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HISD: Community Satisfaction Survey

Prepared by: Creative Consumer Research 281.240.9646 Houston Phoenix

Summer 2011

Table of Contents
Objectives Methodology Executive Summary Research Findings

The primary objective of this research is to determine the overall image of the Houston Independent School District among parents, the general population, and community leaders within the Houston area, and to track and compare the results from the 2009 survey in order to determine any areas of improvement or decreases in performance.

A total of 1,317 telephone interviews were conducted among various segments of Houston residents in the Spring of 2011.
1,012 with General Population;
202 with Community Leaders; 810 with General Population, non-Community Leaders;

305 with Parents of current HISD students.

Sample for the Parent and Community Leader segments was provided by HISD.
6,000 Parent names and numbers were randomly pulled on a representative campus level and geographic breakdown; 400 Community Leaders names and numbers were randomly selected from the HISD partnership contacts database.

Sample for the General Population segment was pulled by CCR on a street by street basis within specified HISD geographic areas. 4

The average survey lasted approximately 15 minutes. The survey was unblinded.
Respondents were told that Houston Independent School District was sponsoring the survey.

Bilingual interviewers conducted the telephone surveys. This allowed respondents the choice of completing the interview in whichever language (English or Spanish) was most comfortable for them.
979 interviews were conducted in English and 335 respondents completed the interview in Spanish.

The survey was also translated into Vietnamese and the programming was set to record any language barrier of this nature. CCR had a Vietnamesespeaking interviewer available to call these numbers back and complete an interview.
3 Vietnamese interviews were completed.

In order to obtain an adequate mix of the General Public and Parents, quotas were implemented for the following areas previously used in other studies:
Gender (based on HISD demographics); Ethnic background (also based on HISD demographics); HISD zone (based on an even division among segments).

In order to participate in the survey, respondents were required to:

Be the head of household; Not work in Market Research (or anyone in their household); Be at least 18 years of age; Live in the Houston Independent School District.

No quotas or requirements were set for Community Leaders.


Due to the nature of the main objective of this study, which is to compare the results to the 2007 and 2009 findings, certain measures were taken to ensure the data was comparable. In 2007, 33% of the General Population segment was Parents. So, in 2009 and 2011, CCR allowed up to 33% of the General Population to be Parents as well.
These parents were randomly called from sample pulled by CCR from a database of Houston area residents, not from the Parent sample provided by HISD.

Also in 2007, Community Leaders were included in the General Population segment of this study. CCR capped the completes at 202 so as to not bias the General Population results.
CCR was not provided with the number of Community Leaders completed in 2007.

In 2011, a dont know option was added to rating scales in addition to the uncertain response. This addition allows for a more clear understanding of awareness and familiarity.
An uncertain response simply measures part of the scales continuum; however, a dont know response indicates a total lack of awareness/familiarity.

Charts and graphs in this report are based on the 2007 report and, where possible, results were tested for significance from 2009 to 2011 at the 95% confidence level.
Any differences are marked appropriately throughout report. These notes mean the differences seen are real, and not by chance. Notes throughout the report will appear as follows:
+/- P9 = Significantly higher/lower than Parents 2009 +/- G9 = Significantly higher/lower than General Population 2009

In 2011, an augment trial study was conducted to test the ease and effectiveness of utilizing a web-based survey in addition to the telephone survey. Just over 200 surveys were completed with HISD parents either inperson (parent on HISD campus using HISD computer) or online (HISD website posted a link to the survey). The data tables with the results of this trial have been provided separately and are not included in this report.

CCR Responsibilities
CCR was responsible for the following:
Creating and finalizing the survey with HISDs approval; Pretesting the survey to ensure the questions and length were appropriate; Programming the survey for telephone interviewing; Conducting the interviews; Coding the open-ended responses and translating where appropriate; Processing the data and running data tables with specified banner points; Analyzing the data and preparing a written report.


Executive Summary

Executive Summary
The core of HISD, the schools, are the strength of the system. Regardless of the overall impression of the district as a whole, satisfaction with the schools and various academic and other attributes of the schools remains strong or has increased from the 2009 study. Despite the recent unprecedented budget constraints, the ratings for specific factors of HISD schools have increased or maintained since the previous study. The new questions regarding elementary, middle, and high schools also score almost entirely in the top box, reflecting the satisfaction of parents with these schools.


Executive Summary
While most of the top box ratings (Very + Somewhat satisfied) have maintained their positive results from 2009, there is a significant increase in the Parents Very satisfied ratings for:
Board of Education 26% to 33% General Population increased 17% to 24% Central Office Administration 22% to 35% General Population 18% to 23% Teachers 40% to 51% General Population 26% to 37% Principals 35% to 54% General Population 22% to 24% School buildings, facilities, and grounds 33% to 47% General Population 22% to 30% General Population also showed an increase for School bus drivers from 16% to 22%

Executive Summary
Various new questions asked in 2011 show strong results of favorable experiences with the HISD schools in many areas. When discussing HISD core values, around three-fifths (60%) of the General Population and three-fourths (75%) of the Parents strongly agree with the following statements regarding HISD:
HISD strives to attract and retain the best teachers, principals, and staff members who can positively impact student achievement HISD strives to create a culture of trust by being open and transparent HISD strives to use data to inform its decision making and hold itself accountable HISD strives to provide all students with a rigorous instructional program to ensure they are ready for college and career


Executive Summary
When discussing overall practices of HISD, with one exception*, all factors mentioned receive at least 71% of respondents agreeing with the statements for Elementary, Middle, and High School:
HISD Uses Good Instructional Practices HISD Uses Sound Business Practices Is Safe and Secure Provides Adequate Equipment and Up-to-date Technology *Has Enough Computers in Schools to Meet Students Needs Sets High Standards for Academic Performance Provides Quality Education Provides Safe Learning Environment


Executive Summary
Satisfaction with HISD schools on specific issues is high, with all factors mentioned, with one exception*, receiving at least 74% of respondents agreement with the statements for their childs HISD school:
I know how to connect with someone at my childs school when I have questions and concerns I am satisfied with the communication between school and home I am satisfied how my childs school keeps me informed about my childs academic progress I have been invited to participate in a school event for parents I am satisfied with opportunities to be involved with my childs education I am satisfied with opportunities for parent input on school initiatives *Technology is used effectively with parents to enhance the home-school connection


Executive Summary
With the recent budget cuts and the media attention these cuts have received there has been an influence on the image of HISD overall.
However, it is important to account for all ratings in the research to realize that specific factors of HISD schools have maintained or increased their performance ratings. This shows the performance of and experience with the HISD schools remains positive, and simply the perception not reality of HISD is currently lower than normal.


