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Instructions: On the blank, write true if the statement is true.

Otherwise, write false.

TRUE. 1. Friction acts opposite to motion.

TRUE 2. The kind of surface of objects that are in contact affects the
amount of friction that exists between them.
True . 3. Smooth surfaces have lesser bumps than rough surfaces.
False. 4. Friction has no effect on the rate at which something moves or
True 5. Rough surfaces have less friction than smooth surfaces.
True 6. Objects move faster when there is high friction between them.
False 7. A bicycle moves faster on a concrete pavement than on a bumpy
False 8. Speed bumps or speed breakers are placed on roads to speed up
passing vehicles.
True 9. The treads on tires prevent the car from experiencing hydroplaning.
True 10. Adding lubricants on machine gears increases its friction which
may cause overheating.
False 11. Gravity is a noncontact force.
True 12. All things with mass are pulled down and attracted to each other
because of gravity.
True 13. The heavier the object, the more it attracts or pulls another object
with lighter mass objects.
True 14. The attraction between Earth and the moon results in the earth’s
True 15. The closer the distance between the centers of two objects with
masses, the lesser is the gravitational force between them.
True 16. When an object is far from the center of another object, its
distance increases the attraction between them.
False 17. An object that is moving upward is faster because of the stronger
gravitational force between the object and the ground.
True 18. An object that is moving downward is slower because of the
weaker gravitational force.
True 19. When an object falls on the ground, it becomes closer to Earth’s
True. 20. An aircraft that is flying does not experience a pull of gravity.

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