COT DLP October 2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District of Banton


S.Y. 2022-2023

The learner demonstrates various ways of doing philosophy.

 The learner evaluate opinions.

Evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the methods of

(Natataya ang katotohanan at opinyon sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon gamit ang

pamamaraan ng pamimilosopiya)

Unpacked Objectives:
1. Explain the different types of biases;
2. Give examples (life situations) of the different types of biases; and
3. Realize the personal biases and cite situations at which such awareness
becomes beneficial.

Assessment Types: Diagnostic, Formative & Summative
Assessment Criteria: (Please see the rubric for Ap-atan (Asi Quuatrain)

Topic: Methods of Philosophizing
Subtopic: Biases


Abella, Roberto D. Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person


1. Prayer
I hope somebody will
volunteer in leading the
prayer. Who among you will
lead the prayer? (calls a
student.) (The volunteer raises his/her right hand and
leads a prayer.
Thank you ________________!
2. Greetings
A PHILO-mazing morning
young philosophers! A PHILO-mazing morning Sir! A PHILO-
mazing morning fellow young philosophers!

3. Checking of Attendance
May I know if who is/are
absent today? As I call your
name, say “Ding ang Bato. Each student says “Ding ang bato. Darna!”

For boys, how did you feel

when you shout “Ding ang
bato. Darna! (calls a student) It was quite awkward because Darna is a
heroine, a woman and I am a man.

I expected that some of you
may felt awkward or
humiliated especially the
boys. Now, what bias did I
Sir, you committed Gender Bias.

Exactly. I did that on purpose

as part of our lesson. No
offense meant.

4. Energizer

What if we combine a
trending Tiktok Dance
Craze and our lesson? The
dance is for your body and
the jingle is for your brain.
Isn’’t it exciting?
Isn’’t it surprising?
Isn’t it amazing? (The students dance the Tiktok dance craze
Now let me teach you the with the teacher.)
B-I-A-S is being unfair.
and more often
B-I-A-S reinforces
In society.

(The students dance the Tiktok Dance Craze

and sing the short Bias jingle at the same

A. Review
We are done with the
different fallacies and some
biases. Can you name the
biases that we have
discussed? Yes, (calls 13
students and each gives a
We discussed biases such as gender bias,
type of bias).
age bias, name bias, beauty bias, halo
effect, horns effect, confirmation bias,
conformity bias, affinity bias, contrast
effect, status quo bias, anchor bias and
authority bias.
Let us play ‘THE BIAS WALL’.
I hope you are familiar with
the TV Game Show ‘The Wall’
hosted by Billy Crawford.
Kindly read the instruction on
the screen.
Questions will be mounted on the TV
Screen. If you got it right, you will be given
the chance to roll the giant dice. The
amount in peso that you will gain will
depend on the amount which is seen at the
topmost side of the dice upon rolled.

At the end of the game, the team with the

highest total amount in peso will be
Are you ready? declared as the winner.

Yes, we are!
Good for you!
Let’s get started!
This is ‘THE BIAS WALL’.
(The following questions will be mounted on
the TV screen.)
1. A female teacher favors female
students than male students.

Answer: Gender Bias/ Sexism

2. A hiring panel preferred the 30 year

old man over a 60 year old man for a
construction vacancy.

Answer: Age Bias/ Ageism

3. A Bantoanon voter votes only for

Sangguniang Panlalawigan Members
whose surname start with letter ‘F’.

Answer: Name Bias

4. An employee at the municipal hall

lets the beautiful applicants occupy
the front seats while the not-so-good-
looking ones take the last seats.

Answer: Beauty Bias

5. Although a witness testified against

him, the barangay captain did not
believe that the police officer was the
one who raped and murdered the
teenage girl.

Answer: Halo Effect

(The following are reserved if needed.)
6. Somebody says “How can I believe
that there is God? I am an atheist.
There is no God.”

Answer: Confirmation Bias

7. His daughter, Aliyah, told him that it

was the ex-convict who helped her
escape from the kidnappers but
Francis, father, couldn’t believe that
it was the ex-convict who helped her
Answer: Horns Effect

8. Abner obeyed the leader of their

fraternity on putting a snake inside
the bag of their teacher.

Answer: Authority Bias

9. The constituents of Purok
Pinagkaisahan let their stray dogs
pooed on the streets and violated the
new resolution about it because
they’ve been doing that since then.