Respondent Profile

HISD Survey Demographic Characteristics


Ethnic Background Caucasian Hispanic African American Other Refused Base

General Population 2007 34% 36% 23% 7% 0% 1000

General Population 2009 31% 35% 30% 4% 1% 1008

General Population 2011 28% 37% 31% 3% 1% 1012

Parents 2007 14% 51% 30% 5% 0% 300

Parents 2009 8% 59% 28% 5% 1% 300

Parents 2011 7% 60% 25% 7% 0% 305


HISD Survey Demographic Characteristics

Gender Male Female Age 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 or older Refused Average Age Base

General Population 2009 41% 59% 6% 13% 17% 22% 19% 22% 1% 50 1008

General Population 2011 40% 60% 4% 13% 17% 20% 18% 26% 1% 51 1012

Parents 2009 20% 80% 5% 33% 37% 16% 6% 3% 0% 39 300

Parents 2011 14% 86% P9 1% 34% 42% 13% 5% 4% 0% 39 305


Respondent Profile

Education Grade school Some high school High school Some college College graduate Post graduate Refused Marital Status Married Single Divorced Widowed Living as married/with partner Other Base

General Population 2009

6% 11% 27% 15% 27% 12% 3% 56% 23% 9% 8% 2% 1%

General Population 2011

10% +G9 7% -G9 23% -G9 17% 24% 15% +G9 5% +G9 54% 21% 9% 9% 2% 4% +P9

Parents 2009
7% 12% 34% 18% 16% 6% 7% 57% 24% 9% 3% 2% 5%

Parents 2011
11% +P9 17% 23% -P9 19% 17% 7% 7% 64% 17% -P9 7% 2% 3% 6%






Respondent Profile
General Population 2009
58% 16% 15% 6% 2% 2% 1% 17% 13% 10% 8% 5% 5% 5% 4% 10% 24% 54,700

Number of School Age Children None One Two Three Four Five or more Refused Household Income Less than $20,000 $20,000 - $30,000 $30,001 - $40,000 $40,001 - $50,000 $50,001 - $60,000 $60,001 - $75,000 $75,001 - $100,000 $100,001 - $125,000 Over $125,000 Refused Average Base

General Population 2011

56% 17% 14% 7% 3% 1% 3% 20% 12% 8% 5% 4% 4% 5% 3% 11% 26% 56,560

Parents 2009
1% 26% 34% 20% 8% 6% 4% 14% 19% 11% 9% 5% 4% 2% 1% 4% 31% 41,640

Parents 2011
1% 23% 36% 21% 11% 4% 5% 24% 25% 10% 7% 4% 3% 3% 3% 5% 16% 40,290






HISD Survey Demographic Characteristics


Less than one year 1 - 5 years 6 - 10 years 11 - 15 years More than 15 years

General Population 2007 2% 12% 9% 8% 70% 1000

General Population 2009 2% 12% 11% 8% 64% 1008

General Population 2011 1% 9% -G9 10% 7% 59% 1012

Parents 2007 2% 13% 9% 9% 67% 300

Parents 2009 2% 13% 14% 11% 56% 300

Parents 2011 0% 23% +P9 16% 12% 47% 305


Research Findings

Connection to HISD Schools


100%100% 100% 2007 n=300 2009 n=300 2011 n=305



44% 33%


22%21% 15% +P9 4% 4% 4% 1%

Parent/guardian of student who attends a nonHISD state charter school



1% 1%

0% 0% 1%

4% +P9

Parent/guardian of student who attends HISD school

You, yourself attended a HISD school

Parent/guardian of student who attended HISD school in past

Parent/guardian Someone who Current employee of student who has never had a of HISD attends a private child attend a school K-12 HISD school


As I read you several categories, which of these best describes your relationship with the Houston Independent School District (HISD)?


Connection to HISD Schools

General Population


2007 n=1000

2009 n=1008

2011 n=1012



37% 35% 30%



33% 31%33%

33% 29% 27%

38% 23% 23% 7% 3% 4%

2% 3% 3%



Parent/guardian of Someone who has Parent/guardian of student who never had a child student who attended HISD attend a HISD attends HISD school in past school school

You, yourself attended a HISD school

Parent/guardian of Parent/guardian of Current employee student who student who of HISD attends a private attends a state school K-12 charter school


As I read you several categories, which of these best describes your relationship with the Houston Independent School District (HISD)?


Grade Level of Child in HISD School

Parents Having a Child in HISD School; Multiple Responses Allowed

High School

41% 35% 38% 33% 70% 70% 0% 0%

0% 25% 50% 75%

Middle School

Elementary School

2009 n=300 2011 n=305

Another HISD school



In which of the following HISD school levels do you have a child or children currently in school?


Any School Age Children Not Enrolled in HISD?



-P9 93%

General Population 2011 56% 10% 3% 5% 7% 94


What would cause you to enroll child in HISD Nothing Better quality curriculum Better quality teachers Improve safety Smaller class Base
25% 50%

Parents 2011 60% 15% 5% 5% 5% 20



+P9 7%

Parents 2009 n=300 Parents 2011 n=305 General Population 2009 n=1008 General Population 2011 n=1012



6a. 6d.

Do you have any school age children NOT currently enrolled in HISD? What would need to change in order for you to enroll that child in HISD?


Non HISD Child Ever Enrolled in HISD?


Parents 2011 n=20 General Population 2011 n=94

Why did you remove your child from HISD? Moved Better education Bad school Different style school (private,etc) Child left unattended Better atmosphere Graduated Base
50% 75%

Parents 2011* 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 7


General Population 2011 27% 15% 6% 6% 3% 3% 6% 33




* Number or respondents shown rather than percentage due to small base size 6b. Was that child ever enrolled in an HISD school? 6c. What made you remove your child from HISD?


Direction For HISD

Since 2009, percentages have significantly decreased for both Parents and General Population regarding HISD heading on the right track.
Parents: 79% (09) to 54% (11) General Population: 58% (09) to 44% (11)

Ethnic differences show significantly more Asians feel HISD is heading on the right track (73%) than other ethnic groups (56% or less). Also, more Hispanics than Anglos or African Americans feel HISD is heading on the right track.
Asians 73% Hispanic 56% African American 39% Anglo 38%

More Community Leaders (51%) than General Population (41%) feel HISD is heading on the right track.


