1st PUC Physics Manual

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Physics Practical Examination

A. List of experiments
General instructions:
Duration of practical examination: 2 hours.
Vernier Callipers
Maximum marks allotted: 30 marks.
Scheme of valuation 2 Screw gauge 17
A. Weightage of marks
Spherometer 27
SI. No. Particulars Marks Beam balance.
Performing the Experiment 20
The parallelogram law of vector addition.
Viva -voce 04
Practical Record 06 6 Simple pendulum 41
Total 30 Coefficient of friction
B. Distribution of marks for Performing the Experiment 8. Inclined plane
9 Young's modulus by using Searle's apparatus. 55
SL. No. Particulars Marks
10. Spring Constant 63
Writing the principle of the experiment
Boyle's Law 67
Writing the formula and explaining the terms
Writing the diagram/ figure/ circuit with Surface tension of water 73
labeling(At least two parts) 77
Writing the tabular column/ observation 13. Coefficient of viscosity
pattern 14. Newton's Law of cooling 83
Constructing the experimental set up/ circuit
15. Sonometer 89
Performing the experiment and entering the
readingsinto the tabular column/ Observation 4
16. Velocity of sound 99
Substitution and calculation /plotting the graph 7 Specific heat capacity 103
Result with unit
Practical Examination. 1
Total 20 B. Model questions for I PU physies
C. Viva- voce
1. Four questions must be asked and each question carries I mark.
2. The questions in the vi- 2should be simple, direct and related to the
to be pertormed by the student.
DiagramL Experiment No. 1 Date:.
A &B-Lower Jaws
Aim: i) To measure diameter ofa small spherical cylindrical body.
C&D-Upper Jaws
ii) To measure the dimensions of a given regular body of known mass
S Screw
M Main Scale and-hencetedetermine its-densiy-and
ii)To measure the internal diameter and depth of a given cylindrical
V -Venier Scale
N Strip object like beaker glass calorimeter and hence-to calculate-its
O - Object
volumeusingvernier eatlipers
Apparatus: Vernier Callipers, Spherical body, rectangular block of known mass
and cylindrical object like a beaker/ glass/ calorimeter.
Principle: The magnitude of 'n' vernier scale div isions is equal to the magnitude
of(n 1 ) number of main scale divisions.
ZeroError(ZEE n(VSD) =(n-1 )(MSD)
i)To measurediameter of asmallspherical/evlindricalbod:
lLLllLil Value of 1 MSD
ulu T ul Formula:
1) Least Count, LC=
Total number of VSD
o 5 10 0 5 10oj 05 10 2) Total Reading, TR = MSR + (CVD x LC)
Where MSR - Main seale reading
ZE =0 ZE =+ (5 X LC) ZE=- (5 XLC) CVD Coinciding vernier division
Observation 1) The least count of the callipers is found.
Value of 1 MSD =
. ' *Cm
2) When the lower jaws A and B are in contact firmly. the position of the vernier
Total number of VSD =

zero with respect to main scale zero is noted. If the vernier zero coincides with
the mai1 scale zero, then there is no zero error. If not so. there is zero error
Value of 1 MSD The zero error will be positive or negative based on whether the vernier scale
LC Total number of VSD
zero lies either to right or to the left of main scale zero. The number (n) of the
division of the main seale is
ZE vernier scale division
noted. Then zero error, ZE =
eoinciding with
+ nxLC.

