CC-handout Jan 2023-May 2023

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Deemed to be University

School of Computer
Engineering Spring Semester
Jan 2023- May 2023
Course Handout

Course code Course : IT 3022

Title : Cloud Computing
Course Coordinator : Dr. Ashish Singh

1. Course Description:

Introduction : Introduction to Cloud Computing, Roots of Cloud Computing: Fundamental

concepts of Distributed Systems, Cluster Computing, Grid Computing, and Mobile
Cloud Models :Basics of Cloud Computing Concepts, Characteristics of Cloud Computing,
Need for Cloud, Cloud Deployment models: private, public, hybrid and community cloud,
Cloud Services: Resource-as-a-Service (RaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-
as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Examples of each services.
Cloud Services: RaaS: Usage of Physical resources like servers, networks, data center etc,
IaaS: Virtualization, Virtual Machine provisioning and Migration Services, Scheduling
techniques of Virtual machines for resource reservation. PaaS: Integrated lifecycle platform:
Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Anchored life cycle platform: Salesforce platform,
SaaS: Characterizing SaaS, Salesforce’s software environment.
Cloud Application : Cloud Application, Cloud challenges, Cloud Security and privacy
issues, Mobile Cloud, Integration of Cloud with Wireless Sensor Network and its

2. Course Outcome:

CO1: understand the basic concepts of Distributed System and Cloud Computing
CO2: analyze the different cloud models
CO3: compare the various cloud services and cloud platforms
CO4: analyze various scheduling techniques applied in cloud platform
CO5: appraise VM provisioning and migration techniques used in cloud environment
CO6: examine various cloud applications and issues

3. Text Books:

T1. “Cloud Computing” by Shailendra Singh, Oxford Uniersity Press, 2018

4. Reference Books:

R1. "Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms", edited by Rajkumar Buyya, James
Broberg and Andrzej Goscinski, Wiley Publication, 2013

R2. "Cloud Computing for Dummies", Judith Hurwitz, Robin Bloor, Marcia Kaufman and
Fern Halper, Wiley Publication, 2009
5. Course Lesson Plan:

Course Learning Topics to be covered Refer to

Lecture Chapter, Sec
No. (Book)
1-6 Introduction -Introduction to Cloud Computing, Roots of Cloud 1.1 -1.4 (T1)
Computing, Fundamental concepts of Distributed Systems, Cluster
Computing, Grid Computing, Mobile Computing
7-18 Cloud Models : Basics of Cloud Computing Concepts, Characteristics 3.3,3.5,4.1,4.3
of Cloud Computing, Need for Cloud, Cloud Deployment models - (T1)
private, public, hybrid and community cloud, Cloud Services:
Resource-as-a-Service (RaaS),Infrastructure as-a-Service (IaaS)
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS),Examples
19-30 Cloud Services: RaaS: Usage of Physical resources like servers, 5.1,6.1,6.7,6.8,6.
networks, data center etc. IaaS: Virtualization, Virtual Machine 10,6.12,11.12,11
provisioning and Migration Services, Scheduling techniques of Virtual .22,Appendix
machines for resource reservation, PaaS: Integrated lifecycle platform: D(T1)
Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Anchored life cycle platform:
Salesforce platform, SaaS: Characterizing SaaS, Salesforce’s software
31-36 Cloud Application : Cloud Application, Cloud challenges, Cloud 10.4,10.11,10.13
Security and privacy issues, Mobile Cloud, Integration of Cloud with ,10.14,10.28,12.
Wireless Sensor Network and its application. 8(T1)

6. Evaluation Scheme:

EC Evaluation Duration Percentage of Date Course Lecture No.

No. Component Evaluation
From To
1 Mid – Semester 25% As per Academic 1 18
2 Assignments & Before mid-sem 5% - - -
Quizes examination
3 End – Semester 60% As per Academic 1 36
4 Assignments & Before end-sem 10% - - -
Quizes examination

Dr. Ashish Singh

Signature of Faculty

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