Direction For HISD

General Population 2007 Strongly heading on the right track Somewhat heading on the right track Neither right nor wrong track/neutral Somewhat heading on the wrong track Strongly heading on the wrong track Total right track Total wrong track Ratio Right/Wrong Track Base 23% 28% 19% 9% 21% 51% 30% 1.7 1000

General Population 2009 16% 42% 22% 11% 9% 58% 20% 2.9 1008

General Population 2011 16% 28% -G9 26% +G9 13% 17% +G9 44% -G9 30% +G9 1.5 1012

Parents 2007 35% 33% 14% 5% 13% 68% 18% 3.8 300

Parents 2009 34% 45% 10% 6% 5% 79% 11% 7.2 300

Parents 2011 22% -P9 32% -P9 20% +P9 11% +P9 14% +P9 54% -P9 25% +P9 2.2 305

G7 = Significantly higher than General Population 2007 P7 = Significantly higher than Parents 2007 G9 = Significantly higher than General Population 2009 7. Overall, would you say that HISD is heading on the right track and getting better or off on the wrong track and getting worse? (PROBE BY READING: Do you feel they are )


Why Is HISD on the Wrong Track?

General Population 2011 Reducing teaching staff Cutting budget in wrong areas Closing schools Larger classroom sizes Budget cuts hurting education Need to improve curriculum Teaching to the test Base 27% 18% 13% 11% 5% 8% 7% 307
Other responses by 5% or less of total sample

Parents 2011 48% 18% 16% 15% 20% 4% 3% 79

7b. Why do you feel HISD is heading on the wrong track? What other reasons?


Why Is HISD on the Right Track?

General Population 2011 Satisfied with experience Teaching students what they should know Doing a good job Children learning, being taught Testing qualification of teachers Encouraging all students Extra curricular activities provided Keeping parents informed Base 15% 17% 15% 8% 6% 4% 4% 3% 441
Other responses by 4% or less of total sample

Parents 2011 38% 24% 8% 10% 2% 7% 5% 6% 164

7b. Why do you feel HISD is heading on the right track? What other reasons?


Opinion of HISD
Since 2009, percentages have significantly decreased for both Parents and General Population regarding respondents opinions of HISD (very favorable + mildly favorable).
Parents: 82% (09) to 62% (11) General Population: 65% (09) to 54% (11)

Satisfied with experience is the top mention for why respondents have a favorable opinion of HISD. Reducing teaching staff is the top mention for reason respondents have an unfavorable opinion of HISD. Across all factors surveyed, Parents give Elementary Schools more favorable ratings while are lower for Middle School and even lower 34 for High School.

Opinion of HISD
Ethnic differences show each group has a significantly different opinion of HISD overall. Asians give the highest ratings (81% favorable), Hispanics the next highest (67%), then African Americans (52%) and finally Anglos give the lowest ratings (40%). When asked about HISD local schools, Asians and Hispanics (66% and 70%, respectively) still have higher ratings than African Americans and Anglos (52% and 45%, respectively). While there is no difference in between the Community Leaders and General Populations opinion of HISD overall (55% and 54%), there is a significant difference between the two groups when asked about HISD in their local communities:
Community Leaders: 37% General Population: 60%

Opinion of HISD
General Population vs. Parents

Very favorable Mildly favorable Uncertain Mildly unfavorable Very unfavorable Total favorable Total unfavorable Ratio favorable/unfavorable Base

General Population 2007 18% 30% 16% 17% 18% 48% 35% 1.4 1000

General Population 2009 25% 40% 17% 11% 8% 65% 19% 3.4 1008

General Population 2011 25% 29% -G9 23% +G9 13% 10% 54% -G9 23% +G9 2.3 1012

Parents 2007 26% 31% 14% 17% 12% 57% 29% 2.0 300

Parents 2009 33% 49% 7% 7% 4% 82% 11% 7.5 300

Parents 2011 34% 28% -P9 20% +P9 9% 9% +P9 62% -P9 18% +P9 3.4 305

8a. Overall, what is your opinion of the Houston Independent School District? Would you say it is?


Opinion of HISD & Local Schools


2007 District as a whole 2009 District as a whole 2011 District as a whole 2007 Local HISD schools 2009 Local HISD schools 2011 Local HISD schools


Total favorable

62% 59%



67% 29%


2007 HISD - District as a whole

11% Total unfavorable

2009 HISD - District as a whole 2011 HISD - District as a whole 2007 Local HISD schools 2009 Local HISD schools 2011 Local HISD schools
50% 75% 100%

30% 15%

0% 25%


Base: Parents 2007-2009 N=300 2011 N=305

8a. Overall, what is your opinion of the Houston Independent School District? Would you say it is? 9a. Overall, what is your opinion of the HISD schools in your local community? Would you say it is?


Opinion of HISD & Local Schools

General Population

2007 District as a whole 2009 District as a whole 2011 District as a whole 2007 Local HISD schools 2009 Local HISD schools 2011 Local HISD schools

54% 51%

65% 62% 56% -G9

Total favorable

2007 HISD - District as a whole 2009 HISD - District as a whole 2011 HISD - District as a whole 2007 Local HISD schools

Total unfavorable

19% +P9 23%


2009 Local HISD schools 2011 Local HISD schools

19% 19%
Base: General Population 2009 N=1008 2007 N=1000
0% 25% 50%



8a. Overall, what is your opinion of the Houston Independent School District? Would you say it is? 9a. Overall, what is your opinion of the HISD schools in your local community? Would you say it is?


Reason for Unfavorable Opinion

General Population 2011 Reducing teaching staff Cutting budget in wrong areas Need to improve curriculum Lack of safety (bully, violence, drugs) Principals/Superintendent poorly qualified Know children are not learning Closing schools Base 17% 11% 8% 8% 10% 9% 5% 236
Other responses by 5% or less of total sample

Parents 2011 24% 13% 13% 9% 2% 4% 9% 54

8b. Could you specifically tell me what makes you have an unfavorable opinion of the Houston Independent School District?


Reason for Favorable Opinion

General Population 2011 Satisfied with experience Teaching students what they should know Doing a good job Encouraging all students Improving communication with parents Testing qualifications of teachers Base 21% 17% 13% 8% 4% 4% 544

Parents 2011 36% 17% 5% 7% 9% 7% 191

Other responses by 3% or less of total sample

8b. Could you specifically tell me what makes you have an unfavorable opinion of the Houston Independent School District?


