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AGI Claim 3117


1. Army No : 4197709X 5. Saving Bank Account

Rank : LNK Joint Account No: 33769930710
Name : Sundar Singh Koranga Bank’s Name : State Bank of India
Corps/Regiment : 5 KUMAON Bank Address: Pantnagar
Distt- US Nagar (UK)

2. Name of Beneficiary: Smt Lata Koranga

(In whose name the Account has been opened)

3. Relationship with: Wife Bank Code No:

the pensioners. IFSC No:
Bank’s Telephone No:
4. Address

House No :
Village : Shantipuri No-2 Signature Right hand/Left hand thumb
impression of account holder
PO : Shantipuri No-2

Distt : US Nagar Winesses:-

State : UK 1. Signature_________________

Pin Code : 263148 Name______________________

Telephone/Mobile No:

2. Signature__________________

Name _______________________



This is to certify that above Saving Bank Account has been opened in the name of Sundar
Singh Koranga to be opened with his wife Smt Lata Koranga their identity and relationship with the
decreased has been verified. The account opened is a single/joint account with our branch.

(Bank Manager)
Office Seal
Army Group Insurance is a Welfare scheme. Bank Manager is requested to assist the bereaved
families and explain benefits of investment schemes. They are also requested to identify and verify
the relationship of the individual with the decreased.

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