Guidance DIGI Scale Machine

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Scale Machine - Setting

Clear Memory = Rezero – Feed – Power On

Lalu send file Print Format dan upload data

Clear PLU Files

1. M - Rezero - M - M
2.Tekan 9999 atau 999999 (?)
3. Rezero + C (Tekan Rezero, jangan di lepas, kemudian tekan juga C)
4. Print
5. C utk Clear
6. Rezero utk keluar
7. Lakukan upload ulang data.

Password setting
1. M - Rezero - M - M - M
2. Input Password level 1 (X - user) - print
3. Input Password level 2 (S - system) - print
4. Input Password level 3 (Z - program) - print
5. Input Password level 4 (X S Z - master) - print
6. plu - m – m
Security  Master 999998

Show IP Address
1. M-Rezero-M-M dulu sampai keluar Print daily trans
2. Press Rezero + 0416 simultaneously
3. The IP Address will Display on Scale monitor
4. Press PLU
4. Press >T<- or M-M to out


1. Misal kita akan merubah IP Address mesin timbangan ip:
2. Tekan Tombol Rezero + 0416
3. Input ip address scale lalu tekan PLU
4. Note: Untuk ip Address Mesin Kita sudah mengaturnya di Spec 135

Change IP Address
1. Rezero + 3752
2. Rezero + 141
3. 135 - x
4. Muncul Port Number, Input last (3 digit ) IP Address
5. Tekan tombol Total Print lalu tombil Code PLU utk save (bunyi beep panjang)
6. Muncul “Write file” please restart scale
7. Press M to Exit
8. #

Change to System Date

1. M - Rezero - M
2. Password
3. X
4. date
5. input new date
6. #

The First step press
1. M - Rezero - M
2. Input Password - print
3. 12 - x - 1 - print - T - print - print - 020 - x - print
4. 5 - print - 21 - print - print - 55 - print - 7 - print - 7 - print - plu - m - m - m

Change Price
1. m - rezero - m - Password
2. total
3. press no plu ( 4 digit )
4. total
5. input new price
6. code plu - m - m - m
Input No.PLU Keyboard Scale Machine
1. m - rezero - m - password
2. total - 4 - x
3. Input No.PLU
4. define to No of Keyboard
5 m - m - m ( out )

Label format ( Carrefour Standard )

1. Matikan switch mesin timbangan
2. Tekan Re-Zero dan (->) (test print) jangan di lepas sambil hidupkan mesin (on)
3. Tampil display Clear y - c N - T
4. Tekan C (clear), Tampilan -- -- -- -- -- --
( tunggu sampai tampilan normal)
5. M - Rezero - m - 12 - X - 1 - enter - c - enter
6. Label 60 wt, 50 Ht, Enter , 0 , X
X Y wt ht status ch Size
Price 40 3 7 M5
Un Pr 39 13 7 S5
yt 51 13 7 S5
Qty 48 13 7 S5
Pdate 7 2 7 S4
Pt IME 0 0 0 S1
Comm 4 25 55 12 7
QtySy 55 13 4 S5
Sdate 0 0 0 S1
St IME 0 0 0 S1
barcd 5 8 13 7
Sys Pn 0 0 0 7
DiscE 0 0 0 S1
Udate 27 2 7 S4

7. Tekan Code # PLU ( untuk simpan format label standard carrefour yang kita ketik)
8. M - M - M

Kalibrasi DIGI 1 TON dan 300 Kg

Created By: Zulkarnain Zulkarnain on 10/06/2005 at 05:25 PM
Category: Scale

Kalibrasi DIGI

1. Tekan Tombol reset di kanan atas

2. Rezero + 8715
3. tekan *
4. muncul 1000 KG di display
5. tekan 200 KG ----> bisa di ganti dgn beban yg di
6. tekan *
7. muncul di display cal 0
8. tekan *
9. muncul di display cal SP
10. taruh beban 200 KG diatas timbangan
11. tunggu sampai display stabil.
12. tekan *
13. selesai

konfigurasi kabel data digi

07 06 05 04 03 02 01
14 13 12 11 10 09 08

1. putih
2. hijau
3. grounding
4. hitam
5. merah

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