Opinion of Childs HISD School

Parents 2011 Elementary Very favorable Mildly favorable Uncertain Mildly unfavorable Very unfavorable Total favorable Total unfavorable Ratio favorable/unfavorable Base 66% 20% 4% 7% 3% 86% 10% 8.6 215 Middle School 51% 30% 8% 4% 7% 81% 11% 7.4 102 High School 50% 22% 8% 8% 11% 72% 19% 3.8 106

9b. Overall, what is your opinion of the HISD (Elementary, Middle, High) School your child attends?


HISD Core Values

Around 60% of the General Population and 70% of the Parents agree with the following statements regarding HISD:
HISD strives to attract and retain the best teachers, principals, and staff members who can positively impact student achievement HISD strives to create a culture of trust by being open and transparent HISD strives to use data to inform its decision making and hold itself accountable HISD strives to provide all students with a rigorous instructional program to ensure they are ready for college and career


HISD Core Values

Ethnic differences show that Hispanics agree more with all value statements than African Americans or Anglos.
Asians agree more than African Americans or Anglos for: HISD strives to attract and retain the best teachers, principals, and staff members who can positively impact student achievement HISD strives to provide all students with a rigorous instructional program to ensure they are ready for college and career

The General Population agrees more than Community Leaders regarding:

HISD strives to attract and retain the best teachers, principals, and staff members who can positively impact student achievement (General Population: 64%; Community Leaders: 52%) HISD strives to provide all students with a rigorous instructional program to ensure they are ready for college and career (General Population: 64%; Community Leaders: 50%) HISD strives to create a culture of trust by being open and transparent (General Population: 62%; Community Leaders: 51%)

HISD strives to attract and retain the best teachers, principals, and staff members who can positively impact student achievement

HISD Core Values:

General Population 2011 Strongly agree Mildly agree Neither agree or disagree Mildly disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Total agree Total diagree Ratio agree/disagree Base 37% 25% 9% 11% 13% 5% 62% 24% 2.6 1012

Parents 2011 49% 25% 10% 7% 6% 3% 74% 13% 5.7 305

10. Please tell me how strongly you agree/disagree with each statement


HISD strives to create a culture of trust by being open and transparent

HISD Core Values:

General Population 2011 Strongly agree Mildly agree Neither agree or disagree Mildly disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Total agree Total diagree Ratio agree/disagree Base 31% 29% 8% 10% 13% 9% 60% 23% 2.6 1012

Parents 2011 52% 24% 7% 7% 8% 2% 76% 15% 5.1 305

10. Please tell me how strongly you agree/disagree with each statement


HISD strives to use data to inform its decision making and hold itself accountable

HISD Core Values:

General Population 2011 Strongly agree Mildly agree Neither agree or disagree Mildly disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Total agree Total diagree Ratio agree/disagree Base 32% 28% 9% 8% 11% 12% 60% 19% 3.2 1012

Parents 2011 49% 25% 7% 7% 7% 6% 74% 14% 5.3 305

10. Please tell me how strongly you agree/disagree with each statement


HISD strives to provide all students with a rigorous instructional program to ensure they are ready for college and career

HISD Core Values:

General Population 2011 Strongly agree Mildly agree Neither agree or disagree Mildly disagree Strongly disagree Don't know Total agree Total diagree Ratio agree/disagree Base 35% 26% 7% 10% 16% 6% 61% 26% 2.3 1012

Parents 2011 55% 23% 4% 8% 7% 4% 78% 15% 5.2 305

10. Please tell me how strongly you agree/disagree with each statement


HISD Values and Goals: Agreement with Statements

General Population vs. Parents
HISD strives to create a culture of trust

60% 76%

HISD strives to use data in decision making

60% 74%

HISD strives to provide all students with a rigorous program

61% 78%
2011 General Population

HISD strives to attract and retain the best teachers, principals, and staff
0% 25% 50%

62% 74%

2011 Parents

10. Please tell me how strongly you agree/disagree with each statement


Problem Reported or Information Requested

Less than 14% of General Population or Parents either requested information or had a problem with HISD
Of those who had a problem or requested information:
18% of Parents say it was at the District level (46% of General Population say District level) 89% of Parents say it was at the school level (65% of General Population say School level multiple responses accepted) One-fourth of both Parents and General Population say the problem was not resolved. The majority (81% of Parents and 70% of General Population) say they received the information they requested.


Had Problem with/ Information Requested from HISD


2011 Parents

2011 General Population





13% 5%




6% Neither

Resolve problem

Ask for information


Have you personally had to resolve a problem or asked for information from the Houston Independent School District?


Level Where Problem Occurred/ Information Requested

Base: Those who had a problem with or requested information from HISD
2011 Parents N=73 2011 General Population N=188 89%










District level

School level

12a. Was that at the school or district level? (ALLOW MULTIPLE RESPONSES)

Grade Level Where Problem Occurred

Base: Those who had a problem with HISD
2011 Parents N=27 2011 General Population N=82






44% 29%






Middle School

High School

12b. Was the problem at the elementary, middle, or high school level?

Issue is Resolved
Base: Those who had a problem with HISD
2011 Parents N=60 2011 General Population N=106







25% 10% 16% 3% 2%




They are still working on it


13a. Is the issue now resolved to your satisfaction?

Reason Issue is Not Resolved to Satisfaction

General Population 2011 Nothing done to resolve problem, no action taken Did not respond to me Did not listen to me Did not like the response given to me No one takes responsibility Do not wish to discuss Base
Other responses by 2% or less of total sample

Parents 2011 33% 13% 7% 7% 7% 7% 15

33% 22% 11% 11% 4% 4% 27

13b. Why was the issue not resolved to your satisfaction?


Grade Level Where Information Was Requested

Base: Those who requested information from HISD
2011 Parents N=53 2011 General Population N=80




49% 40% 25% 28% 28%





Middle School

High School


12b. Was the information you requested at the elementary, middle, or high school level?

Received Information Requested

Base: Those who requested information from HISD
2011 Parents N=32 2011 General Population N=140






16% 9% 6%

11% 3% 4%




They are working on it


13c. Did you receive the information you requested?