3) The spherical/ eylindrical body whose diameter D to be measured is held
between the lower jaws ofthe vernier callipers firmly.
zero against the main scale is noted.
4) The position oft the vernier scale
down main scale reading (MSR) just to the left of vernier scale zero.
5) The number of particular vernier scale division which coincides with some
Tabular Column division of the main scale is noted. This gives coinciding vernier scale
Trial MSR TR Mean TR division (CVD).
Object Dimension CVD n cm
No. in cm in cm
6) The total reading is calculated using the formula TR= MSR + (CVD x LC).
This gives diameter.
7) The experiment is repeated for different positions of the object and readings
Spherical Diameter are tabulated.
8) The mean diameter of the object is found.
9) Zero erTor is subtracted from the mean diameter to get the corrected
diameter D.
Mean Diameter =
Corrected Diameter = Mean Diameter - ZE = .
Calculation Result Diameter D ofthe spherical cylindrical body =
*****r*. Cm
1. Avoid excessive pressure on the jaws of the callipers.
2. Motion of vernier scale on main seale should be made smooth
3. The eye should be kept vertically above the vernier callipers
while recording the reading from it.
Observation i. To measure the dimensions of a given regular body of known mass and
Value of 1 MSD
hence to determine its density
Total number of V SD
Formula: Value of 1 MSD
1) Least Count. LC
Total number of VSD
Value of 1MSD cm
Total number of VSD Total Reading. TR =
MSR + (CVD 1 LC)
Where MSR Main scale reading
CVD Coincid1ng vernier drvison
Tabular Column Densty of rectangular bod
Trial MSR TR Mean TR Mass
Object Dimension
NO. in cm
CVD in cm in cm Pofume
Where fLength
Length h-Heigh
1) After finding least count and zero error. the rectangular body of given mass is
held between two lower jaws of the vernier callipers firmly
2) The total reading is caleulated using the formula. TR =
This gives length of the rectangular body
3) The experiment is repeated for different positions of the obevt along the
Heght length and readings are tabulated. The mean length / of the rectangular bedy s
found. Zero error is subtracted from the mean length to obtain comeceted value
Mean Length Cm 4) In the same way. corrected value of breadth b and the height k are found
Corrected Length ( Mean Length ZE
taa deRsVp ofthe-rociangular budy is calcutated rsng the Rela
Mean Brcadth Cm Mass
Corrected lBrcadth tb Mean Breadth 7T Cm . .In
Mean Heighi
Corrected Heighi (h) Mean Height7F m
Mass of the given body (given), m
Votume. Vtb.h=
Density ofthe given rectangular body. p kgmd
Result: 1. Length ofthe given rectangular body, I =.
2. Breadth of the given rectangular body, b =..
3. Height ofthe given rectangular body, h=. * **** *
4. Density.of the given rectangular body, p
cylindrical object like
Calculation To find the internal depth (h):
1) The edge of the main scale of the callipers is kept on the upper edge of the

Vokre orthecylindriealobject,
2) The moving jaw of the callipers is slided until the tip of the strip touches the
bottom of the beaker
3) The total reading is calculated using the formula, TR = MSR+ (CVD x LC).

This gives internal depth of the beaker.

4) The experiment is repeated for diferent positions on the bottom of the beaker
and readings are tabulated. The mean internal depth is found. Zero error is
subtracted from the mean internal depth to obtain corrected value of internal

depth h of the beaker.

5) Pheinternat-volume-ofthe-beaker-is-caBculated using the corrected values of

thesintermatdianaeter.and.depth,-using the-formula,

Result: 1. Internal diameter ofthe beaker, D =

********** I

2. Internal depth ofthe beaker, h . *********

3. Internal volume of the beaker,

Note: The principle is one and the same for all parts of the experiment

Diagram Experiment No. 2 Date

Aand B -Studs Aim: i) To measure diameter of a given wire.

P Pitch Scale ii) To measure thickness of a given sheet.
H Head Scale
ii) To determine volume of an irregular lamina using screw gauge.
S -Screw Head
O -Object Apparatus: Wire, metallic sheet, irregular lamina, millimetre graph paper, pencil
and screw gauge.
Principle: The linear distance moved by the screw is directly proportional to the
ZeroError(ZE: amount of rotation given to the scerew head.

