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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Shade the letter on the answer sheet provided.

1. A web page that allows interaction from the user

A. Static C. social
B. Dynamic D. comment

2. This is the operating system for blackberry phones.

A. Blackberry OS C. Windows Mobile
B. Symbian D. iOS

3. Pinterest is a social media website that can be classified as

A. Bookmarking site C. microblogging
B. Media sharing D. blogs and forums

4. Currently, this is the fastest mobile network.

A. 2G C. 4G
B. 3G D. 5G

5. This media is designed to help people who have visual and reading
A. Assistive C. bookmark
B. Social D. accessibility

6. This type of social media website focuses on short updates posted by the
A. Blogging C. social media
B. Microblogging D. hash tagging

7. What is Netiquette?
A. The proper use of manners C. Being mean to other people
and etiquette on the Internet. on Facebook.
B. Using a net to catch fish. D. Using proper manners at the
dinner table.

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8. What harmful online program is used to record keystrokes done by users to steal
A. Adware C. Fear of spyware
B. Spyware D. Fear of losing important files

9. It is the most known and most used search engine.

A. Baidu C. Google
B. Yahoo D.

10. Arrange the commands in the correct order when doing a contextualized online
I. Open the Google site, on the upper right side of the window, click the Google Apps
icon and click search.
II. On the lower right part of the window, click Settings and the Google Search
Settings pop-up list will appear.
III. Click Advanced search and the Advanced Search window will appear.
IV. Type the keywords that you would like to search and click the Advanced Search

11. Which of the following cannot be considered as a guide in identifying the good
source from the information?
A. Ask someone knowledgeable and C. Click any sites that appeared as a
get to know the site source of information
B. Always be cautious and read the D. all of the above
contents of the source

12. These are Software Systems designed to search information on the World Wide
A. Search Bar C. Search Engine
B. Search Tool D. Search Application

13. The skill refers to the ability to produce good and continuous searches.
A. Thinking Skill C. Research Skill
B. Learning Skill D. Production Skill

14. This is collectively organizing gathered data and ensuring tracking of specific
A. Critical Thinking C. Research Presenting
B. Data Organizing D. None of the above

15. What is the motion effect or movement that you can apply to a text and objects
such as clip art, shapes, and pictures?
A. Trasition B. Animaton C. Artistic Effect D. Slide Show

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16. PowerPoint is best described as .
A. Presentation software C. Drawing Software
B. Database software D. Desktop publishing software

17. Which of the following statements below describe the function of playback
A. It gives false information about your video
B. The slideshow will end after clicking insert
C. The slideshow will start after clicking playback
D. It provides option on how the movie will be played and displayed during
the slideshow

18. To adjust or edit the picture in slide, press right click then select ______.
A. Pictures C. Format picture
B. Change position D. Change picture

19. How can you add video?

A. Click insert > choose in video folder > insert
B. Right click > video and choose locate folder then press okay
C. Click insert > video then choose if Online View or Video on my PC > choose
video folder > Okay
D. Click insert > video then choose if Online View or Video on my PC > choose
video folder > insert

20. Juan wants to link the slide 1 to slide 3, what action will he do?
A. Right click > hyperlink > place this link
B. Right click > link > place this hyperlink
C. Right click > link > create new document
D. Right click > link > place in this document

21. What specific application allows you to create slide presentation for lecture or
topic that motivates and persuade the audience?
A. Outlook C. Spreadsheet
B. Presentation D. Word

22. Which of the following buttons will you click to insert image?
A. Audio C. Pictures
B. Online View D. Videos

23. Which of the following is NOT true about PowerPoint presentation?

A. It becomes more interesting to the audience
B. It allows to use images, videos, audio, and animation
C. It can be boring because of verbose rather than graphics
D. It helps the presenter to catch the attention of the audience

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24. Rey wants to start his slideshow using the keyboard. What function he needs
to press?
A. Ctrl+P C. F1
B. Ctrl+S D. F5

25. If you wanted to share your travel, food, and cultural experiences in different
places, which online platform will you use?
A. Cloud Computing C. File Management
B. Mapping D. Webpage Creation

26. Which situation will be best addressed by mapping platforms?

A. Grace wanted to connect to her distant relatives in the province.
B. Ramon’s boss asks him to create a jingle for their new bread product.
C. Dona will have to present a business proposal next week for her client.
D. Aldrin wanted his gym’s location to be easier to find by his potential clients.

27. It allows you to create, edit and display the text in the image.
A. Text Tool C. Pencil Tool
B. Paintbrush Tool D. Airbrush Tool

28. Which situation is not suitable if a person will use audio and visual content tools
and applications?
A. Editing videos for instructional Zumba.
B. Mixing music for the cultural dance presentation.
C. Surveying people about their preference in visual arts.
D. Creating infographics about the importance of wearing face mask.