Agreement with HISD Performance Statements

With one exception*, all factors mentioned receive at least 71% of respondents agreeing with the statements for Elementary, Middle, and High School:
HISD Uses Good Instructional Practices HISD Uses Sound Business Practices Is Safe and Secure Provides Adequate Equipment and Up-to-date Technology *Has Enough Computers in Schools to Meet Students Needs Sets High Standards for Academic Performance Provides Quality Education Provides Safe Learning Environment


Agreement with Statements:

HISD Uses Good Instructional Practices

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 64% 27% 3% 4% 1% 2% 91% 5% 18.2 215 Middle School 57% 24% 2% 5% 8% 5% 81% 13% 6.2 102 High School 54% 29% 5% 4% 5% 4% 83% 9% 9.2 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Agreement with Statements:

HISD Uses Sound Business Practices

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 54% 24% 7% 5% 3% 8% 78% 8% 9.8 215 Middle School 49% 25% 8% 5% 4% 10% 74% 9% 8.2 102 High School 50% 24% 6% 5% 5% 11% 74% 10% 7.4 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Agreement with Statements:

Is Safe and Secure

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 72% 17% 2% 4% 4% 1% 89% 8% 11.1 215 Middle School 54% 28% 1% 5% 9% 3% 82% 14% 5.9 102 High School 50% 21% 1% 8% 15% 6% 71% 23% 3.1 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Provides Adequate Equipment and Up-to-date Technology

Agreement with Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 60% 24% 3% 4% 4% 5% 84% 8% 10.5 215 Middle School 57% 24% 4% 4% 6% 6% 81% 10% 8.1 102 High School 49% 27% 2% 7% 8% 7% 76% 15% 5.1 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Has Enough Computers in Schools to Meet Students Needs

Agreement with Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 47% 20% 6% 6% 10% 11% 67% 16% 4.2 215 Middle School 52% 17% 11% 6% 4% 11% 69% 10% 6.9 102 High School 52% 25% 2% 7% 6% 9% 77% 13% 5.9 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Sets High Standards for Academic Performance

Agreement with Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 68% 20% 2% 4% 3% 3% 88% 7% 12.6 215 Middle School 64% 20% 4% 4% 5% 4% 84% 9% 9.3 102 High School 58% 25% 2% 6% 3% 6% 83% 9% 9.2 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Agreement with Statements:

Provides Quality Education

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 67% 22% 2% 6% 2% 1% 89% 8% 11.1 215 Middle School 62% 24% 3% 4% 5% 3% 86% 9% 9.6 102 High School 58% 25% 5% 4% 5% 4% 83% 9% 9.2 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Agreement with Statements:

Provides Safe Learning Environment

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 72% 20% 2% 2% 2% 1% 92% 4% 23.0 215 Middle School 67% 20% 2% 4% 5% 3% 87% 9% 9.7 102 High School 55% 29% 0% 4% 8% 4% 84% 12% 7.0 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Agreement with HISD Performance Statements

Slide 1 of 2
Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base Elementary 60% 24% 3% 4% 4% 84% 8% 10.5 215 Middle School 57% 24% 4% 4% 6% 81% 10% 8.1 102 High School 49% 27% 2% 7% 8% 76% 15% 5.1 106

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Agreement with HISD Performance Statements

Slide 2 of 2
Has enough computers in schools to meet students' needs Provides adequate equipment and up-todate technology 77% 69% 67% 76% 81% 84% 74% 74% 78% 71% Is safe and secure 82% 89%
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

2011 High School Parents 2011 Middle School Parents 2011 Elementary Parents

Uses sound business practices

18. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


HISD Additional Issues

With one exception*, all factors mentioned receive at least 74% of respondents agreeing with the statements for their childs HISD school:
I know how to connect with someone at my childs school when I have questions and concerns I am satisfied with the communication between school and home I am satisfied how my childs school keeps me informed about my childs academic progress I have been invited to participate in a school event for parents I am satisfied with opportunities to be involved with my childs education I am satisfied with opportunities for parent input on school initiatives *Technology is used effectively with parents to enhance the homeschool connection

I know how to connect with someone at my childs school when I have questions and concerns

Additional HISD Agreement Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base 72% 16% 2% 4% 4% 1% 88% 8% 11.0 305

20. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement.


I am satisfied with the communication between school and home

Additional HISD Agreement Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base 65% 19% 2% 5% 8% 1% 84% 13% 6.5 305

20. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement.


I am satisfied how my childs school keeps me informed about my childs academic progress

Additional HISD Agreement Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base 69% 18% 2% 5% 5% 2% 87% 10% 8.7 305

20. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement.


I have been invited to participate in a school event for parents

Additional HISD Agreement Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base 72% 16% 1% 4% 5% 1% 88% 9% 9.8 305

20. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement.


I am satisfied with opportunities to be involved with my childs education

Additional HISD Agreement Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base 72% 16% 0% 5% 4% 2% 88% 9% 9.8 305

20. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement.


I am satisfied with opportunities for parent input on school initiatives

Additional HISD Agreement Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base 61% 23% 3% 5% 6% 3% 84% 11% 7.6 305

20. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement.


Technology is used effectively with parents to enhance the homeschool connection

Additional HISD Agreement Statements:

Parents 2011 Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know Total Agree Total Disagree Ratio Agree/Disagree Base 53% 21% 5% 7% 4% 11% 74% 11% 6.7 305

20. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement.


Agreement with HISD Performance Statements

Mildly and Strongly Agree Shown

2011 Parents N=53

2011 General Population N=80



49% 40% 25% 28% 28%





Middle School

High School


20. As applied to HISD, do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?


Satisfaction with HISD

From 2009 to 2011, Parents and General Populations very satisfied ratings have increased for:
Board of Education 26% to 33%
General Population increased 17% to 24%

Central office Administration 22% to 35%

General Population 18% to 23%

Teachers 40% to 51%

General Population 26% to 37%

Principals 35% to 54%

General Population 22% to 24%

School buildings, facilities, and grounds 33% to 47%

General Population 22% to 30%

General Population also showed an increase for School bus drivers from 16% to 22%

Satisfaction with HISD

Ethnic differences show Asians and Hispanics rate the following higher than African Americans or Anglos:
Board of Education
Asian: 73%; Hispanics: 70%; African Americans: 47%; Anglos: 39%

Asian: 70%; Hispanics: 62%; African Americans: 39%; Anglos: 40%

Teachers (African Americans rate higher than Anglos)

