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November, 6, 2003, I was back in my

depressing daily life. I got to work and put on
my uniform when suddenly a weird guy
approaches me and whispers.
M12: Follow me and let's have a nice talk!
I was hesitant and scared at first, but I followed
him anyway. As we walked to the empty ally I
felt an ominous feeling like someone was
following behind. I looked behind but no one
was there, I was extremely creeped out that I
ran away at the opposite direction when a
heavy object hit my head. The last thing I saw
was the guy's face, it was so pale and appears
to have tiny sutures, his grin made my skin
crawl. He took of his glasses and I saw complete
darkness along with the words.
M12: (chuckle) Hope you have a nice nighmare!
Hehehehehe! Hehehehehe!
(Water dripping)
Dave: (groan) W-where am I?
Old man: ( trembling) Shhhh! H-he will hear us!
The old man was eaten, but I'm standing here
looking at the creature which ate him. I couldn't
stand as it looked at me, it tried to reach me
with it's giant humanoid hands I thought it was
the end of me. Out of nowhere a hand pulled
me out towards a cave as I opened my eyes I
saw people sitting and waiting, strangely there
was no fear in their faces.
Guide: Follow me! (Whisper)
We went deeper down the cave until we
reached the end of the cave

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