Week 7 - Learning Task

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Supposed a law was passed in the Philippines allowing the legalization of same-sex

unions or marriage. Do you think the act of marrying two men or two women together is
moral under the Natural law ethics? Why?

Same-sex marriage is contrary to natural law because it goes against what God truly
intended marriage to be about. Man and woman create a life together. However, for me, if we
are talking about natural, loving someone is the most natural thing that humans do. I know it has
many stigmas, however, no one's religion should hinder people from loving each other. It's not
as if their faith will wither if they were to get married. Let us embrace their freedom by choosing
the identity that they genuinely are. LGBTQ+ just need full acceptance and no discrimination.

Think of at least 2 human laws that are proper extensions of natural law. Explain how this
is an extension of the natural law.

1. The notion that it is widely acknowledged and understood that killing humans is wrong.
However, it is also widely agreed upon that a person should be punished for the
individual's death. It shows that such ideas are something that people perceive naturally
as wrong, even in the absence of law, even the absence of the need for legislation.

2. Once a child is born, two individuals are responsible for raising it as its parents and
primary caretakers. As a result of its intrinsic nature in people and the fact that no
human-made legislation is necessary for people to sense the need to care for their
children, it fits the definition of natural law.

Can you also think of at least 2 human laws that violate the natural law? Explain also
how this is so.

1. Given that it is applied to those who have committed crimes like murder, adultery, and
rape, the death penalty also known as capital punishment is practically thought to be the
right thing to do because it can lower crime rates. However, natural law prohibits such
punishment because not only does it violate the act to live, but it also goes against one
of God's commandments that says "thou shalt not kill." Killing is not always the answer;
there are numerous other options for stopping acts of violence such as spending a lot of
time in jail or other forms of punishment. Also, our justice system is not perfect and we
get things wrong. It is unacceptable that the result of an innocent person being convicted
results in death. It’s not worth the risk.

2. Smoking is against several fundamental human rights, including the right to health, and
especially against natural law because smoking introduces recognized carcinogens that
lead to DNA mutation and the development of bronchial and pulmonary cancers. It also
has an adverse effect on numerous rights, including the right to life, the right to health,
the right to education, and the rights of children and women, among many others, by
encouraging some natural laws to have unfavorable outcomes.

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