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Human Resources Management

Case Study
Problems before covid’19
1) Selection of new employees
2) Employees benefit for new employees
3) Job evaluation
4) Reduce the Stress
5) Career development of existing employees
6) Compensation on performance based
7) Lack of diversity
Problems after covid’19
1) Lay off some employees
2) Motivation
3) Performance management

Solution of problems before covid’19

1) Selection of new employees:-
As a Hr manager 1st problem I am facing is the
Selection of new employees in the organization I have various methods to
solve this problem.
First of all for the purpose of selecting employees for the
organization is the 1st step is initial screening of the persons who have applied
for the job to take interviews of the applicants to find best possible applicants
for the organization. Applications forums of all candidates to know the abilities
and knowledge of candidates. After it I will do some employees testing to
check their abilities and style of work. How they perform their certain work
within the organization their thoughts and views about the organization.
After that I will take comprehensive
interviews of that candidates to check their motivation for the work their
ability to work in a pressure situation.The change of acceptance in
candidates.These all things are not in applications forum of candidates.To
observer these things comprehensive interviews are necessary. To these
employees I will over conditional job for some period of time. In which the
medical test of candidates is necessary to find out that candidates are
physically fit for the work or not. Also I will investigate the background of the
candidate to find out about them that they are legal to work within the
country. Their extra abilities for the work.
The candidate whom passed the following procedure
and tests I will offer them permanent job to such employees.
2) Employees benefits for new employees:-
As a Hr manager the second problem is for
me to provide employees benefits to the new employees for this purpose
following steps are necessary.
1) For the better life standard organization will provide some
benefits to the new employees according to their relevant
position in the company.
2) For the ease of employees I as Hr manager to provide him
medical health benefits to him and his family.
3) If a employee loss its income or happens prematured
death or in case of unemployment company will pay some
Compensations or money to the employees in such
4) If an employees is performing well I will provide him some
incentives to encourage him.
5) To ensure employees that after retirement company will
provide them some retirement funds like pensions and
The main purpose of giving all these benefits to
the employees are that it will protect and encourage them to
work in a better way for the organization.
3) Job evaluation of new employees:-
The third problems is the job evaluation of
new employees the main purpose of job evaluation is to rank the
employees within the organization for this purpose I will rank employees in
the organization. Rank the employees on the level of difficulty on which
they are performing job in the company the person whose job is most
difficult will be ranked higher.
After it I will classified employees on their grades and skills the
employees with high skills and grades will be rank higher this is best way for
the ranking. The person with the high skills and knowledge will be paid
highly. After all this process it will be easy for me to rank the employees
according to their work. And to provide salaries to the employees according
to their higher and lower rank.
4) Career development of existing employees:-
Next main problem is to develop the
career of employees to introduce them with the new technologies of the market
to improve their knowledge and with the new innovations in the organizations.
For this purpose company have to train the employees. And to teach them the
new software company have to arrange training sessions and programs. It will
help the employees in developing their skills. By this organization is providing its
employees career development opportunities it will help them in future to grow
their careers in a better way. It also helps the company in a manner in which their
employees will me more qualified and they will work more effectively.
5) Reduce stress of company:-
The other problem is that company has stress on it
because labor union is pressurizing company that why they didn't valued the
existing employees for the new projects and they hired the new ones for that
purpose. Now as a Hr manager its my responsibility to reduce the stress on
As a Hr manager I will communicate with the union to convince them
that the existing employees are not capable of meeting the needs of current
project for that purpose company have to hire the new employees. But now
organization will work on the career development of employees because
company don’t want any kind of strike or any turnover of employees. So avoid
this situation also company will provide them some incentives.
6) Compensation on performance based:-
Other one is to give compensations to
employees on the performance of them. As a Hr manager its my responsibility
to give compensations to such employees which work day and night for the
company and its reputation. Employees give their valuable time to the
organization they use their skills and knowledge into their work for the better
outcome. Employees which are achieving goals of organization in a better
company will reward them with the time to time bonuses. To increase their
dedication towards work and to motivate the employees company will give
them incentives. Regarding to this its encourage and motivate the employees
for the work and they will work to achieve the goals of company in much
better way.
7) Employees Diversity:-
Other problem is the diversity of employees within the
organization. Diversity is important in that manner to work freely and in a
good environment with in the organization it means the differentiation of
persons on their backgrounds color age is not necessary it creates barriers in
work freely environment. If a person is different from other in a race color or
language its doesn't matter. The main thing is that they know their work
properly or not the main thing is to achieve the goals of the company. If their
minds let them to focus on such things like color racism or age it will effect the
company and It will increases the conflicts so to make their environment good
company will train them to cooperate with each other to communicate the
aims and goals of company with each other easily
Problems after covid’19:-
1) Layoff some employees:-
After the arrival of covid’19 everything is change around
the around governments are imposing lockdowns throughout their countries
to avoid pandemics situation. As Government imposed such law in our
country. Every kinds of businesses are closed and stop running so company
have to layoff such employees for its betterment because in this pandemic
situation company cant survive with these large number of employees.
For this purpose those employees which performance is absolutely weak and
not up to the mark company will layoff them permanently to avoid extra
expenses of giving them salaries and benefits. And also company will layoff
such employees temporary for that purpose if the situation is normalize
company will recall them again. Because company don’t wall to lose its all
2) Motivation:-
The next problem is that to motivate the remaining employees
of the company because its necessary for the company that their employees
continue their work from their homes. Motivation is necessary because before
covid’19 company was in a good phase and progressing very well if after that we
do not motivate the employees it will effect the company work. So we do not let
them ease and relax and keep motivated them towards the work. if they are
doing good after that company will provide them Compensations, incentives, and
bonuses on their performance.
3) Performance management:-

As a Hr manager the next problem is to give

suggestions and recommendations to the boards of company. As a Hr manager
I will suggest the boards of the company to set the aim and goals which
company wants to achieve in near future. As they set their goals I will
communicate their plans and goals to the employees of the company and will
ensure them to provide such environmental support to achieve their goals
frequently. In the performance management company will focus on every goal
and performance of every employee on individual and group basis. To get the
goals in efficient manner manage the particular tasks of the company.

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