CL Final Exam

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Personally, a kingdom for me is an enormous castle that a person ruled known to be the king.

In the story
of “The Kingdom of Israel” shows several wisdoms for us people to attained. The story is about the
people of Israelites who chose a king that could rule them with certain conditions. However, before they
possibly had a king there are men and women who will consider the right judgement for choosing a king.

The twelve (12) Judges that holds the authority and power of establishing legitimacy and peace for
Israel’s need are; Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon,
and Samson. These Judges has given task to keep the faith of Israelites to God and save them to their
The Characteristics and brief story of each twelve Judges are different with each other so let me tell each
of them according to the org. The Beginners guide to the Bible by Jeffery Kranz and Judges of Israel and
lessons we can learn from them;

 Othniel was a descendant of the Judah tribe. His title, which translates to "lion of God," seems
appropriate given that he conquered a Canaanite city populated by enormous people. After Othniel
overpowered his forces, the Jews enjoyed peace for forty years—not until he died.
 Ehud, whose name means “where’s the glory?” is acknowledge for two things:
1. Being left-handed
2. Brutally killing the king of the Moabites
The Lord "gave Eglon king of Moab dominion over Israel" when Othniel died and the Israelites relapsed
into disobedience. Ehud said to Eglon, "I have a message from God for you," before slicing the king open
with his sword in the king's private upper apartment. Moab became subject to Israel, and there was peace
for 80 years until Ehud died.
 Shamgar, which means "son of Anath," can also mean "Anathite." Shamgar "saved Israel," yet it says
nothing about how he brought about an era of peace, and intriguingly.
 The only female judge and one of the few female prophets was Deborah of the tribe of Ephraim. She
helped Barak of Naphtali in leading an army that prevailed over the Canaanite king Jabin and his
commander Sisera. Deborah is the sole character in the book of Judges who appears to be acting in a
really judicial capacity. Her spirituality and wisdom won her the title "mother in Israel," and she
maintained peace in the country for 40 years.
 One of the most well-known and significant judges from the Book of Judges is Gideon. More lines
than any other judge is devoted to him. While he is included among the judges, it is interesting to note
that the Bible never specifically refers to him as a judge or claims that he "saved Israel," as we do
with the majority of the other judges.
 Tola's origins as a member of the Issachar tribe are all that is known about him. He was exalted by
God to preserve Israel, and he oversaw its affairs for 23 years. He belonged to the Issachar tribe, and
Dodo was his grandpa. Tola was buried in Shamir after passing away. The Bible claims that Tola
"rose to preserve Israel," although it is unclear from what he protected them.
 Jair, whose name means "God illuminates," was a member of the Manasseh tribe. He was given a 22-
year term as Israel's judge by God. He was famous for having 30 sons who had 30 towns and rode 30
 When the Israelites were being persecuted by the Ammonites, the elders of Israel called for Jephthah,
a member of the Manasseh tribe. Initially, Jephthah tried to resolve the conflict by negotiation, but
when that failed, he assembled an army to battle the Ammonites, and God guided them to victory.
 After Jephthah, Ibzan of Judah oversaw the government of Israel, however it is unknown if he
engaged in any military conquests during those seven years. He also had 30 daughters and 30 boys.
Additionally, each of his children's marriages to non-tribal people is listed.
 Elon was a judge over Israel for ten years. His name, which means "oak" tree, may have symbolized
his power.
 Ephraimite judge Abdon presided over Israel for eight years. He had a sizable family, with 40 sons
and 30 grandchildren, similar to Ibzan and Jair, and given that they rode 70 donkeys, he may have
been fairly affluent. Another ancient city that belonged to the Asher tribe was Abdon.
 Samson was destined from birth to free Israel from the Philistines. God gave him extraordinary power
as part of his calling. Samson is without a doubt the most physically powerful character in the Bible,
and God essentially employs him as a tool of chaos to subdue the Philistines. He performed several
miraculous deeds, including the one that resulted in his demise, because of the strength he received
straight from the Lord's Spirit.
As I read their individual story, I have come to realize that each of them really strives to give their best to
protect and save the people of Israelites from wrong doings. The two (20) judges I admire are Deborah
and Samson.
The reason that I chose Deborah is because of how accurate she judges and the way she handles her
battles. The support she gives to Barak for them to defeat the enemy king Jabin and his commander
For the reason of choosing samson as my second judge is because his power, which came directly from
the Spirit of the Lord, enabled him to do a number of miraculous deeds, including the one that resulted in
his demise. In my Understanding the reason why he has this kind of control is he give a faithful trust to
God and given him his strength.
In reality this teaches us how to be a good leader for handling situation that we can only handle. We must
not forget that in everything that we do is God will always be there for us like how we are with him. The
faith that we give to him is always and forever be

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