ee on oF authorization shat, ee be eta ch spatcs Neaonye Caney, likes Seer gg, otherwise koowmn athe cin fr ang the en reo gee al be 2 CHIN MEEAENM ny pe plications AMON the LCL yess he peo gr appliations: LGU shall mpegs? Meco TE sins perma eek ca Fie ee REP, and ther wet of at i : ser ot wang lies need in ses peri ee serio Pe moe aca exon nferae 0D pom the ae bese (2) an Pon the tity fy wo hing ia uses FeRsation proces, seni ss quintiles with oi B08 ay Hee fens, ISIS, permis eign TP ai thesame level of 2uthorty, which ny hep big evict tT OT es are for the computerization oth area ae, ie The DICT, DTL, and DILG, shall pane eS icrsing and implementation ofa compet a nga cag a ta in Fac permiting a Iikensing sytem, eb the transaction requ eat suitements other og Titrot Lined ©, sanitary permit, eine ee 8 "aruns shal ested ogeter withthe aun pg pasines permits shall be valid for 4 peod of one g) “ilincipality may have the option renew busines eee thefirst month ofthe year or on theannivenarydacot aoe ean ay dateof the issuance of clearances and permits res Barangay perma! dng bin de ‘pple, ssued, and collected atthe ciy/muniiay ty in accordance nth the prescribed processing time ofthis Ac Pode, Thee singe in the collections shall be remited tothe respective Barangays Tre

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