Long Test 2

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Long Test no.

A. THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD. Recall the details in the myth. Then encircle the letter of your answer to the question.

1. According to Maranaw folklore, who was the creator of the world?

A. Great Being B. Allah C. God
2. In what layer do humans like us inhabit?
A. Innermost Layer B. Uppermost Layer C. Middle Layer
3. Where can one find the soul of the people who already died?
A. In a glass B. In a tightly covered jar C. In a coin
4. From what region does the myth “The Origin of the World” originate?
a. Hiligaynon b. Maranao c. Tausug d. Tagalogs
5. According to this myth, how many layers comprised the world?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

B. THE LEGEND OF MARIA MAKILING. Recall the details in the legend. Then, encircle the letter of your answer to the question.

6. Who is not a character in the legend?

A. Gat Panahon B. Maria Makiling D. Prince Bantugan
7. Why were Maria’s parents disagreeable with their daughter’s love affair with Gat Dula?
A. because Maria is still young
B. because Gat Dula has no job
C. because Gat Dula is a mortal
8. What punishment did the parents give to Maria when they figured out her love affair with Gat Dula?
A. The parents forbid Maria to go to earth.
B. The parents hurt Maria physically.
C. The parents told Maria to leave home.
9. How was Maria Maikiling characterized or described in the legend?
a. simple and short-haired c. loving and protective
b. caring and possessive d. brave and strong

C. WORD CONSTRUCTION. Write the new word that you can form from the given prefix, root word and suffix.

Prefix Root Word Suffix New word

10. im practice al
11. dis agree ment
12. mal function ing
13. un live ly
14. re cycle able

D. SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT. Underline the verb that agrees with the subject in the sentence.
15. We (has , have) so much in life to be thankful for.
16. There (is , are) people who have so much in life.
17. There (is , are) good that comes from being thankful.
18. Some people (tend , tends) to dwell on the negative.
19. (Do, Does) you remember when you used to bring gifts to your teacher?
20. Teachers (is , are) often given gifts by their students.
21. There (is , are) a lot of beautiful shells in the beaches of Africa.
22. Aliah and her classmates (find , finds) Physics a challenging subject.
23. Lita and Lito ( wants , want) to work abroad.

E. IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS. Match the idiomatic expression in column B with the meaning in column A. Write the letter of your
answer before the number.

Column A Column B
21. something is very easy a. Once in a blue moon
22. too expensive b. A piece of cake
23. good luck c. You can’t judge a book by its cover
24. an event that happens infrequently or very rarely d. break a leg
25. one can’t judge a person based on physical appearance e. to cost an arm and a leg
F. NON-LINEAR TEXTS. Examine the data presented and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your answer.

The circle graph shows the information on the number of farm animals owned by some farm owners.

_____26. Who has the highest number of animals?

a. Andrew b. Daniel c. Walter d. Jerry
_____27. Who has the lowest number of animals?
a. Andrew b. Daniel c. Walter d. Jerry
_____28. How many animals are owned by Daniel?
a. 10 b. 30 c. 50 d. 90
_____29. How many animals are owned by Jason?
a. 10 b. 30 c. 50 d. 90
_____30. If combined, what is the total number of animals owned by Walter and Daniel?
a. 150 b. 160 c. 170 d. 180

______31. What is the highest recorded temperature?

a. 85 F b. 90 F c. 95 F d. 100 F
______32.Which is the coldest month?
a. January b. April c. July d, December
______33.Which month recorded 80 F?
a. January b. February c. March d. April
______34.What is the temperature recorded in the month of December?
a. 50 b. 55 c. 60 d. 65
______35. What is the temperature recorded in the month of October?
a. 70 b. 75 c. 80 d. 85

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