Answer: Status Quo Bias

10. Rodney played Mobile Legends

even during class hours since his
It was fulfilling knowing that peers do the same.
you already mastered most of
the biases if not all. That was Answer: Conformity Bias
great young philosophers!

B. Establishing Purpose of the Lesson

This time we still have some

addition to the list of biases. I
hope you are as excited as I

Today we will be having

learning stations. At each
station, you’ll be learning a
type of bias aside from those
that we have discussed
already. Please be guided by
this (mechanics is shown on
the TV Screen).

Unpacked Objectives for the Day

1. Explains biases such as

correspondence, framing, hindsight,
conflict of interest and cultural bias;
2. Gives example (life situation) of
committing biases; and

3. Realize personal biases and cite the

importance of being aware of them.

5 Learning Stations of Biases

Learning Station 1: Correspondence Bias
Learning Station 2: Framing
Learning Station 3: Hindsight
Learning Station 4: Conflict of Interest
Learning Station 5: Cultural Bias
I am Captain Jaynes Flores,
your pilot and tour guide, in
our wonderful journey on
philosophical biases. Please
fasten your seatbelt. (After a 
C. Presenting Examples

Ladies and gentlemen, we

have just landed at
Correspondence Airport.
Banton Pacific Air welcomes
you to Bias Island. I am your
Captain Jaynes Flores who
will join you in your journey.

Learning Station 1: Correspondence Bias

(A student assigned at the first station

welcomes the students and defines or
describes correspondence bias. He/she
gives an example.)

Correspondence Bias or Attribution

Effect is the tendency to judge a person’s
personality by his or her actions, without
regard for external factors or influences.

Example: These soldiers who fought in the

war are all bloodthirsty murderers!”

I hope you enjoy your stay here in

Correspondence Station. I am your learning
guide, ________________. Enjoy your
If you have questions, I may journey!
be of help just in case you
don’t understood
correspondence bias. Since
you don’t have queries, we will
now proceed to our second
(The students led by the teacher proceed to
the next station.)

Learning Station 2: Framing

(A student assigned at the first station

welcomes the students and defines or
describes framing. He/she gives an

Framing is focusing on a certain aspect of a

problem while ignoring other aspects.


“Preliminary evidence has still not pointed

out the actual cause of the plane crash, but
investigators are currently focusing on the
possibility of pilot error.”

I hope you enjoy your stay here in Framing

Station. I am your learning guide,
_____________. Enjoy the rest of your
(The teacher may expound wonderful journey. Bye!
framing if needed.)

(All proceed to the third station.)

Learning Station 3: Hindsight

(A student assigned at the first station

welcomes the students and defines or
describes hindsight. He/she gives an
Hindsight is the tendency to see past events
as predictable, or to ascribe a pattern to
historical events.


“Magellan’s assault on Mactan Island was a

foolhardy venture made by an
overconfident, careless man who
underestimated the valor of the native
(The teacher expounds
hindsight if needed.)
I hope you enjoy your stay here in
Hindsight Station. I am your learning
guide, _____________. Enjoy the rest of your
wonderful journey. Bye!

(The whole class proceed to the 4 th


Learning Station 4: Conflict of Interest

(A student assigned at the 4th station

welcomes the students and defines or
describes conflict of interest. He/she gives
an example.)

Conflict of Interest is committed when a

person or group is connected to or has a
vested interest in the issue being


“As the daughter of the accused, I believe I

(The teacher expounds conflict have the right to express my opinion on the
of interest if needed.) issue of his alleged corrupt practices.”

I hope you enjoy your stay here in Conflict

of Interest Station. I am your learning
guide, _____________. Enjoy the rest of your
wonderful journey. Bye!

(The whole class proceed to the last station.)

Learning Station 5: Cultural Bias

(A student assigned at the 4th station

welcomes the students and defines or
describes cultural bias. He/she gives an

Cultural Bias is the tendency to analyze an

event or issue based on one’s cultural


(The teacher expounds “I do not agree with this Western practice of

Cultural Bias if needed.) placing aged parents in retirement homes.
We Filipinos take care of our family

Again, what are the five biases I hope you enjoy your stay here in Cultural
that you’ve just learned Bias Station. I am your learning guide,
today? _____________. Enjoy the rest of your
wonderful journey. Bye!

We thank you for choosing

Banton Pacific, your airline of (The whole class go back to their classroom
choice. for the continuation of the lesson.)

The biases that we have just discussed

were correspondence, framing, hindsight,
conflict of interest and cultural bias.

(Some students try explaining it.)