29. How do you open a new document in GIMP?

A. Click File then New C. Click File the Open
B. Click File then Save D. Click File then Import

30. Rex wants to insert an image using editor. What will be his first step?
A. Click File > Open C. Click Open > Okay
B. Click Open > Okay D. Click File > Insert

31. If you receive a text or email from someone you don't know, what should you do?
A. Open it immediately and reply. D. Leave it in your inbox until you
B. Call the police. figure out who it is.
C. Delete it without opening it.

32. To avoid being cyber-bullied you should always…

A. Give out personal information to anyone who asks
B. Strike first – post mean things about other people on your Wall on Facebook.
C. Observe proper netiquette rules.
D. Ignore any requests from people to be your friend online.

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33.Your family is going out on a vacation. What should you do?
A. Post pictures when you return home.
B. Post the dates you will be gone online.
C. Post updates of where you are currently checking in hotels or places.
D. Tell no one. Vacations are for getting away.

34. Your social media friends list should only be composed of ____________.
A. Your favorite celebrity C. Anyone who sends you a friend request
B. Family and friends D. Foreigners

35. This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate
information through tagging.
A. Hashtags B. Folksonomy C. Taxonomy D. Rich user experience

36. A feature of a dynamic website that allows users to put their own content.
A. Rich user experience B. Long tail
C. User participation D. Mass participation

37. It provides a common framework to allow data to be shared and reused across
platform, enterprise, and community boundaries.
A. W3C B. Semantic web C. Web 1.0 D. Web 2.0

38. This media is designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
A. Assistive B. Social C. Bookmark D. Accessibility

39. When you are making up a username for email and instant messaging, you
A. Always use your real name.
B. Use a name that does NOT reveal your true identity.
C. Use a name that gives good clues about who you really are.
D. Use the full name when making username and password.

40. With your secret codes and passwords, you should:

A. Give them only to your best friends.
B. Give them to strangers.
C. Never give your passwords, except to your parents.
D. Never gives except your boyfriend.
41. When someone asks for personal information like phone numbers or addresses
online, you should .
A. Give the information to anyone who asks because it's the polite thing to do.
B. Post the information on any public Web site like MySpace, so anyone can find it.
C. Never give out personal information online in emails or instant messages because
you never know who you are really communicating with.
D. Give the information to anyone who asks because it is mandatory.

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42. When you are filling out forms or surveys online, you should .
A. Answer all the questions truthfully.
B. Before you answer any questions, you should get your parents' approval.
C. Make up funny answers to all the questions.
D. Get the payment before you agreed to answers.

43. When online friends say they want to meet you in person, you should .
A. Go ahead, make plans and meet them wherever and whenever they want.
B. Inform your parents and make sure that you meet where there are a lot of people
C. Never meet anyone in person that you met online, it’s just not safe.
D. Go and meet them without telling your parents.

44. When you get an email or instant message from people you don't know, you
A. Ignore it and put it in your trash folder.
B. Respond with a polite how-do-you-do.
C. Forward the message to your best friends.
D. Reply and get angry.

45. When you receive an email with an attachment that you were NOT expecting
from a friend, you should: .
A. Open the attachment without thinking about it.
B. Ask a friend if you think it's okay to open the attachment.
C. Ask your parents if it is okay to open the attachment.
D. Ignore and Don’t open the attachment.

46. In what area of GIMP you can find the paintbrush tool?
A. Toolbox C. Tool Area
B. Tool Options D. Work Area

47. Ana wants to create a circle shape in the image she is editing. What tool she
needs to click in the toolbox?
A. Path Tool C. Free Tool
B. Rectangular Tool D. Ellipse Tool

48. Trisha wants to open her file. The fastest way she can do it is by pressing the
function _______.
A. Ctrl+S C. Ctrl+Q
B. Ctrl+O D. Ctrl+V

49. It contains tools for editing and enhancing images.

A. Tool Bar C. Menu Bar
B. Work Area D. Layers Window

50. How do you save your work in GIMP editor?

A. From the File option, select the Save As option and save your work in the

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desired directory.
B. From the Edit option, select the Save As option and save your work in the desired
C. From the Select option, select the Save As option and save your work in the
desired directory.
D. From the File option, select the Open option and save your work in the desired

51. What should you do to avoid being cyber-bullied?

A. Observe proper netiquette rules
B. Give out personal information to anyone who asks
C. Ignore any requests from people to be your friend online
D. Strike first - post mean things about other people on your
Facebook Wall

52. A skill that involves the ability to reflect and analyze on the
information presented.
A. Critical Thinking
B. Data Organizing
C. Research Presenting
D. None of the above

53. As a student, you are responsible when a specific information was presented to
you. Which of these cannot be done upon searching?
A. Ask someone knowledgeable and get to know the site.
B. Always be cautious and read the contents of the source
C. Click any sites that appeared as a source of information
D. Navigate around the internet, and check if the site is alleged as satirica

54. You've been sent a virus warning, what should you do now?
A. Ignore it.
B. Forward it within your company.
C. Forward it to everyone in your address book.
D. Go to a security Web site to learn if it is a real virus.

