M5 P3 Ch6 Building Customer Relationships PDF

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Relationship Marketing

 is a philosophy of doing business, a strategic orientation, that

focuses on keeping current customers and improving
CHAPTER 6: relationships with them
BUILDING CUSTOMER  does not necessarily emphasize acquiring new customers
 is usually cheaper (for the firm)
 keeping a current customer costs less than attracting a new one

 thus, the focus is less on attraction, and more on retention and

Dr. Md. Shariful Alam
enhancement of customer relationships
Asst. Prof, SOBE, UIU

P3 (Ch 5, 6, 7): Understanding Customer requirements

(Listening GAP)

Objectives for Chapter 7:

Building Customer Relationships The “Bucket Theory of Marketing”
 Explain relationship marketing, its goals, and the benefits of long-
term relationships for firms and customers.

 Explain why and how to estimate customer relationship value.

 Introduce the concept of customer profitability segments as a

strategy for focusing relationship marketing efforts.

 Present relationship development strategies—including quality core

service, switching barriers, and relationship bonds.

 Identify challenges in relationship development, including the

somewhat controversial idea that “the customer is not always right.”

Figure 7.1

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Services Marketing – Chapter 7

Customer Goals of Relationship Marketing A Typology of Exchange Relationships

Figure 7.2 Exhibit 6.1 Source: Adapted from M. D. Johnson and F. Seines, “Customer Portfolio Management: Toward a
Dynamic Theory of Exchange Relationships,” Journal of Marketing 68 (April 2004), p. 5.

A Typology of Exchange Relationships

A Typology of Exchange Relationships Customers As . . .
Product offering
Attractive relative
Parity product as to competitive
Differentiated product adapted to
Customized product and dedicated resources
a form of industry offerings or al terna- specifi c market segments. adapted to an individual
standard. customer or organization.
ti ve purchases. Sati sfaction 1 trust
Sati sfaction 1 trust
Attractiveness Sati sfaction 1 com mitment
Source of competitive advantage

Buying activ ity Commitment in the form of information sharing

Trust in firm is needed to continue the and idiosyncratic invest-
Interest, Sati sfaction buying activity. ments is needed to achieve customized
exploration, facilitates and
and trial. reinforces buy- ing activity and reduces product and to adjust product continuously to
need to search for market information. changing needs and situations.
Speci fic knowledge of customer’s need and
situation and idiosyncratic investments
Awareness of fi rm’s Fam iliarity offerings (encourag- and general facilitates sel ling.
ing trial) facilitates knowledge initial sel ling.
of customer Speci fic knowledge of customer’s
Focus of selling activities (identification) facilitates sel ling. Long: Generally long because it takes ti me to
need and situation facilitates sel ling. build (or replace) inter- connected activities
None: Buyer Short: Generally may have had
short because the no previous and to develop a detailed
buyer can often interactions with or knowledge of a customer’s needs and the
unique resources of a supplier to commit
switch fi rms with- knowledge of the out much effort firm. Medium: Generally longer than
or cost. acquain- tance relationships because resources to the rel ationshi p.
Relationship time horizon trust in a di fferentiated position takes High: Generally high, but depends on how
a longer ti me to build and imitate. unique and effective the interconnected
activities between customer and supplier are

Low: Generally low, Low: Generally as fi rm must

low, but competi- continually find Medium: Generally medium, but
tors can vary in ways to be depends on ability of competitors to
how they under- stand heterogeneity of
attractive, in terms build unique value of the value offered, customer needs
into sel ling and and situations and the ability to
to induce trial. serving even if the product is a form of transform this knowledge into
Sustainability of competitive meaningful, differentiated products. Enhance the relationship with the customer.
adv antage industry standard.
Retain the customer’s business.

Primary relationship marketing Acqui re the Sati sfy the cus- customer’s business.
goal tomer’s needs and

Exhibit 7.1 Source: Adapted from M. D. Johnson and F. Seines, “Customer Portfolio Management: Toward a
Dynamic Theory of Exchange Relationships,” Journal of Marketing 68 (April 2004), p. 5.

