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1. An on border will receive an email which was originally sent by clients. This email contains clear and specific information
about how they want the project to be done.

(The information taken from the client should be clear, detailed, and specific. The salesperson must extract all the necessary
information from the client as to how the project should be done (his objective and expectation). The information taken will be
documented in an (information form) which can be in Podio)

2. The salesperson then acts like a consultant who does consultation and relays information clearly and comprehensively about
the project and how it should be done according to the client’s expectation and objectives.

3. The person who does onboarding should be trained accordingly on the skills that needs to be learned such as:
 Components of understanding the communication
 Tools for the workplace basics of organizing targets, and goals,
(A study course would be really good)


REMINDER: It is important to build rapport to the clients and made them feel that they have chosen the right company to
provide excellent service for them.

Questions that need to be addressed to the client for data collection:

(This will be recorded and will be transcribed at the end for note taking, review, clarification & for organization of data)

 What are your Expectations?

( make sure that this will be understood properly)

 What product or sub products or minor products or items are you expecting to be completed or done by the person
that's doing the work for you?

( This way the assignment of tasks to the team members will be given accordingly with the right

 For small or big product, are you expecting from the team builder, our team member to update every week?
(though, we just kind of rephrase the question as many ways as you need to get that)


 What are your overall objectives for this work?

 What is the result you're looking to get?
 What things do you want to be done or receive?
 What are the final completed things that you want our person producing for you that will help you in
achieving that goal?
 What are the products that you're looking for that will help you that from our team that will help you get
 How does this make you money?
 Do you have any successful actions that you currently take? Regarding this, that would be good for us to
know about?
 Do you have any specific policies that are really important that are followed in the work that we do for
 Any other specific needs that we haven't covered so far?
 Anything specifically you would really want that have happened? Or to see on a weekly or daily basis?
 What's the best way to communicate with you?
 How do you prefer such communications to occur?
 How often and what’s the best phone number for that?
 What's the best email for that?
 We plan on doing reporting to you daily, We'd like to know what items you know, that you'd like your
person to report to you every day on, you know, things they've gotten done.
 What would you what kind of report would you like every day?
 What are your expectations regarding these reports and production? Anything else that we haven't
 How often would you like to meet with our personnel?
 Is there anything that you'd like us to be on the lookout for?
 Do you have a preferred schedule you would like us to for you for the time that we're working with you?
 Is there anything else you were promised by the sales department that we haven't covered here?
 Is there a good explanation online, Or on your website that really goes over exactly what it is you
 If not, can you tell me what kind of product you're producing? You know, if we get studied online, is
there which website? Should I go to any particular article?


 Are there any successful scripts that you currently have?

 Or would you like us to create one?
 Is there if there's if it's, it's only if it's a phone project rank?
 Can you tell us exactly what the target audiences that you're trying to reach?
 Is there any specific time in making phone calls?
 Is there any data that we would like us to collect from the phone call, in addition to setting the
appointment or once the appointment has been set?
 Then do you have your own tools or database?
 Do you have your own database that will be used? What is the date was the list we'll be using?
 Do you have your own CRM or database tool that we'll be using to make these calls? Or notating things
 We provide a phone line? Or if you have one, we can use yours if you would prefer that we use yours.
 What’s the best time for us to be making these calls?
 And what is the purpose or goal for us with regards to this target audience?
 What and what results are you hoping for once we've you know, Since we've done our job, right, what is
the result that you're looking for?
 do you have any current graphic designs, logos, articles or other materials?
 Which could, which would be useful to us? Like photos
and such Do you have any of those things that you could provide or direct us to the will help us on our


 Which platforms do you currently have?

 What ones would you like to get put in place that we could put in place for you?
 How often do you want posted to those platforms?
 What type of content?
 Would you like posted those platforms?
 Is there any content you need us to create with one of our one of our people?
 Or do you have our Will you be creating and providing the content for us to share?
 Is there any editing or designs design work that's needed with regards to this content?
 Would you like us to monitor for responses and reply to those responses and alert you?
 Keeping in mind that we may not alert you immediately, there might be a short delay.
 So you may want to, you know, will you also be monitoring the responses? Should we always let you
respond to the responses?
 May I have the log information and password?
 Do you want to set up an email for us on social media? Or would you like to have a setup just to our use
our own Gmail account?
 Or do they want to provide us with an email address for your assistant?

 So then if there's the website if Amazon's involved, if you're dealing with Amazon:
 What are your goals for Amazon?
 Specifically, what help do you need?
 What tasks do you need us to do within Amazon?
(If there's influencer marketing, if there's website stuff that needs to do, you need to get a full list of tasks
with regards to the website)
 May I have the log information and password?
 Do you want to set up an email for us on social media? Or would you like to have a setup just to our use
our own Gmail account?
 Or do they want to provide us with an email address for your assistant?

 (If there's like an SEO, if it's search engine optimization, or Amazon stuff, and we have to do a more
detailed interview on that, to provide the person but there should be a separate interview for that)

(So somebody who knows Amazon should write the questions. And then we're going to have a competent

Amazon person, do the, you know, do they do the workout and stuff and how the work is going to get
done and do the work. But that's going to be a different person. This is just a person who's collecting data)

 Influencer campaign
-This is just a person who's collecting data.
-This would be another section if we're doing influencer connections, or influencer or podcast
 What type of influencers or podcasters if they're doing podcasters what type of influences do
you think would be appropriate for your industry?
 Are there any special offers that you want the influencers to promote?
 Is there anything special we're going to offer the influencers in exchange for doing the promotion for podcasts?
 Do you have any topics you'd like to speak on?
 Is there a nice biography somewhere about you where I can find out some of your accomplishments for promoting
 Is the website that we got earlier is that give us the basic data about what you're promoting?
 Or which page and your website gives us the basic data on how we're to promote you to the podcasts?
 How do you wish to be coordinated with regarding possible scheduling via email?
 Or will you provide us with a calendar that shows available times?
 Is there's graphic design work to be done?
(Example: Great, by the way, we have a graphic design brief, ma, ma. A branding brief, which your person can
go over with you in detail, and they can I can also have them send that to you to fill out that's really good
information. Every time you have a design pcpc need designed, we have a design brief we can send you. And if
you have an overall we want to really flesh out a branding brief to understand your brand. Can I send that to you
to free to fill out is that? Would that be okay?)

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