Sagot Namin

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MODULE 15 16 17

1. Refers to caregiver behavior that pertain to expression of affection and communication.

Answer: responsiveness
2. Refers to the level of control and expectations. This involves discipline and confrontation
Answer: demandingness
3. Affect the socio emotional development of the children.
Answer: caregiving styles
4. Include behaviors that represent children’s emotional growth and their ability to successfully
navigate their world through interactions with adults and peers .

Answer: socio-emotional development

5 -10: Give the 6 Parten’s Stages of Play

 Unoccupied
 Onlooker
 Solitary Play
 Parallel Play
 Associative Play
 Cooperative

The 4 main areas of Language.

 Phonology
 Semantics
 Syntax
 Pragmatics
Meaning of ZPD.

retain information for up to 15-30 seconds, assuming there is no rehearsal, which can
help keep information in STM for a much longer period.
involves storing information about the sequence of events during familiar situations as
“scripts”. Scripts helps children to understand interpret, and predict what will happen in
future scenarios.

•It refers to the ability to coordinate small muscles.

Answer: Fine Motor Development
•Give three examples of manipulative skills
Answer: bouncing, catching, throwing
•What are the three Physical skills?
Answer: Gross motor, fine motor skills, personal care and hygiene
•Give the three stages of Drawing for early childhood
Answer: Scribble stage, pre schematic stage, the schematic stage
• Children at this stage are engaged in the physical activity of drawing.
Answer: scribble stage

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