If the head scale zero coincides with the reference line of the
pitch scale, then there is no error in the instrument and hence
i)Tomeasure diameter ofa given wire:
ZE = 0. Formula: Distance moved on the pitch scale
Number of complete rotations given to the screw head
If the head scale zero is above the referençe line of the pitch 2) Least Count, LC= Pitch
scale, then zero error is negative. ZE -(5 x LC)
Total number of head scale divisions
3) Total Reading, TR = PSR + (HSR x LC)

If the head scale zero is below the reference line of the

Where PSR Pitch scale reading
scale, then zero error is positive. ZE +(5 x LC)
HSR Head scale

Observation Procedure:
Pitch -
Distance moved on the pitch scale
1) A known number ofrotations given to the screw head, distance moved on the
Number of complete rotations given to the screw head
pitch scale is noted and pitch is calculated.

Pitch /1 2) The total number of divisions on the head scale is noted.

3) Least count is found.
Total number of divisions on the head scale 4) When the studs A and B are in contact firmly, the position of the zero ot the
Pitch head scale is observed. The number
COuntTotal number of head scale divisions
of head scale divisions which are below
above the reference line of the
pitch seale is counted. Then zero
ZE = t n xLC

)The given wire is firmly held

ZE =
... . . . .=..-0.05.. mm 2E -5 X LC between the two studs by rotating the serew
X 0 o = -0.05
6) The number of divisio ns uncovered conmpletely on the pitch scale is noted as
Tabular Column
Mean TR pitch reading
scale PSR.
Trial PSR TR
Object Dimension HSR mm scale divisions which coincides with the reference line of
No. in mm in mm 7) The number of head
the pitch scale is noted as head scale reading HSR.
0 50 0.5
8) The total reading is calculated using the formula, TR = PSR + (HSR x LC),
Wire Diameter .5
which gives diameter of the wire.
0. 44
9) The experiment is repeated for different posit ions of the wire and the readings

Mean diameter =... 0.t.. mm are tabulated.

Corrected diameter (D) Mean diameter ZE 10) The mean diameter ofthe wire is found.
. . . . 0 . 5 . f . . mm = 0.54.X0.....m
11) The zero error is subtracted from mean diameter to get corrected value of
diameter of the wire.


Result: The diameter of the given wire as measured by screw gauge = . m

1. The screw must always be turned only in one direction so as to
avoid backlash error.
2. To avoid undue pressure, the screw should always be rotated
by screw head and stopped as soon as it gives one 'tick" sound
3. The screw should move freely without friction.

ii) To measurethickness of agiven sheet:
Observation Formula:
Distance moved on the pitch scale

Distance moved on the pitch scale ) Pitch Number of complete rotations given to the screw head
Pitch Number of complete rotations given to the screw head

2) Least Count, LC
Total number of head scale divisions
Pitch= I m

3) Total Reading, TR =PSR +(HSR x LC)

Total number of divisions on the head Scale =..

Where PSR - Pitch scale reading

CountTotal numberof head scale divisions HSR Head scale reading
ZE 1) After finding least count and zero error, the given sheet is fixed between the

studs of the screw gauge firmly.

Tabular Column
2) The total reading is calculated using the formula, TR = PSR + (HSR x LC)
Trial PSR TR Mean TR
Object Dimension HSR
No. mm in mm in mm which gives thickness of the given sheet.
3) The experiment is repeated for different positions of the sheet and
Sheet Thickness readings are tabulated.

4) The mean thickness of the sheet 1s found.

