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Green University of Bangladesh

Department Of Textile
Assignment Topic: Reading Comprehension

Submitted To : Submitted By:

Sadia Ferdous Tazin Taher
Lecturer Id:222003001
Salma Akter Faria
Ashikur Rahman Akash
Md. Hasin Sadabul Islam
Saima Rahman
Md. Arafat Hossain
Md. Junayed Islam
Tarikul Hasan Tanvir
K.M. Moshiur Rahman Sobuj

# Youth entrepreneurship and start-ups

The key idea behind youth entrepreneurship is to encourage the youth to
think outside the box, to come up with interesting ideas, innovations and
solutions to existing problems, and then help them develop these into
viable business plans and help them start businesses early in their lives.
Good ideas do not necessarily have to come out of university courses
and work experiences. Young minds have been scientifically proven to be
more creative and capable of coming up with out of the box solutions
than older and experienced mindsets.

Experience helps an individual, but it helps in trained thinking, and yet for
innovation and radical changes, sometimes a fresh and completely
outside perspective helps. This phenomenon is observed in different
contexts and have been proven in the Stanford's Spaghetti Marshmallow
challenge, where school children outperformed seasoned executive's
business school graduates—anyone interested can follow the Ted Talk by
Tom Wujec.

So how can encouraging youth entrepreneurship help? If young children

are given the chance to exhibit their unique ideas, and if they are
nurtured early on, they will then be better equipped as founders of their
own ideas early on in their lives. It is a common fact that mental
sharpness and agility decreases with age, and the schooling age—mostly
from classes 8 to 12 (2nd year of college), the mental acumen of a child
is at its peak. Besides making the founders more skilful, nurturing youth
entrepreneurs will also create a more skilful base of workers, through
diverse skills and learning outside general classroom learning. And this
will lead to more enduring start-ups.

But what is the way of achieving this? Youth entrepreneurship can be

encouraged through a two-pronged approach—changing the curriculum
and changing the way people think about school education. Most of our
school curriculums are very limited to subject based studies, exams,
handwritten or composed homework, and a good deal of memorisation.
To encourage youth entrepreneurship, we need to modify these
curriculums. We need to incorporate field visits, or interactions, with
successful start-up founders in our country, to inspire school kids to think
beyond books, to think of interesting ideas.


1. What helps an individual, but it helps in trained thinking?

• Experience b) Idea c) Thinking d) Age

2. What is the name of the Stanford s Spaghetti Marshmallow challenge? ?
• Ted Talk by Tom jack b) Ted walk by tom wujec c) Ted
Talk by kim d) Ted Talk by Tom Wujec

3) What is the role of youth entrepreneurs in creating a more productive base

of workers?
a) Skilful
b) Hardworing
d)Positive thinking
4. What do we need to incorporate with successful start-up founders in our
a) Field visits b)Man power c) Idea d) Investment
5. It is a common fact that mental sharpness and agility decreases with
age, and the schooling age—mostly from classes ____ ?
a) 1 to 10 b) 5 to 10
c) 8 to 10 d) 6 to 12


1) What is the key idea behind youth entrepreneurship?

Ans: Good ideas don't necessarily have to come out of university
courses and work experiences.

2) What is a common fact that youth entrepreneurship decreases

with age??
Ans: mental sharpness and agility.
3) What is the result of fostering youth entrepreneurs?
Ans: More enduring start-ups.

4) What is the way people think about school education?

Ans: How people think about school education.

5) What are some of our school curriculums limited to?

Ans: Subject based studies, exams, handwritten or composed
homework, and a good deal of memorization.

## How much youth has gained from growth

Bangladesh is a country of about 160 million people. The share of

population within 15-24 years is close to 20 percent and the median age
of its people is a little over 26 years. Thus Bangladesh is uniquely
positioned to reap the benefits of this "demographic dividend". But how
many of them have the opportunity to enter the labor market? According
to official statistics, the overall unemployment rate is 4.2 percent in
Bangladesh. However, the youth unemployment rate is 10.6 percent.
What do these young people do? Are they studying? Are they going
through training? No, not all of them. The share of youth from within the
total youth population in the country who are neither in education, nor in
employment or training (NEET) is 29.8 percent. But we have to
recognise that youth unemployment is a multidimensional problem. If
not addressed, the problem can become a threat to social, economic and
political stability of a country. Not only can it lead to demoralization,
depression, loss of self-confidence and social exclusion but it also brings
stress to societies and families. Research has shown that crime rates are
positively related to youth unemployment. The solution to such high
youth unemployment lies in the very structure of the economy and the
education system. The structure of employment generation in
Bangladesh is such that the industrial sector accounts for 20.4 percent,
while the service sector creates 39 percent of total employment. The rest
40.6 percent employment is in the agriculture sector, even though
agriculture's share in GDP is less than 14 percent. So non-agricultural
sectors have to create more opportunities for employment. Though the
manufacturing sector has potential for higher opportunities, the sector is
increasingly feeling the pressure of being automated to increase
productivity and remain competitive. This means that labor intensity will
decline. But if the scale of operations is expanded, there may be a need
for more workers. Without skills development and training, the existing
workforce will not be able to cater to the demand of the newly emerging
job market. Another prospective area is small and medium enterprises.
Recently, a number of start-ups have emerged which is another source of
employment. Innovative and dynamic young people are creating jobs for
others instead of looking for secure jobs for themselves. These have to
be backed by favorable policy measures including access to finance,
better infrastructure, improved logistics and fiscal incentives. The
government has to formulate concrete plans so that rapid growth is
accompanied by high quality and more productive employment.