Asian: 89%; Hispanics: 81%; African Americans: 70%; Anglos: 59%

Asian: 89%; Hispanics: 75%; African Americans: 65%; Anglos: 51%


Satisfaction with HISD

Anglos also rate the following significantly lower than other ethnic groups:
Central Administration Offices (Hispanics rate significantly higher than African Americans)
Asian: 54%; Hispanics: 63%; African Americans: 48%; Anglos: 34%

Buildings, Facilities, and Grounds (Hispanics rate significantly higher than African Americans)
Asian: 73%; Hispanics: 77%; African Americans: 62%; Anglos: 52%

Bus Drivers (Asians rate higher than all other segments)

Asian: 53%; Hispanics: 39%; African Americans: 45%; Anglos: 23%


Satisfaction with HISD

General Population rates aspects of HISD higher than Community Leaders in regards to:
Teachers: General Population: 69%; Community Leaders: 61% Bus Drivers: General Population: 44%; Community Leaders: 16% Buildings, Facilities, and Grounds: General Population: 67%; Community Leaders: 41%

Community Leaders rate Central Office Administration higher (55%) than General Population (45%).


HISD Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Uncertain/Don't know Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Total Satisfied Total Dissatisfied Ratio Satisfied/Dissatisfied Base

General Population 2007 21% 34% 18% 15% 12% 55% 27% 2.0 1000

General Population 2009 17% 36% 33% 8% 6% 53% 14% 3.8 1008

General Population 2011 24% +G9 27% -G9 27% -G9 11% +G9 11% +G9 51% 22% +G9 2.3 1012

Parents 2007 30% 39% 17% 8% 7% 69% 15% 4.6 300

Parents 2009 26% 43% 22% 5% 4% 69% 9% 7.7 300

Parents 2011 33% +P9 34% -P9 16% 9% 8% +P9 67% 17% +P 3.9 305

14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


HISD Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Uncertain/Don't know Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Total Satisfied Total Dissatisfied Ratio Satisfied/Dissatisfied Base

General Population 2007 25% 32% 22% 9% 11% 57% 20% 2.9 1000

General Population 2009 20% 31% 34% 8% 7% 51% 15% 3.4 1008

General Population 2011 22% 25% -G9 33% 8% 13% +G9 47% 21% +G9 2.2 1012

Parents 2007 35% 35% 17% 3% 9% 70% 12% 5.8 300

Parents 2009 28% 41% 23% 5% 3% 69% 8% 8.6 300

Parents 2011 33% 25% -P9 27% 6% 9% +P9 58% -P9 15% +P9 3.9 305

14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


HISD Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Uncertain/Don't know Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Total Satisfied Total Dissatisfied Ratio Satisfied/Dissatisfied Base

General Population 2007 21% 30% 27% 10% 11% 51% 21% 2.4 1000

General Population 2009 18% 31% 39% 7% 5% 49% 12% 4.1 1008

General Population 2011 23% +G9 24% -G9 38% 7% 8% +G9 47% 15% 3.1 1012

Parents 2007 30% 34% 21% 6% 9% 64% 15% 4.3 300

Parents 2009 22% 42% 30% 3% 3% 64% 6% 10.7 300

Parents 2011 35% +P9 27% -P9 28% 5% 4% 62% 9% 6.9 305

14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


HISD Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Uncertain/Don't know Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Total Satisfied Total Dissatisfied Ratio Satisfied/Dissatisfied Base

General Population 2007 29% 41% 12% 11% 8% 70% 19% 3.7 1000

General Population 2009 26% 41% 20% 9% 4% 67% 13% 5.2 1008

General Population 2011 37% +G9 31% -G9 21% 7% 5% 68% 12% 5.7 1012

Parents 2007 42% 37% 4% 11% 7% 79% 18% 4.4 300

Parents 2009 40% 45% 4% 5% 5% 85% 10% 8.5 300

Parents 2011 51% +P9 35% -P9 6% 5% 3% 86% 8% 10.8 305

14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


HISD Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Uncertain/Don't know Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Total Satisfied Total Dissatisfied Ratio Satisfied/Dissatisfied Base

General Population 2007 25% 37% 19% 10% 9% 62% 19% 3.3 1000

General Population 2009 22% 38% 29% 7% 4% 60% 11% 5.5 1008

General Population 2011 34% +G9 28% -G9 25% 8% 5% 62% 13% 4.8 1012

Parents 2007 39% 40% 7% 6% 8% 79% 14% 5.6 300

Parents 2009 35% 48% 7% 5% 6% 83% 11% 7.5 300

Parents 2011 54% +P9 26% -P9 8% 8% 5% 80% 13% 6.2 305

14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


HISD Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Uncertain/Don't know Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Total Satisfied Total Dissatisfied Ratio Satisfied/Dissatisfied Base

General Population 2007 19% 29% 33% 9% 10% 48% 19% 2.5 1000

General Population 2009 16% 28% 45% 8% 4% 44% 12% 3.7 1008

General Population 2011 22% +G9 16% -G9 55% +G9 3% -G9 3% 38% -G9 6% -G9 6.3 1012

Parents 2007 19% 27% 38% 6% 10% 46% 16% 2.9 300

Parents 2009 20% 27% 43% 6% 4% 47% 10% 4.7 300

Parents 2011 20% 13% -P9 57% +P9 5% 5% 33% -P9 10% 3.3 305

14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


HISD Satisfaction

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Uncertain/Don't know Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Total Satisfied Total Dissatisfied Ratio Satisfied/Dissatisfied Base

General Population 2007 26% 38% 10% 14% 12% 64% 26% 2.5 1000

General Population 2009 22% 42% 19% 12% 6% 64% 18% 3.6 1008

General Population 2011 30% +G9 32% -G9 19% 12% 7% 62% 19% 3.3 1012

Parents 2007 37% 40% 4% 10% 10% 77% 20% 3.9 300

Parents 2009 33% 46% 9% 8% 3% 79% 11% 7.2 300

Parents 2011 47% +P9 30% -P9 8% 8% 7% +P9 77% 15% 5.1 305

14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


Satisfaction with HISD

General Population
70% 67% 68%

Slide 1 of 2

13% 12%


School buildings, facilities, & grounds

18% 19%


64% 64% 62%

Base: General Population 2007: 1000 2009: 1008 2011: 1012

11% 13%


62% 60% 62% 2007 2009 2011 2007 2009 2011 Total Total Total Total Total Total Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

The HISD board of education



27% 22%

55% 53% 51%




14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


Satisfaction with HISD

General Population Slide 2 of 2

The HISD school superintendent

51% 47% 20% 15% +G9 21% 51% 49% 47% 21% 12% 15% 48% 44% 2007 2009 2011 2007 2009 2011 Total Total Total Total Total Total Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