5) The zero error is subtracted from mean thickness to get corrected value of
Mean thickness =. . . mm
thickness of the shecet
Corrected thickness = Mean thickness -ZE

. . .. 1 1 l . ... . . ..TIl

Result The Thickness ofthe given sheet as measured by screw gauge

**** * i

Observation ii) To determine volume of anirregular lamina:
Distance moved on thepitch scale
1) Pitch Distance moved on the pitch scale
Pitch head
Number of complete rotations given to the screw head
Number of rotations given to the screw
2) Least Count, L
Total number of head scale divisions
Pitch mm
3) Total Reading, TR = PSR +(HSR x LC)
Where PSR - Pitch scale reading
Total number of divisions on the head scale =.
HSR- Head scale reading
Least Count
Total number of head scale divisionss 4) Volume of the given lamina, V=AXt
LC =0. o mm
Where A-Areaofthe-lamina
tThickness of the lamina
0.06 - D.006. mm
Tabular Column: 1) After finding least count and zero error, the given lamina is fixed between the
Trial PSR TR Mean TR studs of the screw gauge firmly.
Object Dimension
No. in mm
in mm in mm
2) The total reading is calculated using the formula, TR PSR + (HSR x LC)
which gives thickness of the given lamina.
Sheet Thickness 09
for different of the lamina and the
3) The experiment is repeated positions
95 0 95 readings are tabulated.
Mean thickness =..9..13..... mm
4) The mean thickness of the lamina is found.
Corrected thickness, t = Mean thickness Z E 5) The zero error is subtracted from mean thickness to get corrected value of
O956 X1O
. . . ..m
thickness of the lamina
Experiment No. 3 Date:
To determine the radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by
TTTTTTTTD using a spherometer.
Apparatus: Spherometer, watchglass, plane glass plate.
- Screw head
P -Pitch Scale Principle: The linear distance moved by the serew is directly proportio nal to the
amount of rotation given to the screw head.
D Head Scale
(Circular Scale) Formula: Distance moved on the pitch scale
1) Pitch= Number of complete rotations given to the screw head
2) Least Count, LC =
Total number of head scale divisions
3) Total Reading, TR = PSR + (HSR x LCD
Glass plate Where PSR - Pitch scale reading
HSR - Head scale reading
4) Radius ofcurvature, R =-
Where Mean distance between any two legs of spherometer.
Distance moved on the pitch scale
Number of complete rotations given to the screw head h -
Value of Sagitta =
h/ -
hi Reading of the spherometer correspond1ng to
Pitch . .
spherical surface.
Total number h2 - Reading of the spherometer corresponding to plane
of divisions on the head scale =
glass surface.
Least Count =
Total number of head scale divisions
LC = ..0.9.1.... mm
1) A known number of rotations are given to the serew head N. distance moved
on the pitch scale is noted and pitch is calculated.
2) The total number of divisions on the cireular seale is noted.
3) Least count is found.
4) Watch glass is placed on a plane glass plate so that its convex side faces
Tabular Column
Spherometer reading for
Spherometer reading for upwards.
rial spherical surface. h/ in mm plane glass surface, h2 in mm h =h1-h2 5) The spherometer is placed on the spherical surface, so that all the three legs
n mm
TR are on the surface and tip of the serew well above the pole of the
HSR in mm
in mm n mm 1n mm
6) The serew is moved gradually downwards till the tip of the screw just touches
2 6 12.62 9.97 2.65 the spherical surface.
64 7) The pitch scale reading (PSR) and the number of the coresponding circular
6 2 .6/| 9. 9.94
seale division (HSR) in line with the pitch scale is noted.
6 12.63 7 9.97 766
8) Total reading is calculated using the formula. TR =
PSR + (HSR x LC). This
Mean sagitta, h = ... 6 5 . . m =... U:26P......cm gives h
9) The spherometer is transferred on to the plane glass plate. the screw is moved
gradually downwards till the tip of the scerew just touches the surtace of the
Calculation glass plate.
Determination of length / from equilateral triangle ABC: 10) The pitch scale reading (PSR) and the number of the correspond1ng circular
scale division (HSR) in line with the pitch seale is noted.
1)Total reading is caleulated using the formula, TR =
PSR+ (HSR 1 LC). This
gives h2
CA H ...cm 12) h - h2 = h is found. This gives the value of Sagitta.
AB+BC+CA 13) The experiment is repeated for two more times by rotatng the sphertCal
surface having its center undisturbed. The mean value oth s föund
To find the mean distance (1) between any two legs ofthe spherometer
Radius of curvature. R-
14) The spherometer is placed on a sheet of paper and pressed. Impression of the
tips of the three legs is taken.
. 2 X 4. 7 .a65
15) The impressions are joined to get an equilateral triangle ABC. All ts sides are
6YO.265 measured. The mean distance between any two legs of the spherometer, I is
7-Y 0.1325
16) Then the radius of curvature of the given spherical surface (W atch glass)
1.59 calculated using the formula.
11.09 0137
.11.22 Um
711.22 x10 m
Result: The radius of curvature of a given spherical surface. R 220m
1 The serew must always be tumed only in one durection so às
to avoid back lash error
The serew should move freely without fruct on
TETTUEVr qe Tond9