D. Formative Assessment 1 (activity to unfold the competency)

Kindly read the direction on

the TV screen.
Directions: Write the letter of the
correct answer on the mini white board
for every keyword or phrase given in
each item.

1. by actions regardless of external factors

A. Framing C. Correspondence
B. Attribution *D. Both B and C

2. certain aspect of a problem

*A. Framing C. Hindsight
B. Attribution D. Conflict of Interest

3. past as predictable
A. Framing *C. Hindsight
B. Cultural D. Correspondence

4. own culture
A. Framing C. Attribution
*B. Cultural D. Conflict of Interest

5. vested interest
A. Hindsight *C. Conflict of Interest
Who got a perfect score? B. Correspondence D. Confirmation

(All students who got a perfect score raise

For those who didn’t get a their right hands.)
perfect score, you need not to
worry. Do better with our next

E. Formative Assessment 2 (activity to develop the competency)

Bias Match

Our next activity is called

‘Bias Match’. Obviously, we
will be challenging your
matching power this time.
Kindly read the direction first
on the TV screen.

Okay, you will be given two

minutes only to finish this
matching activity. The time
starts now.

(Each group completes the pairs accurately.)

1.Correspondence A. judging a person’s
Bias/ Attribution personality by his/her
Effect actions, without regard for
external factors or influences
2.Cultural Bias B. analyzing an event or
issue based on one’s cultural
3.Conflict of C. a person or group is
Interest connected to or has a vested
interest in the issue being
4. Framing D. seeing past events as
predictable or to ascribe a
pattern to historical events
5.Hindsight E. focusing on certain aspect
of a problem while ignoring
other aspects
Key to Correction:
1.Correspondence Bias/ A.
Attribution Effect
2.Cultural Bias B.
Knowing that you have 3.Conflict of Interest C.
understood Biases and how 4. Framing E.
they influence your opinion 5.Hindsight D.
and life made my heart leap
for joy!

F. Formative Assessment 3 (Ap atan with Biases) Optional

(It may be used as reinforcement activity also just in case time won’t
permit for one hour allotment.)

National IP Month

This time, let me group you

into five. Each group must
compose an Ap-atan or Asi
quatrain about the type of
bias which is assigned to you.
An example is shown on the
TV screen. HALO Kuno
Name of Bias: Halo Effect

Pagmuyat sa tawo ay pagkataas

Pagtahor sa ida ay pay uyag gugutas
Aber nasaduran nak naghimot palhe
Pay santo ka muyat uyang gador mali.

How high your regard is

Respect to him never miss
Though learned to do wrong
Saint he seems no sin all along.
G. Application

You have the hang of it!


Can biases be detrimental to

objectivity and rationality?
Then, why or why not?
Yes, Sir!

How can it affect stereotyping

in the society? It can reinforce stereotyping in our society
doing more harm than good.
That was right!
Subject Integration:
Understanding Society,
Culture and Politics (UCSP) In social psychology, a stereotype is a fixed,
over generalized belief about a particular
group or class of people. By stereotyping we
infer that a person has a whole range of
characteristics and abilities that we assume
all members of that group have.
How can bias be committed in
a contest or pageant?

Can you recall a pageant when

somebody else deserved the
crown and not the winner and
care to give us details about it?

When a judge favors a candidate who

Subject Integration: he/she knows well or in a way related to
1.Media and Information him/her, the deserving candidate will not
win and that will be unfair.
Literacy – MIL and
2. Empowerment
Fake news, fallacies and
biases are rampant in social
media. A student recalls bias in a pageant or
A family or a group may post contest.
an article or video humiliating The whole class analyze if bias was really
their enemy or opponent. committed in the given example.
Look at the picture on the TV
screen, what can you say
about it?

Thank you!
This is a scene in the
controversial movie “Maid in
Malacañang” wherein the late
Cory Aquino is seen playing
mahjong with nuns.
Is bias committed in this
scene by the informant of the

Did you believe that it really

happened? Why or why not?

Would you readily believe to

the videos and articles posted
in social media platforms?
A student comments on the illustration
Then what will you do? shown.

If all of you are like that then,

fake news will not spread.

Subject Integration: Yes, bias is committed. It is actually conflict

1.Practical Research 1 & 2; of interest because the informant, a
and member of the Marcos family, has a vested
2. Statistics and Probability interest for people to empathize with
Marcoses and not with Aquinos.
Let’s talk about bias in
research. Look at the graphics
on the TV screen. (The students explain their choice.)

No, Sir!

