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Technical Information

Replaces the Technical Information dated 03.04.07 Update: 19.04.12


In order to use a photoemulsion, a so-called sensitizer has to be added. This sensitizer must be able to
use the energy of light to activate a chemical reaction: the hardening/ cross-linking of an emulsion.
Exceptions are the so-called photo-polymer-emulsions (generally based on SBQ = Stilbenium
quarternized) which are being sensitized during the manufacturing process; usually there is no need to
sensitize these emulsions additionally.

For making screen printing or textile printing emulsions sensitive to light, generally diazo sensitizers are
used. A distinction is drawn between liquid diazo oils and diazo powder. So-called dual-cure diazo
emulsions are sensitive to light even without diazo. The emulsified phase hardens with the help of photo
initiators; the diazo, however, is still needed to harden the water soluble phase and is therefore
responsible for the imaging, i.e. for generating the stencil. Those parts of the stencils which are not
reached by the UV light (film cover) stay water soluble and get removed during developing.

For optimum UV reactions, diazo sensitized screen printing and textile printing emulsions need different
concentrations of diazo compounds. Therefore KIWO allocates different diazo numbers to the respective
emulsions. This applies for diazo oils and diazo powders.

Also essential for the optimum UV reaction is the quality of the insolating UV light. The absorption
maximum of diazos can be found at approx. 370-375 nm, i.e. preferably use UV sources with highest
emission possible of approx. 350 and 400 nm; gallium-endowed metal halide lamps fulfil this requirement
very well.


Type and quantity of our diazo sensitizers are exactly adjusted to the respective emulsion, generally they
cannot be interchanged. Also, sensitizing only partial quantities, as used to be done with chrome
emulsions, should remain undone due to the resultant imprecision.

Highly viscous diazo oils are indeed liquid, however, are being be dissolved distilled water and can
then be added to basic emulsion. To achieve constant results, always use the same recommended
amount of water in the dissolving process. Notice, the specific weight of the sensitizer dilution is higher
than the one of the emulsion itself; therefore stir thoroughly

To dissolve powder diazos is a more complicated process: There are 100 ml bottles for the a 900 g
units of emulsion and 250 ml-bottles for the 4,5 kg units. The 100 ml-bottles are filled with approx ¾ of
distilled water. Shake well several times and check the dilution. Depending on type and age of the diazo,
the dilution properties of the powder may vary. Therefore it might be required to prolong the dissolving
time or to accelerate the dissolving process by heating up the mixture (max. 30-40°C). After pouring the
clear, dissolved part of the diazo into the emulsion, add some more water (approx. ¼ of the bottle) to the
remaining, non dissolved part and shake well again. Few non dissolved particles will dissolve in the
emulsion. Do not stir the pure diazo powder into the emulsion, unless the diazo type is especially
selected for this form of application. The same procedure applies for the 250 ml bottles and 4,5 kg of
emulsion, however, the dissolving procedure is being repeated with a complete bottle (2 x 250 ml) to get
the complete 500 ml diazo dilution for a 4,5 kg unit of emulsion. Thus you receive a 5 kg sensitized,
ready-to-use emulsion.

This data sheet is for your information, a legally binding guarantee of the product's suitability for a particular application cannot be derived. No responsibility can be
undertaken for occurring damages. Our products are subject to a continuous production and quality control and leave our factory in perfect condition.
. . . .
KISSEL + WOLF GmbH In den Ziegelwiesen 6 D-69168 Wiesloch Telefon ++49 62 22 /5 78-0 Telefax ++49 62 22/5 78-100
Technical Information
Page 2 of 2
update: 19.04.12

When working with coarse mesh, in particular cases a higher viscosity of the emulsion is needed. This
can easily be achieved using less water for dissolving the diazo powder. However, here the result must
be evaluated thoroughly in order to avoid non dissolved diazo particles producing pinholes during

The shelf live of aqueous diazo solutions is very short, they cannot be stored. Sensitize the respective
emulsion immediately after the dissolving process. Do not wait longer than one hour.

When adding the diazo solution to the emulsion, usually there is air being stirred into the mixture. In
order to avoid coating problems, let the sensitized emulsion degas prior to use. Leave the emulsion
preferable over night, at least several ours, before using it.

HEALTH HAZARDS/ Please follow further information given in the respective material safety data.

STORAGE 1 year at optimum temperatures of 10-25°C (max. 25°) in darkness and dry

Darkness is sufficient in the original set box, use yellow light when storing the
diazo openly. Do not store at all under fluorescent light or sunlight.

Humid climate, especially with changing temperatures, may fatigue the

sealing of the diazo bottle, the diazo may get humid and clotty. Therefore
store the bottles in dry rooms with constant temperatures.

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