The HISD central office administration

Base: General Population 2007: 1000 2009: 1008 2011: 1012

School bus drivers

12% 6%

38% 19%






14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


Satisfaction with HISD


Slide 1 of 2
79% 85% 86%

10% 8%



14% 11% 13%

2007 Total 2009 Total 2011 Total 2007 Total 2009 Total 2011 Total

Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

79% 83% 80%

School building, facilities & grounds

12% 15%


77% 79% 77%

The HISD school superintendent



16% 15%



70% 69%

Base: Parents 2007: 300 2009: 300 2011: 305





14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


Satisfaction with HISD


Slide 2 of 2
69% 69% 67% 13% 9% 17%

The HISD board of education

The HISD central office administration

15% 6% 9%

2007 Total 2009 Total 2011 Total 2007 Total 2009 Total 2011 Total

Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

64% 64% 62%

46% 47%

School bus drivers

33% 12% 10% 10%

0% 25%

Base: Parents 2007: 300 2009: 300 2011: 305





14. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with each of the following as it applies to HISD?


Impression of Change: More Healthy Foods Served in Cafeteria

General Population 2011 51% 19% 11% 4% 5% 10% 70% 9% 7.8 1012 Parents 2011 50% 19% 14% 5% 7% 5% 69% 12% 5.8 305

Strongly positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Strongly negative Don't know Total Positive Total Negative Ratio Positive/Negative Base

25. What impression do these changes to HISD give you?


Impression of Change: Bullying Prevention Efforts

General Population 2011 48% 15% 11% 6% 7% 13% 63% 13% 4.8 1012 Parents 2011 52% 15% 10% 6% 7% 10% 67% 13% 5.2 305

Strongly positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Strongly negative Don't know Total Positive Total Negative Ratio Positive/Negative Base

25. What impression do these changes to HISD give you?


Impression of Change: Budget Cuts and Their Impact

General Population 2011 9% 7% 11% 15% 45% 13% 16% 60% 0.3 1012 Parents 2011 11% 10% 7% 12% 44% 17% 21% 56% 0.4 305

Strongly positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Strongly negative Don't know Total Positive Total Negative Ratio Positive/Negative Base

25. What impression do these changes to HISD give you?


Impression of Change: Green Buses

General Population 2011 36% 18% 17% 3% 5% 20% 54% 8% 6.8 1012 Parents 2011 40% 14% 12% 3% 4% 26% 54% 7% 7.7 305

Strongly positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Strongly negative Don't know Total Positive Total Negative Ratio Positive/Negative Base

25. What impression do these changes to HISD give you?


Impression of Change: Changes in HISD Website

General Population 2011 15% 10% 24% 2% 2% 48% 25% 4% 6.3 1012 Parents 2011 22% 16% 17% 2% 1% 42% 38% 3% 12.7 305

Strongly positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Strongly negative Don't know Total Positive Total Negative Ratio Positive/Negative Base

25. What impression do these changes to HISD give you?


Impression of Change
General Population
More healthy food in cafeteria
70% 9%

Bullying prevention efforts

63% 13%

"Green" buses

54% 8%

Base: General Population 2007: 1000 2009: 1008 2011: 1012

Changes to HISD website

25% 4% 2011 Total Positive 16% 60%

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Budget cuts and their impact

2011 Total Negative

25. What impression do these changes to HISD give you?


Impression of Change
More healthy food in cafeteria
69% 12%

Bullying prevention efforts

67% 13%

"Green" buses

54% 7%

Base: Parents 2007: 300 2009: 300 2011: 305

Changes to HISD website

38% 3% 2011 Total Positive 21% 56%

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Budget cuts and their impact

2011 Total Negative

25. What impression do these changes to HISD give you?


HISD Preparation and Comparison

In 2011, significantly fewer Parents and General Population believe HISD prepares students to enter the workforce and college than in 2009. Around one-third of Parents (30%) and one-fourth of General Population (22%) feel HISD is better than other public school systems in Texas. Significantly more Hispanics (68%) than African Americans (53%) or Anglos (26%) feel HISD adequately prepares students for the workforce.
Similar results are found when asked about preparing students for college:
More Hispanics feel students are prepared (75%) than African Americans (57%) or Anglos (31%).

HISD Preparation and Comparison

Hispanics (35%) also feel the quality of education is better with HISD than other systems in Texas more than African Americans (16%) or Anglos (16%). More of the General Population than the Community Leaders feel that:
HISD prepares students for the workforce
General Population: 55%; Community Leaders: 24%

HISD prepares students for college

General Population: 61%; Community Leaders: 27%

HISD is a better education than other systems in Texas

General Population: 24%; Community Leaders: 14%


Students Prepared to Enter Workforce


2007 Parents 2007 General Population

2009 Parents 2009 General Population

2011 Parents 2011 General Population 75% 66% +P9 58% 52% 49% 44% 29% 30%



Base: Parents 2007: 300 2009: 300 2011: 305 General Population 2007: 1000 2009: 1008 2011: 1012




19% 13% 9%


21% 13%


16% 15%



Do not prepare students

Do prepare students

15. Do you feel that HISD adequately prepares students to enter the workforce?


Students Prepared to Enter College


2007 Parents 2007 General Population

2009 Parents 2009 General Population

2011 Parents 2011 General Population 77% 70% 55% 46%




Base: Parents 2007: 300 2009: 300 2011: 305 General Population 2007: 1000 2009: 1008 2011: 1012

62% 54%

39% 25% 26% 14% 14%


16% 10%

16% 15% 13%






Do not prepare students

Do prepare students

16. Do you feel that HISD adequately prepares students to college?


Quality of Education in HISD Compared to Other Public Schools in Texas


2007 Parents 2007 General Population


2009 Parents 2009 General Population

2011 Parents 2011 General Population


Base: Parents 2007: 300 2009: 300 2011: 305 General Population 2007: 1000 2009: 1008 2011: 1012
+G9 23% 18% 21% 16% 15% 15%14% 14% 12% +P9

43% 41% -G9 38% 38% 38% 38% 27% 18% 17% 32% 30% 25% 25% 22% 19%





About the same


Do you believe the quality of education in HISD is better, about the same, or worse than the quality of education in other public school districts in Texas?