I will know first if the source of data or the

person behind it is reliable or credible

Shown are the different biases

in research. How can selection
bias in research be
You’ve hit the nail on the
head! Keep it up!

Selection bias in research can be

committed if in selecting the sample your
choice was influenced by your personal
biases just to arrive to an accurate
findings, conclusions and
recommendations. It can be avoided by

(The slide below will be shown just in case

the class didn’t understand selection bias.
Because of personal biases, we may not
become rational and objective in decision
making and even in treating others. It
usually results to unjust and unfair

H. Generalization
Let’s wrap it up.
What are biases?
Biases are not necessarily errors in
reasoning, but refer to tendencies or
influences which affect the views of the
What are the different biases
that we have just discussed
The different biases that we have just
discussed are the following:
1. Correspondence Bias;
2. Framing;
3. Hindsight;
4. Cultural Bias; and
5. Conflict of Interest.
Who can explain each?
The students define each. Below are the
model explanations.
1.Correspondence judging a person’s
Bias/ Attribution personality by his/her
Effect actions, without regard for
external factors or influences
2.Cultural Bias analyzing an event or issue
based on one’s cultural
3.Conflict of a person or group is
Interest connected to or has a vested
interest in the issue being
4. Framing focusing on certain aspect of
a problem while ignoring
other aspects
Cite importance of knowing 5.Hindsight D. seeing past events as
these biases. predictable or to ascribe a
pattern to historical events

Model Answers:
1. To avoid stereotyping;
2. To give fair verdict or judgment in
3. To develop critical thinking,
rationality and objectivity;
4. To ensure accuracy in Math and
5. To deal with fake news wisely; etc.
I. Evaluation
Kindly bring out one-half
crosswise intermediate or
yellow paper and of course
ballpen for our summative
Refer to the PPT shown for
the short quiz. Read and
understand first the direction
before answering.
I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and understand the

statement/question and choices for each
item. Write the letter of the correct answer
on your paper.
1. When we see someone behaving in a
certain way we think it is because they
always behave that way. We immediately
make the assumption that they are just
“that kind of person”. This is
A. Framing C. Correspondence
B. Attribution D. Both B and C
2. Which of the following biases often leads
to disrespect to others’ way of life?
A. Framing C. Cultural Bias
B. Hindsight D. Correspondence
3. Which of the following refers to the
tendency to prioritize one’s vested interest
over the general welfare?
A. Hindsight C. Cultural Bias
B. Attribution Effect D. Conflict of Interest
4. All of the following are perfectly matched
A. Framing: certain aspect/angle
B. Hindsight: own culture
C. Status Quo Bias: resistance to change
D. Correspondence: judge by one’s actions
5. Which of the following statements
regarding the significance of being aware of
personal biases is//are TRUE?
I. It can minimize stereotyping in the
II. It can guide us to give sound and fair
III. It can prevent biases in research or
Let us check your answers. statistics thus, ensures accuracy.
IV. It can develop critical thinking,
rationality and objectivity.
A. I only C. I, II and III only
B. I and II only D. I, II, III and IV

Who got a perfect score!
1. C
2. C
(The teacher asks for the 3. D
scores of the other students, 4- 4. B
0.) 5. D

(All students who got a perfect score raise

their right hands.)
Option 1: Game-Based

Let us play ‘HEAD,

Instead of having an ordinary cup you will
be having two options: two cups (one is
FALLACY cup and the other is BIAS cup).

When the teacher says a type of ‘FALLACY’

like appeal to force, the first to get the
‘FALLACY’ cup wins that round. When the
teacher mentions a type of ‘BIAS’, the first
to get the ‘BIAS’ cup wins that round.
What will be the reward to
those who will survive this
For those who are left you will be given 5
recitation/engagement points and for those
who were eliminated you will gain 2 points.
Actually, there’s no lose in this challenge.
Thank you! I hope everything
is crystal clear regarding the
mechanics of the game.
Are you ready?
Yes, we are!
(The teacher facilitates the
game by mentioning the four
body parts randomly and ends
with a type of either a fallacy
or bias.)
Here are the sought fallacies and biases:

Ad hominem - F
Gender - B
Ageism - B
Appeal to force - F
Confirmation - B
Beauty - B
Division - F
Anchor - B
Appeal to emotion - F
Name – B

For your homework, kindly Directions:
read the directions. Among all biases that we have discussed,
choose three and give an example of each
Write it in a ½ crosswise yellow paper.



Prepared by:


Principal I

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