the mass of second object is determined. The observation for the
6) Similarly
Object 2 second object is recorded in the tabular column. The mean mass, m2 is found
Standard Mass
Mass of the object
Trial x+(yx 10 )
No Gram Milligram ing
xin g yin mg
Mean mass of the first object, m2 . . .
Result: The mass ofthe first given object, m 1 . .gui.
The mass of the second given object, m2 ,....gm= kg
1. The weights are added or removed with forceps.
2. The addition or removal of weights is made only when the
balance is at rest.
3. Do not weigh the hot or cold bodies with the Beam
Experiment No. 5
the werght l a given body (a
wooden block) using the
parallekogram law of vector additon
law of vector apparatus
Given hody with hook Parallelogram
slotted weights (two sets
(Gravesands apparatus). strong thread
White paper. thin girtor strip. sharp
vector addition
Principle: The parallelogram law of
al a point and are
Iwo forces act Imullancously
iwo adjacent sdes ol
and duecton by the
representcd in magnitude
both n
resultant lorce can be represented
parallelogram. then the
hy the diagonal ol the parallelogram
magnitude and d1rection
two forces.
of application of the
through the pomt
forces P and Q is gIven by.
Formula: The resultant of two
R Q + 2PQ cos0
Where Oangle hetween the two lorces P and Q.
Procedure: a plumb
board Is lxcd un a vertioal posttion by ustng
Gravesand's apparatus
is ixed on the wooden board
with drawng
hile paper
lne anda sheet of
pns the Iwo hangers al its cnd
thread is laken and ie
2)SullICICntly ong pece ol thread to make a kn
is Icd m
the middle of the list
Another shorter thread horter
unk1OWI weight 1s ticd at thc other end of the
he body f slotted
as shown n the ligure With
arranged on the pulleys
thread 1cy are
Weehts n the hanuers of the ihread s m
the hangeTs such
that the junction '
added to
3) Weghts are
lower hall l the paper
cqulibrHIm mthc
a thread OP2 mirror strip is
4) To take the direction of the force P, acting along
of the eye is adjusted such
Observation placed below the thread on the paper. The position
k g wt. no parallax between the string and
its image. The two points
Weight of each hanger=.... that there is
thread leaves the
Scale. S = lcm = . . . . . . 5 0 . . Kg W. A and edges of the mirror where the image of the
A2at the
mirror are marked.
marked by points
Tabular Column 5) Similarly, the directions of other two forces Q and R are
the threads OP and X respectively.
Force P = wt of the Force Q= wt of the Unknown Baand B, and by points Xq and X2 along
(hanger slotled (hanger + slotted Length weight =
Angle The sheet is remo ved and the lines are
drawn through each pair of points to
Trial weights) weights) OC=L LxS COC O. These three lines represents the directions of P, Q andR.
meet at
No. P OA Q OA n cm
in kg wt and length OA and OB are cut off to represent
7) A suitable scale is chosen
in kg wt in cm in kg wt1n em OACB is
forces P and respectively acting at 0. A parallelogram
2m H.H 2poyio 4 sides.
150 completed. Taking OA and OB as adjacent the
The length of OC m e a s u r e s the weight of
50 3um 2 orioS 8) The points O and C are joined.
2m then extend OD meets BC at a point C
given body. If OC is not along OD
angle COC is measured.
of The
The experiment is repeated by suspending two
different sets weights.
value of the unknown weight is calculated.
Mean unknown weight =.. 220Y1d. *kg
**** wt. mean
Result: Weight ofthe given body is
found to be . ..
Kg wt
I. The pulleys should be
while |
2. The thread must coincide
with its mage in the mirror
plotting. when weights àre at rest.
Points should be marked only