Performance of HISD Schools

When rating their childs school on a list of factors, (with one exception) all receive average to good ratings (64% to 76% giving an 8, 9, or 10 where 10 is excellent). The highest rated factors include:
Convenient location Level of academic challenge High academic standards

The lowest rated factors include:

Quality of food offered


Performance of HISD Schools

When asked what one factor of HISD should be changed or improved, the top mention for Parents (with 13% of respondents mentioning it) is Improve cafeteria food and for General Population (with 16%) is Better quality teachers/staff. 66% of Parents and 47% of the General Population are likely to recommend HISD as a school system.


Performance of Local HISD School

Slide 1 of 2
Scale: 1 poor to 10 excellent; 8, 9, and 10 ratings shown
Convenience of the school's location Level of academic challenge Having high academic requirements/standards Having regular communication with parents Encouraging parental involvement Quality of instruction Culture or feeling of community Adequately prepares students for college
19. How would you rate the school on the ?
2009 Parents Top Rating 2011 Parents Top Rating

73% 76% 69% 75%

72% 74% 71% 74% 73% 73% 67% 73%

Base: Parents 2009: 300 2011: 305

69% 70%
Not asked in 2009

25% 50% 75%


Performance of Local HISD School

Slide 2 of 2
Scale: 1 poor to 10 excellent; 8, 9, and 10 ratings shown
Discipline at the school Quality of school's administrators Providing individual attention to students Ability to determine students' needs Variety of tutorial and student help Social environment Variety of after school programs Quality of food offered
2009 Parents Top Rating 2011 Parents Top Rating

65% 69% 65% 69% 64% 68% 66% 66% 66% 64% 66%
Not asked in 2009 Base: Parents 2009: 300 2011: 305

Not asked in 2009

Not asked in 2009

25% 50% 75% 100%

19. How would you rate the school on the ?


Improvements for HISD

General Population 2009 Improve safety (crime, bullying, etc.) Better quality teachers/staff Improve quality of curriculum/education/academics Small class (lower student : teacher ratio, individual attention) Teach to learn, not teach to test More caring teachers/staff Improve cafeteria food Base 16% 12% 8% 6% 5% 5% 2% 1008

General Population 2011 6% -G9 16% +G9 5% -G9 4% 3% -G9 2% -G9 5% +G9 1012

Parents 2009 16% 7% 10% 7% 4% 4% 6% 300

Parents 2011 9% -P9 8% 4% -P9 3% -P9 1% -P9 4% 13% +P9 305

Other mentions by less than 4% of total sample


From what you have experienced yourself or heard from others, if you were going to make one improvement at HISD, which108 improvement would you make?

Likelihood to Recommend HISD


2011 Parents N=305

2011 General Population N=1012




47% 35%


20% 8% 12% 5% 4- 7 ratings 8 - 10 ratings 6%


1 - 3 ratings

Don't know

27. How likely would you be to recommend HISD as a school system?



The majority of Parents (70%, increased from 46% in 2009) and General Population (67%, increased from 40%) have seen or heard a message regarding HISD in the past six months (both significant increases from 2009).
Of those who have seen or heard a message, a third of Parents (32%) or General Population (27%) say it was positive.

Parents top method for receiving information about HISD is teachers (59%) while General Populations is TV (53%).



One-fourth of Parents (25%) are interested in direct email communication from HISD (in addition to the 15% who say they already receive it). This is a significant increase from 2009 when only 16% were interested (in addition to the 8% who received it).
Only 10% of the General Population are interested while 16% already receive it.

One-third of Parents (36%) say Teachers are the most useful source of information. Secondary mentions include the HISD web site (23%) and TV (15%).
General Population mentions TV as the most useful source (29%) and Teachers as the second most useful source (22%).


Seen or Heard HISD Information or Messages

In Past Six Months
2009 Parents 2009 General Population 2011 Parents 2009 General Population



Base: Parents 2009: 300 2011: 305 General Population 2009: 1008 2011: 1012

70% 57% 51% 46%





-G9 -P9








Don't know



Have you seen or heard any information or messages regarding HISD in the past 6 months?


Tone of Information/Message
2009 Parents 2009 General Population 2011 Parents 2011 General Population




Base: Parents 2009: 139 2011: 214 General Population 2009: 407 2011: 681





46% 32%
-P9 -G9


24% 12% 2% 0% 3% 0%

25% 27% 23% 21%



Don't know
D3. Was the information?




Method Receive Information about HISD


2011 Parents

2011 General Population


59% 53%

Base: Parents 2011: 305 General Population 2011: 1012



38% 22%

39% 36% 21% 18%


15% 11%


19% 11% 12%




HISD website Friends/family HISD eNews


Other responses by 7% or less than total sample

26a. Which of the following sources do you use to obtain information about the quality of HISD schools?

Social netoworking sites



Interest in Direct Email Communication from District


2009 Parents 2009 General Population

2011 Parents 2011 General Population 81%


Base: Parents 2009: 300 2011: 305 General Population 2009: 1008 2011: 1012


73% 60%




25% 16%

+P9 +P9 +G9

15% 9% 10% 8% 9%





I already receive

Are you interested in being included on direct email communication from the district?

Most Useful Source


2011 Parents

2011 General Population


Base: Parents 2011: 305 General Population 2011: 1012


36% 29%

22% 15%

23% 11% 14% 7% 4% 5% 4% 2% 3% 2% Social netoworking sites 0% 5%




HISD website Friends/family HISD eNews



Other responses by 1% or less than total sample

26b. Which of these sources do you feel is the most useful?


Attended Function at Childs School


2011 Parents N=305 90%




9% 1%



Don't know

22. Have you ever attended a school function at your childs school such as parent/teacher meetings, parent night, college night, field trips, volunteering, etc.?


Ever Visited HISDs Website


2011 Parents N=305






24b. Have you ever visited HISDs website?


Don't have access to it


Watch HISD TV News


2011 Parents N=305






24c. Do you watch the HISD TV news?


Don't have access to it


Frequency Read HISD Newsletter


2011 Parents N=305




21% 14% 14%

17% 6%




Some of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

Don't know

24a. How often do you read the HISD newsletter, Friday E-News?


Frequency Attend School Functions


2011 Parents N=274




35% 19%



0% Once a school year or less 2-3 times 4-5 times More than 5 times Don't know

23. How often do you attend functions at your childs school?


Provided Input on HISD Initiatives


2011 Parents N=305






24d. Have you ever provided input on initiatives (surveys, community forums, feedback cards)?



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