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Ysinu t

ANibamedex o ceismametes is a oeuiceto

measue h e dkpla cemeE Of he VibratiDG
Vibooetex is desaned wth knoLn_O
n a t u a l AequenG S 0 called 1ocu
eq uen relnsdu.cene
he nsmLCAD aE h e i n s h u m e t i s chownt
A vibom ete sUsed to meassUre hjgh
dequin Oneaa of a Vioratinq bady bay
since e e fequen cyreten s veaq lane
h e ncuurel fequency OF instumet S eco

Jo natval equency meanr beay aa ma

af the hodg_af dhe inshumentuwhth make
rirerire appuca in racHse epeci ally
Sstem which_reqr muh sepheeuklo
S SOphsitetHon
A e q u no ange 0f Mbm oete depends on
seuera facts uCh as chdmpinq and
natuxaul equency etc
The a q alue_Ofnathal Bequency fen
Abooeky_is abae 1Hz d 5H2
Lben he Value_of_t is v hgh
more Hhon 3 . T a i s e
a be
Page No.

This eqn Con be ttten_as u a l t j

SmauAemn:_So s- d
hegle ctee fes i d e of ddmping-
facden hus the reldive díspla cement
recteot ben the mas h ehe bace_
VMoomete)_especially Sdme a
sense b
h e displacement a f H h e bdSe
hen 24)= snCust-
sa Delatvee ampitude je Z issho n
equal o e oumplitide a ha Niraiing
bod h e scoeen-
Stast SHSEy h e a e
he AequnC ala must be \ong
natuel fequen cy On vi mete
Cmpaned hato f Vi atiom to be measUhtd
a n be achied tyhighe ceisig
ma sS and Jower Sti£hoe ss df he spsihg
ThisComdlH esults in bulk inshmument
hicb ndf_deseablei h manz pplicatHon

0 2

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The chaveoctorsiar of aA non dlcaa nal

amplitude a Z/y ic plottec C to
can_b geen h a t f c lorae
Vaue_of Aeqn ratio TheaMplitache
oatlo 2/y appmmcHes Unit bektex * t
euey Vlue of dampinqt
C n be obssned_hat 2iy aual ta1
h a n L S reate Ox eual t 3
Chich defAnes h e rar9A of e q n medsuremenn

for ibomce 3 Hen i sJes

Cwhich defies the age
af_feqeny mealncment f r an alelTmels
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he-6 je

Aeceledpoele is a n jnsimeNt fo meajue

e Qcceleath :of a Vibrmunq bedy
desiqn'ed cwith high nataal Aaq Sa

a l l e d ' a s h a b fceanchansduce

Displaemet f mctsarduusy-Y2 y sin uE

velocit7 Comnprent f m/CMbe4n)-yt)2 yg Cas uet
Aaleat Cmpinet: Of m viben )= uonw
T sterHs fy he aboe Coction the fe1
lcoto hauld e / e r _ m a u - 1
e n a t a feq LOn f ne.

should be highompa do he fren u

f ibret afbased
t mn be aohad b 0ex ceiznigmass
hjaheSA£fNess of the sprinq
This indicade the insurnen u i l lbe small in
he consuciOD Of he acce eeele
e s used tomegrernke he
Cecelesatn t h e vibratica body.
SinCe the nathral me f the jncmment
is high s0. i i vesyigh in_conshuoDn
HhtHe help of elechanie denicea f t
displa ces velaty aoelcraHorn diela emens
stanalObtaired emaaeerUn
Page No

which n be
amify to see han byqex in sine.
o i f e e b e n Vib»meH¬» aCcelenmek

Vibm etex BCceleramever

Hihex cecia mass Locex seals _maLiF

af vbom etex lex acceleroete hiahex
SAfOeS of he spr HfDes f the spmnq

s deciqned toHh bo - I tis deslgoed wih high.

Datralfreq) ncei feq

Used o meaUYe he Used to measuse he

dsglacement Of vibat accelerd on Of.
bod ibraHnq bady
eSima e r is highb eslmatD Of eY is Loca
Vibomeler has Areq amge Thas fe' oange
1 1 2S Hz
ta 26 H2

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