construction the line drawn
should be very
4. While doing
Experiment No. 6b Date. .
RIG the
Using a simple pendulum, plot L T and L T graphs. hence find
effective length of second's pendulum using appropriate graph.
Clamp stand, a stop clock, spherical bob with a hook. a long fine strong
Thread Apparatus:
cotton thread and metre scale.
The simple pendulum executes simple harmonic motion (SHM) as the
acceleration of the pendulum bob is directly proportional to its
LiCm displacement from the mean
position and is always directed towards
mean posit ion.
A pendulum whose time period is 2 second is called second's
Observation pendulum.
Radius (r) of the pendulum bob (given).. . . Cm
Formula 1) Period of a simple pendulum is given by.
Tabular Column
Length Length of Time taken for 20 oscillations t Period Where L length of the pendulum
Trnal ofthependulum inS 8 acceleration due to gravity
NO. thread L =*r Trial Trial Trial Mean
in s
in S 2) From L - T graph.
1n cm Cm 2
Efective length of the second's pendulum. L = OD
6 6. 26
.3 .6 Procedure:
6 2 35 2 1. 1) The distance from the point of suspension to the base of the hook is measured
as .
22 2 2) The length ofthe
simple pendulum L (+ r) is found
2.35 20 3) Pendulum bob is drawn to one side from its equilibrium position through a
20 19 2 .9 small angle not more than 15° and released such that the pendulum oseillates
21.5 D.81
in vertical plane. Simultaneously stop clock
27 29 27
a ts
. 35 8 2.2 4) Time taken for 20 oseillations. f is found
The expermment is repeated for two more trials for the same length.
is found. The period of oscillation, T=is found.
6) The average time t
7) The experiment is repeated for different lengths of the pendulum and readings
are tabulated.
8) A graph is plotted between L and T taking L along
x-axis and T along y-axis.
9) Another graph is plotted between L and T tak ing and L along x-axis,
along y-axis.
10) Effective length OD ofthe second's pendulum is found from L - T graph.
Result: 1) The graph of L - T is curved and its convex side is upwards.
2) The graph of L -
T is a straight line.
3) The effective length ofsecond's pendulum from L - T graph is
Cm F
1. Thread should be strong, weightless and inextensible.
2. Point of suspension should be fixed in a rigid support.
Laboratory fan should be switched off.
4. The bob should not spin during vibration.
5. Place of experiment should be free from disturbances of
building vibrations or ar cuITent.
Graph: Experiment No. 7 ate. ..
R= (M+plg To study the relation between force of limiting friction and normal
reaction and to find the coefficient of friction between surface of a
moving block and a horizontal surface (glass plate).
Glass Top
Apparatus: A wooden block with a hook. a horizontal plane with a glass sheet, a
frictionless pulley, spirit level, a scale, pan, thread. spring balance,
-Pan weight box and five masses of 100g each.
(+gg The limiting friction is directly proportional to the normal reaction, R
which is given by the total weight of the body.
Observ ation
LO ***'
balance FL oR
Range of spring
Least count ofspring balance=.
Formula: 1) Coefficient of limiting friction is given by,
Mass of the scale pan, m ** .. K
Mass of the wooden block. M=
... R
Where FL - limiting friction
Acceleration due to gravity at the place of experiment, g . R normal reaction
Tabular Column 2) From FL versus R graph.
Mass on the Normal force ilace
Mass in theForce of limiting|Coefficient of Hslopeof the graph=-AB
due to mass.
friction friction
Trial wooden bloeck. scale pan,4
R = (M+p)g FL= (mtq)g Procedure:
in kg n N R noted.
kg in N
1) The range and least count of the spring balance are
wooden block with hook on its side and the mass of
633.DE 9 10* O356 O,56 2) The mass, M of the given
the scale pan, m are measured using spring balance
O 131-0 O316 6514 3) The glass sheet is placed on the table and made using spirit
horizontal level.
table top as shown in the figure
0.p& 2 0.396 0.507 4) A frictionless pulley is fixed on one edge of
5 to a seale pan and its other end is
tied to the
5) A thread of suitable length is tied
.' hook of the wooden block.
the glass plate and the thread is passed
0,436 6) The wooden block is placed on
25 that the portion of the thread betw een pulley and wooden block
the pulley so
is horizontal.
ean Cociient of friction. fl,= ...J.A.....
7) A known maSS,
p is
placed on the top of the wooden block and
mass. s
gradually increased on seale pan till the
wooden block just start
moving on
glass top by gently tapping the glass.
8) The mass, p on the wooden block and
mass, q kept on the scale pan are
9) The experiment is repeated five times for different values of Masses
q. p and q
are tabulated in each trial.
10) A graph is plotted between R and FL taking R along and Fi
y-axis. This gives a straight line.
11) The slope of the graph gives coefficient of friction.
Result: The value of coefficient of limiting friction. 4 between the surtace of
wooden block and the glass plate is.
L . . . from calculation
L from graph
1. Surface of the table should be horizontal and dust tree
Friction of the pulley should be reduced by proper oiling
3. Table top should always be tapped gently
Diagram Graph: Experiment No. 10 Date.
of a helical spring by
To find the force constant and cffective mass
graph using the method of oscillation.
plotting T -
stand with
Spring Apparatus: Helical spring with pointer, weight hanger,
slotted weights,
clamp and stop clock.
allowed to execute oscillations
Principle: When a loaded helical spring is
Mk to extension in
.The restoring force is directly proportional
is given by, 1 =
Load (M) Slope, BC 2. The period of oscillation
Observation Where M- mass attached to the spring
Tabular Column: K-spring constant.
Period 4Tt
Time, for 10 oscillation in s Formula: K =
Trial Load M T2 ) Spring constant, m
No. in kg
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean T10
in s
in s Where m- slope of the M T graph.
2) The
effective mass
of the helical axis
500 xxo 6.6 .06 I. 26 the magnitude ofintercept
spring, mo
400/i02 D .6 0.96 0.9215
shown in the figure.
300 8 92. 0.26 . 1) Experimental
1s as
spring. the It is pulled
M is attached to
load of mass
2) A suitable a vertical plane.
2 99 4 8 7.6 0.16 . 7
and then
released gently
so that it
makes oscillations
G.6 using stop clock.
1O9 0.6 Time for 10 oscillations is
3) determined.
T is
Calcullation 4) The period ofoscillation loads.
repeated for
experiment is
4TT Mof the load along
Spring constant, K == 5) The M and T taking
is plotted betw cen
6) A graph of the graph is found
and the slope
and along -axis
mass mo ot the
Stako )The magnitude of intercept on x- axis gives the effective
helical spring.
ka 8) The spring constant is calculated using the formula,
K stefe
of the given helical spring.
Result: I. The spring constant (force constant)
K 6.3 Nm
2. Effective mass of the helical spring, m
. 1 2 kg
1. Readings should be
noted only when tip of pointer comes
to rest.
touch the scale surface.
2. Pointer tip should not
3. Loading should not be beyond elastic limit
o.42 d.3 d4 ds -6
M Gla
P22 1 6 - 2 6 30
. 13.5

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