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Services Marketing – Chapter 7

Benefits of Relationship Marketing The Customer Pyramid
 Benefits for Customers:  Benefits for Firms:
 Receipt of greater value  Economic benefits: Most profitable What segment spends more with us
increased revenues customers Platinum
 Confidence benefits:  over time, costs less to maintain,
 reduced marketing and administrative spreads positive word-of-mouth?
 trust costs
 confidence in provider Gold
 regular revenue stream
 reduced anxiety  Customer behavior benefits:
 Social benefits:  strong word-of-mouth endorsements Iron
 familiarity  customer voluntary performance
 social support  social benefits to other customers What segment costs us in time,
 personal relationships  mentors to other customers effort, and money yet does not
provide the return we want?
 Special treatment benefits:  Human resource management benefits: What segment is difficult to do
Least profitable
 easier jobs for employees due to customers business with?
 special deals
 price breaks  social benefits for employees
 employee retention Figure 7.4

Customer Loyalty Exercise The Customer Pyramid

 Think of a service provider to whom you are loyal.

Company’s most profitable customers, typically heavy users of
Platinum the product, not overly price sensitive, willing to invest in and try
Tier new offerings, and committed customers of the firm
 What do you do (your behaviors, actions, feelings)
Profitability levels are not as high, perhaps because customers
that indicates you are loyal? want price discounts that limit margins or are simply not as loyal.
Gold Tier May be heavy users who minimize risk by working with multiple
 Why are you loyal to this provider? Essential customers that provide the volume needed to utilize the
Iron Tier firm'’ capacity but their spending levels, loyalty, and profitability
are not substantial enough for special treatment
 What factors have influenced the formation of your Customers who are costing the firm money. They demand more
attention than they are due given their spending and profitability
loyalty? Lead Tier and are sometimes problem customers—complaining about the
firm to others and tying up firm resources.

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Services Marketing – Chapter 7

Segmenting Customers Based on Commitment
and Profitability Strategies for Building Relationships
 Core Service Provision:
• Good fit of company offering and • Good fit of company offering and  service foundations built upon delivery of excellent service:
customer needs customer needs
High • High profit potential • Highest profit potential
 satisfaction, perceived service quality, perceived value
• Action:
–Aim to achieve transactional satisfaction, not
• Actions:
–Consistent intermittently spaced
 Switching Barriers:
(Behavioral Loyalty)

attitudinal loyalty
–Milk the accounts as long as they are active
–Achieve attitudinal and behavioural loyalty
 customer inertia
–Key challenge: cease investment once
switching costs:

–Invest to nurture/defend/retain
inflection point is reached 
STRANGERS BARNACLES  set up costs, search costs, learning costs, contractual costs
• Little fit of company offering and
customer needs
• Limited fit of company offering and
customer needs
 Relationship Bonds:
• Lowest profit potential
• Action:
• Low profit potential
• Action:
 financial bonds
–No relationship investment –Measure size and share-of-wallet  social bonds
–Profitize every transaction –If share-of-wallet is low, specific up and
cross-selling  customization bonds
–If size of wallet is small, strict cost control
 structural bonds
Relationship Commitment High
Low (Attitudinal Loyalty)

W. Reinhartz & V. Kumar, "The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty," Harvard Business Review 80 (July 2002), pp. 86-94.

Levels of Relationship
Relationship Development Model Strategies
Volume and pricing Bundling and
frequency cross selling

Integrated Financial Continuous
information relationships
4. service 2.
Joint Structural Social Personal
investments and relationships
bonds bonds

Shared Social bonds

processes 3.
and Customization customers
equipment Bonds

Anticipation/ Customer
innovation intimacy
Figure 7.4 Figure 7.6

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Services Marketing – Chapter 7

“The Customer Is NOT Always
 Not all customers are good relationship customers:

 wrong segment

 not profitable in the long term

 difficult customers

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Services Marketing – Chapter 7

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