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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of City Schools of Malolos

First Summative Test
First Rating Period

Table of Specification

Objective Number of Item Placement

Analyze sound devices 5 I. 1-5
(onomatopoeia, alliteration,
assonance, consonance) in a text

Infer meaning of idiomatic 5 II. 1-5

expressions using context clues.

Compose clear and coherent 5 III. 1-5

sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures:
Pluralization of regular nouns.

Analyze sound devices 5 IV. 1-5

(personification) in a text listened to

Analyze poem with four or more 4 V. 1-4

stanzas in terms of its elements
(rhymes, sound devices, imagery
and figurative language)

Write a three-line four-stanza poem. 6 VI. 1-6

First Summative Test
First Rating Period
I. Identify the sound device is used in each poem.
Week 1
by Ma. Charito R. Cruz
To live each day with gratitude
To spend each moment with grace;
To ease one’s pain and not to feel blue
To take a break from doing mundane things
And not to miss the boat as we tread this path called life---
This is what living is all about.

by Ma. Charito R. Cruz
The bells chime, chime…
It’s already quarter past nine----
Let’s go to the school canteen, oh, fine;
Let’s have a break; it’s about time!

River flow
by Ma. Charito R. Cruz
Flow, flow, glide, smooth and slow
Slow down, slowly flow
Right down, down below.
The water in the river smoothly flow
As it glides slowly down below
It tells of wondrous tale as it glows
Sparkling downstream beneath the sun, it aglow
As it slowly glides around the bend
It speaks of my heart’s yearning to make amend
For anyone who has been hurt, let’s send
A note of forgiveness; our helping hands, let us lend!

by Ma. Charito R. Cruz
As the raindrops keep tumbling down,
Now, around here and far beyond---
My heart’s content spills away…
Swiftly turns into joys
My thoughts of you in daytime blue
Splash, splash, splash, it seems to say
Encouraging me to be happy and gay! __________________
Coming Home
by Ma. Charito R. Cruz
The morning is crisp, undulated with joy…
The flowers sway with the wind
And suddenly, I’m home. __________________

II. Circle the correct answer for each question below.

1. Every time Miss Distor teaches, she always encourages her pupils to be all ears to her. She does this in order for
them to understand the lesson well. She does not want to hear any unnecessary noise during the class interaction.
What can you infer about Miss Distor from this sentence?
(a) She wants her pupils to listen to her.
(b) She does not give consideration to her pupils.
(c) She usually takes things as they come.

2. Ninoy takes his responsibility seriously. He always does his best in his job because he is afraid to get fired since
he is just new to the company. What can you infer about Ninoy from this passage?
(a) Ninoy is clumsy and inefficient to his job.
(b) Ninoy does not want to lose his job.
(c) Ninoy knows what to do when a fire incident occurs.

3. The government’s drive to stop the proliferation of drug addiction in our country is commendable. However,
there is a danger for the police and other authorities to charge the wrong person. They should be careful or else
they might be accused of barking up the wrong tree. What can you infer about the sentence?
(a) Police and other authorities might punish the wrong persons in the performance of their job.
(b) Police and other authorities are unquestionable in their exercise of their duty.
(c) Police and other authorities are just sitting while doing their job.

4. Don’t lose hope when you experience failures. Learn to be optimistic. After all, every cloud has a silver lining.
What can you infer about this sentence?
(a) Try to be happy and hope for better days.
(b) You will see miracle when there is a cloud.
(c) Life is full of miseries and complexities.

5. Artemio shows confidence and intelligence. He knows how to hit the nail on the head. When everybody seems
confuse and uncertain, he always comes up with a good answer and solution to the problem. What can you infer
about Artemio?
(a) Artemio is a good worker.
(b) Artemio says and does something exactly right.
(c) Artemio always does something funny.

III. The group of words in each sentence is not arranged properly. Form coherent and clear sentences by
arranging the words in their proper order. Make sure each sentence is punctuated properly.

1. oftentimes kiss their children mothers

2. parents school supplies provide to their children
3. from one tree monkeys to another swing
4. come usually thieves the at night
5. wear scarves sometimes old women the

IV. Study each line of poetry. Write on the first blank the object being personified. Opposite to it, write the human
quality given to the subject.

1. The papa bullfrog has a voice ____________ _____________

That’s very loud and deep,
The baby frogs have voices that
Can only make a peep;
And every night I hear them talk
Before I go to sleep.

2. The house cat sits ____________ ____________

and smiles and sings.
He knows a lot
Of secret things.

3. In the morning the city spreads its wings_____________ ____________

making a song in tones that sing.
in the evening the city goes to bed
hanging lights about its head.

4. The small sandpipers go to school____________ ____________

Upon the sandy shore;
The ocean is their teacher,
She has a fearful roar.

5.. High up over the top of feathery grasses, ________ ____________

grasshoppers hop.
they won’t eat their suppers.
they will not obey their
mothers and fathers.

V. Based on poem, “My Pet”, supply the chart with the needed answers.

My Pet
Caroline V. Perez
I have a pet and she’s a cat
Her fur is white as cotton balls
She loves to play and also bath
She always climbs on our walls
When I’m resting she sits on me
We watch together so seriously
When night time comes she wants to be
Sleeping beside me so tenderly
Meow, meow, meow, she always says
She runs too fast like hurricane
For me she’s the best in many ways

VI. Make a poem through the use of the different sound devices.

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