55. What do you think is the main reason why we online navigate?
A. To be more technology-based.
B. To be more comfortable searching.
C. To be more precise on the information.
D. To be more dependent on the internet.

56. Which of the following is a digital service that enables collaboration between two
or more different but interdependent groups of users who interact through the
A. Word Processor C. Online Platform
B. World Wide Web D. ICT Content Development

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57. What type of online platform is Facebook?
A. Web Page Creation C. Social Media
B. Cloud Computing D. Dating App

58. Which of the following platforms can be used for online community connections
and networking?
A. Dropbox C. Twitter
B. Evernote D. Weebly

59. Which type of online platform will you use if you want to back up your file in your
computer to the online storage?
A. iCloud Computing C. Mapping
B. File Management D. Social Media

60. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of online platforms and applications?
A. repairing computers C. organizing files
B. sharing information D. market place

61. Which of the following is not true about online creation tools and applications?
A. They perform specific task.
B. They do not require installation on computers.
C. They are combination of different technologies that are set in one place.
D. They can be accessed anytime and anywhere if the user is connected to the

62.Which of the following is the best platform to use if you want to advertise your
clothing line business?
A. Social Media C. File Management
B. Mapping D. Presentation/ Visualization

63.If you wanted to share your travel, food and cultural experiences in different
places, which online platform will you use?
A. Cloud Computing C. File Management
B. Mapping D. Social Media

64.Which of the following is the least priority in choosing online creation tools,
platforms, and applications for ICT development?
A. Affordability C. Collaborative Features
B. Browser Support D. Security

65.Which of the following is NOT true about online platforms?

A. Online platforms can be a marketplace.
B. Online platforms are run by several applications.
C. Online platforms are fixed and cannot be modified.
D. Online platforms interact between two or more users.

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66. In figure 1.4, what formula will you use in getting the sum of values 4 and 3?
A. =A1+B1
B. =A1+A2

Figure 1.4

67. What is the correct average function in computing the average value of number of
examinees from the month of January to March in figure 1.5?
A. =AVE(B2+B3+B4/3)
B. =AVE(B2+B3+B4)/3
D. =AVERAGE(B2:B4)/3
Figure 1.5

68. What is the best way to design the layout for your slides?
A. Create layouts for slides, handouts, and notes using the Master Layout dialog box in
slide master view
B. For each new slide, select a layout from the Slide Layout task plane
C. Apply templates from the Slide Design task plane
D. Create a slide in a word window environment

69. Using a custom animation effect, how do you make the text appear on a slide letter
by letter?
A. Apply the animation scheme Fade in one by one.
B. Apply an entrance effect, and then set it to by letter in the Effect Options dialog box.
C. Apply the Fly In entrance effect to the text, and then set its speed to Very Slow.
D. Apply the color scheme darker to lighter

70. How will you compute the total sales in Figure 1.6?

Figure 1.6

A. =SUM(D4+D13) B. =SUM(D4-D13)
C. =SUM(D4:D13) D. =TOTAL(D4:D13

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71. How will you get the number of items under Food category in Figure 1.7?
A. =COUNTIF(“Food”) B. =COUNTIF(C4:C13,”Food”)
C. =COUNTIF(B4:B13.”Food”) D. =COUNTIF(”Food”,C4:C13)

72. If you will compute the average sales of Non-food in figure 1.7, what will be your
range in your AVERAGEIF formula? analysis
A. B4:B13 B. C4:C13 C. D4:D13 D. “Non-food”

73. How will you delete the slide currently displayed in the Slide pane?
A. select the Delete Slide command.
B. press the Backspace key.
C. select the Removal command, type the slide number in the dialog box and then ok
D. select the Exit command.

74. Which of the following are slide layouts?

A. Title Slide B. Blank Slide
C. Multimedia Slide D. All the above

75. Which of the following cannot be placed on a single slide?

A. Two different color schemes B. WordArt
C. Organization Chart D. Excel Spreadsheet

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