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Describe how online purchasing has changed the business-to-business

marketing process and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online

 For me online purchasing has change the business to business marketing

process because, people doesn’t need to look at different places for the product
that they want to purchase, instead they just have to install the app (Shopee or
Lazada) and just simple search the product that you want to buy and just place
your order.

 The downside of online purchasing for me is that you don't really know if the
product you bought online is high quality or if it will get damaged during shipping.

 But, as I previously stated, the advantage of online shopping is that you don't
need to go to different places like malls and so on just to look for the product that
you want to buy, and it's also less hassle because you don't need to spend
money on transportation, and it's good for us not to go outside when this online
shopping pops up because that time pandemic and lockdowns are strict, which
is why people choose this type of shopping until now.

2. Compare Lazada vs. Shopee: Which delivers better? Shopee or Lazada? Which
is more successful Lazada or Shopee? Discuss why. 

 I cant compare Lazada and Shopee because I’m just using Shopee whenever I
want to buy something online, that’s because whenever I’m looking for an item
that I want to buy I also look in Lazada because what if it’s cheaper in Lazada
but it’s not and I can’t always find the item that I want to buy, and if I do its more
expensive and no one are buying from that shop. That is why I choose just stick
to Shopee because whatever I want to buy something for my car, motorcycle or
in my bedroom its available and there’s a lot of variations to choose.

Espiritu, Jeiseane M.

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