Guidelines in RLE 1F Video Assignment

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Cebu Doctors’ University

College of Nursing
Mandaue City

Course: NCM 101- Health Assessment

Concept: RLE 1F (Skin, Hair, Nails, Ears, Eyes, Mouth, Throat, Nose, Sinuses, Head
and Neck Assessment)


I. Materials/ Equipment
 A lined tray containing the following:
 Penlight
 Small ruler (6 inches)
 Sterile gloves
 Clean gloves
 Cotton balls
 Comb
 Wristwatch with second hand
 Cardboard or index card (4x4)
 Tuning fork
 Sterile tongue depressor
 Jot down notebook and a pen for documentation
 Recording sheet for RLE 1F (printed)

II. Attire
 Complete college uniform under a smock/lab gown
 Clean cut or well-trimmed hair
 No beard or mustache

 Complete college uniform under a smock/lab gown
 Hair in a bun and with light make-up

 No accessories except for the wristwatch/smartwatch and no colored
 In the absence of the college uniform under a lab/smock gown, the
student can wear a Plain white or red t-shirt, any PE jogging pants and
rubber shoes.
 The client should wear any appropriate attire. No sleeveless or shorts.

III. Setting
Homebased only. Using the school premises is not yet recommended on this
A private room with bed or chair for the client, a chair for you and a bedside
table for the materials.

IV. Instructions
1. You are given 10 minutes for the entire video demonstration for RLE 1F.
2. You are ONLY allowed to edit your video by fast forwarding and placing a
label of the step that you are performing during the assessment. Cutting
of videos and voice over is PROHIBITED.
3. Make sure that each step can still be properly acknowledged and ensure
that you can still be understood in giving instructions to the client even if
it is fast forwarded. No need to provide rationale for each step. Just
perform each step.
4. Some steps are taken out to fit in with the 10-minute limitation.
Perform the following assessment on each system:
1. Introduce yourself and explain to the client what you are going to
do, why it is necessary, and how she/he can cooperate.
2. Wash hands and observe appropriate infection control procedures.
3. Gather all the materials.
4. Provide for client privacy.

 Assessing the Skin and Nails

 Inspect uniformity of skin color.
 Palpate skin temperature.
 Note the skin’s mobility and turgor.
 Inspect the cleanliness, grooming, shape, nail color and
 Palpate texture, consistency and capillary refill time (CRT) of
the nails.
 Assessing the Skull, Hair and Face
 Inspect the skull for size, shape and symmetry.
 Palpate the skull for nodules or masses and depressions.
 Inspect the evenness on growth of hair over the scalp.
 Inspect hair thickness or thinness and hair oiliness.
Note presence of infections or infestations by parting the
hair in several areas and checking behind the ears and along
the hairline at the neck.
 Inspect the facial features.
 Note symmetry of facial movements.
 Assessing the Eye Structures and Visual Acuity
Inspect the eyebrows for hair distribution and alignment for
skin quality and movement.
 Inspect the eyelashes for evenness of distribution and
direction of curl.
 Inspect the eyes for edema and hollowness.
 Inspect the eyelids for surface characteristics, ability to blink,
and frequency of blinking.
 Inspect the lower eyelids while the client’s eyes are closed.
 Inspect the bulbar conjunctiva for color, texture, and the
presence of lesions.
 Inspect and palpate the lacrimal glands, lacrimal sac and
nasolacrimal duct.
 Inspect the cornea for clarity and texture.
 Perform the corneal light reflex and corneal blink reflex test.
 Inspect the pupils for color, shape, and symmetry of size.
 Assess the pupil’s direct and consensual reaction to light.
 Assess each pupil’s reaction to light and accommodation.
 Assess six ocular movements to determine eye alignment
and coordination. (Positions test)
 Assessing the Ears and Hearing
 Position the client comfortably, seated if possible.
 Inspect the auricles for color, symmetry of size and position.
 Palpate the auricles for texture, elasticity, and areas of
 Inspect the external canal for cerumen, skin lesions, pus,
and blood.
 Inspect the tympanic membrane for color and gloss.
 Assess the client’s hearing acuity using the following:
 Whisper’s test
 Weber’s test- Use the turning fork.
 Rinne’s test- Use the turning fork
 Assessing the Nose and Sinuses
 Inspect the external nose for any deviations in shape, size or
color and flaring, or discharges from the nares.
 Lightly palpate the external nose to determine any areas of
tenderness, masses, and displacement of bones and
 Determine the patency of both nasal cavities. No using of
 Inspect the nasal septum and nasal cavities using a penlight
or a nasal speculum and observe for the presence of
redness, swelling, growths, and discharge.
 Palpate the maxillary and frontal sinuses for tenderness.
 Percuss and transilluminate the maxillary and frontal
 Assessing the Mouth and Oropharynx
Only use the sterile gloves and tongue depressor. There is no need
to use the sterile gauze for palpation.
 Inspect the outer lips for symmetry of contour, color, and
 Inspect the inner lips and buccal mucosa for color, moisture,
texture, and the presence of lesions.
 Inspect the teeth and gums while examining the inner lips
and buccal mucosa.
 Inspect the surface of the tongue for position, color and
 Inspect the base of the tongue, mouth floor, and frenulum.
 Inspect salivary duct openings for any swelling or redness.
 Inspect the uvula for positioning and mobility while
examining the palates.
 Inspect the oropharynx for color and texture and the tonsils
for color, discharges and size.
 Elicit the gag reflex by pressing the posterior tongue with a
tongue depressor.
 Assessing the Neck
 Inspect the neck muscles and observe head movement.
 Assess muscle strength.
 Palpate the entire neck for enlarged lymph nodes.

5. Documentation
 Make use of your jot down notebook and pen in documenting your
findings after all the procedure.
 Plot your final findings on the Recording Sheet for RLE 1F.
6. Submit your Google or YouTube link of the Video Assignment on the
submission portal together with a scanned copy/picture of the Recording
sheet (PDF). The Video Assignment link should always be accessible to
File name: RLE1F_Section_Lastname,Initials of first name
Eg: RLE1F_A_Lipura,GF
7. No submission or inaccessible Video Assignment will have a grade of
Kindly reread and understand the instructions given. If you still have any questions for
RLE 1F, kindly email your facilitator in-charge during office hours.
Prepared by: Ms. Geniza Fatima V. Lipura, MSN, RN
Ms. Nikki Rae R. Cayanan, MSN, RN

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