01. Which phrase describes the term "Demographic Dividend" best?

a. The economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a
population’s age structure.
b. The unemployment rate of a country
c. The inflation effects on the young generation.
d. Per capita income of a country.

02. Which is the overall unemployment rate of Bangladesh?

a. 10%
b. 5.7%
c. 4.2%
d. 6.3%

03. According to Bangladesh, which sector has the potential of creating

more opportunities?
a. The industrial sector
b. The agricultural sector.
c. The labor sector
d. The manufacturing sector.
04. How much does the agricultural sector share from the total GDP of
a. Less than 54 percent
b. More than 67 percent
c. Less than 14 percent
d. More than 35 percent

05. Which of the problems is related to youth unemployment?

a. Depression
b. Social crime
c. Family issues
d. All of above


01. What problem does a society need to face because of youth

Ans: Youth unemployment is a multidimensional problem. The problem
can become a threat to social, economic and political stability of a
country. Not only can it lead to demoralization, depression, loss of self-
confidence and social exclusion but it also brings stress to societies and
families. Research has shown that crime rates are positively related to
youth unemployment.

02. How much percentage of employment does the service sector

provide in Bangladesh?
Ans: The service sector provides 39 percent of total employment.

03. Which barrier in manufacturing industries has to face for creating

more employment opportunities?
Ans: The manufacturing sector is increasingly feeling the pressure of
being automated to increase productivity and remain competitive. And
this automation decreases the requirement of manpower. And this
automation is the barrier in the manufacturing industries have to face for
creating employment opportunities.

04. Why is the agricultural sector not a good option for employment?
Ans: Agriculture sector shares in GDP is less than 14 percent. From the
statistic we can say the agriculture sector is not a good option for

05. Do you think the small and medium enterprises are a healthy source
of employment?
Ans: Yes, I think the small and the medium enterprises are a healthy
source of employment. a number of start-ups have emerged which is
another source of employment. Innovative and dynamic young people
are creating jobs for others instead of looking for secure jobs for
themselves. These have to be backed by favorable policy measures
including access to finance, better infrastructure, improved logistics and
fiscal incentives. That's why the small and medium enterprises are a
healthy source of employment.

### How can Prevent suicide rate among the Youth It is alarming that
between January and August this year, a total of 364 students have died
by suicide in Bangladesh, according to a survey by the Aachol
Foundation. Among them, 194 were school students. A large number of
college and university students also died by suicide. Several reasons
have been identified behind these suicides, including romantic
relationships, session jams, failing in exams, study pressure, depression,
death of friends, and financial problems. However, I would like to single
out one simple root cause that has been driving all other causes and
resulting in this sorry state of affairs: the lack of proper counseling and
guidance. Students go through a lot of issues in their daily lives, and
they need guidance and counseling to cope with those issues, because
it is difficult at times to deal with them alone. The first layer of guidance
and counseling must come from their families, who should play a
supportive role in addressing the mental health issues of the students
and give them a nurturing environment where they can voice their
concerns and address the issues that are bothering them. However,
because of the strain on the social bond that modern life has created, it
is often difficult for students to get counseling from their families, and
their families often become the reason behind their stress and anxiety.
In the Aachol Foundation survey, we see that family is often the driving
factor behind students' suicide. In such cases, friends and education
institutions must fill the gap and provide the students with the support
they need


1.What is the synonym of the word 'Anxiety'?

a)Tension b)Disquietude
c)Keenness d)serenity

2.Who can help students to cope with these problems?

a)Friends b)Family
c)Educational institute d)All of them

3.Why is the life of a student complicated nowadays?

a)For families b)Responsibility
c)Study pressure d)Present lifestyle

4.Mainly what types of people died by suicide in Bangladesh?

a)Married person b)School,college and university students
c)Job holder d)unemployed person

5.How many student died last year in Bangladesh?

a)194 b)259
c)364 d)567

Question and answer:

• What are the factors leading to an increase in suicidal tendencies in

the youth?
Ans: Suicide occurs more often in older than in younger people and
several reasons have been identified behind these suicides, including
romantic relationships, session jams, failing in exams, study pressure,
depression, death of friends, financial problems, unemployment,new
formation of family etc these all factors leading to increasing suicidal
tendencies in youth.

• How can we reduce suicides rate?

Ans: Suicide prevention is a collection of efforts to reduce the risk of
suicidePreventing suicide requires strategies at all levels of society.
This includes prevention and protective strategies for individuals,
families, and communities. Suicide can be prevented by learning the
warning signs, promoting prevention and resilience, and committing
to social change.

• Do you think only the parents awareness is effective to decreasing

the suicidal rate in Bangladesh?
Ans: No,I don't think so.Only parents awareness is not effective to
decrease suicidal rate.We have to resist it together.But parents can
play a vital role to prevent suicide. Because the first layer of guidance
and counseling must come from family.But to decrease the rate
family,friends,educational institutions,society must come forward.

• Why is suicidal prevention is important and is it harmful for our

future. Write briefly
Ans: Suicide prevention is important because of suicide is a serious
public health problem that can have lasting harmful effects on
individuals, families, and communities. This not only results in a
direct loss of many young lives, but also has disruptive psychosocial
and adverse socio-economic effects.The goal of suicide prevention is
to reduce factors that increase risk and increase factors that promote
resilience.It is also harmful for our youth future.

• What to do if you are worried about suicide? Write it down.

Ans: I'll try to get through today rather than focusing on the future.
Talk about how I'm feeling with someone I trust or an emotional
support helpline. Contact a health professional. I'll try to do activities
I enjoy which take my mind off

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