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Cause and Effects of Global Warming

One of the biggest topics confronting us right today is global weather. Its
effects on animals and farming are so alarming and these consequences on the human
population are still scarier. ‘These facts about global warming are much argued in politics
and the media, But, alas, even if we disagree about these reasons, global warming results
g, are true, global, and measurable. These reasons are primarily from us, human beings,
and the consequences for us can be serious.

Increasing international temperatures are causing a wide variety of changes.

Water levels are growing because of the thermal expansion of the water, in addition to the
melting of the earth's ice. Quantities and patterns of weather are changing. The overall
yearly state of hurricanes has already increased markedly since 1975 because their normal
level and median time have increased. With the consequences of world warming growing
more evident with time and the entire group of people in the state denying climate change
for the sake of income, it may be like the world is doomed. It's easy to make up when you
look helpless when you have the feeling of it’s not worth hearing because you're just one

‘Together, we should all be running onto something which pushed us all the way
forward in time, something which looks good out of time. Well, a time-travel device or
producing the wrap-drive before the end of the period might be interesting enough! Besides
this amazing material, as for the quick ends of mammoth-scale, we all will begin working
towards the international cooperation of containing the global-warming and its
consequences and simultaneously transitioning our energy dependency on clean fuel. This
would involve a tectonic change in our field research, its adaptation, attitude towards the
world on the physical level, and plenty of effort.

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