Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg Primary Department, GR Campus Session 2022-23 Class V Subject - G. Science Topic: Animals Everywhere

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Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg

Primary Department, GR Campus

Session 2022-23
Class V
Subject – G. Science
Topic: Animals Everywhere

Q1. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of these breathes through its body surface?

a) Amoeba c) Dolphins
b) Whale d) Butterfly

2. A baby frog breathes through its:

a) Air tubes c) Gills
b) Body surface d) Moist skin

3. Which of these breathes through lungs?

a) Birds c) Prawns
b) Crabs d) Grasshopper

4. Most mammals have _______ limbs.

a) Two c) Four
b) Three d) Six

5. Which of these uses paddle like limbs to push water back and to swim?

a) Turtles c) Frogs
b) Penguins d) Fish

6. Which of these is a flightless bird?

a) Emu c) Arctic tern
b) Crow d) Duck

Q2. Give one word for the following:

a) The natural home or surroundings of an animals where it lives, eats, grows

and has babies.
b) A substance in blood that gives it the red colour and carries oxygen.
c) An animal that can live on land and in water.
d) Animals that depend on the flesh of other animals for food.
e) Animals that gnaw or nibble at their food.
f) Mass movement by certain animals at certain times of the year.
Q3. State TRUE or FALSE:

a) Water boatman uses legs as oars for swimming.

b) Scales are present on the upper side of snake’s body.
c) Siberian cranes and Mallard ducks visit India every summer.
d) Locusts are harmful migratory insects.
e) Carnivores have small and broad front teeth.

Q4. Complete the following statements:

a) Animals need to migrate

b) Herbivores have sharp front teeth for
c) Whales and dolphin are mammals because
d) Some birds like emu and ostrich cannot fly because
Q5. Define the following terms:
a) Hemoglobin
b) Habitat
c) Rodents
d) Forelimbs
e) Hindlimbs
f) Migration
g) Spiracles

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