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ALMENCION Section Code: 457

For you to get the employer’s attention and convince them to seriously consider you for an interview, a
cover letter needs to include several key elements within a clear format and that includes writing the parts
of a cover letter in a correct format.

Directions: Analyze each item carefully and identify which of the following is the correct writing format in
each letter part. Write (/) if the letter part in each item is CORRECT and write (X) if, otherwise. Write your
answer on the blank after the number.

1. X Dec. 20, 1997

X 20th of Dec. 1997

✓ December 20, 1997

2. ✓ 3 May 1996

X 3 May, 1996

X 3, May 1996

3. X 14 Feb. 1996

X 2/14/1996

✓ 14 February 1996

4. X Mr. Ben S. Langman;

President – XYZ Industries

27, Piras Sta. Cruz Manila

✓ Mr. Ben S. Langman;

President, XYZ Industries
27, Piras Sta. Cruz Manila.

X Mr. Ben S. Langman - President

XYZ Industries
27, Piras Sta. Cruz Manila.

5. ✓ Dear Sir:

X Dear sir:

X Dear Sir;

6. X Dear Shiela;

X Dear Shiela:
✓ Dear Shiela,

7. X Hoping you’ll grant my request.

X Grand my request, I do hope.

✓ I hope you’ll grant my request.

8. X Very Truly Yours,

✓ Very truly yours,

X Very truly Yours,

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